Appendix A—Menu Commands

This appendix lists all of the Sony A77’s menu commands in order of their appearance within the menu structure.

Use this list as a dictionary and quick reference of a command’s function and location. Many of the commands are covered in detail in previous chapters, so think of this as an index for reviewing your commands.

The list is broken into sections with the menu name and page number identified at the beginning of commands residing on the menu’s page. Each command is listed along with a description and useful information. The commands’ available options and their descriptions are listed below the command. Note the commands’ default option is bolded. Example 1 below is the first command in the Setup Menu’s page 1. The Menu start command has two options: [Top] and [Previous], where [Top] is the default option.

A few of the commands have subcommands. The subcommand options are listed and then further broken out with their individual options. Example 2 shows part of the Slide Show command. Note the command has a subcommand called Repeat, which has two options: [On] and [Off], where [Off] is the default.

Example 1



Menu start

Determines the location displayed when the MENU button is pressed


Displays the menu beginning at MENU>Still Shooting Menu (1)>Image Size


Displays the menu beginning at the last displayed command

Example 2

Slide Show

Allows you to display still images stored on the memory card in sequence as a slide show


Determines if the slide show runs through the images once or loops continuously


Slide show loops continuously through the images


Plays the images once and stops

Sony A77 Menu Commands

Still Shooting Menu – Page 1



Image Size

Defines the image size in pixels. Different values are presented based on the selected Aspect Ratio value. Works only on JPEG files. RAW files size is consistent at 6000 x 4000 pixels.

When Aspect Ratio = [3:2]


6000 x 4000 equivalent pixels


4240 x 2832 equivalent pixels


3008 x 2000 equivalent pixels

When Aspect Ratio = [16:9]


6000 x 3376 equivalent pixels


4240 x 2400 equivalent pixels


3008 x 1688 equivalent pixels

Aspect Ratio

Specifies the image’s width to height ratio


Represents a width of 3 units to a height of 2 units. This is the typical still picture ratio size.


Represent a width of 16 units to a height of 9 units. This is the typical movie frame ratio size.


Sets the still image’s file format. RAW files contains all of the image data with minimal to no changes. JPEG files are compressed, modified, and/or changed image data. Note that the Image Size command for individual image sizes and equivalent pixels is only for JPEG files.


The data is stored with minimal digital processing. Contains more data than JPEG file types. File extension is .ARW.


Two files are created: RAW and JPEG Fine.
The RAW file is stored with minimal digital processing. The JPEG file is more compressed than RAW, and its image reflects the results of the camera’s digital processing. File extension is .ARW and .JPG.

Extra fine

Extra fine has the lowest compression rate of the three JPEG file types and retains the most image detail. File extension is .JPG.


Fine is the JPEG default compression rate, with an intermediate degree of compression and retention of image detail. File extension is .JPG.


Standard has the highest compression rate of the three JPEG file types and can lose fine detail. File extension is .JPG.

Panorama: Size

Determines the size of a panoramic picture. Command is enabled only when mode dial is set to Sweep Panorama.







Panorama: Direction

Defines the direction to pan the camera when executing a Sweep Panorama. Command is enabled only when mode dial is set to Sweep Panorama.


Pan the camera from left to right


Pan the camera from right to left


Pan the camera upward from the bottom


Pan the camera downward from the top

3D Pan.: Image Size

Determines the size of a 3D panoramic picture. Command is enabled only when mode dial is set to 3D Sweep Panorama.


1920 x 1080 equivalent pixels


4912 x 1080 equivalent pixels


7152 x 1080 equivalent pixels

3D Pan.: Direction

Defines the direction to pan the camera when executing a 3D Sweep Panorama. Command is enabled only when mode dial is set to 3D Sweep Panorama.


