Robots and sensors supported by ROS 

The ROS framework is one of the most successful robotics frameworks, and universities around the globe contribute to it. Because of its active ecosystem and open source nature, ROS is being used in a majority of robots and is compatible with major robotic hardware and software. Here are some of the most famous robots completely running on ROS: 

Popular robots supported by ROS (Source: Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-3.0:

The names of the robots listed in preceding images are Pepper (a), REEM-C (b), Turtlebot (c), Robonaut (d), and Universal Robots (e). 

The robots supported by ROS are listed at the following link:

The following are the links where you can get the ROS packages of these robots:

Some popular sensors that support ROS are as follows:

Popular robot sensors supported in ROS

The names of the sensors in the preceding image are Velodyne (a), ZED Camera (b), Teraranger (c), Xsens (d), Hokuyo Laser range finder (e), and Intel RealSense (f).

The list of sensors supported by ROS is available at the following link:

The following are the links to the ROS wiki pages of these sensors:

Now, let's look at the advantages of using ROS.

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