

ABAQUS, 154155
beam elements in, 151
input file, 124127, 152154, 234236, 242244, 282284, 388390
resonant frequencies of bridge, 129
Acceleration–time history, 245246
Admissible displacement, 45
Advanced engineering systems, processes leading to fabrication of, 12
Aircraft for dynamic testing, 3
beam members, 155156
material properties of, 118, 151
Amplitude curve, 243
Angular distortion, 307308
ANSYS, 130132, 415
analysis type in, 419
beam section properties in, 416
computation in, 420
geometry creation environment in, 417
material properties in, 417
meshing in, 418
screenshot of, 131
Anti-symmetric boundary condition, 315, 317
Arbitrary high orders, rectangular element of, 273
Area coordinates
definition of, 171
linear triangular elements, 170172
Artificial damping elements, 297
Aspect distortion, 308
Aspect ratio distortion, 307
Asymmetric loading, symmetrical framework with, 319
Axial displacement, 82
Axisymmetric mesh, 7
Axisymmetric structures
2D planar problem using, 189
elements for, 188191


Bar element, 8182
Base state, 404
BC, Boundary conditions (BC)
constitutive equations, 31
dynamic equilibrium equations, 3334
elements, 56, 111, 135136
and local coordinate systems, 112
coordinate transformation, 118
in ABAQUS, 151
nodal force vector for, 116118
equations, FEM for
element matrices, 116118
shape function construction, 112115
strain matrix, 115116
moments and shear forces, 3133
simply supported, 30
stress and strain, 3031
∗BEAM SECTION keyword line, 406407
BEM. See Boundary element method (BEM)
Bicycle frame
deformation plots of, 155156
diamond-shaped, 150151
finite element mesh of, 151152
stresses in, 156
Bilinear shape functions, 375376
Boundary conditions (BC), 9192, 119120, 359361, 377384
applying, 101102
cards, 235237, 243
constraints and, 281282
equations for three-dimensional solids, 2122
Boundary element method (BEM), 297298, 397398
coupling of FEM and, 297298
Brick elements, 272277


CAD. See Computer aided design (CAD)
Cantilever beam, 118, 405411
Cartesian coordinate system, 250255, 259
Central difference algorithm, 7275
Chain rule of differentiation, 121
Clamped-clamped bridge structure, 122123
geometrical dimensions of, 123
ten element mesh of, 128
Classical plate theory (CPT), 35
Commercially available software packages, 398
Compatible element, 4748
Complete order of polynomial basis functions, 166167
Composite wall, 365366
Computational modeling
material/medium properties, 8
meshing, 68
of geometry, 56
physical problems in engineering, 4
solution procedure
discrete system equations, 89
equation solvers, 910
results visualization, 1011
using FEM, 48
Computer aided design (CAD), 305306
software packages, 5
Connectivity element, 4748
Constant matrix, 374
Constant strain elements, 173174, 255256
Constant stress elements, 173174
Constitutive equations
for beams, 31
for plates, 36
for three-dimensional solids, 1819
for truss members, 27
for two-dimensional solids, 2425
Constraints modeling by rigid body attachment, 335336
Contact cards, 284
Contact modeling, 281282
Control cards, 236, 244
Convection matrix, 358
Convective boundary conditions, 365
Conventional finite elements, 297298
Conventional isoparametric 8-nodal element, 292293
Coordinate mapping, 262263
between coordinate systems, 184
linear quadrilateral elements, 183186
Coordinate transformation process, 6768, 140
Counter-clockwise manner, 261
Coupling effects, 233
CPT. See classical plate theory (CPT)
CPU time estimation, 303304
Crack tip elements, 289297
Cubic one-dimensional element, 105
Cubic tetrahedron element, 272
Cubic triangular elements, 194195
Curvature distortion, 307308
Curved edges, 2D solid elements with, 200
Curved surfaces, elements with, 277
Cyclic symmetry, 321322
Cylindrical coordinate system, 188


