Declaring protocols

Now, it is time to code the protocols in Swift. We will code the following five protocols:

  • ComicCharacter
  • GameCharacter
  • Alien
  • Wizard
  • Knight

The following UML diagram shows the five protocols that we will code in Swift, with their required properties and methods included in the diagram. In this case, the diagram shows only protocols and we don't use any mark above the protocol name. However, in other diagrams in which we will mix protocols with classes, we will add procotol after the protocol name. UML diagrams have specifications for interfaces, but we will use our own mechanism to identify protocols:

Declaring protocols

The following lines show the code for the ComicCharacter protocol. The public modifier followed by the protocol keyword and the protocol name, ComicCharacter, makes up the protocol declaration. As happens with class declarations, the protocol body is enclosed in curly brackets ({}). The code file for the sample is included in the swift_3_oop_chapter_05_01 folder:

    public protocol ComicCharacter {
      var nickName: String { get set }

      func drawSpeechBalloon(message: String)
      func drawSpeechBalloon(destination: ComicCharacter, 
      message: String)
      func drawThoughtBalloon(message: String)


In Swift 3, only classes and overridable class members can be declared with the open access modifier; therefore, we use the public access modifier for the protocols that we want to be accessed outside of the module that defines them.

Protocols declare a nickName read/write String stored property requirement, a drawSpeechBaloon method requirement, overloaded twice, and a drawThoughtBalloon method requirement. The protocol includes only the method declaration because the classes that implement the ComicCharacter protocol will be responsible for providing the implementation of the two overloads of the drawSpeechBalloon and drawThoughtBalloon methods. Note that there is no method body.

The following lines show the code for the GameCharacter protocol. The code file for the sample is included in the swift_3_oop_chapter_05_01 folder:

    public protocol GameCharacter { 
        var fullName: String { get set } 
        var score: UInt { get set } 
        var x: UInt { get set } 
        var y: UInt { get set } 
        func drawAt(x: UInt, y: UInt) 
        func moveTo(x: UInt, y: UInt) 
        func intersects(character: GameCharacter) -> Bool 

In this case, the protocol declaration includes four read/write stored property requirements: fullName, score, x, and y. In addition, the declaration includes three method requirements: drawAt, moveTo, and intersects. Note that we don't include access modifiers in either the properties or the methods.


We cannot add either access modifiers or observers to the different members of a protocol.

The following lines show the code for the Alien protocol. The code file for the sample is included in the swift_3_oop_chapter_05_01 folder:

    public protocol Alien { 
      var numberOfEyes: Int { get set }      
      func appear() 
      func disappear() 

In this case, the protocol declaration includes a property requirement, numberOfEyes, and two method requirements: appear and disappear. Note that we don't include the code for either the getter or the setter method of the numberOfEyes property. As happens with methods, the classes that implement the Alien protocol are responsible for providing the implementation of the getter and setter methods for the numberOfEyes property. We will create classes that implement the Alien protocol later in this chapter.

The following lines show the code for the Wizard protocol. The code file for the sample is included in the swift_3_oop_chapter_05_01 folder:

    public protocol Wizard { 
      var spellPower: Int { get set } 
      func disappear(alien: Alien) 

In this case, the protocol declaration includes a property requirement, spellPower, and a method requirement, disappear. As with the other method requirement declarations included in the previously declared protocols, we use the protocol name as a type of an argument within a method requirement declaration. In this case, the alien argument for the disappear method requirement declaration is Alien. Thus, we will be able to call the method with any class that conforms to the Alien protocol.

The following lines show the code for the Knight protocol. The code file for the sample is included in the swift_3_oop_chapter_05_01 folder:

    public protocol Knight { 
      var swordPower: Int { get set } 
      var swordWeight: Int { get set }  
      func unsheathSword() 
      func unsheathSword(target: Alien) 

In this case, the protocol declaration includes two property requirements, swordPower and swordWeight, and an unsheathSword method requirement, overloaded twice.

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