
Abrams, Selah, 56, 97, 127–129, 137

Accidental Genius (Levy), 113

Accomplishments, 9, 56–57

Acknowledgment of positive intentions, 100


barriers to putting ideas into action, 46–47, 65–66

Engaged Listening and taking action, 78, 82, 85–86

Focused Conversations and taking action, 92–93, 95, 100

motivating others to take action, 116–117, 130–131, 141–142

taking action to influence others, 146–147

Adding value through Engaged Listening, 82

Advocacy for a position, 113–114

AEIOU model of communication, 100

Albright, Madeline, 15

Alessandra, Tony, 117

“All but dissertation” syndrome, 122–123

Allen, Barbara McFadden, 95

Allen, Woody, 58

Alternative scenarios, 60–61

Analysis paralysis, 66–67

“Arab spring,” 130

Arguments, floating of, 99

Asimov, Isaac, 109

Asking for help, 63–64

Asking questions. See Questions

Attention, gaining of, 9

Audiences, adapting messages to, 117, 142

Austin, Vicki, 138

Authenticity, 10, 99, 101–102, 111, 132, 140

Bad news, delivery of, 125

Barakat, Christie Ann, 131

Begley, Sharon, 37

Bell, Ron, 90

Blind-spot safety program case study, 33–35, 116

Blogging, 40–41, 131, 136, 137–138, 140

See also Social media

Bock, Wally, 40

Body, Engaged Listening and moving of, 81

Body language

Engaged Listening and, 73, 79, 83–84

Focused Conversation and, 101–102

overpreparation and missing of, 66–68

Bracketing distracting thoughts, 81

Brain, Taking Quiet Time and, 36

Brainstorming, 8, 104–105

Brands, personal, 9

Breadth vs. depth, 13, 118–119

Breaks from work, 42

Breathing, 45

Brown, Sunni, 120

Burns, Ursula, 84

Burstyn, Ellen, 33

Cain, Susan, 10, 36–37

Carr, Gina, 136

Chats (online), 98

Chavis, Stacey, 128–129

Clarifying your own stance, 112–113

Clark, Dorie, 133

Cold calls, 138

Collins, Suzanne, 55–56

Communal solitude, 41

Communication. See Focused Conversations; Social media; Writing

Conant, Doug, 57, 91

Confidence, 30, 56–57, 68, 111, 116–117

Conflict, 85–86, 95–96, 114

Confounded problems, 104

Connections, personal, 55–56, 114, 125

Content producers, 134, 138–139, 140

Contrary opinions, 54

Conventional wisdom, challenges to, 111


initiation of, 103

phone conversations, 81, 123–124, 125

unproductive, 86

via social media, 143

water-cooler conversations, 93, 115

See also Focused Conversations

Cook, Tim, 16–17, 51

Corporate culture, 7, 8–12, 85, 115

Creativity, 36–37, 46

Credibility, 77, 85, 122

Criticism, 143

Data and written communication, 120–121

Decision-making process, speed of, 10–11

Deep listening, 84

Dembling, Sophia, 41, 63, 83, 94, 114

Depth vs. breadth, 13, 59, 118–119

Details in written communication, 119–120

“Device addiction,” 142–143

Devices, electronic, 42–43, 142–143

Digerati Award, 128

Distraction, avoidance of, 81

“Diving deep,” 59

Due diligence, 58–59

Education and social media, 135

Egyptian revolution (2011), 130

Electronic devices, 42–43


dangers of putting your position in writing, 124

as distraction, 42

effective use of, 95–96, 118

inefficiency of, 123–125

introvert preference for, 13, 111

