View Your Photos

If you want to look at several photos, you can use the iPhoto application, which is available with the Apple iLife suite or via the App Store. iPhoto offers a feature called full-screen mode, which hides everything else and displays your photos using the entire screen.

Once you activate full-screen mode, iPhoto offers several on-screen controls that you can use to navigate backward and forward through the photos in a folder. Full-screen mode also shows thumbnail images of each photo, so you can quickly jump to any photo you want to view.

View Your Photos


001 In iPhoto, click Events.

002 Double-click the event that contains the photos you want to view.


003 Double-click the first photo you want to view.

iPhoto displays the photo.


004 Click Next (9781118462249-ma045.tif) to view the next photo in the event.

A You can also click Previous (9781118462249-ma046.tif) to see the previous photo in the event.

Note: You can also navigate photos by pressing arkrt.eps and arklt.eps.


005 When you are done, click the name of the event.

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