Day 11 It’s an Analog World

The Plan

We live in an analog world. Temperature, humidity, and pressure but also voltages and currents are analog. If we want our embedded-control applications to interact with the outside world, we need to learn to interpret analog information and convert it to digital so that a microcontroller can elaborate it and possibly produce an analog output again. The analog-to-digital converter module is one of the key interfaces to the “real” world. The PIC32MX family was designed with embedded-control applications in mind and therefore is ideally prepared to deal with the analog nature of this world. A fast analog-to-digital converter (ADC), capable of 500,000 conversions per second, is available on all models with an input multiplexer that allows you to monitor a number of analog inputs quickly and with high resolution. In this lesson we will learn how to use the 10-bit ADC module available on the PIC32MX family to perform two simple measurements on the Explorer 16 board: reading a voltage input from a potentiometer first and a voltage input from a temperature sensor later.


In addition to the usual software tools, including the MPLAB® IDE, the MPLAB C32 compiler, and the MPLAB SIM simulator, this lesson will require the use of the Explorer 16 demonstration board and the In-Circuit Debugger of your choice.

The Exploration

The first step in using the ADC, like any other peripheral module inside the PIC32, is to familiarize yourself with the module building blocks and the key control registers.

Yes, this means reading the datasheet once more, and even the Explorer 16 User Guide, to find out the schematics.

We can start by looking at the ADC module block diagram (see Figure 11.1 ).


Figure 11.1 Ten-bit high-speed ADC block diagram.

This is a pretty sophisticated structure that offers many interesting capabilities:

• Up to 16 input pins can be used to receive the analog inputs.
• Two input multiplexers can be used to select different input analog channels and different reference sources each.
• The output of the 10-bit converter can be formatted for integer or fixed-point arithmetic, signed or unsigned, 16-bit and 32-bit output.
• The control logic allows for many possible automated conversion sequences to synchronize the process to the activity of other related modules and inputs.
• The conversion output is stored in a 32-bit-wide, 16-words-deep buffer that can be configured for sequential scanning or simple FIFO buffering.

All these capabilities require a number of control registers to be properly configured, and I understand how, especially at the beginning, the number of options available and decisions to take could make you a bit dizzy. So we will start by taking the shortest and simplest approach with the simplest example application: reading the position of the R6 potentiometer on the Explorer 16 board.


Figure 11.2 Detail of the Explorer 16 demonstration board R6 potentiometer.

The 10 k Ohm potentiometer is directly connected to the power supply rails so that its output can span the entire range of values from 3.3 V to the ground reference. It is connected to the RB5 pin that corresponds to the analog input AN5 of the ADC input multiplexer.

After creating a new project using the appropriate checklist, we can create a new source file pot.c, including the usual header file and adding the definition of a couple useful constants. The first one, POT, defines the input channel assigned to the potentiometer; the second one, AINPUTS, is a mask that will help us define which inputs should be treated as analog and which ones as digital:


The actual initialization of all the ADC control registers can be best performed by a short function, initADC(), that will produce the desired initial configuration:

AD1PCFG will be passed the mask selecting the analog input channels: 0s will mark the analog inputs, 1 s will configure the respective pins as digital inputs.
AD1CON1 will set the conversion to start automatically, triggered by the completion of the auto-timed sampling phase. Also, the output will be formatted for a simple unsigned, right-aligned (integer) value.
AD1CSSL will be cleared because no scanning function will be used (only one input).
AD1CON2 will select the use of MUXA and will connect the ADC reference inputs to the analog input rails AVdd and AVss pins.
AD1CON3 will select the conversion clock source and divider.
• Finally we set ADON, and the entire ADC peripheral will be activated and ready for use.



By keeping amask as a parameter to the initialization routine, we make it flexible so it’s able to accept different (multiple) input channels in future applications.


As for all other peripheral modules found inside the PIC32, a corresponding peripheral library (adc.h) offers a set of functions and macros that are supposed to simplify or at least make the code that accesses the ADC module more readable. Because of the great flexibility of the ADC module, it is my very personal opinion that it is best if you familiarize yourself first with the low-level details of its operation by directly accessing the few control registers rather than seeking early refuge in the peripheral library.

The First Conversion

The actual analog-to-digital conversion is a two-step process. First we need to take a sample of the input voltage signal; then we can disconnect the input and perform the actual conversion of the sampled voltage to a digital value. The two distinct phases are controlled by two separate control bits in the AD1CON1 register: SAMP and DONE. The timing of the two phases is important to provide the necessary accuracy of the measurement:

• During the sampling phase, the external signal is connected to an internal capacitor that needs to be charged up to the input voltage. Enough time must be provided for the capacitor to track the input voltage, and this time is mainly proportional to the impedance of the input signal source (in our case, known to be 10 k Ohm) as well as the internal capacitor value. In general, the longer the sampling time, the better the result, compatible with the input signal frequency (not an issue in our case).
• The conversion phase timing depends on the selected ADC clock source. This is derived by the peripheral bus clock signal via a divider or, alternatively, by a dedicated RC oscillator. The RC option, although appealing for its simplicity, is a good choice when a conversion needs to be performed when the PIC32 is in a low-power mode, when the peripheral clock can be turned off. The oscillator clock divider on the other end is a better option in more general cases since it provides synchronous operation with the peripheral bus and therefore a better rejection of the internal noise. The conversion clock should be the fastest possible, compatibly with the specifications of the ADC module.