pausing before sending, 63, 119

See also Social media; Writing

Emotion in persuasive writing, 122

Emotional displays, 9–10, 13

Empathy and Engaged Listening, 76–77, 85–86

Encouragement, 92–93, 116–117

Energy levels, 37–38, 46

Engaged Listening

benefits of, 73–78

case studies of, 16–17, 71–72

exercises, 87–88

overpreparation and, 66–67

overuse of, 85–86

Quiet Influence Quotient and, 27

social media and, 139, 141

strategies for, 78–84

Engagement, building of, 78

Engagement with social media, 137–138

Ethos in persuasive writing, 122

Exercise, physical, 44

Exercises, mental, 57

Expertise, 53–54

Exposure through social media, 133

Expression of thoughts and feelings, 100

“Extrovert ideal,” 10

Extroverts, 9, 11–12, 56–57

“Eyebrow test,” 101–102

Facebook, 128, 130, 132, 136–137

Face-to-face meetings, 79, 91, 97–98, 125, 131

Feedback, 30, 59, 75, 77, 82, 95, 125

Flexibility and authenticity, 99, 101–102

The flow, going with, 48, 60–61


in Engaged Listening, 81

information overload and, 141

loss of, 68–69

maintenance of, 39–40, 49

Focused Conversations

case study, 89–91

defined, 20

exercises, 105–107

overuse of, 102–105

purpose of, 92–96

Quiet Influence Quotient and, 27

in social media, 129–130

strategies for, 96–102

See also Conversations

Follow-up, 124

Free writing, 113

Freeman, Morgan, 76–77

Full Voice (McAfee), 63, 84

Gates, Melinda, 74–75

Getting to Resolution: Turning Conflict into Collaboration (Levine), 73

Ghonim, Wael, 130

Giamanco, Barbara, 132, 135–136

Girl Talk mentoring program, 89–91, 101, 102

Givers vs. takers, 132, 137

Goals and social media, 135–136

Godin, Seth, 127, 131

Going beyond words, 83–84

Going with the flow, 48, 60–61

Goldman Sachs, 115

Goldsmith, Oliver, 10

Goodman, Marian, 119

Grammar, 119–120

Greenberg, David, 63

Group think, 104–105

Handler, Jessica, 113, 119, 143

Help, asking for, 63–64

Holtzclaw, Elisha, 21

Hopkins, Wesley, 99

Horn, Sam, 101–102

“How” questions, 83

Howard, Justyn, 131

Humility, 9

Humor, 133

“I” vs. “we,” 56


barriers to taking action on, 46–47, 64–67

for blogging, 140

idea boxes, 58

imprisoned ideas, 121–123

unheard ideas, 86

Identifying your proposal, 100

Ignored audiences of social media, 142

Inefficient communications, 123–124

Inflexibility, 48


in challenging conventional wisdom, 111

defined, 15

of thought leaders, 133

Influencing project plans, development of, 61

Information about yourself, 102

Information overload, 141–142

Innovation. See Creativity

Instructional videos, 134

Interruptions, 11–12, 42–43

Interviewing yourself mentally, 81

Introspection, 47

The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength (Kahnweiler), 69

Introverts and introversion. See Quiet Influence and Quiet Influencers

Introvert’s Corner (blog), 41

Invictus (film), 76–77

Involving others, 55–56

Irving, Julie, 33–35

Jacobson, Nina, 55–56

Jenkins, Ryan, 121, 132

Jobs, Steve, 79

Johnson, Philip, 23

Journal writing, 44–45

Just Like Us: The True Story of Four Mexican Girls Coming of Age in America (Thorpe), 109–110

