Further Reading

Altshuller, G. (1996) And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared: TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, 2nd edn, Technical Innovation Center, Worcester, MA.

Altshuller, G. (1999) The Innovation Algorithm, Technical Innovation Center, Worcester, MA.

Mann, D. (1992) Hands-on Systematic Innovation for Technology and Engineering, CREAX Press, Ieper.

Fey, V.R. and Rivin, E.I. (2005) Innovation on Demand: New Product Development Using TRIZ, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Invention Machine (2011) www.invention-machine.com (accessed April 13, 2012).

Koltze, K. and Souchkov, V. (2010) Systematische Innovation: TRIZ-Anwendung in der Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung, Carl Hanser Verlag, München (in German).

Salamatov, Y. (1999) TRIZ: The Right Solution at the Right Time: A Guide to Innovative Problem Solving, Insytec B.V, Hattem.

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