
180° pyrheliometers, 50–52. see also Pyranometers

3TIER, 96


Abbot silver-disk pyrheliometer, 4446

Abbot, Charles Greeley, 36, 44

Absolute Cavity Pyrgeometer (ACP), 212

Absolute cavity radiometers (ACRs), 83

passive mode of operation of, 8688

uncertainty analysis for calibration of, 8890

Absorption, 2627, 77

aerosols, 229231

Absorptivity, 31

ACRIM radiometer. See Active cavity radiometer irradiance monitor

ACRs. See Absolute cavity radiometers Active cavity radiometer irradiance monitor (ACRIM) radiometer, 69

Advection, 30, 109


water vapor retrieval method of, 246

Aerosol optical depth (AOD), 95

measurement of with sun radiometers, 242245

Aerosol scattering, 229231

Aerosol-scattered light, 161

Aerovane anemometer, 261262

AHF cavity radiometer. See Automatic Hickey–Frieden cavity radiometer

Air temperature

measurements of, 255

response times, 256

Albedo, 25

changes in as a function of wavelength and time, 195

definition of, 193

measurements of, 201203

single scattering, 230

Alberti, Leon Battista, 260

Aldrich, Loyal Blaine, 36

All-sky brightness, 163

All-wave net radiometers, 218220

Ambient temperature, 255

measurement of, 256258

types of sensors for measuring, 256

Anemometers, 260

cup, 260261

installing, 263264

propeller, 261263

sonic, 263

Aneroid displacement transducers, 268

Angle of incidence response, black-disk

thermopile pyranometers, 117119

Ångström electrical compensation pyrheliometer, 4143

Ångström pyranometer, 47

Ångström Scale, 59

Ångström Tulipan pyrgeometer, 44

Ångström, Anders Knutsson, 47

Ångström, Knut, 41

Angular measurements, 1011

Angular response

black-and-white pyranometers, 126127

use of rotating shadowband radiometers to measure, 66

AOD. See Aerosol optical depth Aphelion, 8, 12

Astronomical unit, 227

Asymmetry parameter, 230

Atmospheric interactions

aerosol scattering and absorption, 229231

gas absorption, 231236

Rayleigh scattering, 229

transmission of beam irradiance, 236237

Atmospheric pressure, measuring, 267270

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) site, 99100

Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), 257

Automatic Hickey–Frieden (AHF) cavity radiometer, 6769

Average monthly daily total (AMDT), 97

Azimuth angle, 1516, 200

determination of, 18


Barometers, 268

piezocapacitance, 269270

piezoresistive, 268269

Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN), 9798

net radiation measurements, 223

Beam irradiance, 2, 2223, 78. See also Direct normal irradiance

measurement of, 5657

(see also specific radiometers)

Beam radiation, measurement of, 36

Beam–global correlations, 302304

Beer’s law, 180

Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), 200201

Black bodies

absorptivity and emissivity of, 3031

emissivity of, 205

laboratory calibration, 209210

Black-and-white pyranometers, 106, 124

characteristics of, 124128

effect of tilt on, 186187

lack of thermal offset of, 128

Black-disk thermopile pyranometers, 108113

angle of incidence response of, 117119

heat losses in, 109

nonlinearity and, 115116

optical anomaly, 122124

response degradation of, 119120

spectral response of, 116117

temperature dependence of, 120121

thermal offsets of, 113115

ventilators for, 121122

Black-sky albedo, 200

Blocked skylight, geometrical correction for, 164

Bolometric sunshine receiver, 4344

Boltzmann constant, 31

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 30

BORCAL. See Broadband Outdoor Radiation Calibration

BRDF. See Bidirectional reflectance distribution function

Broadband albedo, 193194

measurements of, 201203

Broadband filter radiometry, 237242

Broadband Outdoor Radiation Calibration (BORCAL), 5

calibration of pyranometers using, 153156

sample report, 359374

Broadband pyrgeometers, 206207

Broadband solar data, 27

Broadband solar irradiances, modeling of, 95

Broadband spectral measurements, 227

Bucking thermopiles, 106

Burning sunshine recorder, 3940. see also Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorder


