Appendix A. The Keyboard and Menus, and Making Photoshop Your Own

Maybe when you picture graphic artists or photographers using computers to create or edit their artwork, you imagine them using their mouse or a pen and tablet. If you imagine an accountant or a secretary using her computer, you probably picture them pounding away on the keyboard, not only entering data and text, but also issuing software commands.

While these images are probably accurate to some degree, the first one needs an adjustment. In truth, a Photoshop user can and should make much more use of the keyboard — borrowing a page from that accountant or secretary who can whip through menus and dialog box with efficient flair.

If you're using Photoshop, the keyboard, used to invoke the seemingly unlimited list of commands and features, is at least as important as the mouse or tablet to the creative process. Why? Because it's so much faster than taking your mouse and pointing to a menu or button. For example, if you just copied a picture or a portion thereof to the clipboard, you can make a new Photoshop image out if it with three keyboard shortcuts: one to open a new image window, one to paste the copied content, and one to save the file. Need to resize an image? Why stop, go to a menu, and choose a command when you can press a set of keys and see the appropriate dialog box open, which you also can spin through by typing values and then pressing Enter or Return to accept the new size settings?

In Photoshop CS3, the aforementioned reliance on the keyboard is taken a step further — with enhanced capabilities for customizing keyboard shortcuts, any discomfort with using and remembering the shortcuts is eliminated. For the things you'd rather do from the menus, there are new ways to customize their functioning and appearance as well, so if you're still not sold on the keyboard as your primary way of "talking" to Photoshop, you still can customize things to make Photoshop work your way.

Photoshop's keyboard convenience comes in two varieties:

  • Shortcuts: Some keystrokes (single keys) and keystroke combinations (two or more keys, pressed simultaneously) produce immediate effects. For example, pressing Ctrl+Backspace (

  • Modifiers: Some keys change the behavior of a tool or command. Pressing Shift while dragging with the Lasso tool adds the lassoed area to the previous selection. Because they modify other keystrokes and combinations, the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys (also Shift, Control, Option, and


One of the goals of this Appendix is to help you become familiar with all that you can do with the keyboard in Photoshop. You may think of the keyboard only as some dry tool for typing text and numbers, but as you read on, you'll see that it's much, much more — it's what helps unleash the power of Photoshop's tools so that you can truly unleash your own imagination.

Hidden Shortcuts and Modifiers

Shortcuts permit you to initiate various Photoshop commands and features without having to stop what you're doing and click a Toolbox button or pull down a menu to make a selection. Some shortcuts are fairly obvious, and you'll find them easy to remember, either because the alpha characters used make sense or because the key combinations are ubiquitous, like Ctrl+S (

Hidden Shortcuts and Modifiers

Many of Photoshop's keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the form of tool tips, which are pop-ups that appear when you hover over a tool with your mouse. Some are listed in menus to let you know the keyboard equivalent of a given command. But many of Photoshop's shortcuts are hidden, and it's only in a book like this, or by digging through Photoshop's Help files, that you'll find out about them. What's weird is that the hidden shortcuts turn out to be some of the most important ones in the bunch.

Windows Alt-key combos

Under Windows, you can perform many operations using hot keys, which are the underlined letters you see in menus and dialog boxes. To access one of these functions, press Alt to display the hot keys and then press the underlined letter. This can be very useful when choosing commands that lack a Ctrl-key shortcut. For example, normally, you would choose Image

Windows Alt-key combos

You can even access commands that have no underlines. To access the Unsharp Mask, you normally choose Filter

Windows Alt-key combos

For more mouse-less excitement, you also can zip through the menus with the arrow keys. After you press Alt plus the underlined letter to display a menu, use the up and down arrows to highlight commands in the menu. Use the left and right arrows to display neighboring menus. To choose a highlighted command, press Enter. To hide the menus and return focus to the image window, press Esc twice. Yeah, that's right — suddenly that keyboard is looking pretty useful.


Mac users can enjoy the same level of keyboard navigation power by turning on Full Keyboard Access through System Preferences.

The shortcut menu

One of the best and least documented tricks in Photoshop is right-clicking. For Mac users with a one-button mouse, control-clicking will net you the same shortcuts. Of course, if your Mac has a three-button mouse, you can right-click as well. It's not really a hidden concept if you use lots of other software, because right-clicking is fairly common in Windows and most Windows applications. For Mac users, Control-clicking isn't exactly a foreign concept, either.

When you right-click or Control-click the mouse button in the image window, Photoshop displays a shortcut menu of commands tailored to your current activity and/or the item you right-clicked/Control-clicked. For example, if you right-click or Control-click a layer in the Layers menu, you get the pop-up menu shown in Figure A.1. There are other ways to get at some of these commands, but this way is very quick and easy, especially if you're already using your mouse to paint or draw in the image window. You're already in the neighborhood, so why not right-click while you're there?

Shortcut menus are considered context sensitive, because they're triggered in and their commands relate to where you literally are in the program. Although some tools and onscreen elements have no shortcut menus associated with them, most do, and you'll find that simply seeing what the menu has to offer is educational unto itself.


As with the regular menus, you can press the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to highlight commands in the context-sensitive pop-up menus. To choose a command, press Enter. To hide the menu, press Esc.

You're never really alone in Photoshop. Just about anywhere you wander, a right-click (or a Control-click) provides a list of commands relevant to the item you clicked.

Figure A.1. You're never really alone in Photoshop. Just about anywhere you wander, a right-click (or a Control-click) provides a list of commands relevant to the item you clicked.

Toolbox shortcuts

Usability has always been one of Photoshop's great strengths, and the ability to activate Toolbox tools with a single keystroke is a perfect example of this. You can keep your dominant hand on the mouse and use the other hand to press the key (or use your mouse hand, if you prefer) — all without stopping to perform some digital gymnastics to reach two or three keys at the same time. The shortcuts also work even when the Toolbox is hidden. After you get used to the shortcuts, you may find that the only time you look at the Toolbox is to check which tool is selected.

Figure A.2 shows the Toolbox and all the keys that give you quick access to the tools. The way it works is simple, press the appropriate key, as shown in the figure; no Ctrl key, Option key, or other modifier key is required. Many of the shortcuts make sense. For example, M selects the Marquee tool, and L is for the Lasso tool. Some only make sense in a strange way — I for Eyedropper. But then there are the ones you have to wonder about, such as O for DOdge or R for BluR. Well, they sort of make sense — at least those letters are in the tool names, but they're not entirely memorable.

Press these keys to select tools and activate controls. The bold letters indicate keys that they toggle between alternate tools or settings.

Figure A.2. Press these keys to select tools and activate controls. The bold letters indicate keys that they toggle between alternate tools or settings.

Note that when two or more buttons share a single slot on the Toolbox, the keyboard shortcut switches between those tools. For example, press G to access either the Gradient tool or the Fill Bucket. If you're on the Fill Bucket, pressing Shift+G switches to Gradient, and vice versa. If there are three or more tools sharing a slot, you can cycle through them all by continuing to press Shift plus the shortcut key.