Pan the camera from left to right


Pan the camera from right to left

Still Shooting Menu – Page 2



Long Exposure NR

Controls noise reduction for pictures taken with exposures of one second or more. The camera takes two pictures, uses Dark Frame Subtraction to reduce noise, and saves a single processed picture. Camera should be mounted on a tripod.
This command executes only for long exposures when the shutter speed is one second or longer. Since two pictures are taken and then processed into one, the time needed to accomplish this increases more than twofold. Be prepared to wait.
This command does not execute if set to [On] in the following modes: Sweep Panorama, 3D Sweep Panorama, Continuous Advance Priority AE, and SCN [Sports Action] or [Hand-held Twilight]. It also does not execute when the camera is set to Continuous Shooting or Bracketing, or when the ISO is set to [Multi Frame Noise Reduct.].
The command is automatically set to [On] in Auto, Auto+, and SCN predefined scene modes, excluding [Sports Action] and [Hand-held Twilight].


Enables the noise reduction process


Disables the process


Assigns noise reduction processing for high-sensitivity JPEG still image shooting. Although noise can occur at lower ISOs, we have noticed that noise starts showing up consistently at ISO 1600.
Noise reduction processing occurs after taking the image. Processing must be complete before the camera is available to take another picture. The [High] and [Normal] options reduce image sharpness. This command is not available for RAW images or in Auto, Auto+, Sweep Panorama, 3D Sweep Panorama, and SCN modes.


Reduces the greatest amount of noise and takes the longest time to complete the process


Reduces an average amount of noise


Reduces the least amount of noise and takes the shortest time to complete the process

Flash control

Sets the method on how the camera determines the intensity of flash output. The amount of light the flash should emit is determined by the following:

ADI flash

(Advanced Distance Integration) – Measures both the amount of light passing through the lens and the distance from the camera sensor to the focused subject

Pre-flash TTL

(Through the Lens) – Measures only the amount of light through the lens

Manual flash

Adjusts the flash to emit light based on the Power ratio command value

Power ratio

Controls the amount of light the built-in flash emits when the Flash control command is set to [Manual flash].
This command is disabled when the Flash Control command is set to [Pre-flash TTL] or [ADI flash].


1/1 = full power, scaling down to 1/16 of full power

AF Illuminator

Controls the emission of a beam of red light from the AF Illuminator to facilitate auto focus on dimly lighted subjects. The light emanates from either from the camera body or from an attached external flash unit.
The AF Illuminator does not work when the AF area is set to [Local] or [Zone], when autofocus mode is set to AF-C, when the subject is moving in AF-A, or when Smile Shutter is [On].


AF Illuminator turns on when in low-light environment


AF Illuminator never turns on

Color Space

Allows you to select one of two preset color spaces for reproducible colors.


Common standard for most electronic display and recording units


Common standard for CMYK four-color professional printing


Enables internal camera stabilization. Allows you to obtain sharp still pictures at slower shutter speeds when handholding the camera. The camera will compensate for small movements caused by hand tremors. Do not use if your camera is mounted on a tripod; the camera’s SteadyShot software will try to compensate, which can make a sharp image blurry.


Enables SteadyShot


Disables SteadyShot

Still Shooting Menu – Page 3



Exposure step

Selects Exposure Compensation scale’s f-stop increment size. Each f-stop is divided into three parts on the scale represented by tick marks. Each tick mark equals 1/3 f-stop. Toggle the multi-selector right or left to move the EV (Exposure Value) value.

0.5 EV

Changes EV by 0.5

0.3 EV

Changes EV by 0.3

AF-A setup

Determines whether to allow manual focusing when the focus mode is [AF-A]. Regardless of this command’s value, SSM lenses allow manual focusing and SAM lenses do not.


(Autofocus Automatic) – Allows the camera to determine if it should autofocus singly or continuously. Does not allow manual focus.


(Direct Manual Focus) – Releases the focus ring (once focus is locked) to allow manual focus.

Priority setup

Determines whether the camera needs to have the image in focus to take the picture
When the camera is in MF mode, setting this command to [AF] has no effect, and the camera operates as if [Release] was chosen.


Requires image to be in focus for the shutter button to fire


Does not require image to be in focus for the shutter button to fire. Allows out-of-focus shots even in Auto or Auto+ modes.

AF w/ shutter

Determines whether pressing the shutter button halfway starts the autofocus process.


Initiates autofocus when you press the shutter button halfway


Does not initiate autofocus when you press the shutter button halfway


Allows you to store a current group of camera commands and function values in one of three memory slots for future recall and utilization. Recall occurs when the mode dial is turned to MR and a specific memory group is selected.


