Thread pooling

So far, we have seen multiple ways of creating new threads and sharing information between them. Nevertheless, as we saw at the beginning of the chapter, the ideal number of threads we should spawn to do all the work should be around the number of virtual processors in the system. This means we should not spawn one thread for each chunk of work. Nevertheless, controlling what work each thread does can be complex, since you have to make sure that all threads have work to do at any given point in time.

Here is where thread pooling comes in handy. The Threadpool crate will enable you to iterate over all your work and for each of your small chunks, you can call something similar to a thread::spawn(). The interesting thing is that each task will be assigned to an idle thread, and no new thread will be created for each task. The number of threads is configurable and you can get the number of CPUs with other crates. Not only that, if one of the threads panics, it will automatically add a new one to the pool.

To see an example, first, let's add threadpool and num_cpus as dependencies in our Cargo.toml file.  Then, let's see an example code:

extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate threadpool;

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;

use threadpool::ThreadPool;

fn main() {
let pool = ThreadPool::with_name("my worker".to_owned(), num_cpus::get());
println!("Pool threads: {}", pool.max_count());

let result = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));

for i in 0..1_0000_000 {
let t_result = result.clone();
pool.execute(move || {
t_result.fetch_add(i, Ordering::Relaxed);


let final_res = Arc::try_unwrap(result).unwrap().into_inner();
println!("Final result: {}", final_res);

This code will create a thread pool of threads with the number of logical CPUs in your computer. Then, it will add a number from 0 to 1,000,000 to an atomic usize, just to test parallel processing. Each addition will be performed by one thread. Doing this with one thread per operation (1,000,000 threads) would be really inefficient. In this case, though, it will use the appropriate number of threads, and the execution will be really fast. There is another crate that gives thread pools an even more interesting parallel processing feature: Rayon.

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