There was a family that consisted of all sons, who spent most of the day fighting and quarreling with one another. They were always competing with each other, and each always felt that he had to win the contest. The mother and father tried to get their sons to be at peace with one another and quit their fighting because it was taking its toll on everyone, especially the parents. The father wanted to find a way to get his sons to be on the same team.

One day the fighting and quarreling were much more violent and disturbing than ever. It was going on all day, and by the evening the father was at his wit’s end. He knew that he had to take action. He lined all the sons up on the back porch and demanded that they go out into the woods. He told them to gather as many sticks as they could carry. They all thought it was a contest and raced into the woods to gather as many sticks as possible and bring them back to their father.

When they arrived on the back porch, they all wanted to see who had won the contest. They were surprised when their father asked them to hold out their bundle of sticks. Whoever could break the whole bundle would be the winner, he told them. With all their might, they grunted, groaned, and tried to break the bundles, but, of course, no one was able to do so. Then the father grabbed the smallest bundle and gave each son a single stick.

The father asked the sons whether they could each break an individual branch. They all were able to break the single stick with ease.

“My sons,” he declared, “you have learned two valuable lessons today. First, if you stick together as brothers, you will accomplish more as a team than as individuals. Second, any task that is too big for any one of you can be broken down into smaller pieces. Then you can all accomplish it together.”


Image When you tap into your charisma, you will attract many people to you. As you gather people and build teams and create synergy, you will become unbreakable, have unlimited power, and then have the resources to achieve your goals and make the world a better place. The bottom line is simple: We know that when we work together, we can accomplish more.

Image As a whole, everything you have learned in this book could be overwhelming if you attempt to do all of it at once. Break the content down into individual skills, and master one skill a day or even one skill a week. Then by the end of the month or year, you will have broken down the large goal (the bundle of sticks) and you’ll have a much firmer grasp of the tools of charisma.

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