
Development Processes and Frameworks

Before we start looking at the actual products that make up Team Foundation Server (TFS) we want to discuss the development processes or perhaps development frameworks (as some call their process) a bit. Unfortunately this topic is pushed back when many companies implement TFS. Some seem to argue that one of the two process templates Microsoft ships with TFS is enough. These processes are automations of the development process in the overall ALM process previously discussed in Chapter 2. However, not even Microsoft suggests that we should use these without customization, so spend some time planning this before implementing TFS, and also keep in mind that you will probably need to make ongoing adjustments.

A software development process can be a structure imposed on the development of a software product. That is, a way of working that we should follow to successfully deliver an application or a system. We saw in Chapter 1 that the process was an important aspect of successful project completion, so this chapter to discuss this topic.

Throughout the years, many development processes have come and gone. If we look, they are probably around in the background. They all have tried to improve on the former version or have added a new aspect to development. The goal has many times been the same for them all, even though the road to that goal has varied. These days the agile movement has shown good results. This is discussed in depth later in this book.

One of the best known models has been around since 1970, when it was presented in an article by Winston W. Royce1 What is interesting about the model is that Royce actually presented it as an example of a flawed, nonworking model. Obviously, people did not bother about this fact and started using it as a way to run development projects anyway. The model I am referring to is of course The Waterfall model, even though Royce did not call it that.

The Waterfall Model

The Waterfall model is a sequential process through which development is seen as a flow steadily moving downward, just like a waterfall, through its different phases. Figure 3-1 shows the different phases of the model.


Figure 3-1.  The Waterfall development processes

Royce wrote about seven phases in his original article:

  • Requirements specification
  • Design
  • Construction (a.k.a. implementation)
  • Integration
  • Testing and debugging (a.k.a. validation)
  • Installation
  • Maintenance

As seen Figure 3-1, we usually speak of only five of these phases, because the model has evolved over the years. The thought is that the phases are carried out sequentially and we never go back to what has been done. So when requirements specifications, for example, are done, they are virtually written in stone. After the spec is written we move on to the next step, in this case the design phase, where we model our system and lay out the architecture. This effort can be seen as the blueprint of the system. In this phase we transform the requirements into a design we can give to the developers to realize into code.

When the blueprint is ready we can move on to the next step, which is implementation. Now the coders do their magic and the blueprint is transferred into code. At the end of this phase, individual software components are integrated and tested as a system. Different teams of developers might have developed the components, perhaps at different locations, which complicate things as well, because communication tends to be limited in such cases. As you can understand there is an inherent problem here. If we test the system only after development is done (perhaps 12 months after coding began), we might end up with lots of surprises. Just consider the immense rework needed if something is wrong at this point. Many months of work might be going down the drain and the project is surely seen as a failure.

When the implementation phase is done, we move on to testing the software. Hopefully, faults from earlier phases are found and removed in this part of the process. This might actually be the first time our customer or stakeholders see the final product. If more than a year has passed since the project started, much may have happened to the requirements, and because we cannot go back to earlier phases, we are stuck with requirements that are actually wrong. When testing is complete, we install the software and deliver it to maintenance.

What is important to remember here is that we do not move to the next phase until the former is completely done and finished. There is no jumping back and forth between them and they cannot overlap.

The Waterfall model has been widely accepted and is used a lot —especially in the public sector such as at the U.S. Department of defense, NASA, and many other large government projects. This has been loosened a bit lately (luckily) and more agile methods like SCRUM are being implemented at these organizations as well.

As we can see, the Waterfall method could be great when we know that nothing much will change during our project. Let’s say that we are about to build a road. After gathering all requirements for the road we can assume that they will not change much during the process. The same goes for the blueprints. Sure, some small things might change, such as placement of road signs and streetlights for instance, but on the whole it is pretty solid after it is approved. When we have such a project, the Waterfall model works very well. If we transform the road example to a development project, we can say that implementing a standard product, like an economy system, might be very static once the requirements are set and the model could work very well then. But even with such development efforts, things change a lot anyway. According to Ken Schwaber of the Agile Alliance, and co-father of Scrum, about 35 percent of all requirements in a project change, which is a very high number and hence provides risk for the project.

Generally, one could say that the earlier we can find bugs, the easier and less expensive they are to fix. McConnell estimates that “a requirements defect that is left undetected until construction or maintenance will cost 50 to 200 times as much to fix as it would have cost to fix at requirements time.”2 This is the reason why all phases in the Waterfall model must be 100 percent complete and absolutely correct before we move on to the next phase. The aim is to catch errors early to avoid problems and costs in the end.

Another cornerstone is documentation. Great focus is spent on documenting work. We need design documents, source code documents, and so on. The reason for this is that we should avoid problems if one of our team members falls off and nobody knows what he or she has been doing. Much knowledge could be lost unless we have good documentation. If one person disappears, it should be relatively easy for the replacement to familiarize himself with the system and quickly become productive.

These are pretty solid arguments for the model, at least at first sight. But as we saw in Chapter 1, most development projects are more complex than implementing a standard system. This means that it is almost impossible to get one phase perfect before moving on to the next. Just to get all requirements correct is a tremendous task because the user/stakeholder probably won’t be aware of exactly what they want unless they have a working prototype to investigate. Then, and only then, can they truly comment on it. It is also then that they will get a feeling of what is possible to accomplish with the software. If this awareness occurs late in the project the changes to requirements they would want are hard to implement.

