abundance, mindset of, 135

acceptance, unconditional, 123, 143

accessories, 172, 173

achievement, activity vs., 79


agreement of words and, 22–25

based on intuition, 58

activity, achievement vs., 79

affirmations, 61

agreement, see congruence

Alessandra, Tony, on charisma, 5

alignment in life, 36–37

American Heritage Dictionary, 5

analogies, 75–76

anger, 167

The Angry Bee (fable), 1–2

The Ant and the Grasshopper (fable), 83–84

anxiety, 168


and authority, 33

credibility based on, 126

subconscious triggers in, 171–174

see also dress

appreciation, showing, 147


on courage, 68

on friends, 135

on learning, 181

arms, information conveyed by, 162

Armstrong, Lance

optimism of, 29

on winning, 68

arrogance, 19–20

articulation, 158

assurance, pitch of voice and, 157

attention, of audience, 85–87, see also presentation skills

attitudes, 27–28

colors” effects on, 169

courage for changing, 69

effect of words on, 156

empathy for, 143

and expectations, 58

similarity of, 91

and success, 26

and word choice, 156

attractiveness, physical, 172–173


building rapport with, 99

connecting with, 87

earning and keeping attention of, 85–87


and accessories, 173

and appearance, 33

as form of positive power, 31

and surroundings, 173

voice inflection for, 157

authority power, 31

authority structure, 30–31

awareness, empathy vs., 142–143


in life, 36–39

research on, 186


effect of words on, 156

empathy for, 143

and integrity, 64–65

similarity of, 91

in yourself and your message, 15

bias, self-perception, 7–9, 75

blaming others, 69–70

body language, 160–165

confidence revealed by, 18

and congruence, 25

gestures, 25, 55–56, 160

body movement, 163

bravery, see courage

briefcases, 173

Buffett, Warren, 129

business cards, 173

Canfield, Jack, 136–137

caring about others, 91

to build rapport, 112

by listening, 107

pretense of, 144

by showing goodwill, 135, 136

Carnegie, Andrew, 124–125

Carnegie, Dale

on being interested in others, 91

on listening, 107

challenges, in pursuing purpose, 63

character, 65

Charis, 5

charisma, 2–3

definitions of, 3, 5

difficulty in defining, 4–5

ethical and unethical uses of, 5–6

rating skills/traits for, 182

and self-perception bias, 7–9

charitable contributions, 136, 137

Chicken Soup for the Soul series, 136–137

Churchill, Winston

early failures and eventual success of, 54

influence of, 96–97

on pessimists vs. optimists, 26

Clinton, Bill, 105

clothing, 173, see also dress

cockiness, 19

cologne, 169

colors, emotions and, 169

communication, 83–84

common blunders in, 87–88

with confidence and authority, 17–18

eye contact in, 102–105

influence in, 94–97

listening in, 106–109

nonverbal, 160–165

online resources for, 113

people skills in, 90–93

and presentation skills, 85–89

and rapport, 110–113

recent changes in, 86

research on, 192–196

and respect, 147

self-evaluation of skills in, 87

storytelling for, 98–101

verbal, 155–159

compassion, 91


articulation for, 168

and authority power, 31

as core quality, 51–54

increasing, 53

research on, 187–188


from fear, 119

influence vs., 96

concentration, 77–81

concern for others, 135

confidence, 17–21

maintaining, 18

overconfidence vs., 18–20

research on, 183–184

and use of humor, 41

and vision, 139

and voice, 157

confrontations, courage for, 69

congruence, 22–25

