Some Companies Should not Be in Business

I am believer in free enterprise and the capitalist form of society. I am also an entrepreneur and small business advocate. I just as strongly believe that there are many businesses that should not be in existence, that serve no purpose for their existence.

These companies hire otherwise unemployable individuals, but instead of mentoring them or teaching them to be better with both their skills and attitudes, they put them out into customer contact with instructions to perform menial tasks and nothing more. There is no pride, no dignity in the job, simply process. Without challenges, pride, contributions to decisions, and leadership, these employees find themselves with idle minds and zero interest in the jobs they do and the services they provide. They are there, period. They are paid to be there, period.

In my opinion, these companies are useless and serve no good. They could serve some good if their principals and owners would contribute to their employees’ growth by providing concern for their futures, such as that provided by Chick-fil-A. Absent these concerns, however, they serve no good other than to serve coffee and sandwiches. That is not enough.

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