Another problem that we often run into is that during design the architect or designers cannot know all the difficulties that could happen during implementation. Some areas can be very hard to build or integrate that we were not aware of earlier. How do we handle that if we cannot go back to the design and change it once we have left it? Some requirements might also be contradictory, but this might only show during implementation. This will obviously be hard to solve as well without changing work done in earlier phases.

It seems like not even Winston Royce really believed in the Waterfall model as we saw earlier. Instead he was writing his paper about how to change this model into an iterative one, with feedback from each phase affecting subsequent phases. Strange thing that this fact has been virtually ignored and that the Waterfall model has been given so much attention through the years.

Spiral Model

Barry Boehm defined the Spiral model in his 1988 article.3 Although not the first model to discuss iterative development, it was in fact the first model to explain why the iteration matters.

Originally, the iterations were typically six months to two years long. Each phase starts with a design goal and ends with the customer or stakeholder reviewing the progress so far. At each phase of a Spiral project, analysis and engineering efforts are applied, with a focus on the end goal of the project, the business value.

The steps in the Spiral model can be described as follows (see Figure 3-2). Remember this is a simplified view:


Figure 3-2.  The Spiral model

  1. The requirements are defined in as much detail as possible. Interviews of a number of users representing all the external or internal users and other aspects of the existing system are often used at this stage.
  2. A preliminary design is created for the new system.
  3. Based on the preliminary design a first prototype of the new system is created. Often this is a scaled-down system, showing an approximation of the characteristics of the final product.
  4. A second prototype is evolved by a four-step procedure:

a.  Evaluating the first prototype in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, and risks

b.  Defining the requirements of the second prototype

c.  Planning and designing the second prototype

d.  Constructing and testing the second prototype

If the customer thinks the risks are too great the project can be aborted. Risk factors can be development cost overruns, miscalculation of operating-cost or any other factor that could, in the customer’s judgment, result in a less-than-satisfactory final product.

  • 5.  The existing prototype is evaluated in the same manner as was the first prototype, and, if necessary, another prototype is developed from it according to the four-step procedure outlined previously.
  • 6.  These steps are iterated until the stakeholder is satisfied and convinced that the refined prototype represents the final product he or she wanted.
  • 7.  The final system is constructed, based on the approved prototype.
  • 8.  The final system is extensively evaluated and tested. Routine maintenance is carried out on a continuing basis to prevent large-scale failures and to minimize downtime.

It seems like the Spiral model is used on larger projects mostly, but I have never been a part of this kind of project, and neither has any of my co-workers, so it’s hard to say if it scales that well.

Rational Unified Process (RUP)

During the 1980s a team at Rational Software began looking into a new development model. Rational Unified Process (RUP) as such, is said to have been created in 1996 when Rational acquired the Objectory Process, written by Ivar Jacobson. They started this work by going back to the Spiral model created by Barry Boehm in 1988 and then started to look into why software projects failed. What was the root cause of this in the past? Furthermore, they took a good look at which software processes were around at the time and how each of them tried to solve these causes of failure. Some of the reasons they found were:

  • Ad hoc requirements management
  • Complexity
  • Ambiguous and imprecise communications
  • Undetected inconsistencies in requirements, designs, and implementations
  • Insufficient testing
  • Subjective assessment of project status
  • Uncontrolled change propagation
  • Poor or insufficient automation

The people at Rational found that project failure most often was caused by a combination of several symptoms. They also concluded that every project that fails does so in its own unique way. After analyzing their results, the team designed a collection of software best practices, which they named the Rational Unified Process (RUP).

What is important to remember is that RUP is not a single, concrete prescriptive process. It is an adaptable process framework intended to be adjusted by the organization and software team that will use it. The project team should choose the parts of the process that are appropriate for the needs of that specific development task at hand.

The Principles of RUP

The Rational team based their framework on six key principles for business driven development.4

  • Adapt the process. The project or organization must, as we saw previously, select the parts they need from the RUP framework. Things to consider here are, for example, how project governance, project size, regulations, and such issues affect the degree of formality that should be used. There are preconfigured process templates for small, medium, and large projects in RUP so that we can choose more easily. Most companies that I have seen usually adapt RUP in their own way. One of my former employers had several different RUP adaptations based on different project types.
  • Balance stakeholder priorities. RUP tries to take a shot at balancing out the business goals and stakeholder needs between the parties involved, because these often differ and are conflicting.
  • Collaborate across teams. Hopefully as we all know, software engineering is a team process. We have various participants in a project, from stakeholders to developers. In Chapter 1 we saw that much development these days does not happen at one location, but could actually be geographically dispersed all over the world. This means that collaboration and communication between participants must be good—not only for requirements issues but also for all aspects of the development process. Project status, test results, bug status, release management, design and architecture diagrams, and much more must be at hand for those who need it, as well as at the time they need it.
  • Demonstrate value iteratively. One problem with the waterfall model is that it does not allow us to go back a phase if we find things in one phase that throws things in earlier phases to the ground. By working iteratively we deliver working software in increments. For each iteration we collect feedback from everybody, including stakeholders, and use this as an input to the next iteration. This way we can influence the development process and hence the business value while the project is executed. By focusing strongly on iterative development and good risk management, RUP allows projects an iterative risk assessment process that is intended to ease the effort in delivering a successful project in the end.
  • Elevate the level of abstraction. By elevating the abstraction level, RUP encourages the use of software patterns, 4GL, frameworks, reusable components, and so on. This approach hinders developers from going directly from the spec to writing their own custom-made code. This also means that we discuss architecture at a higher level than before. By using UML (Unified Modeling Language) or some built-in features of the development tool (see Chapter 6 for Visual Studio’s architecture tools) in conjunction with a higher abstraction level, we elevate product architecture to a level where nontechnical stakeholders can better participate.
  • Focus continuously on quality. Surprisingly enough we do not focus on quality enough during many projects. I have had contractors at the Swedish Road Administration that didn’t have this in focus in their projects. Instead, their primary goal was to suck as much money as possible from the SRA (and from me as a taxpayer). This only caused problems, as you would guess, because if the SRA did not keep an extra eye open, the projects were unsuccessful. RUP encourages continuous quality checks through development. Automation of test scenarios for example helps us deal with an increasing amount of tests caused by the iterative process and the practice of test-driven development.

