Groups and sorts

Groups allow you to split the report into smaller and more comprehensible parts. For example, we can group quarterly revenue results into sections on a report. The grouped value appears as a header outside the block instead of remaining within the block when we are using breaks.

Please be remember that a section impacts the whole report page; a break impacts the table or crosstab to which we apply the break. A section allows us to display multiple blocks of data on the same page, whereas a break does not allow us to display multiple blocks of data on the same page.

Sorts can be applied to the results that are displayed in a column or row to organize the order in which it should be displayed. We can apply sorts to any dimensions, measures, or details displayed in a table. Sorting dimensions and details helps us organize results chronologically, while sorting measures helps us see highest or lowest results at a glance. Sorts in WebI allow us to apply the following orders: 

  • Default: Referred to as the natural order. Depending on the type of data in the column or row, the results are sorted as follows:
    • Ascending numeric order for numeric data
    • Ascending chronological order for date
    • Ascending alphabetical order for alphanumeric data
  • Ascending
  • Descending
  • Custom
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