
Page numbers in italic indicate figures or tables and in bold indicate glossary terms.

3D see BIM Level 2

4D animations 758

5D quantification 789


access modelling 12930, 129, 130

AIM see Asset Information Model (AIM)

AIR see Asset Information Requirements (AIR)

animations, 4D 758

area data sheets (ADS) 1112, 12

assessment attributes 456

asset costs 1213

asset information 1415, 13740, 138, 139

Asset Information Model (AIM) 136, 137, 144

Asset Information Plan 32

Asset Information Requirements (AIR) 1356, 144

asset management strategy 812

assets 889

automated purchasing 59

automatic design verification 11820, 119, 120

awareness campaigns 86


backups 478, 47, 48

BCF see BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)

BCIS see Building Cost Information Service (BCIS)

BEPs see BIM Execution Plans (BEPs)

Bew-Richards BIM maturity diagram 523, 53

BIM adoption 413, 42, 602

BIM capability assessment 489

BIM Champion 33, 401, 44, 77, 85, 86, 89

BIM Collaboration File 112, 114

BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) 1112, 111, 112

BIM Coordinator 32, 33, 74, 75, 92

BIM deliverables 26, 26

BIM Execution Plans (BEPs) 72, 91, 103, 136, 144

post-contract 303

pre-contract 2230, 23

BIM implementation 838

characteristics of success 38

goals and objectives 602

measuring success 612

organisational BIM assessment 489

precursors to BIM Level 2 408, 84

readiness assessment 845

tasks 85

tiered approach 38, 39

BIM implementation plan 85

BIM Information Manager 28, 32, 33, 87, 97, 98, 99, 139

BIM Level 0 38, 39, 52, 534, 53

BIM Level 1 38, 39, 52, 53, 54

BIM Level 2 1819, 24, 25, 38, 39, 52, 53, 557, 55

challenges of transition to 57

goals and objectives 601

organisational assessment 489

precursors to 408, 84

BIM Level 3 38, 39, 52, 53, 5760, 58, 60

BIM Manager

FM workshops 140

hiring dedicated 75, 88, 8990

project delivery task list 913

responsibilities 212, 245, 27, 32, 33, 46, 57, 77, 79, 131

BIM Maturity Levels 38, 39, 5260, 52, 53

Level 0 38, 39, 52, 534, 53

Level 1 38, 39, 52, 53, 54

Level 3 38, 39, 52, 53, 5760, 58, 60

see also BIM Level 2

BIM objectives 14, 602

BIM Protocol 27, 27, 28, 30, 989, 101

BIM schedules 712, 71, 73

BIM software 24, 30, 412, 48, 557

4D animations 758

computer-assisted coordination 702, 71

computer automated coordination 6770, 67, 68, 69, 70

BIM Sponsor 401, 42, 77, 84, 85, 86

BIM strategy 813, 1415, 84

BIM Task Group 18

BIM Technical Adviser 20, 22

BIM Toolkit 28, 1278, 128

BIM vision statements 84

BIM Working Party 18, 19, 52, 53

BS-1192 46, 46, 47, 48, 54

budget 85

building contracts 978, 99101

Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) 13

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

defined 8

key benefits 25, 61

business process automation 59


CAD see Computer Aided Design (CAD)

capital expenditure (CAPEX) 12, 139

care, duties of 967, 99

CDE see Common Data Environment (CDE)

change management 867

CI/SfB (Construction Industry/Samarbetskomitten for Byggnadsfragor) 144

Cialdini, Robert 40

CIC see Construction Industry Council (CIC)

clash avoidance 745

clash detection 745, 100, 103

classification systems 28, 44, 79, 127

clearance zone modelling 12930, 129, 130

client push see push-pull strategy

client strategy 813

COBie see Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie)

commercial requirements 20

Common Data Environment (CDE) 24, 301, 54, 74, 144

information exchanges 28, 10810, 109, 110, 111

Computer Aided Design (CAD) 41, 46, 47, 534, 144

Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) systems 139, 140

computer-assisted coordination 702, 71

computer automated coordination 6770, 67, 68, 69, 70

construction coordination 701, 758

Construction Industry Council (CIC) 26

see also BIM Protocol

Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) 103, 1378, 138, 139, 140, 144