Calculated diffuse irradiance vs. shade disk diffuse, 165166


absolute cavity radiometers, 8688

black-disk thermopile pyranometers, 114115

field, 290291

indoor lamp vs. Langley plots, 244

photodiode-based pyranometers, 131134

pyrgeometers, 209210

shade–unshade technique, 144146

shade–unshade vs. summation techniques, 141

single-sensor net radiometers, 220

spectrometers, 248249

summation method, 146148

uncertainties for pyranometers, 149150

uncertainty analysis for

pyranometers, 150153

uncertainty analysis for pyrheliometers, 8890

Callendar pyranometer, 4344

Callendar, H. L., 43

Calorimetry, design of radiometers using, 44

Campbell, J. F., 39

Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorder, 3841

Cartesian sun path charts, 321331

Cat ears effect, 135, 139, 176177

Caustic, 122123

Cavity radiometers

calibration of, 8788

PMOD model 8 (PMO8), 71

space-based, 6970

uncertainty analysis for calibration of, 8890

Celestial coordinates, 912

Celestial equator, 9

Celestial sphere, 911

Celsius (centigrade) scale, 255

Chappuis ozone band, 231

Chilled-mirror hygrometers, 265266

Chromosphere, 2526

Circumsolar radiation, 162

Clean Power Research, Solar Anywhere service of, 96

Clear skies, measurement of temperature of, 205206

Clear-sky models, 295297

Clearness index, 142

Clearness indices, 297298

Clock time, 16

Cloud particles, scattering due to, 161162

Cloud-index-to-ghi conversion, 314

Clouds, lensing effect of, 2324

Co-albedo, 230

Column water vapor, derivation of, 246247

Combined uncertainty, 150, 152

Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO) guide, 255

Concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems, 78

Concentrating solar power (CSP) thermal systems, 78, 183

Conduction, 29, 109

Confidence level, 150

Convection, 30, 109

Convective losses, effects of tilt on pyranometer responsivity due to, 185186

Conversion factors, 349351

Coordinated universal time. See UTC Corpuscular theory of light, 35


methods for blocked skylight, 164165

multifilter rating shadowband radiometer, 179181

photodiode-based pyranometers, 134142

Cosine response, 117119

photometers, 239

pyranometer calibration, 131132, 134

Cotton Region Shelter, 257

CPV systems. See Concentrating photovoltaic systems Critical damping factor, 260

Crystalline silicon, 3132

CSP thermal systems. See Concentrating solar power thermal systems Cup anemometers, 260261


Dark current, 32


importance of review, 284287

quality control of, 287289

Data loggers, communications and, 276278

Daylighting illuminance, 28

Declination, 911, 18

calculation of, 16

DHI. See Diffuse horizontal irradiance

DIAL radiometers, 6366, 80

Diffraction, 36

Diffuse fraction, 300302

Diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI), 3, 2223, 103

accuracy of measurements, 168169

calibration of pyranometers for measurement of, 167168

definition, 161

deriving measurements of from satellite data, 315

shaded-disk measurement of, 165

spectral characteristics of, 139

use of measurements of for PV system modeling, 189191

use of MFRSR to measure, 179181

use of rotating shadowband radiometers for measuring, 174177

Diffuse irradiance

calculated vs. shade disk, 165166

fixed shadowband measurements of, 163165

measurement of 162163

Diffuse measurements, 3, 128

angle of incidence for, 167168

calibrating pyranometers used for, 144146

photodiode-based pyranometers, 139141

use of fixed shadowband pyranometers for, 163165

use of rotating shadowband pyranometers for, 166167

value of accuracy of, 168169

Diffuse pyranometers, calibration of, 167168

Diffuse values, 164165

Dines, H .W., 261

Direct normal irradiance (DNI), 2, 8, 2223

accuracy of shade–unshade calibration and measurements of, 144

deriving measurements of from satellite data, 315

ground-based modeling of, 95

historical and current surface-measured data, 97100

integrated, 79

measurement of 66,

(see also specific radiometers)

overview of, 7780

satellite model estimates of, 9597

spectral characteristics of, 139

sun radiometers for measuring, 242248

uncertainty analysis for rotating shadowband measurements of, 9394

use of measurements of for PV system modeling, 189191

use of MFRSR to measure, 179181

use of MFRSRs to measure, 66

use of rotating shadowband radiometers for measuring, 174177

use of rotating shadowband radiometers to measure, 80

Direct solar radiation, measurement of, 36

DNI. See Direct normal irradiance Doping, 3132

Downwelling infrared radiation, 217

measurements of, 206207

Dry bulb temperature, 256



orbit of, 8, 13

rotation of, 9

Earth radiation budget (ERB) instrument, 69

Ecliptic plane, 9

Effective sky temperature, 110

Einstein, Albert, 106

EKO Instruments Co., Ltd. MF–11, 218

EKO Instruments Co., Ltd. pyrgeometer, 212213

Electrical resistance hygrometers, 267

Electrical substitution cavity radiometers (ESRs), 6970

Electromagnetic waves, 30

Elevation angle, 1516

Emissivity, 30, 205

Energy flux, use of photodiodes to measure, 129

EoT. See Equation of time Eppley Laboratory, Inc.

