Part 4 How SSI will change your business

Having explored SSI from a historical, technological, and sociological point of view, in part 4, we get down to business. We begin with chapter 18, written by an experienced SSI practitioner who offers lessons learned about how best to explain (and sell) SSI to business decision-makers.

Chapters 19-22 were written by industry experts who give specific examples of how SSI is already penetrating, transforming, and benefiting their market segments:

  • Internet of Things

  • Animal care and guardianship

  • Open democracy and voting

  • Healthcare and pharmaceutical supply chains

Finally, we conclude with chapters 23 and 24, by several of the world’s leading experts in digital identity for government. They explain how SSI is transforming identity infrastructure for both citizens and businesses in Canada (with the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework) and the European Union (with eIDAS and the EU SSI Framework).

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