About This Book


The SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS®9, Fourth Edition is for new or experienced SAS programmers who want to prepare for the SAS Advanced Programming for SAS 9 exam.

Requirements and Details

Purpose and Content

This guide helps prepare you to take the SAS Advanced Programming for SAS 9 exam. New or experienced SAS users will find this guide to be an invaluable resource that covers the objectives tested on the exam.
Major topics include SQL processing with SAS and the SAS macro language, advanced SAS programming techniques, and optimizing SAS programs. You will also become familiar with the enhancements and new functionality that are available in SAS®9.
The book includes quizzes that test your understanding of material in each chapter. Quiz solutions are included at the end of the book.
To find updates to this guide, visit the SAS Training and Books website at http://support.sas.com/publishing/cert.
Note: Exam objectives are subject to change. See the current exam objectives at http://support.sas.com/certify.


Candidates must earn the SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 credential before taking the SAS Advanced Programming for SAS 9 exam. The SAS Certification Prep Guide: Base Programming for SAS®9 covers the objectives tested on the SAS Base Programming for SAS 9 exam, including importing and exporting raw data files; creating and modifying SAS data sets; and identifying and correcting data, syntax, and programming logic errors.
To see if you have the necessary prerequisite Base SAS programming knowledge, visit http://support.sas.com/basepractice.

How to Create Practice Data

SAS Windowing Environment

To set up practice data in SAS, select Help>Learning SAS Programming from the main SAS menu. When the SAS Online Training Sample Data window appears, click OK to create sample data.

SAS Studio and SAS University Edition

If you are using SAS Studio or SAS University Edition, you might not have Write access to the Sasuser directory where the sample data is stored.
To determine whether the Sasuser folder is Read only, submit the following code:
proc options option=rsasuser;
If the result from the PROC OPTIONS code is NORSASUSER, the Sasuser folder is writable, and you can take the following steps to set up practice data in SAS Studio:
  1. Copy the sample data program into a new Code window in SAS Studio. You can access the sample data at http://support.sas.com/publishing/cert/sampdata.txt.
  2. Click Run.
If the result from the PROC OPTIONS code is RSASUSER, the Sasuser folder is Read only, and you must redirect the Sasuser folder by using the LIBNAME statement. To set up practice data:
  1. In the Folders pane, select My Folders. Then, right-click and select New>Folder.
  2. In the Name box, type a folder name. In our examples, we use the name certprep. Click Save.
  3. Redirect your SASUSER library to the new folder as follows:
    If you are using SAS University Edition, submit a LIBNAME statement by copying the following code into the Code tab:
    libname sasuser "/folders/myfolders/certprep";
    Note: You must use the filename of the new directory. In our examples, we use the name certprep. If you use another filename, substitute the name that you created for certprep.
    If you are using SAS Studio, do the following:
    1. Right-click the new folder that you created and select Properties.
    2. Copy the path in the Location field.
    3. Enter the following code, replacing location field with the path that you copied from the Location field.
      libname sasuser "location field";
    4. Click Run.
    5. Save the program as libname_cert.sas. You must resubmit this LIBNAME statement program every time you work with the sample data.
    6. Copy the sample data program into a new Code window in SAS Studio. You can access the sample data at http://support.sas.com/publishing/cert/sampdata.txt.
    7. Click Run.
    Now that you have the sample data stored in a permanent directory, reissue the LIBNAME statement whenever you want to use the data.

SAS Enterprise Guide

To download the sample data:
  1. Start SAS Enterprise Guide.
  2. In the Welcome to SAS Enterprise window, select New Project.
  3. Select File>New>Program.
  4. Depending on your network configuration, you might not have Write access to the Sasuser directory where the sample data is stored. To determine the status of the Sasuser directory, submit the following code:
    proc options option=rsasuser;
  5. If the result from the PROC OPTIONS code is RSASUSER, you must redirect the Sasuser folder by creating a new folder. From your server area, open the Files folder, right-click on a drive or folder, and select New Folder. Enter the new folder name.
    Note: If the result from the PROC OPTIONS code is NORSASUSER, the Sasuser folder is writable, and you do not have to redirect the Sasuser folder. Therefore, you can skip this step and the next one.
  6. Submit the following code in a Code window:
    libname sasuser "/folders/myfolders/certprep";
    Note: You must use the filename of the new folder. In our examples, we use the name certprep. If you use another filename, substitute the folder name that you created for certprep.
  7. Copy the sample data program into the Program window and then run the program. You can access the sample data at http://support.sas.com/publishing/cert/sampdata.txt.
  8. Because you will not need to use these shortcuts, you can delete the Program item and all the shortcuts from the project. This action will not delete the data that you created. To delete the item from the project, right-click Program and select Delete.
  9. In the Confirmation window, click Yes.


The SAS Certification Practice Exam: Advanced Programming for SAS 9 helps you prepare for the SAS Advanced Programming for SAS 9 exam. This practice exam tests the same knowledge and skills as the official certification exam. You can access this exam under the SAS Certification category at https://support.sas.com/edu/schedules.html?id=449. There is a fee for this practice exam.
To register for the official SAS Advanced Programming for SAS 9 exam, visit the SAS Global Certification website at http://support.sas.com/certify.

Additional Resources

The following resources can help you as you learn SAS programming.
From SAS Software
For SAS®9, select Help>SAS Help and Documentation
SAS Enterprise Guide, select Help>SAS Enterprise Guide Help
For SAS®9, select Help>SAS Help and Documentation
SAS Studio, select SAS Studio Help icon
On the Web
Documentation (including SAS Enterprise Guide)
SAS Global Academic Program
SAS OnDemand

Syntax Conventions

The following example shows the general form of SAS code as shown in the book.
SELECT column-1<,...column-n>
FROM table-1|view-1<,...table-n|view-n>
<WHERE expression>
<GROUP BY column-1<, ... column-n>>
<ORDER BY column-1<,... column-n>>;
invokes the SQL procedure.
specifies the column(s) to be selected.
specifies the table(s) to be queried.
subsets the data based on a condition.
classifies the data into groups based on the specified column(s).
sorts the rows that the query returns by the value(s) of the specified column(s).
Here are details.
are in uppercase because they must be spelled as shown.
column-1, table-1, view-1, and expression
are in italics because each represents a value that you supply.
is enclosed in angle brackets because it is optional syntax.
table-1 and view-1
are separated by a vertical bar ( | ) to indicate that they are mutually exclusive.
This book covers the basic syntax that you need to know to prepare for the certification exam. For complete syntax, see the appropriate SAS reference guide.
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