

Action sports

definition, 35

progression, 240242

AdWords, 212

After Effects, 187

Airlines, equipment safety, 6566

Alamo, The, 125

Alberstat, Philip, 49

Aperture, definition, 92

Artistic shots

goals, 107, 109

style, 109110

Aspect ratio, high definition, 2425

Athlete/cameraman relationship, 913

Avid, features, 4041


Backpack, as camera bag, 64

Balancing, frames, 103105

Batman & Robin, 214

Big-trick skater, definition, 78

Blue Horizon, 197

Blue-ray, 192193, 201, 204

Boom, microphone, 33

Brown, Bruce, 163


Camera angles

compelling storytelling, 156

Dutch angle, 130132

180-degree rule, 129130

Cameraman etiquette

with athletes, 913

between cameramen, 7274

security guard relationship, 6667

Cameras, see DV camera; HD camera; HDV camera; Lipstick camera

Cameron, James, 243244

Candis, Sheldon, 234

Capture card, 4344

Cardioid microphone, pickup pattern, 32

Cell phone, cameras, 92

CGI, see Computer-generated imagery Close-up shot

example, 80

guidelines, 82

Cohen, Rob, 71, 159, 227

Color temperature

matching, 120

sources and temperatures, 126

Combustion program, 187

Commercials, shooting, 232233


balancing frames, 103105

lighting and focus, 103

overview, 100

rule of thirds, 101

two-shot, 100

weight, 103

Computer-generated imagery (CGI), 185187

Contest skater, definition, 6

Crane, 40

Crew, finding for short films, 235, 237


Debt financing, 4950

Decklink HD Extreme, capture card, 44

Depth of field

definition, 95

f-stop relationship, 94, 96

film feel, 9799

hyperfocal distance, 99

reduction, 94

Diesel, Vin, 158

Diffusion filter, 123125, 212

Digital tape

airline safety, 66

backing up, 170172

damage, 21

logging, 170


film festivals, 197200

home-video distribution, 200205

Internet, 208212

online-distribution opportunities, 196, 208

overview, 195196

television, 210211

theatrical distribution, 205208


definition, 135


boundaries, 146147

interviewer as director, 144

lighting, 143

locations, 143

on-the-fly interview, 139140

sit-down interview, 142

sound bite, 140142

tense, 145146

project classification, 5051

scripted shoots, 137138

Documentary, road trips, 159164

Dogtown and Z-Boys, 13, 207

Dolly, 3940

Dutch angle, 130132

DV camera

advantages, 19

CCD charge-coupled device chip number, 1819

compression, 21, 42, 173

models, 2122

overview of features, 18, 20

tape damage, 21


duplication, 201202

extras, shooting behind the scenes, 224231

Dyrdek, Rob, 135


Edit decision list (EDL), 194


DV compression limitations, 42, 173

film, 179180

frame trimming, 190

layout, 173

objectivity, 189

pace, 176177

software and hardware, 4044

sound, 174176

variable speed, 177178

Editors, as good directors, 6061

EDL, see Edit decision list

Edmonds, Chris, 144, 240

Electronic news gatherers (ENG), shooting style, 7778

Elliot, Jake, 11

End, The, 30, 139, 176

Endless summer, The, 163

ENG, see Electronic news gatherers, 212


cameraman/athlete relationship, 913

movie set, 219222

Extreme close-up shot, 80

Extreme sports, historical perspective, 12


FCP, see Final Cut Pro

Ferrell, Brooks, 143


advantages and limitations, 2729

airline safety, 66

cameras, 29

editing, 179180

latitude, 29

look achievement in digital, 97

resolution, 2829

Film festivals, distribution, 197200

Film set, see Movie set

Filters, types and uses, 120, 122125

Final Cut Pro (FCP), features, 4041

FireWire, 171172

First Descent, 86

Fish-eye lens, 8789, 92

Foley, 174


competition between sports, 118

gear, 116

guidelines, 111, 113

safety, 113114

skateboarding tricks and planning, 115116

Spydercam, 110

Freytag, Gustav, 150


definition, 92

depth of field relationship, 94, 96

setting, 9394

Full Circle, 197

Funding, options, 4850


Gaffer, 122

Gianopulos, Jim, 244

Goals, setting, 247248


Hard-disk camera, storage capacity, 1718

Hard drive, footage storage, 170171

Harnessing Speed, 71, 145

Hawk, Tony, 2, 12, 15, 30, 150151, 153, 176, 241, 249

HD camera

aspect ratio, 2425

cost, 25

demand for content, 202

outputting options, 192193

overview of features, 20, 25

HD DVD, 192193, 201, 204

HDV camera

advantages, 19, 23

compression, 2223

DV output, 23

overview of features, 20

Hendrix, Neal, 54

Hitchcock, Alfred, 99

Hoax 7: Scared Straight, 20

Hoffman, Mat, 7

Home-video distribution, 200205

HVD, capabilities, 205

Hyperfocal distance, 99


Independent films, success, 218

In-line skating

followcam, 113

trends, 242


equipment, 58

liability, 5658

shopping, 59

Interlaced frames, 26


boundaries, 146147

goals, 145

interviewer as director, 144

lighting, 143

locations, 143

on-the-fly interview, 139140

road trip, 160161

sit-down interview, 142

sound bite, 140142

tense, 145146

Irons, Andy, 197

iTunes, 208209


