Jobs, Steve
Apple I, origins, 74, 94
Apple store concept, 3
art dedicated to, 20, 21, 25, 30, 31, 36
see also
specific artists
artifacts, Apple Museum, 86
biography, animated, 45
creativity, 45
death, 20, 24
iPad, belief in, 193
keynote speeches, 41
legacy, 25
Newton, ceasing of, 68–69, 72
ousting from Apple, 101, 164
personality, 13
philosophies of, 18, 34, 44, 58
pillow, 13–14, 16
return to Apple, 1997, 62, 68
spirituality, 20, 40
tattoos dedicated to, 20, 21, 37, 40–41
temperament, 25
veganism, 86, 87
yearbook of, 87
joysticks, 87
Juiced.GS, 174
Kalb, Ira, 4–5
Kalb & Associates, 4
KansasFest, 74, 173, 177–184
Kare, Susan, 40
Keller, Laurent, 150
Kelly, Lucy, 11, 12
Kickstarter, 153
Kosovan, Oleksandr, 98
Kutcher, Ashton, 45
Lane, John, 182, 183
Lane, Rachele, 182, 183
Langer, Bernhard, 138
LaserWriter printers, 76, 174
launches, product
market practices, 5
popularity of stores (
Apple stores)
retail strategies, 16
Laurent, William, 81
Le Govic, Pierre, 126
Léman Bleu, 150
Lil Wayne, 116
Limp Bizkit, 198
Lischina, Dmitry, 202–204
Lisker, Darian, 41
LIVE+, 150
Logic Pro, 110, 113
logo, Apple, 5, 164, 203
Lubova, Anna, 198
M0001, 76
MacBook, 177
Macintosh computers, 179.
See also
specific models
Apple I (
Apple I)
Apple II (
Apple II)
first, sale of, 45
Mac SE (
Mac SE)
original, 76
prototypes, 61
simplicity of, 41
macOS, 113
MacPaw, 98
Mac SE, 67
Magnolia Pictures, 154
Maine Technology Museum, 94
Mak Long, Jonathan, 20, 21, 41
Mangin, Brad, 124, 125, 138
Manson, Marilyn, 120
Martens, Bill, 184
Martino, Anthony, 183
Mashable, 110
Matsuno, Kohei, 36
Mendoza, Ted, 40
Mercier, Jason, 30
Mess, Conrad, 153
MessagePad, 71
Millionaire Fair, Russia, 198
Mimms, Lonnie, 74, 90, 95
Mojocon, RTE, 150
Monsieur Plant, 167
Moondog Labs, 153
Mulcahy, Glen, 150
Munster, Gene, 4
Murray, Brett, 104
music, Apple’s impact on.
See also
GarageBand (
iPad, drumming on, 119–122
Logic Pro (
Logic Pro)
overview, 110
songs about iPhones, 115–118
Musk, Elon, 41
Needles and Sins
, 37
Nerf Herder, 115
Nesterov, Dmitry, 45
Newton Assistant, 71
Newton Flickr group, 69
Newton Talk mailing list, 69
Newton, Apple, 68–69, 71, 72, 94, 104
prototype, 76
NeXT, 87, 104
Nibble Viewpoints, 184
Nikon, 124
Nokia 8800, 202
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