Damping element, 297
Data lines, 401402
Deformation plots, 155
from PATRAN, 412
of bicycle frame, 155156
Degrees of freedom (DOFs), 112113, 137, 142, 219220, 249250, 303304, 306
at nodes, 327
frame element in space with, 143
of linear triangular element, 164
Delta function, 272
property, 167168
Diamond-shaped bicycle frame, 150151
Dimensional of heat, 350
Direct assembly, 98
procedure, 361362
Discrete numerical methods, 297
Discrete system equations, 89
Discretized system, equations of, 354
Displacement boundary condition, 22, 119120, 419
Displacement constraints, imposition of, 69
Displacement interpolation, 4950
Displacement–time history, 245
Distorted elements, 307
Distributed external body force, 1921
DOFs. See Degrees of freedom (DOFs)
Domain discretization, 4, 4749
Dynamic equilibrium equations
for beams, 3334
for plates, 38
for three-dimensional solids, 1921
for truss members, 2728
for two-dimensional solids, 2526
Dynamic testing, aircraft for, 3


8-Nodal hexahedron elements, 261262
8-Nodal isoperimetric quadratic element, 291292
Eight-node rectangular thick plate element, 227
∗ELASTIC option, 407
Electrostatic micro-motor, 202
Element connectivity, 6, 234, 242
Element displacement vector, 142144
Element distortion, 307310
Element matrices, 116118, 225227, 256261, 266269
in global coordinate system, 9798
linear quadrilateral, 187188
linear rectangular, 179180
linear triangular, 174176
obtaining, 119
∗ELEMENT option, 406
Element sets (ELSET), 400401
Elements with curved surfaces, 277
∗END STEP option, 404
Enforcing compatibility, 334335
Equation solvers, 910
Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, 3031
for thin beams, 31
Explicit approaches, 9


FDM. See Finite difference method (FDM)
FE. See Finite element (FE)
FEM. See Finite element method (FEM); Finite element model (FEM)
FE matrix equation, 120122
solving, 102103
FGM. See Functionally graded material (FGM)
Field problems
acoustic problems, 353354
heat transfer
composite wall, 351352
in long two-dimensional body, 349350
in one-dimensional fin, 350351
in two-dimensional fin, 348349
ideal irrotational fluid flow, 353
torsional deformation, 352353
Field variable interpolation, linear triangular elements, 164166
Finite difference method (FDM), 89, 44
Finite element (FE), 8182, 219220
approximation for one-dimensional case, 3
formulation, 294295, 386
for stress analysis, 162
matrices, 111112
mesh of bicycle frame, 151
Finite element (FE) mesh, 204, 236
of quantum dot heterostructure, 281
Finite element method (FEM), 1, 250255, 293294, 390
computational modeling using, 48
convergence property, 9495
definition, 34
for beams equations
element matrices, 116118
shape function construction, 112115
strain matrix, 115116
fundamentals for
free vibration, analysis of, 6971
Hamilton’s principle, 4547
minimum total potential energy principle, 47
problem formulation, 4445
procedure, recap of, 4769, 7778
static analysis, 69
sufficient requirements for, 7677
transient response, 7176
mathematical models of, 4
constructing shape functions, 5054
coordinate transformation, 6768
displacement constraints, imposition of, 69
displacement interpolation, 4950
domain discretization, 4749
global FE equation, 6869
local coordinate system, finite element equations in, 6367
shape functions properties, 5463
rate of convergence of, 9597
reproduction feature of, 121
reproduction property of, 94
sufficient requirements for, 8384
truss element. See truss element
two-dimensional solids. See two-dimensional solids
Finite element model (FEM)
ABAQUS input syntax rules, 401
basic building block, 399400
cantilever beam problem, 405411
analysis running, 410411
results, 411
data lines, 401402
general procedures, 411414
history data, 404405
in ABAQUS, 402411
labels, 402
model data, 403404
using GUI, ANSYS, 414421
using sets, 400401
Finite strip elements, 298
Finite volume method (FVM), 89, 397398
First order differential operators, 1921
First order shear deformation theory, 35
Flexural vibration modes, 233
Force loading conditions, 419
Force vectors, 382
Fourier series, 244
Fourier superimposition, 320
Fourier’s heat convection law, 379381
4-Nodal tetrahedron element, 250255
Four-node rectangular thick plate elements, 224225
4-Node tetrahedron elements, 251
coordinate transformation for, 145, 152
three-dimensional orientation of, 147
equations for planar frames
idea of superimposition, 137
in global coordinate system, 140142
in local coordinate system, 137140
equations for space frames
in global coordinate system, 144149
in local coordinate system, 142144
finite element analysis of bicycle frame
ABAQUS input file, 152154
modeling, 151152
results and discussion, 155157
solution processes, 154155
formulation for, 118
made of three members, 159
Free vibration analysis, 6971
symmetric and anti-symmetric conditions for, 320
∗FREQUENCY, 402403
Functionally graded material (FGM), 106
FVM. See Finite volume method (FVM)