You can eliminate the need for Shift by choosing Edit

Press these keys to select tools and activate controls. The bold letters indicate keys that they toggle between alternate tools or settings.


One Toolbox shortcut doesn't require the Shift + combination. Represented on the Toolbox at the very bottom, the various workspace views can be accessed with the letter F. Cycle through all the view modes — Standard, Maximized, Full Screen with Menu Bar, and Full Screen — by continuing to press the F key.

Palette shortcuts

Photoshop also lets you access palette options from the keyboard, and a list of the palettes, their purpose, and shortcuts for access appears below. Note that each of the shortcuts works even when the palette is hidden:

  • Palette function keys: Press F5 to show or hide the Brushes palette. Press F6, F7, F8, or Alt+F9 (Option+F9 on the Mac) to toggle the display of the Color, Layers, Info, or Actions palette, respectively. If for some weird reason the Options bar is hidden, press Enter or Return to bring it back. Note that if you're using a Mac, you may want to avoid the F8 key unless you've changed the default (Spaces) for that key. You can change this setting through your System Preferences.

  • Hide or show all palettes: Press Tab to hide or show all palettes, including the Toolbox, Options bar, and the status bar. To hide or show the standard palettes only — that is, everything except the Toolbox, Options bar, and the status bar — press Shift+Tab.

  • Brush size: Press left bracket ([) to decrease or right bracket (]) to increase the brush size when a paint or edit tool is active.

  • Brush hardness: Press Shift with a bracket key to change the hardness of a brush. Shift+] gives the brush a sharper edge; Shift+[ makes it softer. Again, a paint or edit tool must be active.

  • Brush preset: Press comma (,) or period (.) to cycle between preset brushes. If this doesn't work for you, try pressing Shift+comma, which selects the first preset, the single-pixel brush. Then press period to move forward. Shift+period jumps to the last preset brush.

  • Gradient style: Select the Gradient tool and press a bracket key, [ or ], to switch among the five gradient styles.

  • Gradient preset: Press comma or period to step backward or forward, respectively, through the predefined gradients. Press Shift+comma or Shift+period to switch to the first or last gradient in the list.

  • Shape layer styles: Select any of the shape tools and press comma (,) or period (.) to step backward or forward through the predefined layer styles. Press Shift+comma or Shift+period to jump to the first or last style in the list.

  • Shape attribute: With the Rounded Rectangle tool active, press a bracket key, [ or ], to decrease or increase, respectively, the corner radius. Select the Polygon tool and press a bracket key, [ or ], to decrease or increase the number of sides in the next polygon or star you draw. For the Line tool, press a bracket key, [ or ], to decrease or increase the line weight.

  • Custom shape preset: Select the Custom Shape tool, and press a bracket key, [ or ], to step backward or forward through the predefined shapes. Press Shift+[ or Shift+] to switch to the first or last shape in the list.

  • Brush opacity: When a paint or edit tool is active, press a number key to change the Opacity, Strength, or Exposure value in the Options bar. Press 1 to change the value to 10 percent, press 2 for 20 percent, and so on, up to 0 for 100 percent. Or use an exact value by typing two numbers in a row. For example, type 87 for 87 percent or 05 for 5 percent.

  • Airbrush: If a tool offers an airbrush icon in the Options bar, press Shift+Alt+P (Shift+Option+P on the Mac) to toggle it on or off.

  • Airbrush flow: If a tool offers the Airbrush, it includes both an Opacity value and a Flow value. When the Airbrush is turned off, press Shift with a number key to change the Flow value. When the Airbrush is on, press a number key to change the Flow value; press Shift with a number key to change the Opacity value.

  • Layer opacity: When any tool other than a paint or edit tool is selected — that is, any tool in the first, third, or fourth group in the Toolbox — pressing a number key changes the Opacity value for the active layer. Again, press one number to modify the Opacity setting in 10 percent increments; press two numbers to specify an exact Opacity setting.

  • Fill opacity: Press Shift with a number key to change the Fill value for the active layer, which modifies the opacity of the pixels in a layer without affecting the layer effects.

  • Brush mode: When a paint or edit tool is active, you can cycle through brush modes by pressing Shift+plus (+) or Shift+minus (−). Shift+plus takes you down the brush mode pop-up menu, and Shift+minus takes you back up.

  • Blend mode: When some other tool is selected, Shift+plus and Shift+minus affect the blend mode applied to the active layer. You also can access a particular blend mode by pressing Shift and Alt (or Option) with a letter key. For example, Shift+Alt+M selects the Multiply mode; Shift+Alt+S selects Screen; Shift+Alt+N takes you back to Normal.

  • Lock setting: Press the forward slash (/) to toggle on and off the lock icon that controls transparency in the Layers palette. If one or more of the lock icons is already active, press / to turn off all four. Press / again to return the options to their former configuration. Layer locking can be extremely useful for protecting the contents of layers, as explained in Chapter 12.

  • Switch layer: Press Alt+] to ascend through the layers. Press Alt+[ to descend. Press Shift+Alt+] to activate the top layer in the composition. Press Shift+Alt+[ to go all the way down to the bottom of the stack, usually the Background layer.

  • Arrange layer: Press Ctrl+] (

    Palette shortcuts

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

Photoshop CS gave us what many Photoshop users have been requesting for a very long time — the ability to edit keyboard shortcuts. Of course, CS2 and now CS3 continue to offer this ability — because being able to customize them is key to their being useful, and because a keystroke or combination that's hard to remember or difficult to reach with one hand's fingers is one you won't use.

So now, you don't have to live with the totally illogical and hard to remember strokes, such as J to activate the Healing Brush (J? why J?) or the inscrutable Ctrl+Shift+E (

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

Despite its power to really change the way you interface with Photoshop, the Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog box is quite easy to use. First, from the Set pop-up menu, select the collection of shortcuts to which you'd like to make edits. You can modify the default set or create new ones for different users or types of image-editing work. Use the three icons to the right of the Set drop-down menu to save the set, create a new set, or discard the entire set, respectively. From there, select a category from the Shortcuts For pop-up menu, and then simply explore the various subsections in the list below. If you dig around enough, you can find almost every single command, function, and filter in the program. Aside from this appendix and references to the shortcuts throughout this book, this might be the best place to find all the shortcuts you never knew existed.

The Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog box lets you change your keyboard shortcuts and menus so that they look and work the way you need them to.

Figure A.3. The Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog box lets you change your keyboard shortcuts and menus so that they look and work the way you need them to.

To assign a new shortcut to a command, simply click in the blank area labeled Shortcut to the right of the command name and press the desired shortcut key or combination of keys. As soon as you click the spot in the dialog box, the currently assigned key or combination highlights, so the next thing you type replaces it. If there is no key or combination currently assigned, just type whatever you want to be the shortcut. Then click Accept to make the change/addition permanent.

If you happen to type a keyboard shortcut that is already assigned to another function in the program, Photoshop displays information at the bottom of the dialog box, as shown in Figure A.3, and gives you the option to accept or undo your changes. You also can use the buttons along the right side of the dialog box to save and discard changes, as well as add and delete shortcuts. Lastly, you can click Summarize to generate and display an HTML Web page that lists the currently active keyboard shortcuts, which is a handy list to tack up close to your computer.

