Chapter 15. Anti-Disassembly

Anti-disassembly uses specially crafted code or data in a program to cause disassembly analysis tools to produce an incorrect program listing. This technique is crafted by malware authors manually, with a separate tool in the build and deployment process or interwoven into their malware’s source code.

All malware is designed with a particular goal in mind: keystroke logging, backdoor access, using a target system to send excessive email to cripple servers, and so on. Malware authors often go beyond this basic functionality to implement specific techniques to hide from the user or system administrator, using rootkits or process injection, or to otherwise thwart analysis and detection.

Malware authors use anti-disassembly techniques to delay or prevent analysis of malicious code. Any code that executes successfully can be reverse-engineered, but by armoring their code with anti-disassembly and anti-debugging techniques, malware authors increase the level of skill required of the malware analyst. The time-sensitive investigative process is hindered by the malware analyst’s inability to understand the malware’s capabilities, derive valuable host and network signatures, and develop decoding algorithms. These additional layers of protection may exhaust the in-house skill level at many organizations and require expert consultants or large research project levels of effort to reverse-engineer.

In addition to delaying or preventing human analysis, anti-disassembly is also effective at preventing certain automated analysis techniques. Many malware similarity detection algorithms and antivirus heuristic engines employ disassembly analysis to identify or classify malware. Any manual or automated process that uses individual program instructions will be susceptible to the anti-analysis techniques described in this chapter.

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