Chapter 17. Ten Reasons to Upgrade to the Professional or Enterprise Version

In This Chapter

  • Team management

  • Reporting

  • Quotes, Contracts, and Catalog modules

  • Forecasting

  • Wireless access

  • Microsoft Outlook integration

  • Offline Client synchronization

  • Customer Self-Service Portal

  • Workflow

  • Access control

  • Advanced SQL and Oracle support

As I mention throughout this book, SugarCRM has three flavors: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. Each version builds on the previous version: Professional contains all the features you find in the Community edition; and Enterprise has all the features you find in SugarCRM Professional. I sprinkle references to the Pro and Enterprise features throughout the book. And, in Chapter 14, I devote an entire chapter to a few of the Professional features. In this chapter, I list my ten favorite Pro and Enterprise features.


Sugar created the Professional and Enterprise editions to support companies with many users and teams. Hopefully, customers with less than five users find that the Sugar Community Edition meets their needs because both the Professional and Enterprise versions require a minimum of five users.


Users of a shared database must all use the same version of Sugar. A user of the Sugar Community Edition (CE) can't open a database created with Sugar Pro. However, you can upgrade a Sugar CE database if you decide to move up to Sugar Pro or Enterprise.

You can use any of the Sugar versions in a network environment.

Becoming a Team Player

You find references to teams sprinkled throughout the Pro and Enterprise editions. The administrator can create and manage teams based on job type, division, geography, or any other criteria he can think of. After the administrator creates a team — and assigns users to it — he can assign access rights to the team.

You can assign most of the record types that you create in Sugar to both an individual user and a team. For example, Opportunities, Contacts, Accounts, and Cases can all become the shared responsibility of a team of users.

I Want that Report on My Desk First Thing in the Morning!

Putting information into Sugar is only half the fun; the other half comes from being able to mine and manipulate the data to give you a good feel for what's working in your business — and what's not.

If you're a single user running your business from a tree house in your backyard, you probably have most of the facts and figures about your company whirling around in your head. The amount of data in your database grows proportionately with your number of employees; relying on your memory is no longer a viable solution.

The Reports module (see Chapter 14) transforms piles of data into organized knowledge. Managers can evaluate performance by running reports on salespeople, marketing campaigns, and customer service issues. Reports are drillable which means managers can double-click the information in a report to see the underlying data.

The Reports module includes a basic report writer, so managers can develop new reports based on customized queries. Customized reports can also take the form of a chart or graph so they can appear on the Dashboard module. Reports can be printed in PDF format and you can schedule them to be sent to your Inbox on a regular basis.

You Can Quote Me on That

Although a handshake is binding in some parts of the world, most of us would prefer to have our business dealings committed to in writing. Sugar Professional allows you to create Quotes (Chapter 7) and Contracts, which you can deliver to customers via e-mail, Word, or PDF format.

Sales reps can generate quotes that calculate line items, currencies, and taxes — saving you the worry of having to double-check their math. Version control makes it easier to manage the myriad versions of quotes and contracts that your users have issued.

The Quotes module integrates with the Products module so that you can create a Product Catalog designed to arm your sales reps with product information ranging from the amount of inventory on hand to discounted pricing available to preferred customers.

The Forecast Is Always Sunny

Large companies — especially those with lots of cubicles and a large sales force — live and die by quotas. The Forecasting module (refer to Chapter 14) allows sales managers to view the committed sale amounts of individual sales people as well as sales teams.

Forecasts are based on opportunities. The module includes a forecasting worksheet that allows you to set a quota and predict the best- and worst-case scenarios for that quota. At the end of the sales period, you can then see who is meeting or beating their quota — and who's not.

Becoming a Road Warrior

Who says you can't take it with you? Certainly not the folks at Sugar who give you an option for accessing your database when away from the office — and possibly away from an Internet connection.

The Sugar Offline Client enables users and administrators to use the Sugar application on their local machines without connecting to the Sugar server. This allows users to work in locations where it's not possible to access the Sugar server. They can then synchronize the data on their PC with the data on the Sugar server to make the updated information available to all users in the organization.

You can use the Sugar Offline Client, which is only supported on the Microsoft Windows platform, for the following subset of Sugar modules:

  • Home

  • Calendar

  • Activities

  • Accounts

  • Contacts

  • Emails

  • Leads

  • Opportunities

  • Quotes

  • Products

  • Forecasts


The Offline Client does not synchronize information from any custom modules that you create.