Here is a basic conversion routine:


Automating Sampling Timing

As you can see, using this basic method, we have been responsible for providing the exact timing of the sampling phase, dedicating a timer to this task and performing two waiting loops. But on the PIC32 ADC module, the sampling phase can be self-timed up to a maximum of 32 × Tad periods. Whether we can use this feature or not will depend ultimately on the product of the source impedance and the ADC input capacitance. By setting the SSRC bits in the AD1CON1 register to the 0x7 configuration, we can enable an automatic start of conversion upon termination of the self-timed sampling period. The sampling period itself is selected by the AD1CON3 register SAM bits. Here is a new and improved example that uses the self-timed sampling and conversion trigger:


Notice how making the conversion-start, triggered automatically by the completion of the self-timed sampling phase, gives us two advantages:

• Proper timing of the sampling phase is guaranteed without requiring us to use any timed delay loop and/or other resource.
• One command (start of the sample phase) suffices to complete the entire sampling and conversion sequence.

With the ADC so configured, starting a conversion and reading the output is a trivial matter:

AD1CHS selects the input channel for MUXA.
• Setting the SAMP bit in AD1CON1 starts the timed-sampling phase, immediately followed by the conversion.
• The DONE bit will be set in the AD1CON1 register as soon as the entire sequence is completed and a result is ready.
• Reading the ADC1BUF0 register will immediately return the desired conversion result.


Developing a Demo

All that remains to do at this point is to figure out an entertaining way to put the converted value to use on the Explorer 16 demo board. The LEDs connected to PORTA are an intriguing choice, but those of you using a PIC32 Starter Kit would not be able to enjoy the experience, since most of the PORTA pins would be tied up by the JTAG port. Instead we will use the LCD library developed in the previous chapter to display a blocky bar graph. Yes, we could use the nice and smooth progress bar developed in the previous chapter (Day 10) but I don’t want you to get distracted by the details. Here is the main routine we will use to test our analog-to-digital conversion functions:


After the call to the ADC initialization routine, we can initialize the LCD display module. Then in the main loop we perform the conversion on AN5 and we reformat the output to fit our special display requirements. As configured, the 10-bit conversion output will be returned as a right-aligned integer in a range of values between 0 and 1023. By dividing that value by 64 (or, in other words, shifting it right six times) we can reduce the range to a 0 to 15 value. Printing the resulting number of “bricks” gives a blocky bar whose length is proportional to the position of the potentiometer.

Remember to add an #include < > statement for the LCD.h library and add to the project source files list both the explore.c and LCDlib.c modules we placed in the lib directory.

Build the project and, following the usual In Circuit Debugging checklist, program the Explorer 16 board. If all goes well, you will be able to play with the potentiometer, moving it from side to side while observing a bar of 16 blocks moving from left to right correspondingly.

Creating Our Own Mini ADC Library

We will use over and over the two simple routines that initialize the ADC module and perform a single self-timed conversion. Let’s separate them into a standalone small library called ADClib.c that we will add to our new collection inside the lib directory.


Similarly we can isolate the include file LCD.h that offers the basic set of definitions and prototypes required to access the library functions. We will save it in the include directory.


Simple enough. We are ready to proceed with more fun and games!

Fun and Games

Okay, I’ll admit it, the previous project was not too exciting. After all, we have been using a 32-bit machine operating at 72 MHz, capable of performing a 10-bit analog-to-digital conversion several hundred thousands of times per second, only to discard all but 4 bits of the conversion result and watch a blocky bar moving on an LCD display. How about making it a bit more challenging and playful instead? How about developing a monodimensional Pac-Man game, or should we call it the “Pot-Man” game?

If you remember the old Pac-Man game—please don’t tell me you never heard of it, but if you really have to, check the link to a Wikipedia entry at the end of this chapter—there is a hungry little “thing,” the Pac, that roams a two-dimensional labyrinth in a desperate search for food. Now, with a little fantasy, we can imagine a monodimensional reduction of the game, where the Pac is represented by a single < or > character, depending on the direction of movement. It is limited to a left/right movement on a line of the LCD display as it is controlled by the potentiometer position. Bits of food are represented by a * character and are placed randomly, one at a time, on the same line. As soon as the Pac reaches a piece of food, it gulps it and moves on, and a new piece is placed in a different location.

