
Figures & Tables



Chapter 1: Introduction to the Method

Communication with IDEFO

Overview of IDEFO Syntax

Origins and History of IDEFO

An Early Opportunity

A Good Name

A Series of Methods

Elements of IDEFO

Use of IDEFO with Other Methods and Tools

IDEFO and Scope of Application

IDEFO and the System Development Life Cycle


IDEFO and Systems Analysis

IDEF Methods and Object-Oriented Methods

IDEF Models and Integration with Other Methods

Chapter 2: Using IDEFO for Process Improvement

Use of IDEFO in Support of BPR

Use of IDEFO for Military Downsizing and Reorganization

Benefits of Using IDEFO Models for Enterprise Reengineering

The Reader/Author Cycle and the Workshop Approach

The AS-IS Model

Case 1: Facilitate Information Flow

Case 2: Reduce Costs

Case 3: Analyze Performance

Case 4: Introduce Business Process Concepts

Conclusions from Commercial and DoD BPR Efforts to Date

Chapter 3: Features and Benefits of the IDEFO Activity Modeling Method

The Seven Basic Principles

Scope of Subject Matter That Can Be Handled by IDEFO

Benefits Resulting from the Use of IDEFO

Features of IDEFO Analysis

Comparison to Data Flow Diagramming

Understanding a Top-Level IDEFO Diagram of an Enterprise

Levels of Abstraction in IDEFO Models

The Role of Data Analysis Compared to IDEFO Function Analysis

Chapter 4: IDEFO Graphic Language Syntax and Semantics

Activity Box Syntax

Arrow Syntax Elements

The IDEFO Diagram Form

IDEFO Model Rules

Chapter 5: Pragmatics

Defining the Purpose, Viewpoint, and Type of Breakdown

Starting the Model

Validating the Model

Modeling Other Viewpoints

Using Node Diagrams, Schematics, and FEO Diagrams

Using the Reader/Author Review Process

Chapter 6: Do’s and Don’ts

Language Rules

Box Rules

Arrow Rules

Diagram Rules

Model Rule

Model Quality Measurement

Achieving Model Quality

Management Lessons Learned


Appendix A: Types of Models and Forms of Breakdown

Modeling the Function versus the Process

Forms of Activity Breakdown

Appendix B: Sample Models

Appendix C: SADT and IDEFO—A Historical Perspective

Comparison of SADT with IDEFO

Appendix D: SADT Data Models, IDEFO, and IDEF1X

Appendix E: A Modeling Process Case Study

Background of the Restaurant

Excerpt from an Interview with the President and CEO

Excerpt from an Interview with Jeff Shermon

Modeling Ben’s Burgers

Key Terms


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