The attentive reader (yes, I mean you!) has already noticed that if we take the starting letter from each of these principles we get the ABCs of RUP:

  • Adapt the process
  • Balance stakeholder priorities
  • Collaborate across teams
  • Demonstrate value iteratively
  • Elevate the level of abstraction
  • Focus continuously on quality

The RUP Lifecycle

So, what does the RUP lifecycle look like? There are four major phases. And no, we do not talk waterfall here (see Figure 3-3). The phases are

  • Inception
  • Elaboration
  • Construction
  • Transition


Figure 3-3.  The RUP development processes

Inception Phase

As Figure 3-3 shows, the Inception phase has a strong focus on business modeling and requirements specifications. The difference from the Waterfall model is that we do not close these topics after the phase has ended. Instead, they are a constant part of all phases through the project until its end. This phase establishes a baseline so that we can compare actual expenditures to planned expenditures along the project. Before we move on to the next phase we need to pass a milestone called the Lifecycle Objective Milestone (see Figure 3-4).


Figure 3-4.  The Lifecycle Objective Milestone

To pass this milestone we need to meet these criteria:

  • Stakeholder concurrence on scope definition and cost/schedule estimates.
  • Agreement that the right set of requirements has been captured and that there is a shared understanding of these requirements.
  • Agreement that the cost/schedule estimates, priorities, risks, and development process are appropriate.
  • All risks have been identified and a mitigation strategy exists for each.

If we are not satisfied with the outcome of this milestone or the phase, we can choose to cancel or report this phase for redesign.

Elaboration Phase

During the Elaboration phase we start to see what the project will look like. In Figure 3-3 you see that analysis and design has its biggest effort here but that it will be required to continue through the other phases. There are also other activities we perform in this phase. We start to think about the implementation, how the code will be written, what to code, and so on. The thought is that most use cases are developed during elaboration, where actors are identified and the flow of the use cases are thought out.

To pass the Lifecycle Architecture Milestone that finishes the Elaboration phase (see Figure 3-5) we should have completed 80 percent of the use case models.


Figure 3-5.  The Lifecycle Architecture Milestone

We should also have created a description of the architecture of our software. The risk list should have been written, as well as a development plan for the entire project. These are the main criteria for passing the Lifecycle Architecture Milestone:

  • Is the vision of the product stable?
  • Is the architecture stable?
  • Does the executable demonstration show that the major risk elements have been addressed and credibly resolved?
  • Is the plan for the construction phase sufficiently detailed and accurate? Is it backed up with a credible basis of estimates?
  • Do all stakeholders agree that the current vision can be achieved if the current plan is executed to develop the complete system, in the context of the current architecture?
  • Is the actual resource expenditure versus planned expenditure acceptable?

There are a few more criteria we must meet before we can pass this milestone, but we will not go into them here. If we cannot pass the milestone, we can either cancel or redesign, just like in the preceding phase. When we continue to the next phase, project changes are more difficult to solve if we do not have a model that covers such events.

Construction Phase

Now we are ready for the Construction phase. This is where the coding starts and when we will implement our architecture. To make sure we catch changes of requirements we do the development in iterations, each delivering a working prototype. We can show this to stakeholders and end-users so that they have a chance to provide feedback on it. When going in to this phase the use cases have been prioritized and divided across the iteration. One good practice is to focus on the highest risk use cases first, or at least as early as possible, so that we can catch their implications early. To end this phase, we must pass the Initial Operational Capability Milestone (see Figure 3-6) by answering the following questions:

  • Is this product release stable and mature enough to be deployed in the user community?
  • Are all stakeholders ready for the transition into the user community?
  • Are the actual resource expenditures versus planned expenditures still acceptable?


Figure 3-6.  The Initial Operational CapabilityMilestone

Transition Phase

When we reach the last phase, the Transition phase, we have moved our system/software from the developers to the end-users. This phase, as well as the Elaboration and Construction phases, can be performed iteratively. During transition we train the end-users and the operations department in their new system. We also do beta testing of the system to make sure we deliver what the end-users and stakeholders expect. This means that we not necessarily have the same expectations as when the project started but expectations that have changed through the process. If we do not meet either the end-users’ expectations or the quality level determined during Inception, we do a new iteration of this phase. When we have met all objectives, the Product Release Milestone (see Figure 3-7) is reached and the development cycle ends. The following questions must be answered at this point:

  • Is the user satisfied?
  • Are the actual resources expenditures versus planned expenditures still acceptable?


Figure 3-7.  The Product Release Milestone


In RUP we speak about disciplines. There are nine disciplines in which we categorize our tasks in a software development project according to RUP. First, we have the engineering disciplines:

  • Business modeling
  • Requirements
  • Analysis and design
  • Implementation
  • Test
  • Deployment

Then we have three supporting disciplines:

  • Configuration and change management
  • Project management
  • Environment

Let’s spend a few moments going over these in more detail. This is interesting especially when we compare this lineup to Scrum later in this chapter.