Galerkin method, 355, 370371
Galerkin residuals, 365
Galerkin weakform, 299
Gauss elimination method, 9, 155
Gauss integration
linear rectangular elements, 180183
points and weight coefficients, 180
scheme, 179181, 183, 187, 226227, 266268, 284285
Gauss’s divergence theorem, 371372
General beam element, 127, 135136
Geometry modeling, 304306
Global coordinate system, 6768, 87, 250255
element matrices in, 9798
boundary conditions, 9192
planar trusses, 9091
recovering stress and strain, 92
spatial trusses, 8790
elements in, 232233
equations for
planar frames, 140142
space frames, 144149
Global FE equation, 69
assembly of, 6869
Global FE matrices, 98101
Gradual damping elements, 297
Graphical user interface (GUI), 131, 397398
Grids, 6
GUI. See Graphical user interface (GUI)


Hamilton’s principle, 89, 4547, 121, 221223, 372373
Heat conduction, 348349
Heat convection, 348349, 380
Heated road surface, temperature distribution of
ABAQUS input file, 388390
modeling, 387388
results and discussion, 390
Heating cables, 386
Heat insulation boundary, 379
Heat sink, 384385
Heat source, 384385
Heat transfer
1D heat transfer problem, 355370
2D heat transfer problem, 370386
field problems, 348354
heated road surface, temperature distribution of, 386390
weighted residual approach, 354355
through composite wall, 351352
Helmholtz equation, 348, 353
element, 261269, 271
tetrahedrons to, 269
Higher order 3D tetrahedron elements, 271
Higher order elements, 227, 269277
High order 3D serendipity elements, 274
Hilber–Hughes–Taylor operator (1978), 244245
History data, 401
Homogenous boundary condition, 21
Hooke’s law, 92
for beams, 31
for isotropic materials, 24
for 1D solids, 27
for plates, 36
for 3D anisotropic materials, 1819


Implicit approaches, 9
InAs quantum dots. See Indium arsenide quantum dots
Incompatible mesh, 311
Independent stress components, 1618
Indium arsenide (InAs) quantum dots, 279281
Infinite domains, methods for, 293294
Infinite elements, 293294, 296
Infinite line, 295
Inhomogenous boundary conditions, 21
Internal nodes, vanish of, 358359
Isolated beam cell, 32
Isolated plate cell, 36
shear forces and moments on, 37
Isoparametric element, 188
Isoparametric quadratic element, 292293
Isotropic materials, 1819


Jacobian matrix, 186187, 257260, 266268
Joints modeling, 328332


Keyword lines, 401
Kirchhoff plate theory, 35


Labels, 402
Lagrange interpolants, 104, 195, 272
Lagrange multiplier method, 338
Lagrange type elements, 272273
rectangular elements, 195196
Lamb waves, 297
dispersive characteristic of, 297
Laplace’s equations, 353
Layered composite wall, 393
Linear elastic fracture mechanics, 290291
Linear element, 85
Linear quadrilateral elements
coordinate mapping, 183186
element matrices, 187188
remarks, 188
strain matrix, 186187
Linear rectangular elements
element matrices, 179180
Gauss integration, 180183
shape function construction, 176179
strain matrix, 179
Linear triangular elements, 165
area coordinates, 170172
element matrices, 174176
field variable interpolation, 164166
shape function construction, 166170
strain matrix, 172174
Load cards, 127, 244, 284
Local coordinate system, 49, 87, 137140
elements in, 8687, 228232
equations for
planar frames, 137140
space frames, 142144
finite element equations in, 6367
LU decomposition method, 9