Customizing menus

Photoshop's menus also can be made friendlier, using the Menus tab in the Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog box. You can turn on commands that currently have no menu representations so that they do appear in menus, and you can change the color of menu commands so that they stand out for you.


If you want to assign colors to menus and menu commands, be sure that Show Menu Colors is selected in the General Preferences dialog box; choose Edit

Customizing menus

To change a menu command's visibility and/or color, choose the Set (Photoshop Defaults or a custom set you or another user who shares your computer may have created), and then choose either Application Menus or Palette Menus from the Menus For list. Application Menus refers to the main menus across the top of the workspace — File, Edit, Image, and so on. The Palette Menus are the menus that are available by clicking the tiny triangle button in the upper-right corner of various palettes.

After you select a Set and a Menu group, choose a particular menu to change. In Figure A.4, the File menu (from the Applications Menus) is chosen, and its commands are displayed by clicking the triangle to the left of the word File. For each menu command, there's an entry in the Visibility and Color columns. Click to insert or remove the eye icon, displaying or hiding that particular command, respectively. If you click the Color option (None, by default), a list of colors appears, also shown in Figure A.4.

Go through and change all the commands you want, hiding some and showing others, changing colors for those you want to have stand out, or grouping related commands by a common color. After you make all your changes, click OK and the changes take effect.


When you hide commands, the Show All Menu Items command is added to that menu. If you ever want to see the hidden commands again, you can Ctrl-click the menu in question, and all hidden commands become visible. Or just click the Show All Menu Items command to redisplay those commands you've hidden.

Use the Menus tab in the Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog box to change the visibility and color of any application or palette menu. Directions remind you how at the bottom of the dialog box.

Figure A.4. Use the Menus tab in the Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog box to change the visibility and color of any application or palette menu. Directions remind you how at the bottom of the dialog box.

Creating a new menu set

If you want to keep the Photoshop Defaults set of menus just as they are "out of the box," you can create your own custom menu set and customize it instead. Just make your changes — hiding and coloring commands as desired — and then click the second of three buttons to the right of the Set list. This opens a Save dialog box. Name the new set and click Save to make it a reality. The file extension for menu set files is .MNU, and by default, they're stored in the Menu Customization folder, a subfolder of the Presets folder found in your Adobe folder. Don't monkey with the default location for your new .MNU file; if you do, it won't appear automatically in the Set list for future use or modification.

The Great-Grandmother of All Shortcut Tables

A shortcuts table has always been a part of the Photoshop Bible. What kind of Bible would it be if such a handy and powerful list weren't included? The table, however, has grown and improved over the years, and Deke did a great job of turning it into the fabulous table that it is today.

Any tool is more useful if you know how to use it properly. The table that follows these paragraphs doesn't really need much introduction, but there are a few things to keep in mind. If these reminders seem insulting to your intelligence, we apologize, but ask that you simply skip ahead to the table and don't mutter under your breath. We're just trying to help.

  • First, don't press Shift just because a key combination involves a character that normally requires the Shift key. For example, the shortcut for the Zoom In command is Ctrl+plus (

    The Great-Grandmother of All Shortcut Tables
  • Second, if you're a Windows user, note that many of Photoshop's keyboard shortcuts involve both the Ctrl and Alt keys. Ctrl+Alt+O, for example, invokes the Open As command, and Ctrl+Alt+Z undoes an operation from the History palette. Unfortunately, Windows likes to reserve Ctrl+Alt combinations to launch applications, and if you, as a Windows user, set up a keyboard shortcut to invoke a particular application, Windows will commandeer that command and you won't be able to successfully use it within Photoshop. So be careful when creating Windows shortcuts and avoid the following when assigning file-launching shortcuts, which are very much used in Photoshop: B, D, E, F, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, S, T, U, W, X, Z, plus, minus, semicolon, and 0 through 9. This doesn't leave you many other options, but which is more important, Photoshop or Windows? That's right.


    Don't know how to create a Windows shortcut to start an application? Here you go: Create a shortcut icon for the application by dragging the Programs menu command and icon from the Programs menu (press and hold Ctrl while dragging so that you make a copy of the command) onto the Desktop. Then right-click the new shortcut icon, choose Properties, click the Shortcut tab, and type the character and modifier key/s of your choice into the Shortcut Key option box.

It's time to wade right into the table and immerse yourself in Photoshop's keyboard shortcuts. Some will be familiar and others won't be. Some will invoke a command or feature you have never used, and others may be the keyboard access to something you do 50 times a day, and now you can't believe how much time you've been wasting clicking buttons and menus. Throughout the table, operations are listed in the left column. Windows shortcuts are in the center column, and Mac shortcuts are in the right column. There is no implied priority in this order — Windows first, or Mac in the "right" column — it's just how it all worked out.

Table A.1. Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers


Windows Shortcut

Macintosh Shortcut

Menu Commands

Actual Pixels

Ctrl+Alt+0 (zero)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Auto Color


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Auto Contrast


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Auto Levels


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Bring Layer Forward

Ctrl+right bracket (])

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Bring Layer to Front

Ctrl+Shift+right bracket (])

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Canvas Size

right-click title bar

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers


Backspace or Delete



Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Close All

Ctrl+Shift+W or Ctrl+Shift+F4

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Color Balance


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Color Balance, with last settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Color Settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Copy Merged


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Curves, with last settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers


click left icon at bottom of History palette or right-click title bar

click left icon at bottom of History palette


Ctrl+Q or Alt+F4

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Fade last operation


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Feather selection


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

File Info

right-click title bar

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers




Fill from history


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Filter, repeat last


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Filter, repeat with new settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Fit on Screen

Ctrl+0 (zero)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Free Transform


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Free Transform, from clone


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Gamut Warning


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Group with Previous layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Help Contents


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Hue/Saturation, with last settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Image Size

right-click title bar

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Inverse Selection


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Layer Via Copy


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Layer Via Cut


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Levels, with last settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Lock Guides

Ctrl+Alt+semicolon (;)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Merge Down/Linked/Layer Set


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Merge Visible


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Merge Visible, into current layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

New, document


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

New, with default settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

New Layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

New Layer, skip options


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Open, existing document


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Open As


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Page Setup


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers


Ctrl+V or F4

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Paste Into


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Pattern Maker


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Preferences, last panel


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Print One Copy


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Print with Preview


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Proof Colors


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



F12 (reset System Preferences to use this, or you'll open the Dashboard)

Rulers, show or hide


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Save As


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Save as a copy


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Save For Web


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select All


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Send Layer Backward

Ctrl+left bracket ([)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Send Layer to Back

Ctrl+Shift+left bracket ([)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Show/Hide Extras (for example, selection edges, slices, annotation)


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Show/Hide Grid

Ctrl+Alt+quote (")

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Show/Hide Guides

Ctrl+semicolon (;)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Show/Hide Selected Path


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Snap (for example, guides, grid, document bounds)

Ctrl+Shift+semicolon (;)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Step Backward in History


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Step Forward in History


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Transform Again


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Transform Again, repeat and clone