Business Modeling Discipline

The Business modeling discipline is the first one out. The aim of this discipline is to establish a better understanding between business engineering and software engineering. A welcome advance compared to the waterfall approach, because we already have seen that bridging the gap between these two is important. If you turn to Chapter 4 you will see our idea of how this could be done. Business modeling explains how to describe a vision of the organization in which the system will be deployed. It also tells us how to use this vision as a basis when outlining the process as well as when selecting roles and responsibilities.

Requirements Discipline

This discipline is responsible for gathering the requirements and uses these to describe what the system is supposed to do, so that developers and stakeholders can agree on what to build.

Analysis and Design Discipline

This discipline takes the requirements and transforms them into a design of the system. The aim is to have a design that can be changed easily when functional requirements change, which of course they will during the project. The design model is an abstraction of what the source code will look like. We can call it a blueprint if we like, which shows us components, classes, subsystems, and so on. Having well-defined interfaces between components is another important task for this discipline. We also develop descriptions of how objects of the design collaborate to perform the use cases.

Implementation Discipline

The Implementation discipline takes the blueprint and converts it to executable code. We also find testing of developed components as units here. Components developed by individual teams are integrated into an executable system by this discipline. Focus is very much on component-based development, which is a way of developing that encourages reuse of existing components. To be honest, this is a good idea in theory, but in real life I have seen very few good examples of component reuse. Most times reuse is a developer using previously built snippets of code instead of components. It is a good effort to propagate components reuse, but in reality it seems like it is not working.

Test Discipline

There are several purposes with the Test discipline:

  • Verifying interaction between objects.
  • Verifying all components.
  • Making sure all defects are fixed, retested, and closed.
  • Verifying that all requirements have been implemented (correctly).
  • Identifying defects.
  • Making sure defects are addressed.
  • Making sure defects are addressed before deployment.

RUP states that testing should be an integrated part of the whole development project, and we cannot agree more. The purpose is to find defects as early as possible, when they can be fixed using minimal effort. There are four quality dimensions by which tests are carried out:

  • Reliability
  • Functionality
  • Application performance
  • System performance

Deployment Discipline

The activity in the Deployment discipline needs to be planned for early in the project. Deployment is mostly centered at the end of the Construction phase and the Transition phase, but to successfully deploy an application or system we need to plan for this event earlier on. This discipline focuses on delivering successful product releases. It also focuses on delivering the software to the end users. Included in this work are the tasks of packaging, distributing, and installing the software. Furthermore, the people in this discipline provide help to users, so that deployment runs smoothly.

Configuration and Change Management Discipline

RUP distinguishes three areas within the Configuration and change management discipline. There is configuration management, which is the structuring of products. We also need a way to keep control of our releases and the artifacts belonging to them, and these are tasks belonging to this area. The second area is change request management, where we keep track of all change proposals we receive for the different versions of the software. The third and last area is status and measurement management. When a change request is created it goes through different states in its workflow. It transforms from new, to logged, to approved, to assigned, to completed. This area describes how we can get reports on status of the software and its change requests and different releases. These reports are important for the project team as well as for stakeholders, so that they have a good understanding of the current project status.

Project Management Discipline

As we have seen in the preceding sections we have two dimensions of a project in RUP. We have the four phases and the iterations within them. The Project management discipline focuses on planning the phases, which is done in the phase plan. Planning how many iterations (in the Iteration plan) might be needed and also how to handle risks through the project. This discipline also monitors the progress of the project. There are some things RUP does not include in the project management discipline however. It does not cover managing people, which is usually a project management responsibility. Budget management and contract management also are not included.

Environment Discipline

The Environment discipline is the final discipline in RUP. Contrary to what one might think, we do not include the software environment here. Instead we find the environment for the project—that is, the processes and tools we should use when running the project, what work products we should deliver (more about these in a moment), and so on.

Work Products, Roles, and Tasks

All through the project we have various deliverables that should be produced. RUP called them artifacts originally and that is the term that has stuck in most people’s minds. However, after IBM took over RUP responsibilities, the term work products was coined and we will use this new term from now on.

A work product could be an architecture model, the risk list, the iteration plan, and so on. It is a representation of the results of a task. We find all documents and models we produce in the project under the term.

A task is a unit of work, which provides a meaningful result. A task is assigned to a role. A role in its turn defines a set of related skills, competences and responsibilities.

For example, the work product iteration plan is the result of a task, produce iteration plan, which is performed by the role project manager. Another example could be the task defining the architecture, which produces the result, or work product, architecture model. This is performed by the role called architect.

There are several benefits of using RUP. Many projects have completed successfully using an adaptation of this framework. We would say that project quality is significantly improved by using RUP. The problem however is that RUP has grown to be an almost impenetrable framework. There is too much to consider and choose from which makes it very hard to adapt correctly. One of our colleagues said that he did not like a model that needed adaptation to that extent. And we can understand that. Also the process is too strict and not truly iterative compared to Scrum or any other truly agile methodology. Even Ivar Jacobson, one of RUPs founders, seems to have realized that the framework has grown too immense. He has during the recent years improved on RUP and created a new more agile framework.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

In 2001 a group of people met at a Utah ski resort to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common ground for software development. This is the result:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Kent Beck

Mike Beedle

Arie van Bennekum

Alistair Cockburn

Ward Cunningham

Martin Fowler

James Grenning

Jim Highsmith

Andrew Hunt

Ron Jeffries

Jon Kern

Brian Marick

Robert C. Martin

Steve Mellor

Ken Schwaber

Jeff Sutherland

Dave Thomas

This manifesto is taken from the web site and represents the values for a new development approach, and is signed by all persons mentioned. They continue:

“On February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, seventeen people met to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common ground and of course, to eat. What emerged was the Agile Software Development Manifesto. Representatives from Extreme Programming, SCRUM, DSDM, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, and others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convened.”