Keep Up with the Folks at Microsoft

Face it. Microsoft is everywhere. Most likely, you're running more than one of its products on your computer. Like many other software products, Sugar takes the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" philosophy. Sugar Professional and Enterprise includes plug-ins to two of the most popular Microsoft products — Outlook and Word (refer to Chapters 12 and 8, respectively).


Both Microsoft plug-ins are also available to Community Edition users for a slight fee.

A word about Word

The Sugar plug-in for Microsoft Word enables you to merge data, such as names and addresses, from Sugar Professional or Enterprise with form letter templates created in Word.

With the Sugar plug-in for Word, you can

  • Perform a mail merge from Sugar using a Microsoft Word template.

  • Perform a mail merge from Microsoft Word using Sugar data.

Changing your Outlook on Sugar

For many Sugar users, Microsoft Outlook represents their first foray into the world of CRM. Because old habits are hard to break, new Sugar users often encounter Outlook anxiety pains. The Outlook plug-in connects Sugar to Outlook. Outlook addicts synchronize Outlook e-mail, contacts, and calendar information into the appropriate Sugar modules.

With the Sugar plug-in for Outlook, you can

  • Synchronize contacts, appointments, and tasks between Outlook and Sugar.

  • Archive e-mail items from Outlook with Sugar Accounts, Bugs, Cases, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and Projects records.

  • View Sugar records from within Outlook.

  • Create Sugar Accounts, Bugs, Cases, Contacts, Leads, and Opportunities records from within Outlook.


Sugar's Customer Self-Service Portal module allows companies to provide marketing, sales, and support services via the Internet. Customers with a problem can create a case, upload relevant information, and track the case to its resolution without ever having to pick up a phone. All cases automatically appear within the Sugar Cases module.

Using the customer portal reduces the time your customer service and tech support people spend on the phone — and this typically helps your bottom line.

In addition to creating a case, the Sugar portals allow additional functionality:

  • Account Updates: Customers can update their contact information.

  • Subscription Management: Customers can select the subscriptions to newsletters that they want to receive; their selections are automatically registered in the Campaigns module.

  • Knowledge Search: Customers can search for information found within the Knowledge Base, FAQs, and Bug Tracker.

Flow through Your Work with Ease

A workflow (see Chapter 14) is a defined series of tasks to produce an outcome. Sugar Professional and Enterprise editions include a Workflow module that allows you to define different workflows for different types of jobs. Defining workflows has several benefits: it allows the company to standardize their business processes, it automates the procedure, and it insures follow-through.

In Sugar, a workflow consists of four parts:

  • Templates: You define workflow templates based on the process you want to follow.

  • Alerts: You create alerts based on changes to records or a time lapse.

  • Triggers: You define what action sets the wheels in motion.

  • Define actions: You define what you want to happen when a trigger is set off.

Access Control

If you are the only user of your Sugar database, your security might be limited to the password that allows you access to your entire database. In the Community Edition of Sugar, the administrator can create roles (refer to Chapter 16) that determine the access level of each user to the various modules and what they can change and/or see when they access that module.

Sugar Professional and Enterprise editions take the issue of security a bit further by giving you a few more options:

  • Field-Level Access Controls: You can limit access to specific field information.

  • Role Management: You can create roles based on user types (Administrator and Normal).

Building a Bigger Database

MySQL and PHP are both Open Source (meaning they are free to download and use) software products. The PHP/MySQL combination has become a popular choice for database-driven Web sites and the combination that Sugar supplies with all three versions. Although MySQL can be used for a variety of applications, it is most commonly found on Web servers.

For most of you, the MySQL database is powerful enough to run your business — and your database software. However, larger corporations often require beefier database software to run their various business processes. The two most popular database applications are Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.

SugarCRM Enterprise allows you to connect Sugar to either an Oracle or SQL Standard Server database. This is enticing to large companies for a number of reasons:

  • ROI: Oracle and SQL Server are expensive databases. When a company has forked over a sizeable amount of cash for these solutions, they want to be able to use these powerful databases with all of their applications.

  • Smaller learning curve: All databases need an administrator and Sugar is no exception. And, chances are good that the over-worked and underpaid IT guy is going to inherit that position. Using a database that he's already familiar with means he already has the advanced knowledge needed to keep the database in good, working order.

  • Advanced Reporting Capabilities: Larger, more powerful databases come with design tools to create reports accommodating just about any need. Administrators can design complex reports by using familiar design tools.

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