
If you’re reading this then that means you’ve opened the book, and for that, I am grateful. The cover of a book is like a movie poster; you’ve got one chance to hook the viewers and entice them in to get a little more. Of course, movie posters can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to make and require large design teams. In the case of this book, Aaron Atchison of Farm Design did an incredible job with the cover. Thanks Aaron.

If the cover of a book is like a movie poster, then the book itself must be the movie; and for the chance to make it, I must thank Cara Anderson, Elinor Actipis, and everyone at Focal Press and Elsevier whose support and enthusiasm made it all possible.

Every great movie and even skate video has an amazing team of people behind them. So for their contributions of time, energy, knowledge, and support, I thank those below and pray that if anyone was left out, you know how much I appreciate you.

Chris MitchellMoz Mirbaba & Bill Keily at
Ed HendersonWindowseat Pictures
Erin GlennTad Lumpkin
Rob CohenMichael Sugar
Julie Dotson-ShafferJustin Ward
Craig CarylPaul Temme
ASA EntertainmentMax Forward
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