Chart types in SAP Lumira

SAP Lumira offers multiple chart types that you can choose from for your visualization. Various chart families are available so that we can visualize our data in the way we want it to be visualized. The following table lists the various chart types that are available: 

Type of data analysis Used for  Options (charts)
Comparison When we need to visualize the difference between values or simply show a comparison of the categorical division of measures.
  • Bar chart (vertical/horizontal)
  • Bar chart with two y axes
  • Surface chart
  • Radar chart (single/multiple) 
Percentage  Showing the percentage of parts of a whole or to show a value as a ratio of the whole.
  • Pie (single/multiple)
  • Tree map
  • 100% stacked bar chart (vertical/horizontal)
Correlation  When we want to visualize the relationship between values or compare multiple measure values.
  • Scatter chart
  • Bubble chart 
Geographical  Showing a map of a country in the analysis.
  • Geographical bubble chart
  • Geo choropleth chart
  • Geo pie chart
Trend To show a trend in the data values, especially for dimensions that are time bound (such as year/month).
  • Line chart
  • Line chart with two y axes
  • Multibar chart
  • Multiline chart with multiple measures


In SAP Lumira, we can also use predictive calculation and add various pieces of information to our charts. It supports two types of predictive analysis: 

  • Forecast: This allows us to predict how data may behave in a defined future period. Depending on the chart we use, the forecasted data is displayed as bars or a colored line.
  • Linear regression: With this form of predictive analysis, we can see how data is distributed around our actual data to give us a generalized trend over time. Depending on the type of chart we use, the regression is displayed as bars or a line that's superimposed over the existing chart plots.
Forecasting is based on the Triple Exponential Smoothing algorithm, which predicts based on a single fixed time period.
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