
images  A


Agile project management

    ALM assessment



    Kangreen organization

        code sharing

        high-level organizational chart

        pilot project

        psychologists, software


    project startup phase

        available time calculation

        backlog building

        backlog grooming

        backlog items, adding

        backlog order updating

        capacity planning



        expense report project


        initial sprint planning


        Poker Planning/Story Points

        project cost

        release planning


        risk assessment

        team building

        time plan


        work item removal


    scrum (see Scrum)


        backlog grooming

        daily scrum

        planning meeting

        reports and queries



Agile testing process

    acceptance criteria


        capability tests Q4

        exploratory testing Q3

        functional tests Q2

        unit and component tests Q1


        automated testing strategy

        test proportion

        test specification and matrix

    platform support

Architecture explorer

    class view

    dependency graphs

        complex code identification

        containment relationships


        projects and file types

        sample graph

    solution view

Automated testing

    coded UI tests

        action recording


        associated automation tab

        code generated

        command line, TCM

        core elements


        map editor


        supported platforms

        test case

        test explorer

        test plan

        TFS build

        unit tests


        Visual Studio project creation

    supported test type, Visual Studio 2012

    test environment

        controller installation


        test agent installation

        test controller registers

        Visual Studio lab management


        query-based suite, MTM

        test case

    web performance test

        add behavior logic

        add validation rule

        counter set

        execution result

        load pattern

        load test designer, Visual Studio

        load test running

        load test scenarios

        network and browser mix

        request details configuration

        run settings


        test mix pattern

        Visual Studio test designer

        web test recorder

images  B

Build automation

    build explorer


        advanced parameters

        basic parameters

        default templates

        high-level activities

        required parameters

    continuous integration


        gated check-in builds

        nightly build changes

        running private build


        build definition (see Build definition)

        continuous integration

        Visual Studio team explorer


        build process template (see Build process template)

        built-in build activities

        TFS build extensions


        code activity

        solution development

        XAML activity


        build notifications

        team explorer and web access favorites

    hosted TFS

    logging in




    TFS build architecture

        build agent installation

        build controller installation

        build service installation


        high-level process

        logical setup

    web Access

Business environment

    collaboration gap


    geographic spread


    organization, development process


    project health


        goal fulfillment

        time, delivery

    project size

    tools synchronization

images  C

Class diagrams, UML

    Expense Report class



    modeling elements



Code coverage



    to project





Continuous integration (CI)

    agile development


        build automation

        database integration




        testing process





        rules and recommendations

images  D

Data warehouse model

    build quality

        build changeset tables

        build coverage tables

        build details tables

        build project tables

    current work item tables

    developer practice

    software testing

        test results data model

        test run coverage data model

    work item

        catagory tables

        changeset tables

        history tables

        link history tables

        test result tables


    build-deploy-test process

    build-deploy-test (BDT) workflow

        build definition

        build report


        configuration dialog

        lab build template see Lab build template)


        Lab Management environment


        test plan


        Visual Studio 2012 Lab Manager



    running automated tests

        build server

        test environment

        test failure



    Windows Azure

Developer practices

    ALM assessment questions

    custom reporting


        code analysis warning

        code coverage

        code metrics

        compiler warnings

    quality indicators report

images  E, F, G

images  H

images  I, J

images  K

images  L

Layer diagrams

    code mapping


    dependencies viewing


    sharing models


        architecture template creation

        in local build

        manual validation

        TFS build

images  M

Microsoft Feedback Client

    email alerts

    feedback recording

    feedback request

        feedback session


        remote machine selection

        stakeholder selection

        web access page

Microsoft test manager (MTM)

    automated testing

    bug creation

    build definition

    fast-forward playback

    manual testing process

    running tests


        assign build

        builds integration

        data collection

        exploratory tests


        recommended tests

        test runner

        Visual Studio setting

    test cases designing

        acceptance criteria


        formatted steps

        grouping and adding fields

        moving on


        sprint 1 test plan

        suite status


        test configurations

        tested backlog items tab

        tester assign

    test plan



        moving on


        query-based suite

        requirement category and sprint 1

        requirements-based suite

        sprint 1 complete structure

        static suite

    TFS artifacts

    TFS connection

    verifying bugs

images  N

images  O

images  P, Q

Process template customization

    areas and iterations

    Process Template Editor

    Process Template Manager


    Team Explorer

    work item





    XML files modification


    event-based profilers

    instrumenting profilers


    statistical profilers

    Visual Studio 2012



        .NET memory

        performance analysis report

        performance comparison reports

        performance session function details

        performance wizard

        profiling session


        tier interaction

images  R



    release notes (see Release notes)

    software development process

    standard report

        build quality indicators

        build success over time report

        build summary report

    versioning (see Versioning)