180° pyrheliometer, 5052

automatic Hickey–Frieden cavity radiometer, 6769

fixed shadowband, 164

model 848

pyranometer, 6162, 124128

normal incidence pyrheliometer, 5657, 8082, 116

precision infrared radiometer (PIR), 5859, 207208,

(See also Precision infrared radiometer) precision spectral pyranometer, 5255, 111112, 134

(See also Precision spectral pyranometer)

ventilators, 121122

Equation of time (EoT), 1213

calculation of, 17

Equatorial plane, 911

Equinoxes, 9

Equipment sources, 353358

ERB instrument. See Earth radiation budget instrument

ESRs. See Electrical substitution cavity radiometers

Expanded uncertainty, 150

Extraterrestrial radiation, 8, 23. See also Incident solar radiation

Extraterrestrial solar spectrum, 227228


Faculae, 35

Failure modes, 377382

Fixed shadowband measurements of diffuse irradiance, 163165

Flat plate solar collectors, 78, 183

Flux, 2223

Forward-scattered radiation, 162

Four-sensor net radiometers, 222

Fresnel reflection, 189


Gage factor, 268

Gas absorption, 231236

Geometric scattering limit, 138

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), 9596

Geostationary satellites, 311312

GHI. See Global horizontal irradiance

Global horizontal irradiance (GHI), 3, 8, 2223, 77, 217

deriving measurements of from satellites, 313

integrated, 79

measurement of, 36, 49, 103108

(see also specific radiometers)

reference, 118

uncertainty of, 93

use of measurements of for PV system modeling, 189191

use of MFRSR to measure, 179181

use of rotating shadowband radiometers for measuring, 174177

Global irradiance

measurement of with pyranometers, 103104

reflected, 3

Global irradiance on tilted surfaces, 103. See also Global tilted irradiance

Global tilted irradiance (GTI), 103

calculation of, 183

use of measurements of for PV system modeling, 189191

GMT. See Greenwich mean time GOES West geosynchronous orbit weather satellite, 278

Gorczynski, Ladislas, 48

Gray bodies, emissivity of, 205

Green vegetation, spectral albedo and, 195198

Greenhouse effect, 8

Greenwich mean time (GMT), 1617

Grimaldi, Francesco, 36

Gröbner, Julian, 212

Ground-based modeling of DNI, 95

Ground-based spectral infrared measurements, 205206

Ground-reflected irradiance, 25, 183

effect of on measurement of tilted irradiance, 187188

Grounding, 276

GTI. See Global tilted irradiance

Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements (GUM), 89

GUM procedure, 149

application of the calibration of uncertainties of a pyranometer, 153156

Gusts, 258


Hair hygrometers, 267

Hartley–Huggins bands, 231

Heat flows, 29

Heat losses

black-and-white pyranometers, 128

black-disk thermopile pyranometers, 109

Heat transfer

conduction, 29

convection, 30

radiative, 3031

Heat transfer coefficient, 30

Helicoid propeller anemometers, 261262

Hemispherical cup anemometer, 260

Henyey–Greenstein function, 230

Hickey–Frieden cavity radiometer, 6769

Hooke, Robert, 36

Hour angle, 12, 16

determination of, 18

Hukseflux NR01, 222

Hukseflux pyrgeometer, 212213

Hukseflux RA01, 220

Hygrometers, 265267


Illuminance, 28

Incident diffuse radiation, 25

Incident flux, measurement of by photodiodes, 129

Incident infrared irradiance, determination of, 207209

Incident solar radiation, 34, 8, 183 See also Extraterrestrial radiation

terminology, 2223

Indoor lamp calibrations, 244

Infrared irradiance, 26

determination of, 207209

measurement of, 3, 5859 See also specific radiometers)

Infrared radiation (IR)

radiative loss, 110

spectral distribution of, 205206

Infrared sky-scanning radiometer, 210211

Infrared standard, 223

Infrasil II quartz domes, spectral transmission of light through, 116117

Instantaneous irradiance, 23

Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS)

network, 9899

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), pyranometer classifications of, 107108

International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-scanning Radiometer Comparisons (IPASRCs), 211