Memory Group 1


Memory Group 2


Memory Group 3

Movie Shooting Menu – Page 1



File Format

Defines the file format for storing movie files. Note: your camera will either show [AVCHD 60i/60p] or [AVCHD 50i/50p] but not both, depending on the country where your camera was made.

AVCHD 60i/60p (or AVCHD 50i/50p)

(U.S. Standard) Records movies in AVCHD using either interlace or progressive scanning at either 60 frames/second (fps) or 24 fps.
(European Standard) Records movies in AVCHD at either 50 frames/second (fps) using interlace or progressive scanning (50i) or 25 fps using progressive scanning (25p).


Records movies in MPEG-4 format at about 30 frames/second. These MP4 AVC (non-high definition) movies are suitable for attaching to emails and uploading to the web.

Record Setting


When File Format = [AVCHD 60i/60p]/[AVCHD 50i/50p]

60i 24M(FX) (or 50i 17M(FH))

Ave. Bit Rate = 24 Mbps.
Records high quality movies, 1920 x 1080 pixels at either 60i/50i fps.

60i 17M(FH) (or 50i 17M(FH))

Ave. Bit Rate = 17 Mbps.
Records standard quality movies, 1920 x 1080 pixels at either 60i/50i fps.

60p 28M(PS) (or 50p 28M(PS))

Ave. Bit Rate = 28 Mbps.
Records the highest quality movies, 1920 x 1080 pixels at 60p/50p fps.

24p 24M(FX) (or 25p 24M(FX))

Ave. Bit Rate = 24 Mbps.
Records high quality movies, 1920 x 1080 pixels at 24p/25p fps (cinema-like movies).

24p 24M(FH) (or 25p 24M(FH))

Ave. Bit Rate = 17 Mbps.
Records standard quality movies, 1920 x 1080 pixels at 24p/25p fps (cinema-like movies).

When File Format = [MP4]

1440 x 1080 12M

Ave. Bit Rate = 28 Mbps.
Records 1440 x 1080 movies.


Ave. Bit Rate = 3 Mbps.
Records 640 x 480 movies.

Audio Recording

Determines whether audio is included when recording a movie


Audio sound records with the movie


No audio records with the movie

Wind Noise Reduct.

Reduces the effects of wind noise on captured audio


Reduces wind noise on captured audio


Does not reduce wind noise on captured audio


Enables internal camera stabilization. Allows you to obtain sharp movies at slower shutter speeds when handholding the camera. The camera will compensate for small movements caused by hand tremors. Do not use if your camera is mounted on a tripod; the camera’s SteadyShot software will try to compensate, which can make a sharp image blurry.


Enables SteadyShot


Disables SteadyShot

Custom Menu – Page 1



Eye-Start AF

Initiates autofocusing when the eye approaches the viewfinder.
Eye-Start AF is great if you need autofocusing to occur as quickly as possible. However, autofocusing occurs regardless of what object the viewfinder senses—maybe your hand or the camera resting against one’s chest while carrying it by the neck strap. Turning this function on can eat up a lot of battery power due to continuous autofocusing.
If Eye-Start AF is [On] and the camera is in sleep mode, it will not try to autofocus if something is close to the viewfinder. You will have to activate the LCD screen and go back to viewing through the viewfinder to reactivate Eye-Start AF.


Turns function on


Turns function off


Controls how the camera switches between the viewfinder and the LCD screen


Activates the LCD screen unless the camera senses something close to the viewfinder. When the camera no longer senses something close to the viewfinder, it reactivates the LCD screen.


Activates the LCD screen when the camera is turned on and then requires you to push the FINDER/LCD button manually to switch between the two display screens.
Switching between the LCD screen and the viewfinder only works if the LCD screen is seated in the camera. If it is open and pulled away from the camera, only the LCD screen will be active, regardless of this command’s setting or pressing the FINDER/LCD button.

Red Eye Reduction

Activates software to reduce red-eye caused by flash


Activates red-eye reduction functionality


Deactivates red-eye reduction functionality

Release w/o Lens

Allows you to shoot pictures and movies when a Sony or Minolta AF lens is not attached to the camera.
Set this command to [Enable] when the lens is attached to a telescope or microscope.