Mapping, infinite elements formulated by, 294297
Mass matrix for rectangular element, 231232
Material cards, 235236, 243, 282
Matrix of shape functions, 250255
Mechanics for solids and structures, 1416
equations for beams
constitutive equations, 31
dynamic equilibrium equations, 3334
moments and shear forces, 3133
stress and strain, 3031
equations for plates
constitutive equations, 36
dynamic equilibrium equations, 38
moments and shear forces, 3638
Reissner-Mindlin plate theory, 3840
stress and strain, 3536
equations for three-dimensional solids
boundary conditions, 2122
constitutive equations, 1819
dynamic equilibrium equations, 1921
stress and strain, 1618
equations for truss members
constitutive equations, 27
dynamic equilibrium equations, 2728
stress and strain, 27
equations for two-dimensional solids
constitutive equations, 2425
dynamic equilibrium equations, 2526
stress and strain, 2224
MEMS. See Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)
Mesh compatibility, 310313
elements, different order of, 310312
straddling elements, 312313
Meshfree methods, 299300
Meshing, 47, 279, 306310
axisymmetric, 7
definition, 6
density, 306307
of hinge joint, 7
stress distribution, 7
transition, 388
Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), 122
side drive
ABAQUS input file, 204207
modeling, 203204
plan view (2D) of, 203
results and discussion, 208211
solution process, 207208
transient analysis of, 240247
Micro-resonant transducer
resonant frequencies of
ABAQUS input file, 124127
comparison with ANSYS, 130132
modeling, 123124
results and discussion, 128130
solution process, 127128
vs.ANSYS, 130132
review questions, 132134
Mid-node position distortion, 310
Mindlin plate, shear deformation in, 39
Mindlin plate theory, 221
Minimum total potential energy principle, 47
Mirror symmetry, 314322, 333
Mode I fracture, 290291
Model data, 400403
Modeling offsets, 322328
methods for, 322325
Modeling techniques
axial symmetry, 318321
constraints modeling, by rigid body attachment, 335336
CPU time estimation, 303304
cyclic symmetry, 321322
element distortion, 307310
geometry modeling, 304306
joints, modeling of, 328332
Lagrange multiplier method, 338
mesh compatibility, 310313
elements, different order of, 310312
enforcement of, 334335
straddling elements, 312313
meshing, 306310
mirror/plane symmetry, 314322
modeling offsets, 322328
modeling offsets methods, 322325
MPC equations
applications of, 332336
creation of, 325328
implementation of, 336339
penalty method, 338339
repetitive symmetry, 322
supports, modeling of, 328330
symmetry, use of, 313322
Moment matrix, 54
Moments and shear forces
equations for beams, 3133
equations for plates, 3638
MPC. See Multipoint constraints (MPC)
MPC equations, 324326
Multipoint constraints (MPC), 312


Natural boundary condition, 379
Natural coordinate system, 112, 176177, 184, 258259, 262263, 307309
and local coordinate system, 112113
Natural frequencies of micro-motor, 233240
Newmark’s method, 7576
∗NGEN, 406
Nodal cards, 234, 242
Nodal displacements, 165166
vector, 250255, 263265
Nodal force vector, 268269
for 3D solid elements, 260261
Nodal heat vector, 358
Nodal temperatures of road surface, 391
∗NODE option, 406
Nodes, 34, 6
sets, 242
Normal stress, 32
NS-FEM, 300
Numerical integration scheme, 266268


1D axisymmetric elements, cylindrical shell structure modeled using, 320
1D heat transfer problem
composite wall, 365366
direct assembly procedure, 361362
one-dimensional fin, 355361
worked example, 362364, 366370
One-dimensional fin, 355361
of rectangular cross-section, 363
Orthogonal matrix, 8788
Output control cards, 235, 244, 284
Over-stiff behavior, 201


Pascal triangle of monomials, 51
Penalty method, 338339
Perturbation parameter, 409
Physical coordinate system, 184, 277, 307309
Physical trial-and-error design procedure, 150151
Planar frames, FEM, 136
element and DOFs, 137
idea of superimposition, 137
in global coordinate system, 140142
in local coordinate system, 137140
Planar truss, 9091
structure, 157
Plane strain solid, 23
Plane stress conditions, 162163
Plane stress solid, 23
Plane symmetry, 314322
constitutive equations, 36
dynamic equilibrium equations, 38
elements, 56, 220227
moments and shear forces, 3638
Reissner-Mindlin plate theory, 3840
stress and strain, 3536
structure, 34
Poisson effect, 27
Poisson’s equation, 353
Poisson’s ratio, 1819
Polynomial function, 294295
Polynomial shape functions, 298299
Polysilicon, elastic properties of, 123, 202
Pre-processing, 67
Property cards, 234, 243, 282


