
Text Summary

Basic Concepts

Macro variables can supply a variety of information, from operating system information, to SAS session information, to any text string that you define. Updating multiple references to a variable, data set, or text string is a simple process if you use macro variables in your programs. Macro variables are part of the SAS macro facility, which is a tool for extending and customizing SAS and for reducing the amount of text that you must enter in order to perform common tasks.
Values of macro variables are stored in symbol tables. Values that are stored in the global symbol table are always available. In order to substitute the value of a macro variable in your program, you must reference that macro variable by preceding the macro variable name with an ampersand. You can reference a macro variable anywhere in a SAS program except within data lines.

Using Automatic Macro Variables

SAS provides automatic macro variables that contain information about your computing environment. Automatic macro variables are created when SAS is invoked. Many of these variables have fixed values that are assigned by SAS and which remain constant for the duration of your SAS session. Others have values that are updated automatically based on submitted SAS statements.

Using User-Defined Macro Variables

You can create and define your own macro variables with the %LET statement. The %LET statement enables you to assign a value for your new macro variable and to store that value in the global symbol table. Macro variable values are character strings; except for leading and trailing blanks, values are stored exactly as they appear in the statement.

Processing Macro Variables

When submitted, a SAS program goes to an area of memory called the input stack. From there, the word scanner divides the program into small chunks called tokens and passes them to the appropriate compiler for eventual execution. Certain token sequences are macro triggers, which are sent to the macro processor for resolution. Once a macro variable has been resolved by the macro processor, the stored value is substituted back into the program in the input stack, and word scanning continues.

Displaying Macro Variable Values in the SAS Log

You can use the SYMBOLGEN system option to monitor the value that is substituted for a macro variable reference. You can also use the %PUT statement to write messages, which can include macro variable values, to the SAS log.

Using Macro Functions to Mask Special Characters

The %STR function enables you to quote tokens during compilation in order to mask them from the macro processor. The %NRSTR function enables you to quote tokens that include macro triggers from the macro processor. The %BQUOTE function enables you to quote a character string or resolved value of a text expression during execution of a macro or macro language statement.

Using Macro Functions to Manipulate Character Strings

You can use macro character functions to apply character string manipulations to the values of macro variables. The %UPCASE function enables you to change values from lowercase to uppercase. The %QUPCASE function works the same as %UPCASE except that it also masks special characters and mnemonic operators in the function result. The %SUBSTR function enables you to extract part of a string from a macro variable value. The %QSUBSTR function works the same as %SUBSTR except that it also masks special characters and mnemonic operators in the function result. The %INDEX function enables you to determine the location of the first character of a character string within a source. Using the %SCAN function, you can extract words from the value of a macro variable. The %QSCAN function works the same as %SCAN except that it also masks special characters and mnemonic operators in the function result.

Using SAS Functions with Macro Variables

You can use the %SYSFUNC function to execute other SAS functions. The %QSYSFUNC function works the same as the %SYSFUNC function except that it also masks special characters and mnemonic operators in the function result.

Combining Macro Variable References with Text

You might sometimes need to combine a macro variable reference with other text. You can place text immediately before or immediately after a macro variable reference. You can also combine two macro variable references in order to create a new token. You might need to use a delimiter when you combine macro variable references with text.

Sample Programs

Creating Macro Variables with a %LET Statement

options symbolgen; 
%let year=2002;
proc print data=sasuser.schedule;
   where year(begin_date)=&year;
   title "Scheduled Classes for &year";
proc means data=sasuser.all sum;
   where year(begin_date)=&year;
   class location;
   var fee;
   title1 "Total Fees for &year Classes";
   title2 "by Training Center";

Using Automatic Macro Variables

footnote1 "Created &systime &sysday, &sysdate9";    
footnote2 "on the &sysscp system using Release &sysver";      
proc tabulate data=sasuser.all(keep=location course_title fee);         
   where upcase(location)="DALLAS";
        class course_title;
        var fee;
        table course_title=" " all="TOTALS",
              fee=" "*(n*f=3. sum*f=dollar10.)
              / rts=30 box="COURSE";

Inserting Macro Variables Immediately after Text

%let year=02;
%let month=jan;
proc chart data=sasuser.y&year&month;
   hbar week / sumvar=sale;
proc plot data=sasuser.y&year&month;
  plot sale*day;

Inserting Macro Variables Immediately before Text

%let graphics=g;
%let year=02;
%let month=jan;
%let var=sale;
proc &graphics.chart data=sasuser.y&year&month;
  hbar week / sumvar=&var;
proc &graphics.plot data=sasuser.y&year&month;
  plot &var*day;

Points to Remember

  • Macro variables can make your programs more reusable and dynamic.
  • When you submit code to SAS, macro variable references are resolved by the macro processor, and their values are substituted into your program.
  • You can use the %PUT statement to write any text, including resolved macro variables, to the SAS log.
  • If you reference a macro variable within quotation marks, you must use double quotation marks. Macro variable references that are enclosed in single quotation marks cannot be resolved.
  • Most macro character functions have corresponding functions (such as %QSUBSTR and %QSCAN) that also mask special characters and mnemonic operators in the function result.
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