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Part 1 An introduction to SSI

1 Why the internet is missing an identity layer—and why SSI can finally provide one

1.1 How bad has the problem become?

1.2 Enter blockchain technology and decentralization

1.3 The three models of digital identity

1.3.1 The centralized identity model

1.3.2 The federated identity model

1.3.3 The decentralized identity model

1.4 Why “self-sovereign”?

1.5 Why is SSI so important?

1.6 Market drivers for SSI

1.6.1 E-commerce

1.6.2 Banking and finance

1.6.3 Healthcare

1.6.4 Travel

1.7 Major challenges to SSI adoption

1.7.1 Building out the new SSI ecosystem

1.7.2 Decentralized key management

1.7.3 Offline access


2 The basic building blocks of SSI

2.1 Verifiable credentials

2.2 Issuers, holders, and verifiers

2.3 Digital wallets

2.4 Digital agents

2.5 Decentralized identifiers (DIDs)

2.6 Blockchains and other verifiable data registries

2.7 Governance frameworks

2.8 Summarizing the building blocks


3 Example scenarios showing how SSI works

3.1 A simple notation for SSI scenario diagrams

3.2 Scenario 1: Bob meets Alice at a conference

3.3 Scenario 2: Bob meets Alice through her online blog

3.4 Scenario 3: Bob logs in to Alice’s blog to leave a comment

3.5 Scenario 4: Bob meets Alice through an online dating site

3.6 Scenario 5: Alice applies for a new bank account

3.7 Scenario 6: Alice buys a car

3.8 Scenario 7: Alice sells the car to Bob

3.9 Scenario summary


4 SSI Scorecard: Major features and benefits of SSI

4.1 Feature/benefit category 1: Bottom line

4.1.1 Fraud reduction

4.1.2 Reduced customer onboarding costs

4.1.3 Improved e-commerce sales

4.1.4 Reduced customer service costs

4.1.5 New credential issuer revenue

4.2 Feature/benefit category 2: Business efficiencies

4.2.1 Auto-authentication

4.2.2 Auto-authorization

4.2.3 Workflow automation

4.2.4 Delegation and guardianship

4.2.5 Payment and value exchange

4.3 Feature/benefit category 3: User experience and convenience

4.3.1 Auto-authentication

4.3.2 Auto-authorization

4.3.3 Workflow automation

4.3.4 Delegation and guardianship

4.3.5 Payment and value exchange

4.4 Feature/benefit category 4: Relationship management

4.4.1 Mutual authentication

4.4.2 Permanent connections

4.4.3 Premium private channels

4.4.4 Reputation management

4.4.5 Loyalty and rewards programs

4.5 Feature/benefit category 5: Regulatory compliance

4.5.1 Data security

4.5.2 Data privacy

4.5.3 Data protection

4.5.4 Data portability

4.5.5 RegTech (Regulation Technology)


Part 2 SSI technology

5 SSI architecture: The big picture

5.1 The SSI stack

5.2 Layer 1: Identifiers and public keys

5.2.1 Blockchains as DID registries

5.2.2 Adapting general-purpose public blockchains for SSI

5.2.3 Special-purpose blockchains designed for SSI

5.2.4 Conventional databases as DID registries

5.2.5 Peer-to-peer protocols as DID registries

5.3 Layer 2: Secure communication and interfaces

5.3.1 Protocol design options

5.3.2 Web-based protocol design using TLS

5.3.3 Message-based protocol design using DIDComm

5.3.4 Interface design options

5.3.5 API-oriented interface design using wallet Dapps

5.3.6 Data-oriented interface design using identity hubs (encrypted data vaults)

5.3.7 Message-oriented interface design using agents

5.4 Layer 3: Credentials

5.4.1 JSON Web Token (JWT) format

5.4.2 Blockcerts format

5.4.3 W3C verifiable credential formats

5.4.4 Credential exchange protocols

5.5 Layer 4: Governance frameworks

5.6 Potential for convergence


6 Basic cryptography techniques for SSI

6.1 Hash functions

6.1.1 Types of hash functions

6.1.2 Using hash functions in SSI

6.2 Encryption

6.2.1 Symmetric-key cryptography

6.2.2 Asymmetric-key cryptography

6.3 Digital signatures

6.4 Verifiable data structures

6.4.1 Cryptographic accumulators

6.4.2 Merkle trees

6.4.3 Patricia tries

6.4.4 Merkle-Patricia trie: A hybrid approach

6.5 Proofs

6.5.1 Zero-knowledge proofs

6.5.2 ZKP applications for SSI

