
Installing Clippy is pretty easy: you will need to install Rust nightly by running rustup toolchain install nightly, then you can install Clippy by running cargo +nightly install clippy.

Note that since Clippy requires a nightly compiler to build, and since it uses compiler intrinsics, some Rust nightly compiler updates make it unusable. Those issues are usually fixed in a couple of days and a new Clippy version gets released, but meanwhile, you can select a previous nightly version by appending a previous date to the nightly toolchain: rustup toolchain install nightly-YYYY-MM-DD.

Once the correct toolchain is installed, Clippy will be installed perfectly. To use it, you will need to go to your project and run cargo clippy instead of the usual cargo check or cargo build commands. This will run all Clippy lints and show you the results.

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