articulation for, 168

research on, 184


with audience, 87

need for, 91

nonverbal clues to, 165

see also people skills; rapport

conversation, building rapport in, 111

core quality(-ies), 45–46

competence as, 51–54

courage as, 68–72

creativity as, 73–76

focus as, 77–81

integrity as, 64–67

intuition as, 55–59

purpose as, 60–63

research on, 187–192

self-discipline as, 47–50


applying, 70–71

as core quality, 68–72

research on, 190–191

courtesy, 147

Covey, Stephen, on abundance mentality, 135


as core quality, 73–76

developing, 75–76

research on, 191


articulation for, 168

and clothing, 173

in empowering others, 126–129

research on, 198


and credibility, 127

damage from, 135

and respect, 147

Dalai Lama, 33

deception, 23–25

arm and shoulder clues to, 162

body clues to, 163

and credibility, 127, 128

eye clues to, 161

and hand movements, 161

head clues to, 163

leg clues to, 162

decision making

emotions in, 153

integrity in, 66

intuition in, 56, 57

to reduce worry, 168

defensiveness, 99–100

delivery, 83–84

eye contact in, 102–105

influence in, 94–97

listening in, 106–109

online resources for, 113

people skills in, 90–93

presentation skills in, 85–89

rapport in, 110–113

research on, 192–196

storytelling in, 98–101

Dell, Michael, 148

denial, 8

despair, 118

desperation, 118, 119

determination, 14


choosing, 66

human yearning for, 139

in life, see purpose

of thoughts, 67

discipline, self-, 47–50

Disney, Walt, 58

Disneyland, 58

doubt, confidence destroyed by, 18

dress, 172, 173

and authority, 33

power from, 31–32

ears, 172

Edison, Thomas Alva

early failures and eventual success of, 54

self-discipline of, 50

educating, keeping attention vs., 86

ego, 33, 122, 124

Einstein, Albert, on imagination, 73

Eisenhower, Dwight David

on motivation, 130

on persuasion, 30

embarrassment, perception of confidence and, 20–21

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, on eyes, 102, 103

emotional alignment, 37

emotional topics, congruence of messages on, 23


of anger, 167

and credibility, 127

in decision making, 153

effect of words on, 156

and empathy, 143

external factors affecting, 168–169

of fear, 168

logic vs., 166

purpose vs., 60

secondary, 167

storytelling to engage, 99–100

as subconscious triggers, 166–170

of worry, 168

see also specific emotions


in empowering others, 142–145

increasing, 144, 145

research on, 200–201

empowering others, 115–116

to be creative, 74

credibility in, 126–129

empathy in, 142–145

esteem in, 122–125

goodwill in, 134–137

inspiration in, 117–121

motivation in, 130–133

online resources for, 149

research on, 197–202

respect in, 146–149

vision in, 138–141

energy, 35–39

and balance, 36–37

false, 15

focusing, 78

increasing, 36, 38

from purpose, 61

and rate of speech, 156

research on, 186

transmitting, 36

and use of humor, 41

from your passion, 14


increasing, 15

passion vs., 14

and vision, 139


errors, see mistakes


for empowering others, 122–125

research on, 197–198

see also self-esteem


and integrity, 65

in use of charisma, 5–6


passion vs., 14–15

and rate of speech, 156

vision vs., 140

exercise, 25–26, 38

expectations, 8

attitude based on, 58

and vision, 139


competence from, 52

intuition based on, 56


for competence, 51–54

as form of positive power, 31, 33–34

external objects, 173