6.5.3 A final note about proofs and veracity


7 Verifiable credentials

7.1 Example uses of VCs

7.1.1 Opening a bank account

7.1.2 Receiving a free local access pass

7.1.3 Using an electronic prescription

7.2 The VC ecosystem

7.3 The VC trust model

7.3.1 Federated identity management vs. VCs

7.3.2 Specific trust relationships in the VC trust model

7.3.3 Bottom-up trust

7.4 W3C and the VC standardization process

7.5 Syntactic representations

7.5.1 JSON

7.5.2 Beyond JSON: Adding standardized properties

7.5.3 JSON-LD

7.5.4 JWT

7.6 Basic VC properties

7.7 Verifiable presentations

7.8 More advanced VC properties

7.8.1 Refresh service

7.8.2 Disputes

7.8.3 Terms of use

7.8.4 Evidence

7.8.5 When the holder is not the subject

7.9 Extensibility and schemas

7.10 Zero-knowledge proofs

7.11 Protocols and deployments

7.12 Security and privacy evaluation

7.13 Hurdles to adoption


8 Decentralized identifiers

8.1 The conceptual level: What is a DID?

8.1.1 URIs

8.1.2 URLs

8.1.3 URNs

8.1.4 DIDs

8.2 The functional level: How DIDs work

8.2.1 DID documents

8.2.2 DID methods

8.2.3 DID resolution

8.2.4 DID URLs

8.2.5 Comparison with the Domain Name System (DNS)

8.2.6 Comparison with URNs and other persistent Identifiers

8.2.7 Types of DIDs

8.3 The architectural level: Why DIDs work

8.3.1 The core problem of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

8.3.2 Solution 1: The conventional PKI model

8.3.3 Solution 2: The web-of-trust model

8.3.4 Solution 3: Public key-based identifiers

8.3.5 Solution 4: DIDs and DID documents

8.4 Four benefits of DIDs that go beyond PKI

8.4.1 Beyond PKI benefit 1: Guardianship and controllership

8.4.2 Beyond PKI benefit 2: Service endpoint discovery

8.4.3 Beyond PKI benefit 3: DID-to-DID connections

8.4.4 Beyond PKI benefit 4: Privacy by design at scale

8.5 The semantic level: What DIDs mean

8.5.1 The meaning of an address

8.5.2 DID networks and digital trust ecosystems

8.5.3 Why isn’t a DID human-meaningful?

8.5.4 What does a DID identify?

9 Digital wallets and digital agents

9.1 What is a digital wallet, and what does it typically contain?

9.2 What is a digital agent, and how does it typically work with a digital wallet?

9.3 An example scenario

9.4 Design principles for SSI digital wallets and agents

9.4.1 Portable and Open-By-Default

9.4.2 Consent-driven

9.4.3 Privacy by design

9.4.4 Security by design

9.5 Basic anatomy of an SSI digital wallet and agent

9.6 Standard features of end-user digital wallets and agents

9.6.1 Notifications and user experience

9.6.2 Connecting: Establishing new digital trust relationships

9.6.3 Receiving, offering, and presenting digital credentials

9.6.4 Revoking and expiring digital credentials

9.6.5 Authenticating: Logging you in

9.6.6 Applying digital signatures

9.7 Backup and recovery

9.7.1 Automatic encrypted backup

9.7.2 Offline recovery

9.7.3 Social recovery

9.7.4 Multi-device recovery

9.8 Advanced features of wallets and agents

9.8.1 Multiple-device support and wallet synchronization

9.8.2 Offline operations

9.8.3 Verifying the verifier

9.8.4 Compliance and monitoring

9.8.5 Secure data storage (vault) support

9.8.6 Schemas and overlays

9.8.7 Emergencies

9.8.8 Insurance

9.9 Enterprise wallets

9.9.1 Delegation (rights, roles, permissions)

9.9.2 Scale

9.9.3 Specialized wallets and agents

9.9.4 Credential revocation

9.9.5 Special security considerations

9.10 Guardianship and delegation

9.10.1 Guardian wallets

9.10.2 Guardian delegates and guardian credentials

9.11 Certification and accreditation

9.12 The Wallet Wars: The evolving digital wallet/agent marketplace

9.12.1 Who

9.12.2 What

9.12.3 How


10 Decentralized key management

10.1 Why any form of digital key management is hard

10.2 Standards and best practices for conventional key management

10.3 The starting point for key management architecture: Roots of trust

10.4 The special challenges of decentralized key management

10.5 The new tools that VCs, DIDs, and SSI bring to decentralized key management

