How to do it...

The Metasploit Framework is an open source tool used by security professionals globally to perform penetration tests by executing exploit code on target systems from within the framework. It comes pre-installed with Kali Linux (the preferred choice of distribution for security professionals).

Follow these steps to gain root access to a vulnerable Linux system:

  1. First open the Metasploit console on the Kali system by running the following command:
service postgresql start
  1. At the bottom of the screen, you should get the Metasploit framework prompt denoted by msf>.
  2. Next, we need to scan the target, which is in this example, using Nmap:

The following screenshot shows the output of the command:

  1. In the previous command, you can see there are many services running on different ports. Among them you can see FTP is also running on port 21.
  2. We will focus on the FTP service for now. From the output shown, you can see that the FTP service is provided by the vsftpd application version 2.3.4.
  3. Now lets try to find an exploit for vsftpd within the Metasploit framework by simply executing the command search vsftpd. Here is the output:

  1. The search results are showing a module, VSFTPD Backdoor Command Execution, with an excellent rating, which means that this exploit will work perfectly fine.
  1. Now run the following commands to use the exploit and check its options:
  1. As you can see from the screenshot, you need to set the value of RHOST, which is in our case.
  2. Set the value for RHOST and then run the exploit as shown here:
  1. Once the exploit runs successfully, you will get root access, as shown in the preceding screenshot.
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