eye contact

in delivery and communication, 102–105

length of, 103, 104

research on, 195

eyes, 103, 161

faces, judging people by, 171–172

facial expressions, reading people from, 55–56

facial hair, 172


accepting, 70

assumption of, 133

Edison’s perspective on, 50

and success, 69

and vision, 139

faking, 12

and building rapport, 112

of congruence, 23

of passion, 14–15

fashion, 173

fear(s), 168

and courage, 69, 71–72

empathy for, 143

facing, 69

inspiration vs., 119

managing, 18

people driven by, 118

of public speaking, 88–89

and success, 69

worry as, 141

FedEx, 53

feelings, see emotions

feet, 162

The Fighting Brothers (fable), 179–180

fillers, vocal, 157

financial alignment, 36

first impressions

from handshakes, 164

people skills in, 91


as core quality, 77–81

developing, 80–81

on others vs. self, 134–135, 137

research on, 191–192

force, power vs., 31

Ford, Henry, 76

Forster, E. M., on passion, 13

The Fox in the Hole (fable), 151–152

Frankl, Victor, on happiness, 42–43

friendliness, 135, 176

Fripp, Patricia, on making customers remember you, 110

Gandhi, Mahatma, 25

Gates, Bill, on intuition, 55

General Electric (GE), 140–141

genuineness, of people skills, 92

gestures, 160

and congruence, 25

reading/interpreting, 55–56, 160

glasses, 173


and happiness, 43

to motivate and empower, 131

our own vs. others’, 62

for success, 77–78

Goleman, Daniel, on personal qualities, 142


in empowering others, 134–137

research on, 199–200

Graham, Benjamin, 129

gratitude, 123, 147

Great Wall of China, 65

Green Bay Packers, 132–133

grooming, 172

group synergy, 75

guidance, human yearning for, 139


changing or replacing, 48–50

courage for changing, 69

hairstyles, 172, 173

hands, information conveyed by, 161

handshakes, 112, 164

Hansen, Mark Victor, 136–137

happiness, 40–43

and empathy, 143

research on, 186

sources of, 41

harmony, see congruence

head, information conveyed by, 162–163

health plan, personal, 35–36, 38

hearing, listening vs., 108

height, 172

helping others

courage for, 69

in setting goals, 131

Hill, Napoleon

on thinking before speaking, 85

on what you are doing, 181

honesty, 67

honor, 147

hope, 118


and presence, 40–43

research on, 186–187

hype, passion vs., 14, 15


and creativity, 73–76

from sense of purpose, 61

income, influence and, 94

incongruence, 23, 24

inflection, 157

influence, 3

of attitude, 27

from authority power, 31

blunders in attempting, 96

and competence, 53

and congruence, 23

and courage, 68–69

in delivery and communication, 94–97

and focus, 77

long- vs. short-term, 181

and mood of audience, 167

and physical appearance, 171

and purpose, 62

research on, 193–194

and respect, 147

subconscious, 153–154, see also subconscious triggers

from title power, 32

inner strength, 47–50

inner voice, see intuition

insight, 15


in empowering others, 117–121

research on, 197

through storytelling, 99

instincts, 56, 57, 152, see also intuition


as core quality, 64–67

research on, 189–190

intellectual alignment, 37

interests, similarity of, 91

internal happiness, 40–41

introduction (in presentation), 86–87


as core quality, 55–59

obstacle to following, 56

research on, 188–189

tuning into, 57–59

see also subconscious triggers

“I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” (Martin Luther King, Jr.), 62–63

