Configuring the Modeler and exploring the data

Let's configure Modeler:

  1. In Windows, search for predictive Analytics:

  1. Choose the SAP Predictive Analytics application and choose Modeler:

  1. Select Create a Classification/Regression Model:


  1. Use the Census01.csv file that we downloaded previously:

For exploring the data we need to perform following steps: 

  1. We can explore the data before using it:

  1. Choose the magnifying glass icon and look for values in the class column. We will find that the class column has values of either 1 or 0 (customers who purchased or customers who didn't purchase):

  1. We can also explore analyzed category frequencies and find the frequency of the target groups that purchased a particular class:

  1. Analyze the continuous variables: just play around with various factors and values.
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