Describing Products

Product Descriptions, as the name suggests, simply describe the products. The default is that you’ll have a Product Description for each product in your Product Flow Diagram – including external products. There’s an option to miss out Product Descriptions where these are not necessary, such as if a team already fully understands the product. In real life that can be rather dangerous, but as this book is about exams you can ignore the point for now. PRINCE2 For Dummies has more on project reality.

The contents of the Product Description are pretty logical. If you’re the Project Manager and you’re asking a team to build a product, then you need to define the product so that the team members know what to do. Unfortunately, for historic reasons, some of the headings in the Product Description are a little obscure. Check out the explanations in the manual or in PRINCE2 For Dummies to be sure that you’re clear on them. [Manual A17, P2FD Ch14 Writing Product Descriptions]

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