Using Rust for web development

You might think that Rust is only meant to be used for complex system development, or that it should be used where security is the number one concern. Thinking of using it for web development might sound to you like huge overkill. We already have proven web-oriented languages that have worked until now, such as PHP or JavaScript, right?

This is far from true. Many projects use the web as their platform and for them, it's sometimes more important to be able to receive a lot of traffic without investing in expensive servers rather than using legacy technologies, especially in new products. This is where Rust comes in handy. Thanks to its speed and some really well thought out web-oriented frameworks, Rust performs even better than the legacy web programming languages.

Rust is even trying to replace some of the JavaScript on the client side of applications, since Rust can compile to WebAssembly, making it extremely powerful for heavy client-side web workloads. We will not learn how to compile for web clients in this book, but we will learn about some crates that allow you work on efficient web development with Rust.

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