Test your knowledge

  1. We can add the following type of initializers to a class with extensions:
    1. Convenience initializers.
    2. Designated initializers.
    3. Primary initializers.

  2. We can add the following type of properties to a class with extensions:
    1. Read/write stored type properties.
    2. Primary properties.
    3. Computed instance properties and computed type properties.

  3. Convenience initializers are:
    1. Optional.
    2. Required.
    3. Required only in superclasses.

  4. A convenience initializer acts as:
    1. A required initializer that doesn't need to call any other initializer.
    2. A secondary initializer that doesn't need to call any other initializer.
    3. A secondary initializer that always ends up calling a designated initializer.

  5. If we declare the type for a property as UIPickerView!, Swift will treat the property as:
    1. An implicitly wrapped optional.
    2. An implicitly unwrapped optional.
    3. An exact equivalent of UIPickerView?.

  6. The default code for the AppDelegate class declares methods that receive an application argument as the first parameter and:
    1. Supresses externalization of the argument label by adding an underscore (_) followed by a space before the parameter label (application) in each method's declaration.
    2. Enforces externalization of the argument label by adding an underscore (_) followed by a space before the parameter label (application) in each method's declaration.
    3. Supresses externalization of the argument label by adding an asterisk (*) followed by a space before the parameter label (application) in each method's declaration.

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