Jib arm, 3940

Jones, Bart, 104

Jonze, Spike, 61, 185

Julio, Jon, 102


Kiely, Bill, 35, 143, 217


Lasek, Bucky, 174, 176, 191, 217

Lavaliere microphone

advantages and limitations, 34

input adapters, 3435


adapters, 86

camera types, 84

definition, 8283

fish-eye lens, 8789, 92

long lens, 8485

mounts, 8687

prime lens, 8384

size, 8485

zoom lens, 84


gaffer, 122

interviews, 143

onboard camera lights, 121122

techniques, 120121

types, 119120

Lindemuth, Matt, 241

Lipstick camera

features, 3637

mounting, 37

Long lens, 8485

Lords of Dogtown, 207208


MacDonald, Andy, 7

Magic Arm, clamp, 38

Margera, Bam, 135

Master shot, 78

McCoy, Jack, 197

McKinley, Chris, 169

Mead, David, 109, 122, 136

Medium shot, 79

Men of Action, 222223

Merryman, Richard, 222223

Miller, Dustin, 3

Mitchell, Chris, 6364, 95, 101102, 156, 230

Moore’s Law, 44

Moore, Michael, 135, 137, 144

Mosberg, Jamie, 30, 176

Motion program, 187

Mounting, cameras, 3738

Movie set

DVD extras, shooting behind the scenes, 224231

entry level positions, 216217

environment, 214215

etiquette, 219222

key departments in big movie production, 215

networking, 222224


editing to, 173176

rights, 181184

Music videos, shooting, 234235


National Television Standards Committee (NTSC), standards, 2324, 26

ND filter, see Neutral density filter

Networking, 222224

Neutral density (ND) filter, 123, 125

Nielson, Bridger, 233

NLE, see Nonlinear editing

Noble, Tom, 13

Nonlinear editing (NLE)

definition, 40

historical perspective, 168

NTSC, see National Television Standards Committee


On-the-fly interview, 139140

Once Upon a Time in Mexico, 25

180-degree rule, 129130

Opalek, Mike, 154

Orfalea, Paul, 246247

Outputting, 191194

Outsiderz, 37


PA, see Production assistant

Parker, Jon, 79

Passion, importance, 5254, 246

Pastrana, Travis, 137, 241

Pelican Case, airline safety, 65

Poetics, 156

Polarizer, 122123

Police, cameraman relationship, 6667

Politics, action sports industry, 7476


editing, 173180

finishing, 188190

logging and selecting, 170173

music, 173176, 181184

outputting, 191194

overview, 167170

visual effects, 185188


editors as directors, 6061

goal defining, 4750

insurance needs, 5659

large-scale productions, 218219

passion, 5254

project classification, 5052

talent selection and release, 5456

Prime lens, 8384


dynamics on location, 6769

police and security guard relationship, 6667

safety, 6364

set, see Movie set

Production assistant (PA), 216

Psycho, 99

Public domain, 182183


Rain, precautions, 6869

Rastovich, Dave, 197

Reality television, 135136

Reflector, 120

Renting, gear, 45, 212

Riding Giants, 206

Rights, music, 181184

Road trip, documenting, 159164

Rodriguez, Robert, 1516, 25

Rule of thirds, 101


Safety, location concerns, 6364

Script, finding for short films, 235

Scripted shoot, 137138

Security guard, cameraman relationship, 6667

Semler, Dean, 124125, 222

Set, see Movie set Shake program, 187

Short films, shooting, 235, 237

Short-subject video, project classification, 51

Shotgun microphone, pickup pattern, 32

Sit-down interview, 142

60i, selection factors, 2627

Skateboarding, historical perspective, 1315, 241242

Skaters, classification, 59

Slamdance, 197

Slow motion, 177178


editing, 174176

gear, 3136

quality importance, 36

Sound bite, 140142

Soundtrack Pro, 174

Spec commercial, shooting, 232233

Sponsorship, project financing, 50

Spydercam, 110

Steadicam, 3940

SteadyShot, fish-eye lens guidelines, 8889

Stealth, 71, 220

Stevenson, Larry, 241242


building suspense and drama, 156159

camera angles, 156

character arcs, 153

five-act dramatic structure, 150151

plot progression, 153

road trip documenting, 159164

structure, 151

trick tips and how-tos, 164165

working too close dangers, 153155



definition, 54

finding, 56

release, 5455

Television, distribution, 210211

Theatrical distribution, 205208

30p, selection factors, 27

Thorne, Rick, 118

Three-dimensional films, prospects, 243244

Time management, 246247

Trick tips, storytelling, 164165

24p, selection factors, 2627, 97

Two-shot, 100


Ultraviolet filter, 122123


Variable speed cameras, 177178

Velasquez, Richie, 95

Video skater, definition, 6

Visual effects, 185188


Warhol, Andy, 239

Way, Danny, 8, 3839, 136137

Weather, precautions, 6869

Web 2.0, 245

Weight, composition, 103

White balance

definition, 126

filter techniques, 127

presets, 126127

Wide shot, 79

Wilkes, Amy, 222, 199


X-Dance, 197198, 208

X Games, historical perspective, 12

xXx: A Filmmaker’s diary, 158, 231


Yasutoko, Eito, 156

Yeah Right!, 61, 133, 185

YouTube, 209, 249


Zoom lens, 84

Z-scan, technique, 119

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