Construction Project Information Committee (CPIC) 8

consultant appointments 978

contracts 978, 99101

contractual duties of care 967, 99

Cookham Wood Trial Project 1023


challenges 66

clash avoidance 745

computer-assisted 702, 71

computer automated 6770, 67, 68, 69, 70

construction sequence 701, 758

design coordination processes 478, 48

errors 667, 723, 72

and Level of Definition 129

preparation for 74

roles 734

cost analysis 13, 14, 789, 139

cost reductions 84

Costs, Whole Life 1213, 13

CPIC see Construction Project Information Committee (CPIC)

CPix BIM Assessment forms 489


data 567, 56, 135, 145

data attributes 446, 44, 45

data corruption liability 99, 101

data drops 33, 34, 92, 110, 126, 126, 145

data repositories see Common Data Environment (CDE)

data storage naming protocol 46, 46

see also file naming conventions

design coordination processes 478, 48

design fixity 11314

design intent model 29, 76

design options 11718, 117, 118

design publication standards 43

Design Responsibility Matrix (DRM) 127, 145

design verification 11820, 119, 120

Digital Built Britain strategy 5960, 60

dPOW (digital plan of work) 145

DRM see Design Responsibility Matrix (DRM)

duties of care 967, 99

DWF file format 145

DWG file format 145


early warning 100

Elemental Standard Form of Cost Analysis (SFCA) 13, 78

Employer’s Information Requirements (EIRs) 1922, 19, 20, 21, 135, 145

end-user support 88

enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) 56


facilities management (FM)

Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) systems 139, 140

workshops 139, 140

federated model 278, 27, 30, 56

file formats 24, 30, 145

file naming conventions 30, 46, 46, 478, 48, 54, 74, 108

financial strength 89

fitness for purpose 96

FM see facilities management (FM)


gateways 13, 33

global unique IDs (GuIDs) 112

Government Construction Strategy 1819, 25, 102

Government Soft Landings (GSL) 101, 13940, 139


human resources 8990

see also organisational structure; roles and responsibilities


in-house learning content 90

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) 57, 59, 60, 110, 112

influence 40

Information Delivery Plans 312, 32, 92, 136

information exchanges 1367

in BIM Toolkit 128

in Common Data Environment 28, 10810, 109, 110, 111

Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) 103, 1378, 138, 139, 140, 144

data drops 33, 34, 92, 110, 126, 126, 145

work-in-progress (WIP) 10810, 109, 110, 137

information management 313

Information Manager see BIM Information Manager

information models 135

see also Asset Information Model (AIM); Project Information Model (PIM)

intellectual property rights 27, 101, 103

Interface Manager 87

interfaces, proprietary 56

interoperability of models 30

issue tracking systems 434


King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) project 756, 76


Last Responsible Moment (LRM) decision-making 11314

layer naming conventions 30, 54

Lead Designer 87

leadership roles 401, 42

‘Lessons Learned’ sessions 89

Level of Definition (LOD) 1246, 125, 129

Level of Detail (LoD) standards 28, 101, 127, 128

Level of Information (LoI) standards 28, 127

liability, limits of 97, 99, 101

library objects 445, 44

licensing of BIM models 989, 101, 103

Life Cycle Costs 1213, 13

limits of liability 97, 99, 101

LOD see Level of Definition (LOD)

LoD see Level of Detail (LoD) standards

LoI see Level of Information (LoI) standards

LRM see Last Responsible Moment (LRM) decision-making


management 838

management requirements 20

Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) 31, 32

material quantity schedules 72, 789

matrix of responsibilities 30, 31

see also Design Responsibility Matrix (DRM)