Enables the camera to shoot without a lens attached


Prevents the camera from shooting without a lens attached

Auto+ Cont. Shooting

Allows the camera to shoot either one image or a set of continuous images that improve the odds of capturing at least one good image. Auto+ Image Extract. controls the outcome when continuous images are taken.


Camera determines whether it should shoot one image or continuous images to improve the odds of obtaining excellent results


Camera shoots only one image

Auto+ Image Extract.

Controls whether or not the camera saves all of the continuous images taken when the Auto+ Cont. Shooting command is set to [Auto]


Camera selects and saves the best image from a set of multiple shots


All images from a set of multiple shots are retained

Custom Menu – Page 2



Grid Line

Superimposes a grid pattern on the display screen in Live View as an aid for composition

Rule of 3rds Grid

Pattern consists of a 3 x 3 array of rectangles

Square Grid

Pattern consists of a 6 x 4 array of squares

Diag. + Square Grid

Pattern consists of a 4 x 4 array of rectangles overlaid with diagonal lines radiating from the center to each corner


No grid pattern is superimposed on the display screen

Auto Review

When activated, displays the recorded picture immediately after it is taken and before you take the next picture. Movies are not displayed after being recorded.

10 Sec

Displays captured image for 10 seconds

5 Sec

Displays captured image for 5 seconds

2 Sec

Displays captured image for 2 seconds


Does not display captured image

DISP Button (Monitor)

Allows you to select from a list of six data display formats that can be applied to the LCD screen to preview your images

Graphic Display

Displays image plus two scales—shutter speed and aperture—each with its current setting indicated as a vertical bar

Display All Info.

Displays only the image

No Disp. Info.

Displays image with the camera settings superimposed around the image’s border


Displays image plus the digital level gauge tool in the center of the screen. The digital level gauge’s indicator turns green when the camera is level both horizontally and front to back.


Displays image plus the live white histogram in the lower right of the display screen

For viewfinder

Displays only the camera settings

DISP Button (Finder)

Allows you to select from a list of five data display formats that can be applied to the viewfinder when previewing an image.

Graphic Display

Displays image plus two scales—shutter speed and aperture—each with its current setting indicated as a vertical bar

Display All Info.

Displays image with the camera settings superimposed around the image’s border

No Disp. Info.

Displays only the image


Displays image plus the digital level gauge tool in the center of the screen. The digital level gauge’s indicator turns green when the camera is level both horizontally and front to back.


Displays image plus the live white histogram in the lower right of the display screen

Peaking Level

In Live View adds a color fringe to borders that have high contrast and therefore are in focus. Available for still pictures and movies.


Adds maximum size fringe to in-focus areas


Adds mid-size fringe to in-focus areas


Adds smallest-size fringe to in-focus areas


Turns off the Peaking function

Peaking Color

Determines the color used to identify high-contrast areas


High-contrast areas superimposed with red


High-contrast areas superimposed with yellow


High-contrast areas superimposed with white

Live View Display

Determines if Live View will show the effects of your camera settings. Available in P, A, S, M, and Advance Priority Continuous AE modes only.

Setting Effect ON

Gives a real-time view of how your image will look. Live View displays the subject with the current lighting, exposure, white balance, and other selected effects such as Creative Style, and Picture Effect

Setting Effect OFF

Live View does not take into account any changes to the camera’s settings that affect the resulting image. This option keeps the Live View image at a constant brightness.

Custom Menu – Page 3



Func. of AEL button

Allows you to reassign the AEL button to one of the functions listed below

Exposure Comp.

Metering Mode

Image Size

AF/MF Control Toggle

Drive Mode

Flash Comp.


Object Tracking

Flash Mode

White Balance

AEL hold

AF lock

AF area


AEL toggle

Aperture Preview

Face Detection

Auto HDR

Spot AEL hold

Shot. Result Preview

Smile Shutter

Creative Style

Spot AEL toggle

Smart Telecon.


Picture Effect

AF/MF Control Hold

Focus Magnifier

ISO Button

Allows you to reassign the ISO button to one of the functions listed below

Exposure Comp.

Metering Mode

Image Size

AF/MF Control Toggle

Drive Mode

Flash Comp.