Once more, the pseudo-random number generator function rand() (defined in stdlib.h) will be very helpful here. All games need a certain degree of unpredictability, and pseudo-random number generators are the way computer games provide it in a world of logic and otherwise infinite repetition.

We can start by modifying the previous project code or typing away from scratch a brand-new Pot-Man.c file. A new project needs to be created, and I suggest we call it simply POT. Just a few more lines of code are truly needed to perform the simple animation:



• In 1, we perform the usual initialization of the ADC module and the LCD display.
• In 2, we read the potentiometer value for the first time and we use its position as the seed value for the pseudo-random number generator. This makes the game experience truly unique each time, provided the potentiometer is not always found in the leftmost or rightmost position. That would provide a seed value of 0 or 1023, respectively, every time and therefore would make the game quite repetitive because the pseudo-random sequence would proceed through exactly the same steps at any game restart.
• In 3, we assign a first arbitrary direction to the Pac.
• In 4, we determine a first random position for the first bit of food.
• In 5, we are already inside the main loop checking for the latest position of the potentiometer cursor.
• In 6, we reduce the integer 10-bit value to the four most significant bits to obtain a value between 0 and 15.
• In 7, we compare the new position with the previous loop position to determine which way the mouth of the Pac should be facing. If the ADC reading has reduced, it means we moved the potentiometer counter-clockwise. Hence we will make the Pac turn to the left. Vice versa, if the ADC reading has increased compared to the previous loop value, the potentiometer must have been turned clockwise, and we’d better turn the Pac to the right.
• In 8, we compare the new position of the Pac—the ADC reading—with the food position and, if the two coincide (the Pac got his lunch), a new random food position is immediately calculated. The operation needs to be repeated in a while loop because each time a new random value (r) is calculated, there is a chance (exactly 1/16 if our pseudo-random generator is a good one) that the new value could be just the same. In other words, we could be creating a new “food nibblet” right in the Pac’s mouth. Now we don’t want that—it would not be very sporting, don’t you agree?
• Finally, in 9, we get to clean the display content and then place the two symbols for the Pac and the food piece in their respective positions.
• In 10, we close the loop with a short delay and save the Pac’s position for the next loop to compare.

Don’t forget to include in the project the LCDlib.c, ADClib.c, and Explore.c files found in the lib directory. Build the project and program it onto the Explorer 16 board. You will have to admit it: Analog-to-digital conversions are so much more entertaining now!

Sensing Temperature

Moving on to more serious things, there is a temperature sensor mounted on the Explorer 16 board, and it happens to be a Microchip TC1047A integrated temperature-sensing device with a nice linear voltage output. This device is very small, it is offered in a SOT-23 (three-pin, surface-mount) package. The power consumption is limited to 35uA (typ.) while the power supply can cover the entire range from 2.5 V to 5.5 V. The output voltage is independent from the power supply and is an extremely linear function of the temperature (typically within 0.5 degree C) with a slope of exactly 10mV/C. The offset is adjusted to provide an absolute temperature indication according to the formula shown in Figure 11.3.


Figure 11.3 TC1047 output voltage vs. temperature characteristics.

We can apply our newly acquired abilities to convert the voltage output to digital information using, once more, the ADC of the PIC32. The temperature sensor is directly connected to the AN4 analog input channel as per the Explorer 16 board schematic (see Figure 11.4 ).


Figure 11.4 Detail of the Explorer 16 demonstration board TC1047A temperature sensor.

We can reuse the ADC library developed for the previous exercise and put it in a new project called TEMP, saving the previous source file as Temp.c.

Let’s start modifying the code to include a new constant definition: TSENS for the ADC input channel assigned to the temperature sensor.



As you can see, nothing else needed to change with regard to the ADC configuration or activation of the conversion sequence. Presenting the result on the LCD display might be a little tricky, though. Temperature sensors provide a certain level of noise, and to give a more stable reading it is common to perform a little filtering. Taking groups of 10 samples over a period of a second, for example, and performing an average will give us a cleaner value to work with.


Referring to the formula in Figure 11.3, we can now calculate the absolute temperature value as measured by the TC1047 on the Explorer 16 board. In fact, resolving for the temperature in degrees C, we obtain:




Since we have configured the PIC32 ADC module to use as an internal voltage reference the AVdd line connected to Vdd (3.3 V), and knowing it operates as a 10-bit, we derive that the ADC resolution is 3.3 mV/bit. Hence the temperature can be expressed as:


We could easily print the resulting absolute temperature on the LCD display, but it would not be fun, would it? How about providing instead a relative temperature indication using a single character (cursor) position as an index, or even better, how about using the temperature as a way to control the monodimensional Pac-Man game we developed in the previous project? We could heat the sensor by breathing hot air onto the sensor to move it to the right or blowing cold air on it to move it to left.

