The filesystem level

The filesystem level explains how ROS files are organized on the hard disk:

The ROS filesystem level

As you can see from the preceding diagram, the filesystem in ROS can be categorized mainly as metapackages, packages, package manifest, messages, services, codes, and miscellaneous files. The following is a short description of each component:

  • Metapackages: Metapackages group a list of packages for a specific application. For example, in ROS, there is a metapackage called navigation for mobile robot navigation. It can hold the information of related packages and helps install those packages during its own installation.
  • Packages: The software in ROS is mainly organized as ROS packages. We can say that ROS packages are the atomic build units of ROS. A package may consist of ROS nodes/processes, datasets, and configuration files, all organized in a single module. 
  • Package manifest: Inside every package will be a manifest file called package.xml. This file consists of information such as the name, version, author, license, and dependencies that are required of the package. The package.xml file of a metapackage consists of the names of related packages.
  • Messages (msg): ROS communicates by sending ROS messages. The type of message data can be defined inside a file with the .msg extension. These files are called message files. Here, we are going to follow a convention where we put the message files under our_package/msg/message_files.msg.
  • Service (srv): One of the computation graph level concepts is services. Similar to ROS messages, the convention is to put service definitions under our_package/srv/service_files.srv.

This sums up the ROS filesystem.

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