These values were a start to a new movement in the software development community, and have gained a great number of followers since. In addition to its values, the Agile Manifesto lays down the following principles:

  • Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
  • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
  • Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
  • Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
  • Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
  • The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
  • Working software is the primary measure of progress.
  • Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
  • Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential.
  • The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
  • At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

We believe that most of these values and principles should be present in all software development, but sadly that is not always the truth. Many times projects we have participated in have delivered a large chunk of software after several months of development. Only then has the customer been brought in to evaluate the work, so both collaboration and incremental delivery has been neglected. Many times the customer has had a lot to say about the result, so we needed to write many change requests to fix the issues or explain why the software works as it does, and as the customer expected. So we feel that these values and principles are very important and a key concern in our previous projects.

As seen here, representatives of various development methods signed the manifesto. Perhaps best known are Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum, but many of the others are well known as well.

I have chosen to cover Extreme Programming briefly and Scrum a little more extensively in this chapter. Many of the XP methods are widely used in Scrum projects (and other projects as well). A good example is Test Driven Development (TDD), which we will come back to in Chapter 6. For now, let’s start with a short introduction to XP.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a deliberate and disciplined approach to software development. It stresses customer satisfaction, an important part of the Agile Manifesto. The methodology is designed to deliver the software the customer needs, when it is needed. XP focuses on responding to changing customer requirements, even late in the life cycle, so that customer satisfaction (business value) is assured.

XP also emphasizes teamwork. Managers, customers, and developers are all part of a team dedicated to delivering high-quality software. XP implements a simple and effective way to handle team work.

There are four ways XP improves software team work; communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. It is essential that XP programmers communicate with their customers and fellow programmers. The design should be simple and clean. Feedback is supplied by testing the software from the first day of development. Testing is done by writing the unit tests before even writing the code. This is called TDD and has started to become a very well used practice in many projects, not only agile ones. We will see later how TFS implements TDD.

The software should be delivered to the customers as early as possible and a goal is to implement changes as suggested. XP stresses that the developers should be able to courageously respond to changing requirements and technology based on this foundation.

In RUP we have use cases and in XP we have user stories. These serve the same purpose as use cases, but are not the same. They are used to create time estimates for the project and also replace bulky requirements documentation. The customer is responsible for writing the user stories and they should be about things that the system needs to do for them. Each user story is about three sentences of text written by the customer in the customer’s own terminology without any technical software jargon that a developer might use.

Another important issue is that XP stresses the importance of delivering working software in increments so that the customer can give feedback as early as possible. By expecting that this will happen, developers are ready for implementing changes.

The last topic I want to highlight with XP is pair programming. All code to be included in a production release is created by two people working together at a single computer. This should increase software quality without impacting time to delivery. Although we have never had the benefit of trying this ourselves, co-workers we have spoken to who have used pair programming are confident that it will add as much functionality as two developers working separately. The difference is that quality will be much higher. I can make a reference to my old job as an assistant air traffic controller here. Many are the times when we sat in the tower, airplane traffic was so heavy traffic the air traffic controller soon had so much to do that he or she needed help with keeping track of every airplane. We are aware that this is not the same thing, but is the fact remains that two pairs of eyes see more than one pair and this is what makes pair programming so tempting to us.

To learn more about Extreme Programming we encourage you to visit


Over to one of our favorite development models: Scrum. With all the attention Scrum has been getting the last years you might be misled to believe that it is a fairly new model. The truth is that the Scrum approach, although not called Scrum at the time, was first presented as “the rugby approach” in 1986. In the Jan-Feb 1986 issue of the Harvard Business Review Takeuchi and Nonacha described this approach for the first time.5 In the article they argued that small cross-functional teams produced the best results from a historical viewpoint.

It wasn’t until 1990 however, that the rugby approach was referred to as Scrum. In 1990, DeGrace and Stahl6 highlighted this term from Takeuchi and Nonacha’s original article. The term comes from rugby originally (see Figure 3-8), where it means the quick, safe, and fair restart of a rugby game after a minor infringement or stoppage.7 This is also where the following quotation comes from:


Figure 3-8.  A real scrum!

“A scrum is formed in the field when eight players from each team, bound together in three rows for each team, close up with their opponents so that the heads of the front rows are interlocked. This creates a tunnel into which a scrum-halt throws in the ball so that front-row players can compete for possession by hooking the ball with either of their feet”.

Keep this definition in mind as we describe the development version of Scrum.

Ken Schwaber started using Scrum at his company in the early 1990s. But to be fair it was Jeff Sutherland who was the first to call it Scrum.8 Schwaber and Sutherland teamed up and presented this approach publicly in 1996 at OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications) in Austin, Texas. They collaborated to use their experience and industry best practices to refine the model so that it got its present look. Sutherland described the model in Agile Software Development with Scrum in 2001.9

Empirical Process Control

So what is this model or framework all about? First, let’s define two ways to solve different problems. We touched on the problems with projects in Chapter 1. When we have a problem that is similar time after time (like road construction, for example or implementing a standard system) we pretty much know what we have to expect of the various tasks at hand. We can then easily use a process, like the Waterfall model, perhaps, that produces acceptable quality output over and over again.10 This approach is called a defined process control.