Quadratic convergence, 95
Quadratic elements, 163
Quadratic one-dimensional element, 104
Quadratic triangular elements, 193194
Quadrilateral elements, 183184, 237240
meshes, 67
2D domain meshed, 184
unacceptable shapes of, 307309
Quadrilateral shell elements, 236
Quantum dot heterostructure, stress and strain analysis of, 277286
Quarter model, 233
of micro model, 241


Rectangular domain, meshed with triangular elements, 165, 176
Rectangular elements, 221, 375377, 382384
and coordinate systems, 177
domain, 176177
Lagrange type elements, 195196
9-node, 196
of arbitrary high orders, 196, 273
serendipity type elements, 196200
Rectangular hexahedron element, 266268
Rectangular shell element, 229
Refinement, 289290
Reissner–Mindlin plate theory, 35, 221223
equations for plates, 3840
Repetitive symmetry, 322
Residual equation, 356357
Residual method, 89
Resonant frequencies of micro-resonant transducer
ABAQUS input file, 124127
comparison with ANSYS, 130132
modeling, 123124
results and discussion, 128130
solution process, 127128
Resonant micro-beam strain transducer, 122
Rigid element, 324
Rigid slab on elastic foundation, 336
Rule of thumb, 250


Sandwiched composite wall, 393
Second order differential operators., 1921
SEM, 298299
Semi-automatic mesh generator, 6
Serendipity type elements, 273277
construction of 8-node, 198
high order, 197
rectangular elements, 196200
S-FEM. See Smoothed finite element methods (S-FEM)
Shape functions, 224226, 262263, 292293
construction, 8285, 112115
delta function property, 167
linear rectangular elements, 176179
linear triangular elements, 166170
trusses, FEM for, 8285
matrix of, 224225, 250255
properties of, 5463
Shear deformation in plate, 222
Shear equivalence, 1618
Shear locking, 226227
Shell elements, 2, 227233
Shell structures, 228229
Simply supported anti-symmetric beam structure, 316
Simply supported symmetric beam structure, 316
Single point constraint (SPC), 63, 314315
Singularity elements, 289290
Sinusoidal function, 241, 244
Skeletal-type truss structural systems, 8182
SK growth mode. See Stranski-Krastanow (SK) growth mode
Smoothed finite element methods (S-FEM), 299300
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), 299
Smoothed Point Interpolation Methods (S-PIM), 299
Smoothing domains, 300
Solid finite elements, 249250
Solids and structures, mechanics for. See mechanics for solids and structures
Solution process, 236237
Solvers, equation, 910
SOR method. See Successive over-relaxation (SOR) method
Space frames, 136
structure, 136
Spatial frame structure, three-dimensional, 135136
Spatial trusses, 8790
SPC. See Single point constraint (SPC)
SPD. See Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD)
Special purpose elements and methods, 289
Specified heat flux, 381
SPH. See Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
S-PIM. See Smoothed Point Interpolation Methods (S-PIM)
Sprocket-chain system, finite element mesh for, 307
Stabilizing matrix, 232233
Standard finite element mesh, 295296
State of stresses, equilibrium equations, 20
Static analysis, 69
Steady state equation, 355
∗STEP line, 402403
∗STEP option, 404
Stiffened plates with offset, 327
Stiffness matrix, 116118, 229230, 365366
Straddling elements, 312313
Strain-displacement relationships, 1618, 24
Strain matrix, 8586, 115116, 250256, 261266, 357358
linear quadrilateral elements, 186187
linear rectangular elements, 179
linear triangular elements, 172174
trusses, FEM for, 8586
Stranski-Krastanow (SK) growth mode, 277278
distribution, 278, 285286
in bicycle frame, 156
tensors, 1618
Stress and strain equations
for beams, 3031
for plates, 3536
for three-dimensional solids, 1618
for truss members, 27
for two-dimensional solids, 2224
Stress components, 255256
independent, 1618
Strip element method, coupling of FEM and, 298
Structural components, types of, 15
Subparametric elements, 188
Sub-space iteration scheme, 237
Successive over-relaxation (SOR) method, 9
idea of, 228
of element matrices, 137
Superparametric elements, 188
Supports modeling, 328330
Surface of solid, 16
Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD), 91
Symmetric quarter model, 281
Symmetrical quarter model, 233