International Pyrheliometric Comparison (IPC), 87

International Pyrheliometric Scale (IPS), 43, 47, 59

IPS. See International Pyrheliometric Scale Irradiance measurements, 2223

deriving from satellites, 312315

estimation of, 3233

international reference scale for, 5961

tilted, 3

Irradiance on a tilted surface, 298302

Irradiance, Inc., rotating shadowband radiometer, 166, 171, 173

ISO. See International Organization for Standardization

Isotropic scatter, 230


JPL standard total-radiation absolute

radiometer, 59


Kelvin scale, 255

Kendall, J. M., Sr., 59

Kepler’s second law of planetary motion, 12

Kern rotating shadowband radiometer, 172, 173

Kipp & Zonen CG 4 model pyrgeometer, 207208

calibration of, 210

operational considerations, 213215

Kipp & Zonen CM model pyranometers

cosine response of, 118

linear response of, 115

optical anomaly of, 122124

specifications of, 110111

temperature dependence of, 120121

Kipp & Zonen CNR 4 net radiometer, 222

Kipp & Zonen model CNR 2, 220221

Kipp & Zonen NR Lite2, 218220

Kipp & Zonen solarimeter, 4749

Kipp & Zonen SP Lite pyranometer, specifications of, 131134

Kirchhoff’s law, 31


Laboratory calibration black bodies, 209210

Lambert’s cosine law, 117

Lambertian response, 117119

Laminar flow, 30

Lamp calibration, 244

Langley plots, 180, 243

Leap years, determining declination in, 11

Lensing effect of clouds, 2324

LI-COR model LI-200SA pyranometer, 6263, 80

calibration of, 141142

responsivity of, 135137

specifications for, 131134

spectral response of, 138139

systematic errors of, 176177

Light, nature of, 3536

Light bulb pyranometer, 5052

Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technology, 258

Line-by-line radiative transfer model (LBLRTM), 211212

Local standard time (LST), 1617, 278279

Longwave radiation, 217

Luminosity function, 237


Marvin pyrheliometer, 47

Marvin, C. F., 47

Mean bias error (MBE), calculation of, 9697


artifacts in RSR data, 177178

intervals for solar monitoring stations, 278279

modeling and, 317

thermal offsets in pyranometers, 113115

uncertainties in, 149150

uncertainty analysis for calibration of cavity pyrheliometers, 8890

uncertainty analysis for operational thermopile pyrheliometers, 9091

Meridional plane, 1112

Meteorological measurements, nonradiation, 4

Meteorological towers, 257258

MFRSR. See Multifilter rating shadowband radiometer

Middleton CN1-R, 218


estimation of solar irradiance using, 3233

measurement and, 317

MODIS, estimations of albedo, 194

MODTRAN, 211212

Molecular scattering, 229

Moll thermopiles, 4849

Moll, W. J. H., 47

Moll–Gorczynski pyranometer, 48

Multifilter rating shadowband radiometer (MFRSR), 6566, 179181

use of to measure spectral albedo, 203

Multiple scattering, 161162


N-type silicon, 3132

Narrow-band filter radiometry, 242248

Narrowband photometry, 227


Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), 231

Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) website, 96

National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Global Forecast Systems (GFS) model, 194

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. See NOAA

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). See NREL Nature of light, 3536

Net radiation, 3, 217

measuring, 217218

standard, 223

Net radiometers accuracy of, 223

four-sensor, 222

single-sensor, 218220

sources for, 224

two-sensor, 220221

Newton’s law of cooling, 30

Newton, Sir Isaac, 35

NIP. See Normal incidence pyrheliometer


Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS) network, 9899

Surface Radiation (SURFRAD) network, 9899

Nocturnal radiation, measurement of, 44

Nonlinearity, black-disk thermopile

pyranometers and, 115116

Normal incidence pyrheliometer (NIP), 5657, 116

geometry of, 8082


Measurement & Instrumentation Data

Center online maintenance log, 283

pyrheliometer comparison, 88

Renewable Resource Data Center (RReDC), 1314

Solar Radiation Research Laboratory data, 99


Operational instruments, recommended minimum accuracies for, 270

Operational radiometers, 4467. See also specific radiometers

Operational thermopile pyrheliometers, 8286

uncertainty analysis for, 9091

Optical depth, 229

calculation of for ozone absorption, 231

Optical domes

anomalies due to, 122124

effect of on angle of incidence response, 118119

spectral transmission of light through, 116117

ventilators for, 121122

Optical leveling, 117119

Optical radiation measurement, 3638

Orientation, 183.