When it comes to a more complex problem however, like building a software system, we earlier saw that the traditional models do not work. We then must use something called empirical process control according to Schwaber.11 Empirical process control has three legs to stand on:

  • Transparency
  • Inspection
  • Adaptation

“Transparency means that the aspects of the process that affect the outcome must be visible to those controlling the process.”12 This means that to be able to approve the outcome we must agree on what the criteria for the outcome are. Two persons cannot say they are “done” with a task unless they both agree what the criteria for “done” are.

The next leg is inspection. The process must be inspected as frequently as necessary to find unacceptable variances in the process. Because all inspections might lead to a need for making changes to the process itself, we also need to revise the inspections to fit the new process. To accomplish this, we need a skilled inspector that knows what he or she is inspecting.

The last leg is adaptation. We saw that an inspection might lead to a change of the process. This is one example of an adaptation. Another can be that we need to adapt the material being processed as a result of an inspection. All adaptations must be made as quickly as possible to minimize deviation further on.

Schwaber ruses the example of code review when he discusses empirical process control. “The code is reviewed against coding standards and industry best practices. Everyone involved in the review fully and mutually understands these standards and best practices. The code review occurs whenever someone feels that a section of code is complete. The most experienced developers review the code, and their comments and suggestions lead to the developer adjusting his or her code.”13 Simple isn’t it? I could not have said it better myself.

Complexity in Projects

What makes a software development process so complex anyway? We discussed it a little previously but let us dive a little bit deeper into it here. In theory it might seem pretty straightforward to build software systems. We write code that logically instructs the CPU to control the computer. I mean how hard can it be? Alas, it is not that simple I’m afraid. The persons writing the code are complex machines in themselves. They have different backgrounds, IQs, EQs, views, attitudes, and so on. Their personal life also adds to their complexity.

The requirements might also be complex and they also have a tendency to change over time. According to Schwaber a large percentage of the requirements gathered at the beginning of a software project change during the project. And 60 percent of the features we build are rarely or never used in the end. Many times in my projects several persons are responsible for the requirements at the customer. Quite often they have diverging agendas as to why and what to build. Often the stakeholders have a hard time expressing what they really want. It is when they see a first prototype of the system that they fully start to see the possibilities with the software, and only then can they begin to understand what they want.

Rarely is it the case that just one computer is involved in a system either. Interaction between several machines is mostly the case. We might have a web farm for our GUI, a cluster for our application tier, a backend SQL Server, some external web services and often a legacy system, all needing to integrate to solve the needs of the new system.

When complex things interact—as people, requirements, and technology do in a software project—the level of complexity increases greatly. So it is safe to say that we don’t have any simple software problems anymore. They are all complex. Schwaber realizes this as well, and in Figure 3-9 we can see his complexity assessment graph.


Figure 3-9.  Schwaber’s complexity graph

The projects in the anarchy area are chaotic and unworkable. To get them to reach their finish lines we probably need to resolve serious issues before even starting the project.

What Scrum tries to do is address this inherent complexity by implementing inspection, adaptation, and visibility as we previously saw in empirical process control . Scrum does so by having simple practices and rules, as you will now see.

What Scrum Is

Scrum is a powerful, iterative, and incremental process. Many get fooled by its perceived simplicity, but keep in mind that Scrum can handle CMMI at level 5, which not many other processes can do. Figure 3-10 shows the skeleton of the Scrum model to which we attach the rules and practices. Each iteration consists of several daily inspections.


Figure 3-10.  The Scrum skeleton

During these inspections, team members evaluate each other’s work and the activities performed since the last inspection. If necessary adjustments (adaptation) are found they are implemented as quickly as possible. The iterations also conclude with inspections when more adaptations can be made. This cycle repeats until it is no longer funded.

All the requirements that are known at the beginning of the project are gathered in the product backlog, which is one of the artifacts of Scrum. We will soon come back to this. The project team reviews the backlog and selects which requirements should be included in the first iteration, or sprint as it is called in Scrum. These selected requirements are added to the sprint backlog where they are broken down into more detailed items. The team then makes their best effort to turn the sprint backlog into a shippable increment of the final product. The team is self-managing, which means they collectively decide who does what and what is the best way to solve the problems.

The increment is presented to the stakeholder(s) at the end of the sprint so they can inspect it and make any adaptations necessary to the project. The sprint is most often 30 days, although often I have seen sprints somewhere between 2-4 weeks in many projects. It depends a bit on the sprint backlog items. When I took my Scrum master certification, Ken Schwaber related that he once had had to have a one-week sprint in a project. The reason for this was that the team malfunctioned and this way he could more easily catch the reason for this and adjust the process so that the project ran more smoothly.

The stakeholder’s adaptations and feedback are put into the product backlog and prioritized again. Then the team starts the process all over again and selects the backlog items they think they can finish during the next sprint. These are put into the sprint backlog for the next sprint and broken down to more manageable items. And so it continues until the stakeholder thinks they have received the business value they wanted and funding stops.

If we look at the three legs of empirical process control again we can see that Scrum covers them nicely. Transparency is implemented by letting the team and stakeholders agree on what is the expected outcome of the project and of each iteration. Inspection occurs daily and also at the end of each sprint. Adaptations are the direct result of these inspections and a necessary thing in Scrum.