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers



Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Ungroup Layers


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom In

Ctrl+plus (+)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom Out

Ctrl+minus (−)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers


Scroll image with Hand tool

spacebar+drag or drag in Navigator palette

spacebar+drag or drag in Navigator palette

Scroll up or down one screen

Page Up or Page Down

Page Up or Page Down

Scroll up or down slightly

Shift+Page Up or Shift+Page Down

Shift+Page Up or Shift+Page Down

Scroll left or right one screen

Ctrl+Page Up or Ctrl+Page Down

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Scroll left or right slightly

Ctrl+Shift+Page Up or Ctrl+Shift+Page Down

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Switch to upper-left corner



Switch to lower-right corner



Magnify to custom zoom ratio

Ctrl+spacebar+drag or Ctrl+drag in Navigator palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom in and change window size to fit (assuming default settings)

Ctrl+Alt+plus (+)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom in without changing window size

Ctrl+spacebar+click or Ctrl+plus (+)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom out and change window size to fit (assuming default settings)

Ctrl+Alt+minus (−)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom out without changing window size

Alt+spacebar+click or Ctrl+minus (−)

Option+spacebar+click or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom to 100%

Ctrl+Alt+0 (zero) or double+click zoom tool icon

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Fit image on screen

Ctrl+0 (zero) or double-click hand tool icon

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Apply zoom value but keep magnification box active



Cycle through full screen and normal window modes



Change screen mode for all open windows

Shift+click screen icon in toolbox

Shift+click screen icon in toolbox

Toggle display of menu bar in full screen modes



Bring forward next open image window



Painting and Editing

Display crosshair cursor

Caps Lock

Caps Lock

Erase to History

Alt+drag with Eraser

Option+drag with Eraser

Select Brush tool or Pencil tool

B or Shift+B

B or Shift+B

Select Airbrush (while Brush tool is active)



Cycle between Stamp tools

S or Shift+S

S or Shift+S

Select Healing Brush or Patch tool

J or Shift+J

J or Shift+J

Specify area to clone

Alt+click with Clone stamp or Bealing Brush

Option+click with Clone Stamp or Healing Brush

Cycle between Focus tools

R or Shift+R

R or Shift+R

Sharpen with Blur tool or blur with Sharpen tool



Dip into foreground color when smearing

Alt+drag with Smudge tool

Option+drag with Smudge tool

Cycle between the Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools

O or Shift+O

O or Shift+O

Darken with Dodge tool or lighten with Burn tool



Paint or edit in a straight line

click, and then Shift+click

click, and then Shift+click

Change Opacity, Strength, or Exposure in 10% increments

number (1 through 0)

number (1 through 0)

Change Opacity, Strength, or Exposure in 1% increments

two numbers in a row

two numbers in a row

Change Flow in 10% increments

Shift+number (1 through 0)

Shift+number (1 through 0)

Change Flow in 1% increments

Shift+two numbers in a row

Shift+two numbers in a row

Select brush mode

Shift+right-click with paint or edit tool or Shift+Alt+letter

Shift+Control-click with paint or edit tool or Shift+Option+letter

Cycle through brush modes

Shift+plus (+) or Shift+minus (−)

Shift+plus (+) or Shift+minus (−)

Reset to Normal brush mode



Change brush diameter in increments proportional to brush size

bracket key, [ or ]

bracket key, [ or ]

Change brush hardness in 25 percent increments

Shift+bracket, [ or ]

Shift+bracket, [ or ]

Cycle between brush presets

comma (,) or period (.)

comma (,) or period (.)

Select first or last brush preset

Shift+comma (,) or Shift+period (.)

Shift+comma (,) or Shift+period (.)

Display Brushes palette

F5 or right-click with paint or edit tool

F5 or Control-click with paint or edit tool

Delete preset brush from Brushes palette

Alt+click preset

Option+click preset

Edit preset name in Brushes palette

double-click preset

double-click preset

Applying Colors and Styles

Switch foreground and background colors



Reset foreground and background colors to black and white



Lift foreground color from image

Alt+click with Paint tool or click with Eyedropper

Option+click with Paint tool or click with Eyedropper

Lift background color from image

Alt+click with Eyedropper

Option+click with Eyedropper

Lift color from different application

click with Eyedropper in image window, and then drag outside window into other application

click with Eyedropper in image window, and then drag outside window into other application

Place fixed color sampler in image

click with Color Sampler tool or Shift+click with Eyedropper

click with Color Sampler tool or Shift+click with Eyedropper

Delete fixed color sampler

Alt+click with Color Sampler tool or Shift+Alt+click with Eyedropper

Option+click with Color Sampler tool or Shift+Option+click with Eyedropper

Display or hide Color palette



Lift foreground color from color bar at bottom of Color palette

click color bar

click color bar

Lift background color from color bar

Alt+click color bar

Option+click color bar

Cycle through color bars

Shift+click color bar

Shift+click color bar

Specify new color bar

Right-click color bar

Control-click color bar

Lift foreground color from Swatches palette

click swatch

click swatch

Lift background color from Swatches palette

Ctrl+click swatch

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Delete swatch or style from palette

Alt+click swatch or style

Option+click swatch or style

Add new swatch or style to palette

click in empty area of palette

click in empty area of palette

Add new swatch or style without naming

Alt+click in empty area of palette

Option+click in empty area of palette

Apply style to active layer

click icon in Styles palette

click icon in Styles palette

Add effects in style to those applied to active layer

Shift+click icon in Styles palette

Shift+click icon in Styles palette

Fill selection or layer with foreground color



Fill layer with foreground color, preserve transparency



Fill selection on background layer with background color

Backspace or Delete


Fill selection on any layer with background color


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Fill layer with background color, preserve transparency


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Fill selection with source state in History palette


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Display Fill dialog box



Select Gradient Tool or Paint Bucket

G or Shift+G

G or Shift+G

Change gradient style

bracket key, [ or ]

bracket key, [ or ]

Cycle between gradient presets

comma (,) or period (.)

comma (,) or period (.)

Select first or last gradient preset

Shift+comma (,) or Shift+period (.)

Shift+comma (,) or Shift+period (.)