Temperature distribution of cross-section of road, 391
10-nodal tetrahedron element, 269272
Tensile stress in matrix, 285286
Tetrahedron elements, 250261, 269272
Tetrahedrons to hexahedrons, 269
Thermal conductive properties, 351
Thick beams, 3031
Thin beams, 3031
Euler-Bernoulli assumption for, 31
32-node tri-cubic element, 276277
3D element types, 284285
3D mesh
of island, 280
of matrix, 280
3D solid elements, 249250
Three-dimensional solid element mesh, 333
nodal force vector for, 260261
with curved surfaces, 278
3D visualization, 10
Three-dimensional (3D) solids
boundary conditions, 2122
constitutive equations, 1819
dynamic equilibrium equations, 1921
element, 2122
stress and strain, 1618
Three-dimensional spatial frame structure, 135136
‘Tied’ contact condition, 281282
Time stepping, implicit and explicit approaches, 9
T-meshes, 299
Torsional bar element, 142144
Torsional deformation, 142144, 352
Torsional state, 352353
Transient analysis of micro-motor, 240247
Transient response, 7176
central difference algorithm, 7275
Newmark’s method, 7576
Translational displacements, 229230
Transverse displacement components, 241
Trapezoidal cross-sections (TRAPEZOID), 406407
Triangular elements, 164, 373375
cubic, 194195
general formulation of shape functions, 191193
quadratic, 193194
rectangular domain meshed with, 165, 176
Triangular truss structure, 9596
Trilinear functions, 263
Truss element, 8182
connected by ridged bar, 110
convergence property of, 9495
coordinate system, 83
dimensions and properties of, 97
element matrices in global coordinate system
boundary conditions, 9192
planar trusses, 9091
recovering stress and strain, 92
spatial trusses, 8790
element matrices in local coordinate system, 8687
high order one-dimensional elements, 103105
linear shape functions for, 85
local coordinates and degrees, 96
nodal force vector for, 8687
rate of convergence of, 9597
reproduction property of, 94
shape function construction, 8285
strain matrix, 8586
structure, 107108
transformation matrix, 8788
with 3 nodes, 109
Truss members
beam and, 158159
constitutive equations, 27
cross-sectional dimension of solid, 27
dynamic equilibrium equations, 2728
stress and strain, 27
typical structure of, 26
Truss structure, three member, 96
Turbine-blade, 332
and turbine-disc system, 331
20-Nodal tri-quadratic element, 273276
20-Node serendipity element, 274, 276
20-Node tetrahedron element, 272
2D axisymmetric elements
formulation of, 319320
3D structure modeled using, 321
2D domain of plate, 222
2D element mapping, 295
2D finite element mesh
with boundary condition, 387
2D frame elements, coordinate transformation for, 140
2D heat transfer problem
boundary conditions and vector b(e), 359, 377384
element equations, 370373
point heat source or sink, 384386
rectangular elements, 375377
triangular elements, 373375
2D solids
constitutive equations, 2425
dynamic equilibrium equations, 2526
for axisymmetric structures, 188191
with curved edges, 200201
Gauss integration, 201
linear quadrilateral elements
coordinate mapping, 183186
element matrices, 187188
remarks, 188
strain matrix, 186187
linear rectangular elements
element matrices, 179180
Gauss integration, 180183
shape function construction, 176179
strain matrix, 179
linear triangular elements
area coordinates, 170172
element matrices, 174176
field variable interpolation, 164166
shape function construction, 166170
strain matrix, 172174
rectangular elements
Lagrange type elements, 195196
serendipity type elements, 196200
stress and strain, 2224
triangular element family
cubic triangular elements, 194195
general formulation of shape functions, 191193
quadratic triangular elements, 193194


Velocity–time history, 245246
Very stiff element, 324
Virtually designed building, air flow field in, 1011
Virtual reality, 10
Volume coordinates, 250255
Volumetric distortion, 307309
Von Mises stress distribution, 208, 211
using 24 bilinear quadrilateral elements, 208
using 96 bilinear quadrilateral elements, 209
using 144 bilinear quadrilateral elements, 209
using 24 eight-nodal, quadratic elements, 210
using 192 three-nodal, triangular elements, 210


Weak form formulation, 22
Weight coefficients, 180181
Weighted residuals, 354


Young’s modulus, 1819
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