From a practical point of view, it seems easy to implement. We can sample the initial temperature value just before the main loop and then use it as a reference to determine an offset for the Pac position relative to the center of the display. In the main loop we will update the cursor position, moving it to the right as the sensed temperature increases or to the left as the sensed temperature decreases. Here is the complete code for the new Temp-Man game, or should we call it the Breathalyzer game instead?



You will notice how most of the code has remained absolutely identical to our previous project/game. The only notable differences are found in the following sections:

• In 3 and in 4, we use a simple average of 10 values taken over a period of a second instead of a single instantaneous reading.
• In 5, we compute the temperature difference and use it as an offset with respect to the center position (7).
• In 6, we check for boundaries. Once the difference becomes negative and more than 4 bits wide, the display must simply indicate the leftmost position. When the difference is positive and more than 4 bits wide, the rightmost position must be used.
• In 10, we don’t need further delays because the temperature reading and averaging already provide already a natural pace to the game.

Build the project with the usual checklists, remembering to include all the libraries required. Program it to the Explorer 16 board using the In-Circuit debugger of choice and give it a try.

The first problem you will encounter will be to identify the minuscule temperature sensor on the board. (Hint: It is close to the lower-left corner of the processor module and it looks just like any surface-mount transistor). The second immediate problem will be to find the right way to breathe on the board to produce warm or cold air as required to move the Pac. It is more complex than it might appear. In fact, personally, I found the cooling part to be the hardest; some friends are suggesting that this might be a problem related to my current position. If you work in marketing, they say, it’s just hot air!


In this lesson we have just started scratching the surface and exploring the possibilities provided by the ADC module of the PIC32. We have used one simple configuration of the many possible and only a few of the advanced features available. We have tested our newly acquired capabilities with two types of analog input available on the Explorer 16 board, and hopefully we had some fun in the process.

Notes for the PIC24 Experts

The ADC module of the PIC32 is mostly identical to the PIC24 peripheral, yet some important enhancements have been included in its design. Here are the major differences that will affect your code while porting an application to the PIC32:

1. In the AD1CON1 register, the conversion format options are now extended to a 32-bit fractional word.
2. The CLRASAM control bit has been added to the AD1CON1 register to allow the conversion sequence to be stopped after the first interrupt.
3. In the AD1CON2 register a new autocalibration mode has been added to reduce the ADC offset. The OFFCAL control bit has been added to enter the calibration mode.
4. The AD1CHS register control bits are now in the upper half of the register 32-bit word. There is also a single CH0NB0 control bit for the selection of the negative input of the second input multiplexer.

Tips & Tricks

If the sampling time required is longer than the maximum available option (32×Tad), you can try to extend Tad first or, a better option, swap things around and enable the automatic sampling start (at the end of the conversion). This way the sampling circuit is always open, charging, whenever the conversion is not occurring. Manually clearing the SAMP bit will trigger the actual conversion start. Further, having Timer3 periodically clearing the SAMP control bit for you (one of the options for the SSRC bits in AD1CON1) and enabling the ADC end of conversion interrupt will provide the widest choice of sampling periods possible for the least amount of MCU overhead possible. No waiting loops, only a periodic interrupt when the results are available and ready to be fetched.

Further, not all applications require a complete conversion of analog input values. The PIC32MX family offers also analog comparator modules (two), with dedicated input multiplexers. They can assist in those applications in which we need a fast response to an analog input as it crosses a threshold. No need to set up the ADC, select a channel, and perform a conversion; the comparison is done continuously. An interrupt (or an output signal) is produced immediately as the reference voltage is reached.

Speaking of reference voltages, yet another module, called the Comparator Reference, effectively representing a small digital-to-analog converter of sorts, can generate up to 32 reference voltages to be used with the comparator modules or independently.


1. Use the ADC FIFO buffer to collect conversion results and set up Timer3 for automatic conversion and the interrupt mechanism so that a call is performed only once the buffer is full and temperature values are ready to be averaged.
2. Experiment with interfacing other types of analog sensors (using the prototyping area of the Explorer 16 board) such as pressure sensors, humidity sensors, and even accelerometers. Two- and/or three-axis solid-state accelerometers are getting very inexpensive and readily available. All it takes to interface to them is a few analog input pins and a fast 10-bit ADC module.


Baker, Bonnie, A Baker’s Dozen: Real Analog Solutions for Digital Designers (Newnes, Burlington, MA). For proper care and feeding of an analog-to-digital converter, look no further than this cookbook.

Links Download the free FilterLab software from the Microchip Web site; it will help you quickly and efficiently design antialiasing filters for your analog inputs. Temperature sensors are available in many flavors and a choice of interface options, including direct I2C or SPI digital output.

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