∅rsted, Hans Christian, 109

Ozone absorption coefficients, 232236

Ozone air mass, calculation of, 244


P-type silicon, 3132

Pacific Northwest (United States) Solar

Radiation Data Network, 9899

PACRAD. See Primary absolute cavity radiometer

Paint aging, pyranometer responsivity and, 119120

PAR. See Photosynthetically active radiation Perihelion, 8, 12

Philipona, Rolf, 210

Photocurrent, 32

Photodiode-based pyranometers calibration, 141142

characterization of, 131135

corrections made to, 134142

effects of tilt on, 187

features of, 128131

modeling PV system performance using, 189191

reference solar cells, 142143

use of in rotating shadowband radiometers, 171, 175

Photodiodes, 3132

spectral response of, 131

temperature dependence of, 137138

temperature response of, 131

Photoelectric effect, 28, 106107

Photometry, 237239

Photon scattering, 230

Photopic response, 28, 237

Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)

photometric sensors, 240241

use of to measure broadband albedo, 193194

Photovoltaic devices

gas absorption and, 231

use of broadband filter radiometry to calculate efficiency of, 237

use of photodiode pyranometers in, 106107

Photovoltaic panels, analysis of performance, 4

Photovoltaic reference cells, 131, 142143

Photovoltaic systems, modeling performance of with photodiode pyranometers, 189191

Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, 87. See also PMOD

Piezocapacitance barometers, 269270

Piezoresistive barometers, 268269

PIR. See Precision infrared radiometer Pitot tubes, 260

Pixel-to-cloud index conversion, 314

Planck’s law, 30

Plane of array (POA) solar irradiance, 78, 103

Plant stress, use of PAR albedos to predict, 194

Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) detectors, 256


radiometers, 67, 71

ventilators, 121122

Polar axis, 911

Polar sun path charts, 321, 331340

Pouillet, Claude Servais Mathias, 36

Precision infrared radiometer (PIR), 5859

calibration of, 209210

operational considerations, 213215

Precision spectral pyranometer (PSP), 5255

calibration of, 131132

calibration plot of, 134

effect of tilt on, 184185

linear response of, 110111

optical anomaly of, 122124

specifications of, 111112

temperature dependence of, 120121

thermal offset, 113

Prede, Inc. rotating shadow blade (RSB–100), 167, 172

Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resource Project (POWER), 96

Pressure, measuring, 267270

Primary absolute cavity radiometer (PACRAD), 5961

Propeller anemometers, 261263

Pryanometers, calibration of, 143148

PSP. See Precision spectral pyranometer Pyranometer response, 167

Pyranometers, 36. see also specific pyranometers

Ångström, 47

black-and-white, 124128, 186187

black-disk thermopile, 108–124 See also

Black-disk thermopile pyranometers) calibration of, 112, 167168

calibration uncertainties, 149150

Callendar, 4344

classification of, 107108

cleaning and maintenance of, 279282

effect of tilt on accuracy of measurements, 188189

Eppley model 848, 6162

fixed shadowband measurements of diffuse irradiance, 163165

Kipp & Zonen models CM21 and CM22, 110111

lack of Lambertian angular response of, 144

LI-COR model LI-200SA, 6263

light bulb, 5052

measurement of GHI using, 103104

Moll–Gorczynski, 48

optical anomaly, 122124

performance characteristics of, 108

photodiode-based, 128143, 187188

(See also Photodiode-based pyranometers)

precision spectral, 5255, 110111

Robitzsch bimetallic actinograph, 4950

single black detector thermopile, 184185

uncertainty analysis applied to the calibration of, 150153

use of in rotating shadowband radiometers, 173178

use of to measure albedo, 202203

Yanishevsky, 5355


Ångström Tulipan, 44

calibration of, 209212

development of calibration standards for, 212

measurement of infrared radiation using, 206209

modeling pyranometer thermal offsets using, 114

operational considerations, 213215

Pyrheliometers. See also specific pyrheliometers Abbot silver-disk, 4446

Ångström electrical compensation, 4143

cleaning and maintenance of, 282

Eppley 180°, 5052

geometry of, 8082

Marvin, 47

normal incidence, 5657

operational characteristics of, 8286

Pouillet’s, 36, 40

Smithsonian water-flow, 4647

space-based, 61

(See also Space-based measurements)