Select all text on text layer

double-click T in Layers palette

double-click T in Layers palette

Select all text when already working inside text layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select single word

double-click word with type tool

double-click word with Type tool

Select word to left or right

Ctrl+Shift+left or right arrow

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Increase type size 2 pixels (or points)

Ctrl+Shift+greater than (>)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Decrease type size 2 pixels

Ctrl+Shift+less than (<)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Increase type size 10 pixels

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+greater than (>)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Decrease type size 10 pixels

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+less than (<)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Kern together 2/100 em

Alt+left arrow

Option+left arrow

Kern apart 2/100 em

Alt+right arrow

Option+right arrow

Kern together 1/10 em

Ctrl+Alt+left arrow

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Kern apart 1/10 em

Ctrl+Alt+right arrow

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle underlining


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle strikethrough

Ctrl+Shift+slash (/)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle all uppercase text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle small caps text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle superscript text

Ctrl+Shift+plus (+)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle subscript text

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+plus (+)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Restore 100% horizontal scale


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Restore 100% vertical scale


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Tighten leading 2 pixels

Alt+up arrow

Option+up arrow

Expand leading 2 pixels

Alt+down arrow

Option+down arrow

Tighten leading 10 pixels

Ctrl+Alt+up arrow

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Expand leading 10 pixels

Ctrl+Alt+down arrow

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Switch to Auto leading


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Raise baseline shift 2 pixels

Shift+Alt+up arrow

Shift+Option+up arrow

Lower baseline shift 2 pixels

Shift+Alt+down arrow

Shift+Option+down arrow

Raise baseline shift 10 pixels

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+up arrow

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Lower baseline shift 10 pixels

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+down arrow

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Left-align text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Center-align text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Right-align text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Justify all text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Justify all text except last line


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Insert nonbreaking hyphen

Ctrl+Alt+hyphen (-)


Insert nonbreaking space



Show or hide highlight while editing text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move live text


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Accept changes to text

Enter on keypad or Ctrl+Enter

Enter or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Cancel changes to text (cannot undo)



Highlight font option when Type Tool active but no type highlighted



Change formatting for multiple linked text layers

Shift+choose setting from Options bar or type value and press Shift+Enter

Shift+choose setting from Options bar or type value and press Shift+Return

Display Character palette

Ctrl+T when text highlighted

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Display Paragraph palette

Ctrl+M when text highlighted

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers


Select everything


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Deselect everything


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Restore last selection outline


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Hide or show marching ants


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Feather selection


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Reverse selection


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle between Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee tools

M or Shift+M

M or Shift+M

Draw out from center with Marquee tool



Constrain marquee to square or circle



Move marquee as you draw it



Cycle between Lasso tools

L or Shift+L

L or Shift+L

Add corner to straight-sided selection outline

Alt+click with Lasso tool or click with Polygonal Lasso tool

Option+click with Lasso tool or click with Polygonal Lasso tool

Add point to magnetic selection

click with Magnetic Lasso tool

click with Magnetic Lasso tool

Delete last point added with Magnetic Lasso tool



Increase or reduce magnetic lasso width

bracket, [ or ]

bracket, [ or ]

Close polygon or magnetic selection

double-click with respective Lasso tool or press Enter

double-click with respective Lasso tool or press Return

Close magnetic selection with straight segment

Alt+double-click or Alt+Enter

Option+double-click or Option+Return

Cancel polygon or magnetic selection



Add to selection

Shift+drag (marquee, lasso) or Shift+click (magic wand)

Shift+drag (marquee, lasso) or Shift+click (magic wand)

Subtract from selection

Alt+drag (Marquee, Lasso) or Alt+click (Magic Wand)

Option+drag (Marquee, Lasso) or Option+click (Magic Wand)

Retain intersected portion of selection

Shift+Alt+drag (Marquee, Lasso) or Shift+Alt+click (Magic Wand)

Shift+Option+drag (Marquee, Lasso) or Shift+Option+click (Magic Wand)

Select Move tool

V or press and hold Ctrl

V or press and hold

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move selection

drag with Move tool or Ctrl+drag with other tool

drag with Move tool or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Constrain movement vertically or horizontally

press Shift while dragging selection

press Shift while dragging selection

Move selection in 1-pixel increments

Ctrl+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move selection in 10-pixel increments

Ctrl+Shift+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone selection

Alt+drag selection with Move tool or Ctrl+Alt+drag with other tool

Option+drag selection with Move tool or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone selection in 1-pixel increments

Ctrl+Alt+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone selection and move the clone in 10-pixel increments

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone selection to different image

Ctrl+drag selection from one window and drop it into another

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move selection outline independently of its contents

drag with Selection tool

drag with Selection tool

Move selection outline in 1-pixel increments

arrow key when Selection tool is active

arrow key when Selection tool is active

Move selection outline in 10-pixel increments

Shift+arrow key when Selection tool is active

Shift+arrow key when Selection tool is active

Copy empty selection outline to different image

drag selection from one window into another with Selection tool

drag selection from one window into another with Selection tool

Change opacity or blend mode of floating selection, when used immediately after applying a filter


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Paste image into selection


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Paste image behind selection


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers


Display or hide Layers palette



View single layer by itself

Alt+click eyeball icon in Layers palette

Option+click Eyeball icon in Layers palette

Create new layer above current layer

click Page icon at bottom of Layers palette or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N

click Page icon at bottom of Layers palette or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Create new layer below current layer

Ctrl+click Page icon at bottom of Layers palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Create new layer above current layer and assign name

Alt+click Page icon at bottom of Layers palette or Ctrl+Shift+N

Option+click Page icon at bottom of Layers palette or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Create new layer below current layer and assign name

Ctrl+Alt+click Page icon at bottom of Layers palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone selection or entire layer to new layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone selection or entire layer to new layer and assign name


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Transfer selection to new layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Transfer selection to new layer and assign name


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Convert floating selection to new layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Create adjustment layer

choose from Dual-tone icon menu at bottom of Layers palette

choose from Dual-tone icon menu at bottom of Layers palette

Create and name adjustment layer

Alt+choose from Dual-tone icon menu at bottom of Layers palette

Option+choose from Dual-tone icon menu at bottom of Layers palette

Add layer set

click Folder icon in Layers palette

click Folder icon in Layers palette

Add and name layer set

Alt+click Folder icon in Layers palette

Option+click Folder icon in Layers palette

Ascend one layer

Alt+right bracket (])

Option+right bracket (])

Descend one layer

Alt+left bracket ([)

Option+left bracket ([)

Ascend to top layer

Shift+Alt+right bracket (])

Shift+Option+right bracket (])

Descend to background layer

Shift+Alt+left bracket ([)

Shift+Option+left bracket ([)

Go directly to layer containing specific image element when using Move tool

Ctrl+click or Alt+right+click layer in image window

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Go directly to layer containing specific image element when using any tool except Move tool

Ctrl+Alt+right-click layer in image window

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select from layers that overlap when using Move tool

Right-click layer in image window

Control-click layer in image window

Select from layers that overlap when using any tool except Move tool

Ctrl+right-click layer in image window

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Lock transparency of layer

slash (/)

slash (/)

Toggle between current lock configuration and no locks in Layers palette

slash (/)

slash (/)

Convert layer's transparency mask to selection outline

Ctrl+click layer name in Layers palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Add transparency mask to selection

Ctrl+Shift+click layer name

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Subtract transparency mask from selection

Ctrl+Alt+click layer name

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Retain intersection of transparency mask and selection

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+click layer name

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move layer

drag with Move tool or Ctrl+drag with other tool

drag with Move tool or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move layer in 1-pixel increments

Ctrl+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move layer in 10-pixel increments

Ctrl+Shift+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone and move layer

Alt+drag with Move tool or Ctrl+Alt+drag with other tool

Option+drag with Move tool or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone and move layer in 1-pixel increments

Ctrl+Alt+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone and move layer in 10-pixel increments

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+arrow key

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone layer to another open image

Ctrl+drag layer from one window and drop it into another

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone layer to new image

Alt+drag layer onto page icon at bottom of Layers palette, choose New from Document menu

