It is an exciting time to be a microcontroller user. A growing range of ARM Cortex-M devices are available from many vendors, spanning a broad range of applications. Users who are familiar with 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers and are moving to ARM Cortex-M–based devices are surprised at just how easy they are to use and, with the introduction of ARM Cortex-M0 devices, how low-cost and efficient 32-bit microcontrollers have become.
So I was delighted that Joseph Yiu chose to write a guide for the users of these ARM Cortex-M0 devices. As a technical authority on the ARM Cortex-M family and a formative 8-bit user, Joseph is uniquely placed to guide users new to ARM Cortex microcontrollers on their first transition steps, and to impart detailed knowledge about the Cortex-M0 to the advanced user.
Dr Dominic Pajak
ARM Cortex-M0 Product Manager
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