10.5.1 Separating identity verification from public key verification

10.5.2 Using VCs for proof of identity

10.5.3 Automatic key rotation

10.5.4 Automatic encrypted backup with both offline and social recovery methods

10.5.5 Digital guardianship

10.6 Key management with ledger-based DID methods (algorithmic roots of trust)

10.7 Key management with peer-based DID methods (self-certifying roots of trust)

10.8 Fully autonomous decentralized key management with Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI)

10.8.1 Self-certifying identifiers as a root of trust

10.8.2 Self-certifying key event logs

10.8.3 Witnesses for key event logs

10.8.4 Pre-rotation as simple, safe, scalable protection against key compromise

10.8.5 System-independent validation (ambient verifiability)

10.8.6 Delegated self-certifying identifiers for enterprise-class key management

10.8.7 Compatibility with the GDPR “right to be forgotten”

10.8.8 KERI standardization and the KERI DID method

10.8.9 A trust-spanning layer for the internet

10.9 Key takeaways


11 SSI governance frameworks

11.1 Governance frameworks and trust frameworks: Some background

11.2 The governance trust triangle

11.3 The Trust over IP governance stack

11.3.1 Layer 1: Utility governance frameworks

11.3.2 Layer 2: Provider governance frameworks

11.3.3 Layer 3: Credential governance frameworks

11.3.4 Layer 4: Ecosystem governance frameworks

11.4 The role of the governance authority

11.5 What specific problems can governance frameworks solve?

11.5.1 Discovery of authoritative issuers and verified members

11.5.2 Anti-coercion

11.5.3 Certification, accreditation, and trust assurance

11.5.4 Levels of assurance (LOAs)

11.5.5 Business rules

11.5.6 Liability and insurance

11.6 What are the typical elements of a governance framework?

11.6.1 Master document

11.6.2 Glossary

11.6.3 Risk assessment, trust assurance, and certification

11.6.4 Governance rules

11.6.5 Business rules

11.6.6 Technical rules

11.6.7 Information trust rules

11.6.8 Inclusion, equitability, and accessibility rules

11.6.9 Legal agreements

11.7 Digital guardianship

11.8 Legal enforcement

11.9 Examples


Part 3 Decentralization as a model for life

12 How open source software helps you control your self-sovereign identity

12.1 The origin of free software

12.2 Wooing businesses with open source

12.3 How open source works in practice

12.4 Open source and digital identities


13 Cypherpunks: The origin of decentralization

13.1 The origins of modern cryptography

13.2 The birth of the cypherpunk movement

13.3 Digital freedom, digital cash, and decentralization

13.4 From cryptography to cryptocurrency to credentials


14 Decentralized identity for a peaceful society

14.1 Technology and society

14.2 A global civil society

14.3 Identity as a source of conflict

14.4 Identity as a source of peace


15 Belief systems as drivers for technology choices in decentralization

15.1 What is a belief system?

15.2 Blockchain and DLT as belief systems

15.2.1 Blockchain “believers”

15.2.2 DLT “believers”

15.3 How are blockchains and DLTs relevant to SSI?

15.4 Characterizing differences between blockchain and DLT

15.4.1 Governance: How open is the network to open participation?

15.4.2 Censorship resistance: How centralized is trust?

15.4.3 Openness: Who can run a node?

15.5 Why “believers” and not “proponents” or “partisans”?

15.5.1 How do we measure decentralization?

15.6 Technical advantages of decentralization


16 The origins of the SSI community

16.1 The birth of the internet

16.2 Losing control over our personal information

16.3 Pretty Good Privacy

16.4 International Planetwork Conference

16.5 Augmented Social Network and Identity Commons

16.6 The Laws of Identity

16.7 Internet Identity Workshop

16.8 Increasing support of user control

16.9 Rebooting the Web of Trust

16.10 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ID2020

16.11 Early state interest

16.12 MyData and Learning Machine