Option+drag layer onto page icon at bottom of Layers palette, choose New from Document menu

Bring layer forward one level

Ctrl+right bracket (])

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Bring layer to front of file

Ctrl+Shift+right bracket (])

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Send layer backward one level

Ctrl+left bracket ([)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Send layer to back, just above background layer

Ctrl+Shift+left bracket ([)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Link layer containing specific image element with active layer

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+right-click layer in image window

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Unlink layer that contains specific image element from active layer

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+right-click layer in image window

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Unlink all layers from active layer

Alt+click brush icon in front of layer name in Layers palette or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+right-click active layer in image window

Option+click brush icon in front of layer name in Layers palette or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Change opacity of active layer in 10% increments

number (1 through 0) when Selection tool is active

number (1 through 0) when Selection tool is active

Change opacity of active layer in 1% increments

two numbers in a row when Selection tool is active

two numbers in a row when Selection tool is active

Change opacity of pixels in active layer in 10% increments, independently of effects

Shift+number (1 through 0) when Selection tool is active

Shift+number (1 through 0) when Selection tool is active

Change opacity of pixels in active layer in 1% increments, independently of effects

Shift+two numbers in a row when Selection tool is active

Shift+two numbers in a row when Selection tool is active

Edit layer name

double-click layer name in Layers palette

double-click layer name in Layers palette

Edit blending options for layer

double-click thumbnail in Layers palette or Alt+double-click layer name

double-click thumbnail in Layers palette or Option+double-click layer name

Edit settings for fill or adjustment layer

double-click thumbnail in Layers palette

double-click thumbnail in Layers palette

Change blend mode when Selection tool is active



Cycle between blend modes when Selection tool is active

Shift+plus (+) or Shift+minus (−)

Shift+plus (+) or Shift+minus (−)

Reset to Normal blend mode when Selection tool is active



Adjust "fuzziness" in Layer Style dialog box

Alt+drag This Layer or Underlying Layer slider triangle

Option+drag This Layer or Underlying Layer slider triangle

Merge layer with next layer down


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Merge linked layers


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Merge grouped layers


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Merge all layers in active set


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Merge all visible layers


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Copy merged version of selection to Clipboard


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone contents of layer into next layer down


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone contents of linked layers to active layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Clone contents of all visible layers to active layer


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Delete active layer

click Trash icon in Layers palette

click Trash icon in Layers palette

Delete active layer without warning

Alt+click Trash icon in Layers palette

Option+click Trash icon in Layers palette

Delete multiple linked layers and sets

Ctrl+click Trash icon in Layers palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Delete multiple linked layers and sets without warning

Ctrl+Alt+click Trash icon in Layers palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Edit specific layer effect

double-click effect name in Layers palette

double-click effect name in Layers palette

Switch between effects in Layer Styles dialog box

Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+0

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Save flattened copy of layered image


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Brush and Blend Modes


Shift+Alt+N or Shift+Alt+L

















Color Burn



Linear Burn









Color Dodge



Linear Dodge






Soft Light



Hard Light



Vivid Light



Linear Light



Pin Light



Hard Mix





















Saturate (Sponge tool)



Desaturate (Sponge tool)



Shadows (Dodge and Burn tools)



Midtones (Dodge and Burn tools)



Highlights (Dodge and Burn tools)



Replace (Healing Brush)



Pass Through (layer set)



Cycle to next mode

Shift+plus (+)

Shift+plus (+)

Cycle to previous mode

Shift+minus (−)

Shift+minus (−)

Channels and Masks

Switch between independent color and mask channels

Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+9

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

View composite RGB, Lab, or CMYK image

Ctrl+tilde (~)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Activate or deactivate color channel

Shift+click channel name in Channels palette

Shift+click channel name in Channels palette

Create channel mask filled with black

click Page icon at bottom of Channels palette

click Page icon at bottom of Channels palette

Create and name channel mask filled with black

Alt+click Page icon at bottom of Channels palette

Option+click Page icon at bottom of Channels palette

Create channel mask from selection outline

click Mask icon at bottom of Channels palette

click Mask icon at bottom of Channels palette

Create and name channel mask from selection outline

Alt+click Mask icon at bottom of Channels palette

Option+click Mask icon at bottom of Channels palette

View active channel mask as rubylith overlay

tilde (~)

tilde (~)

Convert channel mask to selection outline

Ctrl+click channel name in Channels palette or Ctrl+Alt+number (1 through 0)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Add channel mask to selection

Ctrl+Shift+click channel name

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Subtract channel mask from selection

Ctrl+Alt+click channel name

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Retain intersection of channel mask and selection

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+click channel name

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Enter or exit quick mask mode



Toggle quick mask color over masked or selected area

Alt+click Quick Mask icon in Toolbox

Option+click Quick Mask icon in Toolbox

Change quick mask color overlay

double-click Quick Mask icon

double-click Quick Mask icon

View quick mask independently of image

tilde (~)

tilde (~)

Add spot color channel

Ctrl+click Page icon at bottom of Channels palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Create layer mask filled with white when nothing selected

click Mask icon at bottom of Layers palette

click Mask icon at bottom of Layers palette

Create layer mask filled with black when nothing selected

Alt+click Mask icon

Option+click Mask icon

Create layer mask from selection outline

click Mask icon

click Mask icon

Create layer mask that hides selection

Alt+click Mask icon

Option+click Mask icon

Switch focus from layer mask to image

Ctrl+tilde (~)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Switch focus from image to layer mask

Ctrl+backslash ()

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

View layer mask as rubylith overlay

backslash () or Shift+Alt+click layer mask thumbnail in Layers palette

backslash () or Shift+Option+click layer mask thumbnail in Layers palette

View layer mask independently of image

backslash (), and then tilde (~) or Alt+click layer mask thumbnail in Layers palette

backslash (), and then tilde (~) or Option+click layer mask thumbnail in Layers palette

Add vector mask to layer

Ctrl+click Mask icon in Layers palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Convert current path to vector mask

Ctrl+click Mask icon in Layers palette with path active

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle display of vector mask

click vector mask thumbnail or press Enter when shape or arrow tool is active

click vector mask thumbnail or press Return when shape or arrow tool is active

Disable layer mask or vector mask

Shift+click mask thumbnail in Layers palette

Shift+click mask thumbnail in Layers palette

Toggle link between layer and mask

click between layer and mask thumbnails in Layers palette

click between layer and mask thumbnails in Layers palette

Copy layer mask or vector mask from one layer to active layer

drag mask thumbnail onto Mask icon at bottom of Layers palette

drag mask thumbnail onto Mask icon at bottom of Layers palette

Convert layer mask to selection outline

Ctrl+click layer mask thumbnail or Ctrl+Alt+backslash ()

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Convert vector mask to selection outline

Ctrl+click vector mask thumbnail

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Add layer mask or vector mask to selection

Ctrl+Shift+click mask thumbnail

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Subtract layer mask or vector mask from selection

Ctrl+Alt+click mask thumbnail

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Retain intersection of layer mask or vector mask and selection