Release notes


    technical writers

    Visual Studio 2012

        build report

        Excel and TFS data warehouse


        TFS build extensions build notes

images  S





    empirical process control




    product backlog



        development team

        product owner

        scrum master

    rugby approach





        planning meeting




        reports and queries

        web access and portal

        work item types



Software testing

    ALM assessment questions

    custom reporting


    standard reports

        bug status report

        bug trend report

        reactivations report

        test case readiness report

        test plan progress report

SQL server report


        business users

        complete report

        data source

        mapping fields to areas

        query design

        SQL server report builder 3.0 installation

        table or matrix wizard



        data sources

        query designer

        reporting services report creation

        SQL server business intelligence studio installation

images  T

Team explorer everywhere (TEE)

    Ant and Maven 2 builds


    Eclipse environment

        pending changes menu

        project settings

        software installation

        source control options

        team explorer

        team menu

        work item queries

        work item view



    team foundation server

        closing process

        collection and team projects



        share project selection

        workspace selection

Team foundation server (TFS)




        command-line tool


        email alerts enable

        maintenance and operations

        management console

        SQL Server and SharePoint

        web features enable

        windows server security

    agile project management (see Agile project management)


        logical application tier (see Logical application tier)

        logical data tier

        optional components, separate servers

        team foundation client tier

    branch hierarchy



        agent installation


        controller installation


        high-level process

        logical setup

        service installation

    changeset tracking




        hosted build service

        process templates


        source control


        work-item tracking


    community TFS build manager tool

    development tool


    feedback tracking (see Microsoft Feedback Client)

    functions and services

    heart of

    implementation planning

        complex implementation

        medium implementation

        physical server location

        ports and network protocols

        service accounts

        simple implementation

        system requirements


        advanced configuration



        configuration center

        setup page

    integrated development environment integration

    Merge tool

    Merge Wizard

    Microsoft ecosystem

    Microsoft office

    My Work view

    new branch creation

    parallel development

    power tools

    PreEmptive analytics (PA)

    process template


    reporting (see Reporting, TFS)

    source control

        annotate tool


        check-in policies

        check-out settings

        conflict resolution

        diff and merge tools


        Get operation

        Get Specific dialog



        pending changes



        team explorer

        Visual Studio environment settings


    team foundation build


        build management

        high-level processes automation

        release management

        version control

        work items

    track action


        enabling features

        keep existing hardware

        new hardware

    version control, logical topology


    Visual Studio 2012 editions

    Visual Studio 2012 suite

    Web Access product

    web client

    Windows Azure platform (see Windows Azure platform)

    work item tracking system (see Work item tracking system)

images  U

Unified Modeling Language (UML)



    Visual Studio 2012

        activity diagram

        class diagram (see Class diagrams, UML)

        component diagrams

        Model Explorer

        sequence diagrams

        TFS 2012

        toolbox with symbols

        use case diagram

images  V




        single branch pattern

        TFS branching and merging guide

        typical branch pattern


    test cases


        existing test plan

    work items

Visual Studio 2012

    build report


    Excel and TFS data warehouse

    Lab Manager





        .NET memory

        performance analysis report

        performance comparison reports

        performance session function details

        performance wizard

        profiling session


        tier interaction

    release management


    supported test type

    test lab management features

    TFS build extensions build notes


        activity diagram

        class diagram (see Class diagrams, UML)

        component diagrams

        Model Explorer

        sequence diagrams

        TFS 2012

        toolbox with symbols

        use case diagram

Visual Studio lab management


    automated testing

        command line


        test case

        test plan


        automated testing environments

        build-deploy-test workflow

        cloning environment

        improved manual testing

        network isolation



        test agent

        test controller

    Kangreen lab

        hyper-V and SCVMM

        SCVMM environment

        standard environment

        template creation, SCVMM

        test controller

        TFS configuration


    lab environment



        properties and definition


        standard environment

        test settings for


    manual testing

        environment selection

        environment setting

        environment viewer, test runner

        snapshot test

        test plan

images  W, X, Y, Z

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