Parallel iterators

If you can see the big picture in these code examples, you'll have realized that most of the parallel work has a long loop, giving work to different threads. It happened with simple threads and it happens even more with scoped threads and thread pools. It's usually the case in real life, too. You might have a bunch of data to process, and you can probably separate that processing into chunks, iterate over them, and hand them over to various threads to do the work for you.

The main issue with that approach is that if you need to use multiple stages to process a given piece of data, you might end up with lots of boilerplate code that can make it difficult to maintain. Not only that, you might find yourself not using parallel processing sometimes due to the hassle of having to write all that code.

Luckily, Rayon has multiple data parallelism primitives around iterators that you can use to parallelize any iterative computation. You can almost forget about the Iterator trait and use Rayon's ParallelIterator alternative, which is as easy to use as the standard library trait!

Rayon uses a parallel iteration technique called work stealing. For each iteration of the parallel iterator, the new value or values get added to a queue of pending work. Then, when a thread finishes its work, it checks whether there is any pending work to do and if there is, it starts processing it. This, in most languages, is a clear source of data races, but thanks to Rust, this is no longer an issue, and your algorithms can run extremely fast and in parallel.

Let's look at how to use it for an example similar to those we have seen in this chapter. First, add rayon to your Cargo.toml file and then let's start with the code:

extern crate rayon;

use rayon::prelude::*;

fn main() {
let result = (0..1_000_000_u64)
.map(|e| e * 2)

println!("Result: {}", result);

As you can see, this works just as you would write it in a sequential iterator, yet, it's running in parallel. Of course, running this example sequentially will be faster than running it in parallel thanks to compiler optimizations, but when you need to process data from files, for example, or perform very complex mathematical computations, parallelizing the input can give great performance gains.

Rayon implements these parallel iteration traits to all standard library iterators and ranges. Not only that, it can also work with standard library collections, such as HashMap and Vec. In most cases, if you are using the iter() or into_iter() methods from the standard library in your code, you can simply use par_iter() or into_par_iter() in those calls and your code should now be parallel and work perfectly.

But, beware, sometimes parallelizing something doesn't automatically improve its performance. Take into account that if you need to update some shared information between the threads, they will need to synchronize somehow, and you will lose performance. Therefore, multithreading is only great if workloads are completely independent and you can execute one without any dependency on the rest.

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