uncertainty analysis for calibration of cavity pyrheliometers, 8890

uncertainty analysis for operational

thermopile pyrheliometers, 9091

use of to measure DNI, 7879


Radiant energy, 8

Radiation and Energy Balance Systems (REBS) Q–7. 1, 218219

Radiation shields, 256257

Radiative heat transfer, 3031, 109

Radiometers, 4. See also specific radiometers

Abbot silver-disk pyrheliometer, 4446

Ångström electrical compensation pyrheliometer, 4143

Ångström pyranometer, 47

Ångström Tulipan pyrgeometer, 44

automatic Hickey–Frieden (AHF) cavity radiometer, 6769

broadband filter, 237242

Callendar pyranometer, 4344

Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorder, 3841

DIAL, 6366

Eppley 180° pyrheliometer, 5052

Eppley model 848

pyranometer, 6162

four-sensor net, 222

Kipp & Zonen solarimeter, 4749

LI-COR model LI-200SA pyranometer, 6263

Marvin pyrheliometer, 47

narrow-band filter, 242248

normal incidence pyrheliometer, 5657

Pouillet’s pyrheliometer, 36, 39

precision infrared, 5859

precision spectral pyranometer (PSP), 5255

primary absolute cavity, 5961

Robitzsch bimetallic actinograph, 4950

single-sensor net, 218220

Smithsonian water-flow pyrheliometer, 4647

space-based, 6970

two-sensor net, 220221

World Standard Group, 67

Yanishevsky pyranometer, 5355

Rayleigh atmosphere, optical depth of, 243

Rayleigh scattering, 161162, 229

Receiver absorptivity, 9192

Record keeping, 283

Reda, Ibrahim, 212

Reference cells, 142143

Reference GHI, 118

Reflected global irradiance, 3

Reflected irradiance, 183

Reflectivity, spectral albedo and, 195

Refraction, 21, 36

Relative humidity, 30

measuring, 265267

Resistive temperature detectors (RTDs), 256

Response degradation, black-disk thermopile pyranometers and, 119120

Response length, 259260

Response times, 256, 258259


calibration of pyranometers and, 151

effects of tilt on, 185187

solar zenith angle and, 153156

summation calibration of pyranometers and, 146148

Right ascension, 911

calculation of, 16

Robinson, John Thomas Romney, 260

Robitzsch bimetallic actinograph, 4950

Robitzsch, Max, 49

Root mean square errors (RMSEs), calculation of, 9697

Rotating shadowband pyranometer (RSP), 64, 80

use of for measuring diffuse irradiance, 166167

Rotating shadowband radiometer (RSR), 3, 64

description of, 173178

uncertainty analysis for measurements of DNI, 9394

varieties of, 171173

Rotating shadowband sun radiometers, 247

RSP. See Rotating shadowband pyranometer

RSR. See Rotating shadowband radiometer


Sampling frequency

multifilter rating shadowband radiometer, 179

rotating shadowband radiometers, 175177

Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART) model, 249250

Satellite irradiance models, 315317

Satellite model estimates of DNI, 9597

Satellites. See also Space-based measurements

deriving irradiance measurements from, 312315

use of to site solar plant installations, 7980

Scattering, 2627, 77, 161

aerosol, 229231

Rayleigh, 229

Schenk 8111 pyrradiometer, 220221

Schenk Star pyranometer

characteristics of, 124128

tilt effects on, 186

Schenk ventilators, 121122

Schott WG295 glass, spectral transmission of light through, 117

Schulze-Däke net radiometer, 220

Scotopic response, 237

Sea salt aerosols, 230

Seebeck Effect, 28, 106

Self-calibrating absolute cavity radiometers (ACRs), 83

Semiconductors, 32

Sensitivity coefficients, 150

use of in calibration of pyranometers, 151153

Sensors, tilted, 3

Shade disk vs. calculated diffuse irradiance, 165166

Shade–unshade calibration technique, 141, 144146, 167168

Shadowband radiometers, 6366

Shielding, 276

Shortwave radiation, 217

Shut resistance current, 32

Sidereal day, 12

Silicon cell radiometers, 4. See also Radiometers

Silicon photodiodes, 3132

characteristics of, 128131

Silver-disk pyrheliometer, 46

Simple Model of the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer of Sunshine (SMARTS) model, 249

Single black-disk thermopile pyranometers. See Black-disk thermopile pyranometers

