over the process and has to rely on the vendor to complete the work on time and
error free. Cost is also another issue to consider—costs can quickly add up for trans-
lators, linguistic testers, and project managers. These costs can quickly escalate if
the localization vendor encounters any problems when using the localization kit.
This is time-consuming because both functionality and linguistic testing have
to be done for each language version. Additionally, all the versions need to be
tested for compatibility between languages when playing multiplayer games.
Time can be saved in the testing schedule if there are enough people to do con-
current linguistic and functionality testing.
Functionality Testing
Functionality testing checks for any bugs that were created by the localized as-
sets which usually require a code change to fix. Ideally, if doing a straight asset
swap, there should not be any functionality bugs introduced. However, if special
characters and increased text length were not planned for, code changes might
be needed to accommodate the localized assets.
Functionality testing can be handled by the same QA team that tested the
primary version of the game—they are most familiar with how to test the game
functionality. While they may not speak the languages they are checking, they
can still check for text overruns, incorrect language assets, and other functional-
ity bugs. These bugs can be logged into the central bug-tracking database. Add
a field to note which language is being tested so the database can be sorted by
language if necessary. Functionality bugs found in the localized versions will be
fixed by the team; it’s possible that these bugs are also present in the primary
version of the game as well.
Linguistic Testing
Linguistic testing checks all the language assets in the game to make sure text is
not overlapping, truncated, misspelled, or grammatically incorrect. It also checks
that all the localized VO files play correctly. Linguistic testing should be done by
native speakers, as they are best equipped to find errors in translation and con-
text. There are several localization vendors that offer linguistic testing services.
In some cases, particularly for more complex localizations, the linguistic tes-
ters can be on-site with the development team. This speeds up the linguistic
testing and bug-fixing process immensely since the linguistic testers can provide
corrected translations right away. Advance planning needs to be done if linguistic
testers will be traveling and working onsite with the development team. If this is
not well-organized, the most cannot be made of the testers’ time.