Object Tracking

Flash Mode

White Balance

AEL hold

AF lock

AF area


AEL toggle

Aperture Preview

Face Detection

Auto HDR

Spot AEL hold

Shot. Result Preview

Smile Shutter

Creative Style

Spot AEL toggle

Smart Telecon.


Picture Effect

AF/MF Control Hold

Focus Magnifier

AF/MF button

Allows you to reassign the AF/MF button to one of the functions listed below

Exposure Comp.

Metering Mode

Image Size

AF/MF Control Toggle

Drive Mode

Flash Comp.


Object Tracking

Flash Mode

White Balance

AEL hold

AF lock

AF area


AEL toggle

Aperture Preview

Face Detection

Auto HDR

Spot AEL hold

Shot. Result Preview

Smile Shutter

Creative Style

Spot AEL toggle

Smart Telecon.


Picture Effect

AF/MF Control Hold

Focus Magnifier

Preview Button

Determines how the Preview button will operate: showing only depth of field, or showing depth of field plus shutter speed

Shot. Result Preview

Previews depth of field plus the effects of shutter speed to see how a slow shutter increases image blurring

Aperture Preview

Previews only depth of field to help you adjust the aperture so more or less of the image is in focus

Focus Hold Button

Determines how the Focus Hold button (found on some Sony or Minolta lenses) operates: only holding focus, or holding focus plus showing depth of field

Focus Hold

Holds focus when button is pressed

D.O.F. Preview

Holds focus when button is pressed, plus displays the image with depth of field applied

Smart Telecon. Button

Determines how the Focus Magnifier button operates: digitally zooming into the image or magnifying the image

Smart Telecon.

Digitally zooms into the image. This process reduces the image’s number of pixels. First press magnifies approximately 1.4 times. Second press magnifies approximately 2 times.
You can press the shutter button at any stage to capture the picture at its zoomed-in version. Pressing the shutter button halfway returns the preview to its original unmagnified version. Note the 1.4x creates an M-size picture; 2.0x creates an S-size picture. This option works only with JPEG files.

Focus Magnifier

Magnifies the image approximately 5.9 times with the first press of the button and approximately 11.7 times with the second press.
You can press the shutter button at any stage to capture the picture, which will be recorded non-magnified. Pressing the shutter button halfway returns the preview to its original unmagnified version. This option works with both RAW and JPEG files. Files retain the original size setting and are not resized.

Custom Menu – Page 4



Ctrl dial setup

Allows you to customize which control dial (front or rear) handles shutter speed and f-stop adjustments


Front control dial handles shutter speed; rear control dial handles f-stop


Front control dial handles f-stop; rear control dial handles shutter speed

Dial exp. comp.

Allows you to customize either the front or rear control dial to handle the Exposure Compensation tool


Exposure Compensation tool is not available through either the front or rear control dial

Front dial

Exposure Compensation tool assigned to front control dial

Rear dial

Exposure Compensation tool assigned to rear control dial

Exp. comp. set

Determines if the Exposure Compensation tool adjusts for ambient light only, or ambient light plus flash

Ambient & flash

Adjusts the exposure using the combination of available ambient light plus flash

Ambient only

Adjusts the exposure using only available ambient light

Bracket order

Assigns the order in which the camera shoots bracketed images

0 Image- Image+

Shoots normal exposure, underexposure, and then overexposure

- Image0 Image+

Shoots underexposure, normal exposure, and then overexposure

AF drive speed

Selects autofocusing speed.


Performs autofocusing faster


Performs autofocusing slower

Custom Menu – Page 5



Lens Comp.: Shading

Enables automatic adjustment to eliminate vignetting. The results are applied only to the image’s JPEG file.


Automatically adjusts JPEG images to hide lens-induced vignetting


Disables function. Any vignetting from the lens is retained in saved JPEG images.

Lens Comp.: Chro. Aber.

Enables automatic adjustment to eliminate chromatic aberration. The results are applied only to the image’s JPEG file.


Automatically adjusts JPEG images to hide chromatic aberration


Disables function. Any chromatic aberration is recorded in saved JPEG images.

Lens Comp.: Distortion

Enables automatic correction of lens distortion. The results are applied only to the image’s JPEG file.