effect of tilt on, 184185

Single scattering albedo, 230

Single-sensor net radiometers, 218220

Sky irradiance, 103

Sky scanner, calibration of, 210211

Sky temperature, effective, 110

Skylight blockage, 162163

Slab, heat transfer across, 29

Sling psychrometers, 267

Smithsonian 1913

Scale of Radiation, 43, 46, 59

Smithsonian water-flow pyrheliometer, 4647

Snell, Willebord, 36

Snow-covered surfaces, spectral albedo of, 198199

Soil, spectral albedo of, 198199

Solar analemma, 14

Solar angles, 1112

Solar cells, 3132, 106107

external quantum efficiency of, 129

spectral response of, 130

temperature coefficient of, 137138

Solar constant, 8, 36. See also Total solar irradiance

Solar coordinates, 914

Solar cycles, 227228

Solar day, 12

Solar flat plate collectors. See Flat plate solar collectors

Solar hour angle, 1112. See also Hour angle

Solar irradiance

estimation of values of, 3233

ground-based modeling of, 95

satellite model estimates of, 9597

Solar irradiation monitor (SIM), 228

Solar measurements

nineteenth century radiometers, 3644

operational radiometers of the twentieth century, 4467

recent advances in, 6771

Solar Millennium AG, rotating shadowband radiometer, 166167, 171, 173

Solar monitoring stations, 4

choosing a site, 274276

cleaning and maintenance, 279283

data loggers and communications, 276278

data quality control, 287289

data review, 284287

field calibrations, 290291

grounding and shielding, 276

measurement intervals, 278279

physical layout of, 291293

record keeping, 283

sun path charts and siting of, 1920

Solar noon, 12

Solar plant installations, siting, 7980

Solar position, calculation of, 1720

Solar position algorithm. See spa.c Solar position algorithms, 341343

Solar radiation

atmospheric interactions, 229237

components of, 2324

data, 27

estimates derived from satellite measurements, 311317

international reference scale for measurement of, 5961

modeling of, 295305

spectral distribution of, 227, 249250

spectral nature of, 2528

SOlar Radiation Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite, 69, 77

measurement of spectral irradiance, 228

Solar reference cells, 142143

Solar resource assessment, 12

Solar spectrum, extraterrestrial, 227228

Solar time, 16

Solar zenith angle, 8, 200. See also Zenith angle

definition, 1416

dependence of spectral albedo on, 195196

determining the average cosine of, 304305

effect of on surface albedo, 194

responsivity and, 153156

uncertainty due to dependence of, 9293

Solarimeters, Kipp & Zonen, 4749

Solpos.c, 1314, 17

Sonic anemometers, 263

SORCE satellite. See SOlar Radiation Climate Experiment satellite

Sound detection and ranging (SODAR) technology, 258

Spa.c, 14, 17

Space-based measurements

total irradiance monitor, 6970

total solar irradiation, 77

Spectral albedo, 195199

measurement of, 203

Spectral corrections for MFRSR, 179

Spectral distribution solar radiation, 227

sunlight, 35

Spectral irradiance black body, 205206

conversion of into illuminance, 237

measurement of, 205206

Spectral measurements, 4

use of data from, 2728

Spectral models, 249250

Spectral nature of solar radiation, 2528

Spectral response

black-disk thermopile pyranometers and, 116117

photodiode-based pyranometers, 138139

photodiodes, 131

silicon solar cells, 129131

use of rotating shadowband radiometers to measure, 65

Spectrometers, 248249

Spectrometry, 248250

Specular reflection, 35, 183

Spirit levels, 118119

SRRL station, 291292

Standard uncertainty, 152

derivation of, 89

estimating for operational pyrheliometers, 91

rotating shadowband radiometer, 94

Star-type pyranometers, 106

Stefan, Jožef, 30

Stefan–Boltzmann law, 30

Step change, 258259

Stokes, Sir G. G., 40

Strain gages, 268

Subtraction method, diffuse values obtained from, 163166

Summation calibration technique, 141, 146148

accurate DHI measurements for, 169


concepts, 78

early observations of, 3536

Sun dial plot, 22

Sun path charts, 1819, 274275

Cartesian, 321331

polar, 321, 331340

Sun radiometers, 242, 247248

calibration of, 242245

Sun–earth distance, 8

Sunpos.f, 344348

Sunrise, calculation of time of, 2021

Sunrise hour angle, 2021

Sunset, calculation of time of, 2021

Sunset hour angle, 2021

Sunshine duration, 375376

Sunspots, 35

Surface albedo, 3, 193

estimations of, 194

Surface radiation, wavelength dependence of, 195

Surface Radiation (SURFRAD) network, 9899, 217, 292

broadband albedo measurement, 202

Surface solar irradiance, satellite estimates of, 9597

Surface-measured DNI data, 97100

Systematic errors, rotating shadowband radiometers, 175177


Temperature, 255

measuring, 256258

types of sensors for measuring, 256

Temperature response

black-and-white pyranometers, 127

black-disk thermopile pyranometers and, 120121

photodiodes, 131

use of rotating shadowband radiometers to measure, 65

Temperature sensitivity, uncertainty due to, 9192

Thermal offset, 110, 151

black-disk thermopile pyranometers, 113115

correcting for diffuse measurements, 168

lack of in black-and-white pyranometers, 128

tilted measurements and, 184185

Thermistor resistance, 214215

Thermistors, 256

Thermodynamics, fundamentals of, 2831

Thermoelectric effect, 28, 106, 109

Thermometers, 256

Thermopile detectors, 207208

Thermopile pyranometers

black-and-white, 124128

black-disk, 108124 See also (Black-disk thermopile pyranometers)