The Roles in Scrum

There are different roles in Scrum just as there are in all previously mentioned models. But the difference is that Scrum has fewer roles, which are not defined in the same strict way as in the others. Scrum has the three roles:

  • The product owner
  • The team
  • The Scrum master

The Product Owner

Let’s start with the product owner. He or she is responsible to those funding the project to deliver a product or a system that gives the best Return On Investment (ROI) they could get from the project. The product owner must acquire the initial funding of the project and also make sure it is funded through its lifespan. The product owner represents everyone with a stake in the project and its result. At the beginning of a project the product owner gathers the initial requirements and puts these into the project backlog. It is the product owner who ultimately decides which requirements have the highest priority based on ROI or business value (for example) and decides into which sprint they should go. During the project the product owner inspects the project and prioritizes the product backlog and sprint backlogs so that the stakeholders’ needs are met.

The Team

The team is responsible for the development. There are no specific roles in the team. Because the team is cross-functional and self-organizing it is their responsibility to make sure they have the competencies and staff they need for solving the problems. So it is not the scrum master who decides who does what and when, as a project manager would do in a traditional approach. These are some of the reasons behind this thought, as taught by Ken Schwaber in his scrum master course:

  • People are most productive when they manage themselves;
  • People take their commitment more seriously than other people’s commitment for them (like when a project manager commits that the person should accomplish something);
  • People have many creative moments during down time;
  • People always do the best they can; and,
  • Under pressure to work harder, developers automatically and increasingly reduce quality.

The team should be seven persons plus or minus two for optimal result. A logical team consists of one programmer, one tester, a half time analyst/designer, and a half time technical writer. The optimal physical team has 2.5 logical teams. The team decides which items in the backlog they can manage for each sprint based on the prioritized backlog. This whole thinking is a giant leap from traditional project management and takes some getting used to. Some persons do not accept this and find it impossible to work this way.

The Scrum Master

The scrum master is responsible for the Scrum process and has to make sure everybody in the team, the product owner, or anyone else involved in the project knows and understands the process. The scrum master makes sure that everyone follows the rules and practices of the Scrum process. So the scrum master does not manage the team, the team is as we saw self-managing.

If a conflict occurs in the team, the scrum master should be the “oil” that helps the team work out their problems smoothly. It is also the scrum master’s responsibility to protect the team from the outside world so that they can work in peace and quiet during the sprint, focused on delivering business value. The following lists the scrum master responsibilities again according to Ken Schwaber’s course material:

  • Removing the barriers between development and the customer so the customer directly drives development;
  • Teaching the customer how to maximize ROI and meet their objectives through Scrum;
  • Improving the lives of the development team by facilitating creativity and empowerment;
  • Improving the productivity of the development team in any way possible; and,
  • Improving the engineering practices and tools so each increment of functionality is potentially shippable.

The Scrum Process

Now that we know the basics of Scrum it is time to take a look at what happens during a Scrum project.

The product owner, after arranging initial funding for the project, puts together the product backlog by gathering functional as well as non-functional requirements. The focus is to turn the product backlog into functionality and it is prioritized so that the requirements giving the greatest business value or having the highest risk come first. Remember that this approach is a value-up paradigm where we set business value first.

image Note  Value up measures value delivered at each point in time and treats the inputs as variable flows rather than a fixed stock. If you want to learn more about this, please see Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System by Sam Guckenheimer, Addison Wesley, 2006.

Then the product backlog is divided into suggested releases (if necessary), which should be possible to implement immediately. This means that when a release is finished we should be able to put it into production at once so that we can start getting the business value as quickly as possible. We do not have to wait until the whole project is done until we can start getting return on our stakeholder’s investments.

Because the Scrum process is an adaptive process, this is just the starting point. The product backlog and the priorities change during the project as business requirements change and also depending on how well the team succeeds in producing functionality. The constant inspections also affect the process.

When a sprint is starting, it initiates with a sprint planning meeting. At this meeting the product owner and the team decides, based on the product owner’s prioritization, what will be done during this sprint. The items selected from the product backlog are put into the sprint backlog.

The sprint planning meeting is time-boxed and cannot last more than eight hours. The reason for this strict time-box is that the team wants to avoid too much paperwork about what should be done.

The meeting has two parts. The first four hours are spent with the team and the product owner, where the latter presents the highest priority product backlog issues and the team questions him/her about them so that they know what the requirements mean. The next four hours are used by the team so that they can plan the sprint and break down the selected product backlog items into the sprint backlog.

When the project is rolling, each day starts with a 15-minute daily scrum or stand up meeting (see Figure 3-11). This is the 24-hour inspection. During this meeting each team member answers three questions:


Figure 3-11.  The sprint in Scrum

  • What have you done since the last daily scrum meeting?
  • What do you plan to do on this project until the next daily scrum (your commitments)?
  • What impediments are in the way of you meeting your commitments toward this sprint and this project?

The reason for this meeting is to catch problems and hence be able to make timely adjustments to the process. It is the scrum master’s responsibility to help the team members get rid of any impediments they may have.

When a sprint comes to an end a sprint review is held. This meeting is also time-boxed, but at four hours instead of eight. The product owner and the stakeholders can get a chance to see what the team has produced during the sprint and reflect on this. But it is important to remember that this meeting is not a demonstration, it is a collaborative meeting between the persons involved.

Now there is only one meeting left; the sprint retrospective. The sprint retrospective takes place between the sprint review and the next sprint planning meeting. It is time-boxed at three hours. The scrum master encourages the team to adjust the development process, still within the Scrum process and practices framework boundaries, so that the process can be more effective for the next sprint.