Automatically corrects any lens distortion in JPEG images


Disables function. Lens distortion is uncorrected in saved JPEG images.

Front Curtain Shutter

Determines whether the shutter opens using the electronic first curtain shutter or whether the shutter opens mechanically.
Using the electronic first curtain shutter speeds up the shutter release time and eliminates camera vibrations due to the movement of the mechanical shutter during exposure.


Initiates use of the electronic first curtain shutter


Initiates use of the mechanical shutter

Face Registration

Allows you to register and maintain up to eight faces in the camera for autofocus preferences

New Registration

Allows you to register new faces one at a time up to eight total

Order Exchanging

Allows you to change the registered faces’ prioritization


Allows you to delete a single registered face

Delete All

Allows you to delete all registered faces at one time

Playback Menu – Page 1




Allows you to delete one, many, or all unprotected images within a selected folder. The selected folder is determined by the last viewed or recorded image’s file type. To change the selected folder, use the MENU>Playback Menu (1)>View Mode command.

Multiple Img.

Displays one image at a time with its associated delete check box. Toggle right or left to scroll through the individual images, and press the multi-selector button to check or uncheck the delete boxes.

All in Folder

Displays a confirmation screen to delete all of the images in the folder. Select [Delete] to delete; select [Cancel] to exit the process.

View Mode

Enables you to select a specific type of image folder

Folder View(Still)

Still Picture folder

Folder View(MP4)

MP4 folder


Movie folder

Slide Show

Allows you to display still images stored on the memory card in sequence as a slide show


Determines if the slide show runs through the images once or loops continuously


Slide show loops continuously through the images


Plays the images once and stops


Controls the time each still picture is displayed

1 Sec

Displays each picture for 1 second

3 Sec

Displays each picture for 3 seconds

5 Sec

Displays each picture for 5 seconds

10 Sec

Displays each picture for 10 seconds

30 Sec

Displays each picture for 30 seconds

Image Type

Controls the type of still pictures to be played back in the slide show. [Display 3D Only] is enabled only if there are 3D images saved on the memory card.


Displays all types of still pictures

Display 3D Only

Displays 3D still pictures only. Option enabled when camera is connected to a 3D-compatible TV.


Initiates slide show using [Repeat], [Interval] and [Image Type] values.

3D Viewing

Allows you to play back 3D pictures recorded in 3D Sweep Panorama mode on a 3D-compatible TV or computer. Command is enabled when the camera is connected to a 3D-compatible device.


Initiates playback


Exits the command process


Allows you to protect or unprotect saved images on the memory card. Protected images cannot be erased through the camera’s Delete command or button but can be removed by using the Format command. This command displays only images within the selected View Mode.

Multiple Img.

Displays one image at a time with its associated protect check box. Toggle right or left to scroll through the individual images. Press the multi-selector button to check or uncheck an image’s protect box.

Cancel All Images

Displays a confirmation screen to unprotect all protected images in the selected View Mode. Select [Enter] to unprotect; select [Cancel] to exit the process.

Specify Printing

Allows you to identify and check an image’s print indicator. You can also specify whether you want the image’s date imprinted on the picture.
To print identified images, connect the camera’s memory card directly or through a computer to a Digital Print Order Format (DPOF)-compliant printer or send it to a photo printing service. Note: the print indicator/date imprint information is retained even after the pictures have been printed.


Processes the selected values


Exits the Specify Printing command

DPOF Setup

Option controls the selection and deletion of images for printing

Multiple Img.

Displays one image at a time with its associated print check box. Toggle right or left to scroll through individual images, and press the multi-selector button to check or uncheck each print box.

Cancel All

Deletes all DPOF print indicators

Date Imprint

Option controls if recorded date will be included on printed images


Image’s recorded date will be included on the print of the selected images


Does not allow the recorded date to print on the pictures

Playback Menu – Page 2



Volume Settings

Allows you to set the volume level for playing back movies. This does not affect the volume at which movies are recorded.

Available options range from [0] to [7], with [2] as default – [0] is mute, and [7] is the loudest setting

Playback Display

Determines whether images are displayed with landscape or portrait orientation during playback. To rotate an image while reviewing it, press the Fn button. A rotate icon displays. Press the multi-selector button to change the image’s orientation.