Kahnweiler, Jennifer B., 69

Khan, Salman/Khan Academy, 134, 135

Kilpatrick, Haley, 89–91, 101, 102

King, Stephen, 37–38

Kumar, Vinay, 37, 45, 75, 80, 116

Kuong, Cliff, 93


Engaged Listening and, 81

Focused Conversations and, 93–94

Preparation and, 53–54

social media and, 134, 135, 139

Learning your lines, 63

Levels of energy, 37–38

Levine, Stuart, 73, 75

Levy, Mark, 113

Likely Asked Questions (LAQs), 60

LinkedIn, 128, 137, 138

Listening. See Engaged Listening

Logic in written communication, 120, 122

Logos in persuasive writing, 122

Loss of perspective and opportunities, 47–48

Lost connections, 67–68

Lunch, quiet time during, 41–42

Maeda, John, 97

Maintaining focus, 39–40

Managing yourself, 61–63

Marination of thoughts, 12

Martin, Michelle, 59, 67

May, Walter, 63, 82

McAfee, Barbara, 7, 63, 84

Meditation, 35

Mental preparation, 39–40

Mentoring for middle-school girls, 89–91, 101, 102

Mentoring on social media, 138

Microsoft, 43

Misunderstanding, 80

Morning quiet time, 37, 41

Mossberg, Walter, 79

Motivation, 46, 116

See also Action

Moving your body and Engaged Listening, 81

Multitasking, 81

Napping, 45

Networking. See Social media

The New Handshake: Where Sales Meets Social Media (Giamanco), 132

New Leaders Council (NLC), 128

New Way of Working Program (Microsoft), 43

Nonverbal communication. See Body language

Open-ended questions, 74, 75, 98


contrary opinions, 54, 143

questions vs. recommendations and, 85

verbalization of, 86

Opportunities, lost, 47–48

Organizational culture, 7, 8–12, 85, 115

“Out of sight and out of mind” problem, 47–48

Outcomes, outlining benefits of, 100

Overpreparation, 64–68


of Engaged Listening, 85–86

of Focused Conversations, 102–105

of Preparation, 64–68

of Taking Quiet Time, 46–48

of Writing, 121–125

“Pain points,” 75

Paraphrasing, 80

Participation in social media, 143

Passion, 21

Pathos in persuasive writing, 122

Patience, 20

Pausing, 63

Peer-coaching groups, 39–40

“People exhaustion,” 9

Perceptions of co-workers, 47–48

Perseverance, 20

Personal brands, 9

Personal connections, 55–56, 114, 125

Personal technology devices, 42–43, 142


loss of, 47

taking another’s perspective, 117

Persuasive writing, 120–121, 122

Peterson, Randy, 45, 119

Phone conversations, 81, 123–124, 125

Photos in written communication, 120

Pitches, 48, 64, 102

“Platinum rule,” 117–118

Polls, 98

Positive intentions, 100

Positive self-talk, 63

Practice, 29, 63–64


case study, 51–53

defined, 19

exercises, 69–70

for Focused Conversations, 100, 145

maintaining focus and, 39–40

overuse of, 64–68

purpose of, 53–57

Quiet Influence Quotient and, 27

strategies for, 58–64

use of data and, 120–121

Presence (being present), 57–58, 84, 142–143

Press releases, 140

Privacy boundaries, 11, 13–14, 102–103, 132

Problem solving, 94–95, 104, 125

Producers of content, 134, 138–139, 140

Project plans, 61

Proposals, proving value of, 54–55


asking questions, 82–83

for initiating conversations, 103

open-ended questions, 74, 75, 98

opinions and recommendations vs., 85

question/answer writing for social media, 140

See also Engaged Listening; Focused Conversations

Quiet Influence and Quiet Influencers

characteristics of, 12–14

roadblocks to, 8–12

Six Strengths of, 18–21, 19f, 26–28

Quiet Influence Quotient (QIQ)