What happens if we have a larger project than one with only a team of approximately seven persons? Can Scrum scale to handle this? According to Mike Cohn in an article on the Scrum alliance web site,14 we can use a process called scrum of scrums:

“The scrum of scrums meeting is an important technique in scaling Scrum to large project teams. These meetings allow clusters of teams to discuss their work, focusing especially on areas of overlap and integration. Imagine a perfectly balanced project comprising seven teams each with seven team members. Each of the seven teams would conduct (simultaneously or sequentially) its own daily scrum meeting. Each team would then designate one person to also attend a scrum of scrums meeting. The decision of who to send should belong to the team. Usually the person chosen should be a technical contributor on the team—a programmer, tester, database administrator, designer, and so on—rather than a product owner or ScrumMaster”.

By using this technique we can scale Scrum infinitely, at least in theory.

That’s basically it. Scrum is a lean process and appeals a great deal to us. One of the authors (Rossberg) has had the privilege to do his scrum master certification during a course held by Ken Schwaber and this was a very uplifting experience. Unfortunately, some customers or stakeholders can find Scrum a bit vague, so they won’t try it. They think they have more control the way they used to run projects and are perhaps a bit afraid to embrace this modern way of doing projects. This still has not changed over the years, although more and more people we meet have seen what scrum and agile can do to help them run better projects.

Some even think that documentation and planning are not necessary in Scrum. Developers like this idea because they don’t want to write documents, while stakeholders tremble at the thought. But nothing could be further from the truth. Scrum does not say we do not document or plan. The contrary is true. Planning, for instance, is done every day, during the daily scrum (see Figure 3-12). Documents should also be written, but we scale away documents that are not necessary—documents that are produced only for the sake of documentation and almost never are read after they are produced. We document what is needed for the system and the project. We document our code; we document traceability, and so on.


Figure 3-12.  Planning in Scrum

We have found that some companies think they are using Scrum just because they develop iteratively. In many cases they have changed the Scrum process so that it will not help them solve their development problems, problems that are clearly visible in a true Scrum project. Instead they have used Scrum as make-up covering the bad spots and when the project still fails, they argue that Scrum doesn’t work either, we still do not deliver value, or still have over runs, and so on. So when implementing Scrum follow the process and framework, adjust the organization to Scrum not the Scrum process to the organization.

How about architecture, the IT architect shouts. Don’t we need to set the architecture before we start coding? Well, no! Scrum uses the concept of emerging architecture, which means we do a base architecture during the first sprint. This is evolved and built upon as the sprints continue. So the architecture is emerging as we go along, giving us agility in this concept as well.

When a customer is hesitating, we must use our most persuasive skills to get them to at least do a pilot on a project and see how it goes. It is our firm belief that most will be pleasantly surprised afterward. When they see that they get a product better meeting their requirements and giving better ROI in a shorter time than traditional projects, they usually melt.

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Before moving on, we want to say a few words about Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). One of the implementations of the process templates in TFS uses CMMI as a basis, so you need to know more about CMMI before we see Microsofts implementation. CMMI is a way an organization can implement process improvement and measure the level of maturity of a process (

CMMI is a process improvement approach whose goal is to help organizations improve their performance across a project, a division, or an entire organization. The model helps integrate traditionally separate organizational functions, set process improvement goals and priorities, provide guidance for quality processes, and provide a point of reference for appraising current processes.

CMMI-DEV contains four process areas (PA) categories, each of which has one to four goals; each goal is composed of practices and there are 22 practices in all. These goals and practices are called specific goals and practices, as they describe activities that are specific to a single process area. An additional set of goals and practices applies across all the process areas; this set is called generic goals and practices.

The CMMI levels of maturity are based on Philip Crosby’s manufacturing model.15 The following levels exist:

  • Level 0: Incomplete process.
  • Level 1: Performed process. Little or no control of the process. The project outcome is unpredictable and reactive. All the process areas for performed process have been implemented and work gets done. However, the planning and implementation of process have not yet been implemented.
  • Level 2: Managed process. The organization has satisfied all requirements for implementing managed processes. Work is implemented by skilled employees according to policies.
  • Level 3 Defined process. At this level a set of standard processes within the organization can be adapted according to specific needs.
  • Level 4: Qualitatively managed process. All aspects of a project are qualitatively measured and controlled. Both the operational as well as the project processes are within normal control limits.
  • Level 5: Optimizing process. At this level there is a continuous project improvement. CMMI level 5 focus on constant process improvement and also on reducing common cause variation.


This chapter focused on describing some development frameworks you can use for your development processes. Even though we suggest you consider using Scrum or any agile method, we discuss the others here as well, so that you can compare and make a decision for yourself.

Choosing the process model is important because it affects the outcome of a project. So before implementing Team Foundation Server please consider this topic and do not rush into the templates that Microsoft provides just because they are included out of the box. The templates can be used as a start, but Microsoft encourages you to change these templates to fit your organization as well. However, remember that in a truly agile manner always be prepared to change and adjust your process template, no matter which process you choose. Start with a pilot project and go from there.

1 Winston W. Royce, “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems,” 1970, Proceeding, ICSE ‘87 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Software Engineering

2 Steve McConnell, Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules, (Microsoft Press, 1996).

3 Barry Boehm, “A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement,” ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 11 Issue 4, August 1986

4 Rational Unified Process: Best Practices for Software Development Teams,

5 Takeuchi and Nonacha, Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb 1986, (

6 DeGrace and Stahl, “Wicked Problems, Righteous Solutions,” 1990,


8 Jeff Sutherland, “Agile Development: Lessons Learned from the First Scrum,” 35, 2004.

9 Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle, Agile Software Development with Scrum, (Prentice Hall, 2001).

10 Ken Schwaber, The Enterprise and Scrum, 2007

11 Ibid.

12 Ibid.

13 Ibid.

14 (

15 Philip Crosby, Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain, McGraw-Hill, 1979.

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