16.13 Verifiable Claims Working Group, Decentralized Identity Foundation, and Hyperledger Indy

16.14 Increasing state support for SSI

16.15 Ethereum identity

16.16 World Economic Forum reports

16.17 First production government demo of an SSI-supporting ledger

16.18 SSI Meetup

16.19 Official W3C standards

16.20 Only the beginning


17 Identity is money

17.1 Going back to the starting point

17.2 Identity as the source of relationships and value

17.3 The properties of money

17.4 The three functions of money

17.5 The tokenization of value with identity

17.6 References

Part 4 How SSI will change your business

18 Explaining the value of SSI to business

18.1 How might we best explain SSI to people and organizations?

18.1.1 Failed experiment 1: Leading with the technology

18.1.2 Failed experiment 2: Leading with the philosophy

18.1.3 Failed experiment 3: Explaining by demonstrating the tech

18.1.4 Failed experiment 4: Explaining the (world’s) problems

18.2 Learning from other domains

18.3 So how should we best explain the value of SSI?

18.4 The power of stories

18.5 Jackie’s SSI story

18.5.1 Part 1: The current physical world

18.5.2 Part 2: The SSI world—like the current physical world, but better

18.5.3 Part 3: Introducing the Sparkly Ball—or, what’s wrong with many current digital identity models

18.6 SSI Scorecard for apartment leasing


19 The Internet of Things opportunity

19.1 IoT: Connecting everything safely

19.2 How does SSI help IoT?

19.3 The business perspective for SSI and IoT

19.4 An SSI-based IoT architecture

19.5 Tragic story: Bob’s car hacked

19.6 The Austrian Power Grid

19.7 SSI Scorecard for IoT


20 Animal care and guardianship just became crystal clear

20.1 Enter Mei and Bailey

20.1.1 Bailey gets a self-sovereign identity

20.1.2 Guardianship transfer

20.1.3 Vacation for Mei and Bailey

20.1.4 A storm and separation

20.1.5 Lost and found at your fingertips

20.2 Digital identity unlocks opportunities for the well-being of animals and people

20.3 SSI for animals reaffirms their inherent worth

20.4 SSI Scorecard for pets and other animals

21 Open democracy, voting, and SSI

21.1 The problems with postal voting

21.2 The problems with e-voting

21.3 Estonia: A case study

21.4 The three pillars of voting

21.4.1 A state’s bill of needs

21.4.2 A voter’s bill of rights

21.5 The advantages of SSI

21.5.1 SSI Scorecard for voting


22 Healthcare supply chain powered by SSI

22.1 Emma’s story

22.2 Supply chain transparency and efficiency through SSI

22.3 Industry ecosystem efficiency powered by SSI

22.4 Future supply chain transformation across industries: The big picture

22.5 Eliminating waste

22.6 Authentication and quality

22.7 SSI Scorecard for the pharma supply chain


23 Canada: Enabling self-sovereign identity

23.1 The Canadian context

23.2 The Canadian approach and policy framework

23.3 The Pan-Canadian Trust Framework

23.4 The normative core

23.5 Mutual recognition

23.6 Digital ecosystem roles

23.7 Supporting infrastructure

23.8 Mapping the SSI stack to the PCTF model

23.9 Using the Verifiable Credentials Model

23.10 Enabling Self-Sovereign Identity

23.11 SSI Scorecard for the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework

24 From eIDAS to SSI in the European Union

24.1 PKI: The first regulated identity service facility in the EU

24.2 The EU legal framework

24.3 The EU identity federation

24.3.1 The legal concept of electronic identification (eID)

24.3.2 The scope of the eIDAS FIM Regulation and its relationship with national law

24.4 Summarizing the value of eIDAS for SSI adoption

24.5 Scenarios for the adoption of SSI in the EU identity metasystem

24.6 SSI Scorecard for the EBSI


A Appendix A Additional Livebook chapters

B Appendix B Landmark essays on SSI

C Appendix C The path to self-sovereign identity

D Appendix D Identity in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem

E Appendix E The principles of SSI

contributing authors


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