Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Feldmann, Clarence G.
     The practical guide to business process reengineering using IDEFO
  /  Clarence G. Feldmann  ;  foreword by John V. Tieso.
         p.     cm.
     Includes index.
     ISBN 0-932633-37-4 (softcover)
     1.  Reengineering (Management)    2.  Electronic data processing-
  -Structured techniques.    3.  Business--Graphic methods.    I.   Title.
  HD58.87.F45      1998
  658.4’063--dc21                     98-20236

Cover Design: Jeff Faville, Faville Design
Cover Author Photograph: Joe Demb, Belmont, Massachusetts

Copyright © 1998 by Clarence G. Feldmann. Published by Dorset House Publishing, 353 West 12th Street, New York, New York 10014.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.

Distributed in the English language in Singapore, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia by Toppan Co., Ltd., Singapore; in the English language in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Mauritius by Prism Books Pvt., Ltd., Bangalore, India; and in the English language in Japan by Toppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Catalog Number: 98-20236

ISBN: 0-932633-37-4

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Digital release by Pearson Education, Inc., June, 2013

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