optical domes for, 108

use of in rotating shadowband radiometers, 175

Thermopile pyrheliometers

operational characteristics, 8286

uncertainty analysis for, 9091

window transmittance and temperature sensitivity of, 9192

Thermopile radiometers, 4, 28. See also Radiometers

constantan, 106

Moll, 4748

U.S. Weather Bureau, 5052

Thermopile shadowband radiometer (TSR), 65

Tilt, 183

effect of on black-and-white pyranometers, 186187

effect of on photodiode pyranometers, 187

effect of on single black detector pyranometers, 184185

Tilted irradiance measurements, accuracy of, 187188

Tilted pyranometers, use of in rotating shadowband radiometers, 175

Tilted surfaces

approximating global tilted irradiance for, 183

measurement of solar irradiance on, 3

modeling irradiance on, 298302

solar radiation on, 25

TIM. See Total irradiance monitor Time response, 258259

Torticelli, Evangelista, 268

Total irradiance monitor (TIM), 6970

measurement of spectral irradiance by, 228

Total solar irradiance (TSI), 8, 77

measurement of, 36

space-based measurement of, 6970

Total solar radiation on a tilted surface. See Plane of array (POA) solar irradiance

Total solar spectrum albedo, 193

Transmission of the atmosphere, 236237

Triple point, 255

True angular response, 117119

TSI. See Total solar irradiance

TSR. See Thermopile shadowband radiometer

Turbulent flow, 30

Two-sensor net radiometers, 220221

Type A uncertainties, 149150

pyranometer calibration and, 153156

Type B uncertainties, 149150

pyranometer calibration and, 150153


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM), 99100

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 26

broadband radiometric sensors, 241242

Uncertainty analysis

application of to pyranometer calibration, 150153

calibration of absolute cavity pyrheliometers, 8890

operational thermopile pyrheliometers, 9091

pyrgeometers, 215

rotating shadowband radiometer

measurements of DNI, 9394

Uncertainty types, 149150

Universal time (UT), 17

University of Oregon Solar Radiation

Monitoring Laboratory (UO SRML), 98, 291293

Upwelling infrared radiation, 217

measurements of, 206207

UTC, 1617

advantages of, 278279


Variability of solar irradiance and gravity oscillations (VIRGO) radiometer, 69

Variable conditions pyrheliometer comparison (VCPC), 8486

Vegetation, spectral albedo and, 195198


black-disk thermopile pyranometers, 121122

pyrgeometers, 213

VIRGO radiometer. See Variability of solar irradiance and gravity oscillations radiometer

Volcanic eruptions, aerosol scattering due to, 229230


Water vapor, use of narrow-band filter radiometers to measure, 245247

Water vapor absorption, 231

Wavelength dependence, 95

spectral albedo and, 203

Websites 3TIER, 96

Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN), 98

Irradiance, Inc. RSR2, 171

NASA Ozone Monitoring Instrument, 231

NOAA Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS), 99

NREL Measurement & Instrumentation Data Center, 283

Prede Co. Ltd. of Japan, 172

Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resource Project (POWER), 96

Renewable Resource Data Center (RReDC), 1314

SBDART model, 250

SMARTS model, 249

Solar Anywhere service of Clean Power Research, 96

solar inventory, 79

Solar Millennium AG, 172

solar position algorithm, 14

SOlar Radiation Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite, 77

Sun Chart Program, 274

sun path charts, 19

Surface Radiation (SURFRAD) network, 217


UDT photometry, 239

WISG pyrgeometer infrared standard, 212

World Infrared Standard Group, 223

World Radiation Data Center, 41

Wheatstone bridge, 269

White-sky albedo, 200

Wien’s law, 31

Wind measurements

anemometers, 260263

sensor terminology, 258260

speed and direction, 258

Wind vanes, 264265

Window transmittance, uncertainty due to, 91

WMO. See World Meteorological Organization Wolf, Rudolf, 35

World Climate Research Program, Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN), 9798

World Infrared Standard Group (WISG), 212, 223

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

CIMO guide to meteorological measurements, 255

pyranometer classifications of, 107108

World Radiation Data Center, 98

World Radiometric Reference (WRR), 61, 67, 87

uncertainty of, 89

World Standard Group (WSG), 87

World Standard Group radiometer, 67

WRR. See World Radiometric Reference

WSG. See World Standard Group

Wulf bands, 231


Yanishevsky pyranometer, 5355

Yankee Environmental Systems (YES), Inc. radiometers, 167, 171, 178181

use of to measure spectral albedo, 203


Zenith angle, 8, 1112, 200

definition, 1415

determination of, 18

determining the average cosine of, 304305

uncertainty due to dependence of, 9293

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