
RefCell is similar to Cell, except that it accepts non-Copy data. This also means that when modifying the underlying object, it cannot simply copy it when returning it, it will need to return references. The same way, when you want to mutate the object inside, it will return a mutable reference. This only works because it will dynamically check at runtime whether a borrow exists before returning a mutable borrow, or the other way around, and if it does, the thread will panic.

Instead of using the get() method as in Cell, RefCell has two methods to get the underlying data: borrow() and borrow_mut(). The first will get a read-only borrow, and you can have as many immutable borrows in a scope. The second one will return a read-write borrow, and you will only be able to have one in scope to follow the mutability rules. If you try to do a borrow_mut() after a borrow() in the same scope, or a borrow() after a borrow_mut(), the thread will panic.

There are two non-panicking alternatives to these borrows: try_borrow() and try_borrow_mut(). These two will try to borrow the data (the first read-only and the second read/write), and if there are incompatible borrows present, they will return a Result::Err, so that you can handle the error without panicking.

Both Cell and RefCell have a get_mut() method, that will get a mutable reference to the element inside, but it requires the Cell / RefCell to be mutable, so it doesn't make much sense if you need the Cell / RefCell to be immutable. Nevertheless, if in a part of the code you can actually have a mutable Cell / RefCell, you should use this method to change the contents, since it will check all rules statically at compile time, without runtime overhead.

Interestingly enough, RefCell does not return a plain reference to the underlying data when we call borrow() or borrow_mut(). You would expect them to return &T and &mut T (where T is the wrapped element). Instead, they will return a Ref and a RefMut, respectively. This is to safely wrap the reference inside, so that the lifetimes get correctly calculated by the compiler without requiring references to live for the whole lifetime of the RefCell. They implement Deref into references, though, so thanks to Rust's Deref coercion, you can use them as references.

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