Jordan, Michael, 80


by appearance, 171–172

by eyes and eye contact, 103

by others, 12

of self, 8

by voice, 155

Keller, Helen, on happiness, 40

Kennedy, John F., on contributing to human spirit, 134

kindness, 135, 136

King, Larry, 108–109

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 62–63


for competence, 51–54

credibility based on, 126

displaying, 176

as form of positive power, 31

to motivate and empower, 131

knowledge power, 52

laliophobia, 88

language, see words


to be creative, 75

lifelong, 52

to motivate and empower, 131

legs, information conveyed by, 162

letterhead, 173

life alignment, 36–37

Lincoln, Abraham

early failures and eventual success of, 54

on fooling people, 22

The Lion and the Mouse (fable), 115–116


in delivery and communication, 106–109

hearing vs., 108

improving skills in, 108

to intuition, 56–58

research on, 195–196


and emotions, 166

and fear, 168

Lombardi, Vince, 132–133

luck, 2–3

lying, 127, 128, see also deception

Mandela, Nelson, 144

manipulation, perception of, 139

Man’s Search for Meaning (Victor Frankl), 42–43


to build rapport, 113

of rate of speech, 156

McKee, Robert, on stories, 98


intuition based on, 56

triggered by music or smell, 169


congruence of, 22–25

unspoken, 111

metaphors, 75–76


to build rapport, 113

of eye contact, 103

mission, 60–63


admitting, 67, 69

dwelling on, 141

learning from, 52, 71–72

moods, 167–169

Mortensen, Kurt W., on persuasion, 94


and credibility, 127

in empowering others, 130–133

enhancing, 132

personal differences in, 132

research on, 199

movement, amount of, 163

music, emotions and, 168–169

Namath, Joe, 20


for esteem, 123

motivating through, 130

negative comments/actions

and esteem, 123

and goodwill, 135

and respect, 147

and vision, 139

New York Jets, 20

nonverbal communication

and building rapport, 111

congruence of words and, 22–25

eye contact, 102–105

reading people from, 55–56

subconscious triggers in, 160–165

nutrition, 25–26, 38

office décor, 173

old-school persuasion, 177

optimism, 26–29

benefits of, 26–27

improving, 28

research on, 185

overconfidence, 18–20

overpersuasion, 176

Panetta, Leon, 105

passion, 13–16

and competence, 52

getting closer to, 15–16

other qualities vs., 14–15

research on, 183


in developing competence, 54

in developing creativity, 76

pauses, 158

Peale, Norman Vincent, on confidence, 17

people skills

in delivery and communication, 90–93

research on, 193


based on appearance, 172

of competence, 52–53

of confidence, 17–18, 20–21

of credibility, 126–128

external factors affecting, 168–169

of integrity, 65, 66

of manipulation, 139

as poor listener, 108

of respect, 148

perfume, 169

personal development, 131

personal health plan, 35–36, 38

personal space, 177

persuaders, top characteristics of, 3


blunders in attempting, 96

charisma in, 4

see also influence

pessimism, 27–29

physical alignment, 36–37

physical appearance

and authority, 33

credibility based on, 126

subconscious triggers in, 171–174

physical flaws, 172

physical movement, 163

physique, 171

pitch (voice), 157

PMA (positive mental attitude), 27

positive comments/actions

and esteem, 123, 124

and goodwill, 135

positive mental attitude (PMA), 27

positive power, 30–34

from optimism, 27

research on, 185–186

sources of, 31–32

posture, 163, 172

power, 4

authority, 31

drains on, 32–33

force vs., 31

of intuition, 57

knowledge, 52

negative experiences with, 32

positive, 30–34

title, 34

praise, 123–125

prejudging others, 109

preparation, for success, 77–78

presence, 11–12

and confidence, 17–21

and congruence, 22–25

and energy and balance, 35–39

and humor and happiness, 40–43

online resources for, 43

and optimism, 26–29

and passion, 13–16

and positive power, 30–34

research on, 183–187

presentation skills

in delivery and communication, 85–89

nonverbal, 160–165

and power, 33

research on, 192

verbal, 155–159

problem solving, creativity in, 73–74

productivity, empathy and, 143

promises, keeping, 67

proxemics, 177

public speaking, fear of, 88–89

pupils (of eyes), 103


as core quality, 60–63

identifying, 60–62

research on, 189

purses, 173


definition of, 110

in delivery and communication, 110–113

and eye contact, 104–105

and listening, 107

maintaining, 111

people skills for, 90–93

research on, 196

using stories to build, 99

rate of speech, 156

reading people, 152

by nonverbal communication, 160–165

skills for, 90–93

Reagan, Ronald, 88

recognition, 123

relationships, for happiness and balance, 37

