CultureGrams™ 2002 (standard ed.). CultureGrams, 1305 North Research Way, Building K, Orem, UT 84097; (800) 528–6279. One hundred seventy-seven four-page cultural reports describing each country's people, customs, lifestyle, and society, including political, economic, and cultural changes.

Global Business Navigator Series. Big World Media; (800) 682–1261. This series provides information on Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Italy, Mexico, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

USA CultureGrams™ for the International Visitor. CultureGrams, 1305 North Research Way, Building K, Orem, UT 84097; (8000) 528–6279. This resource, available in five languages, is designed to help visitors understand the culture and people of the United States.

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