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+click mask thumbnail

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Paths and Shapes

Cycle between standard, Freeform, and Magnetic Pen tools

P or Shift+P

P or Shift+P

Add corner to end of active path

click with Pen tool or Alt+click with Freeform Pen tool

click with pen tool or Option+click with Freeform Pen tool

Add smooth arc to end of active path

drag with Pen tool

drag with Pen tool

Add cusp to end of active path

Alt+click, and then drag with Pen tool

Option+click, and then drag with Pen tool

Add point to end of active magnetic selection

click with Magnetic Pen tool

click with Magnetic Pen tool

Delete last point added with standard or Magnetic Pen tool



Draw freehand path segment

drag with Freeform Pen tool or Alt+drag with Magnetic Pen tool

drag with Freeform Pen tool or Option+drag with Magnetic Pen tool

Increase or reduce Magnetic Pen tool path width

bracket, [ or ]

bracket, [ or ]

Close magnetic selection

double-click with Magnetic Pen tool or click first point in path

double-click with Magnetic Pen tool or click first point in path

Close magnetic selection with straight segment

Alt+double-click or Alt+Enter

Option+double-click or Option+Return

Cancel magnetic or freeform selection



Select Arrow tool

A or press Ctrl when Pen tool is active

A or press

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move selected points

drag point with Arrow tool or Ctrl+drag with Pen tool

drag point with Arrow tool or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select multiple points in path

Shift+click with Arrow or Ctrl+Shift+click with Pen tool

Shift+click with Arrow or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select entire path

Alt+click path with white arrow or Alt+click path in Paths palette

Option+click path with arrow or Option+click path in Paths palette

Clone path

Alt+drag path with Arrow or Ctrl+Alt+drag with Pen tools

Option+drag path with Arrow tool or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Access Convert direction tool when Pen tool is active

Alt while hovering cursor over anchor point

Option while hovering cursor over anchor point

Access Convert Direction tool when Arrow tool is active

Ctrl+Alt while hovering cursor over anchor point

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Convert corner or cusp to smooth arc

Alt+drag point with Pen tool

Option+drag point with Pen tool

Convert arc to corner

Alt+click point with Pen tool

Option+click point with Pen tool

Convert arc to cusp

Alt+drag handle with Pen tool

Option+drag handle with Pen tool

Insert point in selected path

click segment with Pen tool

click segment with Pen tool

Remove point from path

click point with Pen tool

click point with Pen tool

Convert path to selection outline

Ctrl+click path name in Paths palette or Ctrl+Enter when Pen or Arrow tool is active

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Add path to selection

Ctrl+Shift+click path name in Paths palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Subtract path from selection

Ctrl+Alt+click path name in Paths palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Retain intersection of path and selection

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+click path name in Paths palette

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Apply brushstroke around perimeter of path

Enter on keypad when Paint or edit tool is active

Enter when Paint or Edit tool is active

Revert around perimeter of path

Enter on keypad when History Brush is active

Enter when History Brush is active

Save and name path for future use

double-click Work Path item in Paths palette

double-click Work Path item in Paths palette

Hide path (it remains active)


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Deactivate path

click in empty portion of Paths palette or Enter when Pen or Arrow tool is active

click in empty portion of Paths palette or Return when Pen or Arrow tool is active

Cycle between shape tools

U or Shift+U

U or Shift+U

Move shape as you draw it



Add next shape you draw to active shape layer

plus (+)

plus (+)

Subtract next shape you draw from active shape layer

minus (−)

minus (−)

Adjust roundness of next rounded rectangle you draw

bracket key, [ or ]

bracket key, [ or ]

Change number of sides on next regular polygon or star you draw

bracket key, [ or ]

bracket key, [ or ]

Change weight of next straight line you draw

bracket key, [ or ]

bracket key, [ or ]

Cycle between custom shapes

bracket key, [ or ]

bracket key, [ or ]

Cycle between layer styles

comma (,) or period (.)

comma (,) or period (.)

Change color of active shape layer to foreground or background color

Alt+Backspace or Ctrl+Backspace

Option+Delete or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Hide shape outlines (shape layer remains active)


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Deactivate shape outlines

Enter when Pen or Arrow tool is active

Return when Pen or Arrow tool is active

Delete shape layer when shape outlines are active

Backspace or Delete


Crops and Transformations

Select Crop tool



Move crop boundary as you draw it



Move crop boundary

drag inside boundary

drag inside boundary

Scale crop boundary

drag boundary handle

drag boundary handle

Scale crop boundary proportionally

Shift+drag corner handle

Shift+drag corner handle

Scale crop boundary with respect to origin

Alt+drag boundary handle

Option+drag boundary handle

Scale crop boundary proportionally with respect to origin point

Shift+Alt+drag corner

Shift+Option+drag corner

Rotate crop boundary (always with respect to origin)

drag outside boundary

drag outside boundary

Rotate crop boundary in 15° increments

Shift+drag outside boundary

Shift+drag outside boundary

Distort crop boundary

draw crop boundary, select Perspective check box in Options bar, drag boundary handle

draw crop boundary, select Perspective check box in Options bar, drag boundary handle

Constrain distortion effect in Perspective mode

Shift+drag corner handle

Shift+drag corner handle

Scale crop boundary in Perspective mode

Alt+drag handle

Option+drag handle

Accept crop



Cancel crop



Freely transform selection, layer, or path


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Duplicate selection, layer, or path and freely transform


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Move image in Free Transform mode

drag inside boundary

drag inside boundary

Move transformation origin

drag cross-hair target

drag cross-hair target

Scale image

drag boundary handle

drag boundary handle

Scale image proportionally

Shift+drag corner handle

Shift+drag corner handle

Scale image with respect to origin

Alt+drag boundary handle

Option+drag boundary handle

Rotate image (always with respect to origin)

drag outside boundary

drag outside boundary

Rotate image in 15° increments

Shift+drag outside boundary

Shift+drag outside boundary

Skew image

Ctrl+drag side handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Skew image along constrained axis

Ctrl+Shift+drag side handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Skew image with respect to origin

Ctrl+Alt+drag side handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Skew image along constrained axis with respect to origin

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+drag side handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Distort image

Ctrl+drag corner handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Symmetrically distort opposite corners

Ctrl+Alt+drag corner handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Constrain distortion to achieve perspective effect

Ctrl+Shift+drag corner handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Constrain distortion to achieve symmetrical perspective effect

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+drag corner handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Apply specific transformation in Free Transform mode

right+click in image window

Control+click in image window

Apply numerical transformation in Free Transform mode

enter values in Options bar

enter values in Options bar

Accept transformation



Cancel transformation



Replay last transformation


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Duplicate selection, layer, or path and replay last transformation


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Rulers, Measurements, and Guides

Display or hide rulers


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Display or hide Info palette


F8 (be sure to edit your System Preferences or this will invoke Spaces)

Change unit of measure

right-click ruler or drag from X,Y pop-up in Info palette

Control-click ruler or drag from X,Y pop-up in Info palette

Reset ruler origin

double-click ruler origin box

double-click ruler origin box

Select Measure tool

I, I, I (or I, Shift+I, Shift+I)

