
Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures; page numbers in bold refer to tables.

accurate visual representation (AVR) 68

active frontages 22, 24, 80, 84, 85, 164, 165, 166

adaptable buildings and places 245, 170

aerial perspectives 69

aesthetics 2730, 152, 153

agents 50

air conditioning 111

animations 6970

appearance of place 2730, 152, 153

archaeological interest 119

architect’s role 59, 60

architectural detailing 44, 181

artworks 98, 168

axonometric drawings 65, 66, 67, 68

backfill 79

back-to-back 83

balconies 89, 90

basement extensions 81

bedspaces per hectare 40

Better Streets 125

biodiversity 1001

boundary treatments 97

brownfield sites 176

buffer zones 87, 89

building conservation 11522

building height 36, 41, 77, 109 (see also tall buildings)

building orientation 89

Building Regulations 88, 89, 90, 110, 111

building regulations submission 56

building significance 11718, 119, 1201

Built for Life 94

bulk 36

bus services 178

bus stands 163, 171

car parking

for housing 35, 80, 856, 94

new developments 182

parking pads 130

for tall buildings 157

town centres 129, 163, 165, 169

carbon emissions 110

character of place 302, 179, 181

civic centres 1679

climate change 11014

collaborative working 512

communal space 901

community engagement 48, 53, 60, 134

computer-generated imagery 689

concept design stage 55

conceptual graphics 63, 64

connected streets 19, 24, 83, 85, 100

conservation 11522

conservation areas 118, 120

construction stage 56

consultants 50

context 75, 77, 121

contractors 52

conversion of existing buildings 24, 170

corner buildings 75, 76

courtyard homes 91, 92, 93

cross-sections 65

cul-de-sacs 19, 34, 35, 83

cycle parking 80, 96, 171

cycle space 127

cycling 163, 1778

daylight 789, 10610, 1512

daylighting rights 41, 108

delivery vehicles 163

density 256, 3743

large-scale developments 179

town centres 1667

design and access statements 56

design codes 55, 801, 174, 175

design guidance 801

design intention 58

design process 589, 60

design quality 56, 58

design-and-build 52

desire lines 100

detailing 44, 181

developed design stage 556

developer teams 512

development form 13, 3344 (see also density)

development parameters 41, 80, 174

large-scale developments 179

layout 24, 336

materials 434, 126, 150

scale 367, 167

small-scale development 77

development sites 75, 176

district heating 112

drainage 97, 114

drawings 6171

dwellings per hectare 40, 41

edge of a development 174, 176

efficient places 257

electric vehicles 112

elevation drawings 67

embodied energy 11011

emotional responses to place 14

enabling development 120

energy efficiency 110

energy generation 110

energy performance certificates (EPCs) 110

energy strategy 26

entrances 1567

environmental issues 10514

climate change 11014

daylight and sunlight 789, 10610, 1512

wind effects on microclimates 1056, 107, 1501

estate regeneration 42, 43, 136, 181

extensions to houses 81, 82

extensions to towns 17382

external lighting 98

external walls 434

eye-level perspectives 69

facades 36, 181

and daylighting 107

new construction behind 120

small-scale development 778, 79

tall buildings 151, 158

fee payments 58

fencing 97

financial issues 501

flexibility 245, 170

flooding 112, 114

floor area ratio 41

floor-to-ceiling heights 78, 158, 160

fly-throughs 6970

footways 957, 100, 126, 131

form see development form

front garden hedges 77

front-to-front 83

grain 33

graphics 6171

masterplans 173, 174

street design 128, 129

greenfield sites 176

grids 35

gross housing density 38, 40

habitable rooms per hectare 40, 41

heat island effect 109, 112

heights see building height; floor-to-ceiling heights; tall buildings

heritage assets 11522, 160

heritage at risk 121

heritage statements 121

highway engineering 124, 129, 1301, 182 (see also vehicle movement)

Historic England 11718, 121, 122

historic environment 11522, 126

homebuilders 4950

hotels 158, 160

house extensions 81, 82

housing 8394 (see also estate regeneration)

housing types and design trends 912

inside the home 8891

street structure and urban layout 838

Housing and Planning Act 2016 45

housing associations 50

housing density 38, 40, 41, 912, 1667

housing types 91

human factors 14

human scale 167

identity of place 2932

incremental development 173, 176

indoor climates 89

infill sites 757

infrastructure strategies 13

institutional landowners 49

internal layout 889

land for development 176

landowners 4950

landscaping 95104 (see also planting)

large-scale schemes 13, 17382

layout of streets and spaces 24, 336 (see also connected streets; internal layout)

leftover space 25, 77, 83, 100

legibility of place 20, 177

legislation 45

light pollution 108

lighting 98, 107

listed buildings 118, 119

lobbies 1567

local design guidance 55, 81, 174, 175

local planning authority (LPA) 51, 54

local plans 46

locally listed buildings 11819

Manual for Streets 123, 131

masonry 434

massing 36, 77

masterplans 13, 1734

materials 434, 126, 150

medium scale plans 14

microclimate 1056, 1501

mix of uses and activities 1516, 17, 1656

movement 1821, 1767, 1812 (see also pedestrian movement; vehicle movement)

