The rc module

The std::rc module contains reference-counted pointers that can be used in single-threaded applications. They have very little overhead, thanks to counters not being atomic counters, but this means that using them in multithreaded applications could cause data races. Thus, Rust will stop you from sending them between threads at compile time. There are two structures in this module: Rc and Weak.

An Rc is an owning pointer to the heap. This means that it's the same as a Box, except that it allows for reference-counted pointers. When the Rc goes out of scope, it will decrease by 1 the number of references, and if that count is 0, it will drop the contained object.

Since an Rc is a shared reference, it cannot be mutated, but a common pattern is to use a Cell or a RefCell inside the Rc to allow for interior mutability.

Rc can be downgraded to a Weak pointer, that will have a borrowed reference to the heap. When an Rc drops the value inside, it will not check whether there are Weak pointers to it. This means that a Weak pointer will not always have a valid reference, and therefore, for safety reasons, the only way to check the value of the Weak pointer is to upgrade it to an Rc, which could fail. The upgrade() method will return None if the reference has been dropped.

Let's check all this by creating an example binary tree structure:

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};

struct Tree<T> {
root: Node<T>,

struct Node<T> {
parent: Option<Weak<Node<T>>>,
left: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
right: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
value: T,

In this case, the tree will have a root node, and each of the nodes can have up to two children. We call them left and right, because they are usually represented as trees with one child on each side. Each node has a pointer to one of the children, and it owns the children nodes. This means that when a node loses all references, it will be dropped, and with it, its children.

Each child has a pointer to its parent. The main issue with this is that, if the child has an Rc pointer to its parent, it will never drop. This is a circular dependency, and to avoid it, the pointer to the parent will be a Weak pointer.

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