I, I, I (or I, Shift+I, Shift+I)

Measure distance and angle

drag with Measure tool

drag with Measure tool

Move measure line

drag measure line

drag measure line

Change length and angle of measure line

drag endpoint of measure line

drag endpoint of measure line

Measure angle between two lines (protractor option)

Alt+drag endpoint

Option+drag endpoint

Match rotation of entire image to measure line

Choose Image

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

choose Image

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Match rotation of single layer to measure line

Choose Edit

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

choose Edit

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Create guide

drag from ruler

drag from ruler

Move guide

drag guide with Move tool or Ctrl+drag with other tool

drag guide with Move tool or

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Change horizontal guide to vertical or vice versa

press Alt while dragging guide

press Option while dragging guide

Snap guide to ruler tick marks

press Shift while dragging guide

press Shift while dragging guide

Display or hide guides

Ctrl+semicolon (;)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Lock or unlock guides

Ctrl+Alt+semicolon (;)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Display or hide grid

Ctrl+quote (")

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Toggle guide and grid snapping

Ctrl+Shift+semicolon (;)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Edit guide color and grid increments

Ctrl+double+click guide

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Filters and Automation

Repeat filter with last-used settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Repeat filter with different settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Fade effect of last filter


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Scroll preview box in corrective filter dialog boxes

drag in preview box or click in image window

drag in preview box or click in image window

Zoom preview box in corrective filter dialog boxes

Ctrl+click and Alt+click

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Zoom full image preview

Ctrl+plus (+) and Ctrl+minus (−)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Increase selected option box value by 1 (or 0.1)

up arrow

up arrow

Decrease value by 1 (or 0.1)

down arrow

down arrow

Increase value by 10 (or 1)

Shift+up arrow

Shift+up arrow

Decrease value by 10 (or 1)

Shift+down arrow

Shift+down arrow

Adjust Angle value (where offered) in 15° increments

Shift+drag in Angle wheel

Shift+drag in Angle wheel

Reset options in corrective filter dialog boxes

Alt+click Cancel button

Option+click Cancel button or Option+Escape

Create high-contrast clouds effect

Alt+choose Filter

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Option+choose Filter

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Specify numerical center in Lens Flare dialog box

Alt+click in preview

Option+click in preview

Clone light in Lighting Effects dialog box

Alt+drag light

Option+drag light

Delete Lighting Effects light

press Delete

press Delete

Adjust size of footprint without affecting angle of light

Shift+drag handle

Shift+drag handle

Adjust angle of light without affecting size of footprint

Ctrl+drag handle

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select Forward Warp or Push Left tool in Liquify dialog box

W or O

W or O

Select Twirl Clockwise or Turbulence tool

C or T

C or T

Select Pucker or Bloat tool

S or B

S or B

Select Reconstruct or Mirror tool

R or M

R or M

Select Freeze Mask or Thaw Mask tool

F or D

F or D

Change Liquify brush diameter in 1-pixel increments

Bracket key, [ or ]

bracket key, [ or ]

Change Liquify brush diameter in 10-pixel increments

Shift+bracket, [ or ]

Shift+bracket, [ or ]

Undo last brushstroke in Liquify dialog box


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Undo brushstroke prior to last one


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Redo undone brushstroke


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select the select image, rotate image, or set vanishing point tool in Photomerge dialog box

A, R, or V

A, R, or V

Select Zoom or Hand tool

Z or H

Z or H

Temporarily access Hand tool



Step backward


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Step forward


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Show individual image border

Alt+move pointer over image

Option+move pointer over image

Color Adjustments

Choose Levels command


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Switch between channels in Levels or Curves dialog box

Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+3, or Ctrl+tilde (~) for composite

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Preview black and white points in Levels dialog box

Alt+drag black or white Input Levels triangle

Option+drag black or white Input Levels triangle

Specify alternate colors for black point, white point, and midtone

double-click black, white, or gray Eyedropper tool

double-click black, white, or gray Eyedropper tool

Invert image in Levels dialog box

swap black and white Output Levels triangles

swap black and white Output Levels triangles

Repeat last Levels correction


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Choose Curves command


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Add point in Curves dialog box

click graph line

click graph line

Add specific color as new point on composite curve in point mode

Ctrl+click in image window

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Add color as new point on independent channel curves

Ctrl+Shift+click in image window

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Nudge Input value for selected point

left or right arrow key

left or right arrow key

Nudge Output value for selected point

up- or down-arrow key

up- or down-arrow key

Select next curve point



Select previous curve point



Delete curve point

Ctrl+click point

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Select multiple curve points

Shift+click point

Shift+click point

Deselect all points


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Repeat last Curves correction


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Choose Hue/Saturation command


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Add colors to Hue/Saturation range when Edit set to anything but Master

Shift+click or drag in image window

Shift+click or drag in image window

Subtract colors from Hue/Saturation range when Edit set to anything but Master

Alt+click or drag in image window

Option+click or drag in image window

Edit all colors in Hue/Saturation dialog box

Ctrl+tilde (~)

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Edit predefined color range

Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+6

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Repeat last Hue/Saturation correction


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Desaturation colors


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Undoing Operations

Undo or redo last operation


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Undo operation prior to last one


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Redo undone operation


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Undo to specific point

click item in History palette

click item in History palette

Duplicate previously performed operation

Alt+click item in History palette

Option+click item in History palette

Select state to revert to with History Brush

click in front of item in History palette

click in front of item in History palette

Create snapshot from active state

click camera icon at bottom of History palette

click camera icon at bottom of History palette

Create duplicate image from active state

click leftmost icon at bottom of History palette

click leftmost icon at bottom of History palette

Revert selection to active History state


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Revert entire image to saved state


F12 (Be sure to edit your System Preferences or this will open the Dashboard)


Display or hide all palettes, Toolbox, and status bar



Display or hide palettes except Toolbox, Options bar, and status bar



Hide Toolbox, Options bar, and status bar

Tab, and then Shift+Tab

Tab, and then Shift+Tab

Display Options bar



Move panel out of palette

drag panel tab

drag panel tab

Dock palette

drag panel tab into docking well

drag panel tab into docking well

Snap palette to edge of screen

Shift+click palette title bar

Shift+click palette title bar

Fully collapse palette

Alt+click collapse box or double-click panel tab

Option+click collapse box or double-click panel tab

Delete item without warning from any palette that includes trash can

Alt+click Trash icon

Option+click Trash icon

Preview how image sits on printed page

click Doc box in status bar

click Doc box at bottom of image window

View size and resolution of image

Alt+click Doc box in status bar

Option+click Doc box at bottom of image window

View image tile information

Ctrl+click Doc box in status bar

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Change preference settings


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Display last-used Preferences dialog box panel


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Bring up dialog box with last-used settings

Alt+choose command from Image

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Option+choose command from Image

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Duplicate image and bypass dialog box

Alt+choose Image

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Option+choose Image

Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Cancel operation


Photoshop's Shortcuts and Modifiers

Activate No or Don't Save button when closing image



Activate Don't Flatten button when changing color modes



Activate Flatten button when changing color modes



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