MIDP see Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP)

milestones 14, 26, 26

model federation 278, 27, 30, 56

model integrity 138

model interoperability 30

Model Production and Delivery Table (MPDT) 27, 27, 30, 32, 99, 100, 126, 126, 131

model revisions 478, 11213

review only revisions 113, 113

revision file naming 478, 113, 113

revision management 11417, 115, 116 model snapshots 112

Moore, Geoffrey A. 41, 41

MPDT see Model Production and Delivery Table (MPDT)


NBS Create tool 45, 45

NBS National BIM Library 445, 44


open BIM workflows 11013, 111, 112, 113

operating expenditure (OPEX) 12, 139

operation and maintenance systems 101

operations and maintenance (O and M) costs 1011, 10, 13, 134, 135

organisational BIM assessment 489

organisational culture 823

Organisational Information Requirements 135

Organisational Process Assets 89

organisational structure 85, 86, 87, 88


parameters see data attributes

PAS-55 1415

PAS-1192 19, 245

PAS-1192-2 19, 22, 289, 29, 30, 32, 33, 56, 734, 767, 113, 113, 136

PAS-1192-3 131

PAS-1192-4 137

PDF file format 145

Personal Development Plans 89

pilot projects 85, 86

PIM see Project Information Model (PIM)

Plain Language Questions (PLQs) 21, 21, 29, 33, 34

Pre-Qualification Questionnaires 489

procurement models 1012

project data management systems 434

Project Delivery Manager 87

project delivery task list 913

project documentation 43

project goals 25

Project Information Manager 87

Project Information Model (PIM) 267, 289, 137

Project Information Plan 267, 32

project management software 75, 76, 77

Project Manager 22, 77

Project Outputs 32

proprietary interfaces 56

purchasing, automated 59

push-pull strategy 18, 1920, 19


quantification 789


readiness assessment 845

reasonable endeavours 99

reasonable skill and care 96, 97, 99

responsibility matrix 30, 31

see also Design Responsibility Matrix (DRM)

review only revisions 113, 113

revision file naming 478, 113, 113

revision management 11417, 115, 116

RIBA Plan of Work 21, 102, 139

risk assessment 22

risk management 100

roles and responsibilities 24, 30, 33, 85, 87, 88

BIM Champion 33, 401, 44, 77, 85, 86, 89

BIM Coordinator 32, 33, 74, 75, 92

BIM Information Manager 28, 32, 33, 87, 97, 98, 99, 139

BIM Sponsor 401, 42, 77, 84, 85, 86

BIM Technical Adviser 20, 22

coordination roles 734

leadership roles 401, 42

technical coordinators 71, 73, 74, 75, 90, 92

rule checking 11820, 119, 120


schedule of accommodation 1112, 11, 78

SFCA see Standard Form of Cost Analysis (SFCA)

shared building model 579, 58 simulation attributes 46

small to medium enterprises (SMEs) 40, 75, 88

SMART objectives 14, 61

Soft Landings see Government Soft Landings (GSL)

spatial coordination see coordination

spatial coordination meetings 74, 75

specification attributes 45

standard form building contracts 978, 99101

Standard Form of Cost Analysis (SFCA) 13, 78

Standard Method and Procedure 24, 27, 30

status codes 74, 113, 113

sub-models 28, 28, 91, 93

suggestion box 83

supplier BIM/IT assessment 245

supplier pull see push-pull strategy

survey strategy 31


Task Information Delivery Plans (TIDPs) 31, 32, 32, 92

Task Information Manager 87

task team interface managers see technical coordinators

Task Team Manager 87

technical coordinators 71, 73, 74, 75, 90, 92

technical requirements 20

technology adoption 413, 41, 42

TIDPs see Task Information Delivery Plans (TIDPs)

tiered investment in BIM 38, 39

time dimension 75

see also 4D animations

training 41, 43, 83, 86, 8990

‘Two Stage Open Book’ procurement model 102


Uniclass 28, 44, 79, 127


versioning 47, 11417, 116

view templates 69, 70, 73

virtual construction model 29, 76

Volume Strategy 28, 30


Whole Life Costs 1213, 13

work-in-progress (WIP) information exchanges 10810, 109, 110, 137


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