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 11, 1213

community engagement 55

development form 33

historic environment 11718, 120, 121

place characteristics 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32

planning 53

natural light see daylight

neighbourhood centres 166 (see also town centres)

neighbourhood gross area 40

neighbourhood plans 13, 45, 53

net residential density 38, 40

new developments 17382

office buildings 158

open spaces 22, 378, 88 (see also public spaces)

daylighting 108

landscaping 95104

new developments 179

orientation of building 89

outdoor space (housing) 79, 89, 90, 91

outlook 789

overheating 111

overlooking 78, 80, 85

parking see car parking

passive solar design 11112

paths 957, 100

pavements 131

paving 957 (see also tactile paving)

pedestrian comfort 20, 106, 144

pedestrian movement 1820, 142, 144

footways 957, 100, 126, 131

new developments 1778

shopping loops 165

town centres 1612

perimeter blocks 335, 38, 39

permeability 19, 24, 83, 85, 100

phasing of development 181

photomontage 69

place characteristics 1213, 1532 (see also movement; public spaces; streets)

adaptable buildings and places 245, 170

efficiency 257

fit for purpose 16, 18

identity of place 2932

mix of uses and activities 1516, 17, 1656

visual appearance 2730, 152, 153

plan-making 467

planner’s role 59, 60

planning 45

planning applications

amendments to the design 58

decision-taking 478

deemed consent 45

graphics 6370

level of detail 568

neighbourhood plans 45

open space 99

permission in principle 45

planning process 56, 58

protecting design quality 56, 58

planning briefs 51

planning obligations and payments 501, 58

planning policies 45, 55

Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) 11, 123

planning process 56, 58

plans 6171

planting 81, 86, 87, 95, 1004

play spaces 88

plot ratio 41

podium parks 158

podiums 156

politicians’ role 54, 60

pollution flushing 106, 151

pre-application discussions 51, 54, 55

privacy 78, 79, 88, 89

private amenity space 79, 89, 90, 91

professional roles 50, 59, 60

professional teams 512

project stages 556

public art 98, 168

public engagement 48, 53, 60, 134

public policy objectives 1112

public spaces 213, 13746 (see also open spaces)

public transport 163 (see also transport infrastructure; transport interchanges)

PV panels 110

quality of materials 434, 126, 150

Radburn layout 35

recycling bins and boxes 79, 81, 86

redevelopment 176, 181

refurbishment 24, 170

refuse bins and boxes 79, 81, 86

regulations 46

renewable energy generation 110

residential density 38, 40, 41, 912, 1667

residential towers 158, 159

resilient places 24

RIBA Plan of Work 2013 55

right to light 108

road junctions 131, 132, 135 (see also highway engineering; vehicle movement)

road user segregation 126, 1324

roles in the design process 59, 60

roof gardens 91

roofline 41, 77, 78

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) 58

safety 80

scale 367, 167 (see also large-scale schemes; small-scale development)

scale drawings 65, 71

sculpture 98, 168

seating 20, 98, 144, 146

Section 106

agreements 501, 53, 58

section drawings 65, 67

Secured by Design 80, 90

security 80, 85, 90, 154

sense of place 1213

servicing areas 15, 157

shared space 901

shop frontages 37, 167, 168

shopping centres 1656, 167, 1789

shopping loops 165

shopping malls 165

shopping trends 169, 172

signage 46, 127, 167

significance of building 11718, 119, 1201

site plans 65, 66

siting the building 75

sky gardens 158

skybridges/skywalks 1578

skyview 152

slab blocks 92, 93

small-scale developments 7582

social housing 176

solar gain 111

solid-to-void ratio 28, 778, 79

soundproofing 889

space within the home 90

spacing of buildings 79

spatial planning 1667

specialist advice 51, 52

stakeholders 4954

standards 46

statutory plans 13

streets 12336 (see also active frontages; car parking)

access routes 79

decluttering 127, 130

language of streets 1304

layout 19, 24, 83, 85

pollution flushing 106, 151

residential 878

user hierarchy 130

user segregation 35, 126, 1324

structure of development 179, 181

subjective responses to place 14

sunlight 78, 108, 151

surveying processes 58

surveyor’s role 59, 60

sustainable development 120

sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) 114

tactile paving 1245, 134, 135

tall buildings 14760

energy performance 110, 111

wind impacts 105, 1501

taxis 163, 171

team working 512

technical design stage 56

technical graphics 67

terraced streets 38, 39, 92

tower blocks 92 (see also tall buildings)

town centres 16171 (see also transport interchanges)

catchments and local movement 1616

civic centres 1679

spatial planning 1667

trends 16970

town extensions 17382

traffic calming 46, 131

traffic in town centres 144, 163

traffic signs 46

transport infrastructure 1778

transport interchanges 163, 167, 1702

tree surveys 101

trees 1024

underground services 125

urban grain 33

urban heat island 109, 112

urban layout 838 (see also development form)

utility meters 79

Vancouver block 38, 39

vehicle movement 144, 163, 1778, 182 (see also highway engineering)

ventilation 89, 111

visual appearance 2730, 152, 153

walkable neighbourhoods 1820, 1612

waste access plans 79, 87

waste storage and collection 79, 81, 867, 182

water features 97

way finding 20

well-connected layout 19, 24, 83, 85, 100

wind impacts 1056, 106, 1501

wind-driven rain 151


and building orientation 89

and daylighting 107

fake 22, 24

small-scale development 778, 79, 80

solid-to-void ratio 28, 778, 79

workspaces 170

‘wrap the box’ 164, 165

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