exercises, 30–31

QIQ quiz, 23–25

scoring and interpretation of, 25–28, 27–28t, 27f

use of QIQ, 28–30

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking (Cain), 10, 36–37

Quiet Time

case study, 33–35

defined, 19

exercises, 48–49

importance of, 35–36

obstacles to, 9

overuse of, 46–48

purpose of, 36–40

strategies for, 40–45

as strength of Quiet Influencers, 19

Ramsey-Coleman, Joyce, 97

Rapport with co-workers, 38–39

Readers, preferences of, 117–121

Recognition by the public, 133

Recognition of what is working, 29

Rehearsal, 63

Relationships with others, 11, 55–56, 131–132, 138, 142–143

Repetition, 99

Reputation, control over, 139, 141, 142

Research, 54–55

See also Preparation

Reservedness, 13

Rossbacher, Lisa, 130–131

Salespeople, introverts as, 29, 54–55, 75, 114, 120, 132, 136

“Sandwich technique,” 118

Scheduling quiet time, 40

Schwartz, Steven, 89

Search engine optimization (SEO), 140

Self, offering information about, 102

Self-confidence, 56–57

Self-interviewing, 59–60

Self-management, 63–64

Self-observation, 29–30, 44–45, 47

Self-promotion, 9

Self-talk, positive, 63

Self-understanding, 38–39

Serendipity, 97

Share This: How You Will Change the World with Social Networking (Zandt), 132

“Showing up,” 143

Shyness vs. introversion, 13

Silence, 44, 78, 105

See also Quiet Time

Six Strengths of Quiet Influencers, 18–21, 19f, 26–28

“Sleeping on it” and written communication, 119

Small talk, 10, 13, 91, 103

Smith, Greg, 115

Smith, Iain Duncan, 145

Social Media

case study, 127–129

effects on written communication style, 121

exercises, 143–144

importance of, 129–130

overuse of, 141–143

purposes of, 130–133

Quiet Influence Quotient and, 27

strategies for, 134–141

as strength of Quiet Influencers, 20

Social movements, 130

Software industry, 66

Solitude, 13, 36–37, 40, 41, 47

See also Quiet Time

Sounding board, serving as, 80, 82

Spangler, Steve, 143

Speed of decision-making, 10–11

Spelling, 119

Stances, clarification of, 112–113

Stimuli, reduction of, 43

Stories, telling of, 99, 101

Strategic planning, 59–60, 135–136

Streep, Meryl, 60–61

Strengthening your case, 99

Structure, creation of, 40

Style of writing, tailoring of to recipient, 118

Succinctness, 121

Support and Focused Conversations, 92–93

Sustaining energy, 37–38

Takers vs. givers, 132

Taking action. See Action

Taking Quiet Time. See Quiet Time


being talked over, 11–12

cultural emphasis on, 9, 18

positive self-talk, 63–64

small talk, 10, 13, 91, 103

writing vs., 13

Talking points and questions, 60

“Teach Me Something I Don’t Know” strategy, 94

Teaching via social media, 134

Team focus in organizations, 8–9


effective use of, 42–43

listening to multiple viewpoints via, 79–80

videoconferencing, 98, 125

videos as replacement for written communication, 120

See also Devices, electronic; Social media

Telling stories, 99, 101

Text messages, 121, 123


quiet time and, 9, 36–37

thinking first and talking later, 13

thinking space, 118

See also Quiet Time

Thoreau, Henry David, 71

Thorpe, Helen, 109–111

Thought leaders, 133, 140

Thoughtful Use of Social Media. See Social Media

Time zones, 98

Tone of written communication, 117–118, 119

“Touchstone” companions, 57

Trust, 38–39, 55–56, 73, 82

Twitter, 40, 121, 128, 136, 139, 140

Typographical errors, 119

“Undersell syndrome,” 56

Understanding, 38–39, 74–76, 100

Underwood, Matt, 95–96

Unleashing creativity, 36–37

Unproductive conversations, 86

Venting, 80, 86

“Vibes” of conversation partners, 101

Videoconferencing, 98, 125

Videos as replacement for written communication, 120, 133, 134, 135, 139

Virtual meetings, 98

Visibility and social media, 133

Visual language, 120

Visualization, 39, 63, 99

Voices, 63, 84, 101

Waiting to speak, 99

Water-cooler conversations, 93, 115

“We” vs. “I,” 56

Webinars, 79–80

Weil, Andrew, 141

“What” questions, 83

WIIFM (“What’s in it for me?”), 117, 121

Wilkins, Ronnie, 99, 113

“Winging it,” 53, 61

See also Preparation

Wirtz, Jody, 17, 54–55, 60, 99

Wittenstein, Mike, 139, 140


going beyond, 83–84

limitations of, 105

Working environment, 42, 43, 96–97

See also Organizational culture


case study, 109–110

exercises, 125–126

importance of, 111–112

journal writing, 44–45

overuse of, 121–125

purpose of, 112–117

Quiet Influence Quotient and, 27

for social media, 138–139

strategies for, 117–121

as strength of introverts, 20

talking vs., 13

YouTube, 128, 134, 135, 139, 143

Zandt, Deanna, 132

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