repelling people, 175–178

with hype vs. passion, 14

with incongruence, 24

with influence attempts, 95

with smells, 169


on core qualities, 187–192

on delivery and communication, 192–196

on empowering others, 197–202

making decisions based on, 56

on presence, 183–187

resentment, 177


and empathy, 143

in empowering others, 146–149

of others” things, 177

and power, 33

research on, 201–202

Robbins, Anthony

energy and charisma of, 38–39

on energy level, 35

on impotent goals, 117

role modeling, 51–52, 127

Romney, Mitt, 66–67

Roosevelt, Theodore, on success, 90

scarcity mentality, 135

secondary emotions, 167

self-absorption, 143

self-assessment, 8–9

self-confidence, 17–21

self-deprecating humor, 42


as battery, 48

as core quality, 47–50

enhancing, 49–50

research on, 187

self-esteem, 122

and eye contact, 102, 103

low, 123, 124

to motivate and empower, 131

self-perception bias, 7–9, 75


and empathy, 143

esteem as, 122

seriousness, 33

service to others, 135, 136

shoes, 173

silence, 158


assessing, 8

to motivate and empower, 131

see also specific skills, e.g.: speaking skills

sleep, 25–26, 38

smell, emotions and, 169

Smiles, Samuel, on hope, 118

Smith, Fred, 53

social alignment, 37

spatial separation, 177

speaking skills, 85, 96–97, see also delivery

speech, rate of, 156, see also verbal presentation; voice

Spence, Gerry on charisma, 5

on credibility, 126

spiritual alignment, 37

Stone, W. Clement, on mission, 60


for creativity, 75–76

in delivery and communication, 98–101

essential components in, 99

mastering art of, 100

research on, 194–195


assessment of, 8

inner, 47–50

pitch of voice to project, 157

subconscious mind

confidence in, 75

programming of, 57

subconscious triggers, 151–154

confidence revealed by, 18

in emotional states, 166–170

for influence, 95

in nonverbal presentation, 160–165

online resources for, 178

in physical appearance, 171–174

that repel people, 175–178

in verbal presentation, 155–159

success, 2–3

and creativity, 74

focus for, 77–78

and intuition, 56

from optimism, 26

people skills for, 91

reasons for lack of, 9

teamwork for, 93

visualizing, 88

Sussman, Rosalyn, on belief in self, 51

sympathy, empathy vs., 143, 144

synergy, vision and, 139

talking too much, 175

teamwork, 118, 119

teeth, 172

tension, 43, 168

Teresa, Mother, 92

Thompson, J. Edgar, 125

Thoreau, Henry David, on being busy, 77


being alone with, 58

controlling and directing, 67

influence of word choice on, 156

time management, 78

title power, 32, 34

tone of voice

confidence revealed by, 18

and congruence, 25

reading people from, 55–56

touch, 163–164

track record, credibility based on, 126

Tracy, Brian, on listening, 106

training, recent changes in, 86

triggers, see subconscious triggers

Truman, Harry S.

on getting credit, 122

on self-discipline, 57

trust, 4

and confidence, 17

and congruence, 23

and credibility, 127

and empathy, 143

and eye contact, 103

and integrity, 65

and power vs. force, 31

and rapport, 111

truth, 8

for congruence, 23–24

and credibility, 128

The Turkey and the Peacocks (fable), 11–12

Twain, Mark, 101

UCLA basketball teams, 15

unconditional acceptance, 123, 143

understanding, 143, see also empathy

unhappiness, 41, 43

uniforms, 32

unspoken messages, 111


and integrity, 65

tapping into, 66

valuing others, 146, see also respect

verbal communications, congruence of actions and, 22–25

verbal presentation

articulation in, 158

inflection in, 157

pitch in, 157

rate of speech in, 156

silence in, 158

subconscious triggers in, 155–159

vocal fillers in, 157

volume in, 157–158

word choice in, 156


creating, 140

in empowering others, 138–141

research on, 200

visionaries, 138

visualization, 88

vocal fillers, 157

voice, 158–159

confidence revealed by, 18

and congruence, 25

judging others by, 155

pitch of, 157

reading people from, 55–56

volume of, 157–158

see also verbal presentation

volume (voice), 157–158

wants, motivating through, 130

Washington, George, 120

watches, 173


assessment of, 8

courage for identifying, 69

and credibility, 127–128

honesty about, 67

taking ownership of, 9

Web site, 173

weight, 25–26, 172

Welch, Jack, 140–141

willpower, 47–50

Winfrey, Oprah, 112–113

Winter Olympics (2002), 66–67

The Wood-chopping Challenge (fable), 45–46

Wooden, John

passion of, 15

on respect, 146


agreement of actions and, 22–25

choice of, 155, 156

worry, 141, 168

Wright, Orville, 71

Wright, Wilbur, 71

Ziglar, Zig, on integrity, 64

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