Auto Rotate

Vertically oriented recorded images are played back vertically on the display screen. Vertical images are displayed smaller than horizontal images, but you don’t have to turn the camera to view them properly.

Manual Rotate

Displays vertical images horizontally, filling the screen during playback

Memory Card Tool Menu – Page 1




Quickly erases all images from the card, including protected still pictures and movies, by reformatting the memory card. Does not erase stored, registered faces. A confirmation screen is displayed.
Do not turn off the camera or remove the memory card while reformatting. Do not reformat the memory card outside the camera.


Reformats the card


Exits the process

File Number

Determines how file numbers are assigned and maintained.


Assigns file numbers in sequence starting with 0001 up to 9999. Does not reset file numbers even if the folder is changed, images are deleted, the memory card is reformatted, or a new memory card is inserted.


Assigns file numbers in sequence starting with 0001 up to 9999, but starts over at 0001 if the folder is changed, the memory card is reformatted, or a new memory card is inserted. Does not reuse file numbers when individual files are deleted.

Folder Name

Allows you to choose between two folder name structures for storing your images

Standard Form

Folder number + MSDCF (Example: 100MSDCF where MSDCF is a file naming convention created by JEITIA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association)

Date Form

Folder number + last digit of year + month + day (Example: 10020210)

Select REC Folder

Allows you to choose from a displayed list of folders used to hold still images on the memory card. Scroll through the list. Press the multi-selector button to select a folder. Note: folders with AVCHD and MP4 files cannot be selected.

Displays available REC folders

New Folder

Allows you to create a new folder on the memory card to hold new still pictures. The newly created folder is the default for any new still pictures. Press the multi-selector button to create a new folder.


Creates a new still picture folder on the memory card

Recover Image DB

Attempts to recover a corrupted image database on the memory card. Execute this command if you receive the error message “Image Database File error. Recover?” Make sure you have a fully charged battery when executing this command.


Initiates recovery


Exits the process

Display Card Space

Displays an estimate of how many available images and how much movie time remains on the memory card. The calculations are only for the current Still and Movie Quality command values and varies depending on the complexity of the scene being photographed.


Displays available space on the memory card

Clock Setup Menu – Page 1



Date/Time Setup

Sets the camera’s date, time, and location. Use the right and left toggles to move through the following fields and the up and down toggles to move through the available values within each field.

Daylight Svg.:

Daylight savings indicator. [On] indicates Daylight Savings is currently in effect. [Off] indicates Daylight Savings is not currently in effect.


Order of month, day, and year is determined by Date Format


Contains current time in hours and minutes

Date Format

Select [Y-M-D], [D-M-Y], or [M-D-Y]

Area Setting

Lets the camera know what time zone you’re in based on the selected location on the world map. Use the right or left toggle to select your current zone. As it changes, the date and time will also change to conform to the selected location.

World map is broken into time zones

The current selected time zone is highlighted on the map

Setup Menu – Page 1



Menu start

Determines the location displayed when the MENU button is pressed


Displays the menu beginning at MENU>Still Shooting Menu (1)>Image Size


Displays the menu beginning at the last displayed command

LCD Brightness

Controls the LCD monitor’s brightness either automatically or manually. LCD monitor must be active when setting this command.


Camera adjusts the LCD monitor’s brightness on the basis of ambient lighting. Make sure you do not cover the light sensor in the lower left of the LCD screen.


Allows you to set the LCD monitor’s brightness between –2 and +2, where –2 is less bright and +2 is the brightest setting

Viewfinder Bright.

Controls the viewfinder’s brightness automatically or allows you to set it manually. Viewfinder must be active when setting this command.


Relies on the camera to determine the viewfinder’s brightness


Allows you to set the viewfinder’s brightness between –1 and +1, where –1 is the dimmest and +1 is the brightest setting

GPS Settings (SLTA77V only)

Allows GPS to be turned on and applies returned GPS values to stored images.
The camera’s software initiates retrieving the GPS location as soon as GPS On/Off is set to [On], and each time you turn the camera on as long as this command remains [On]. Retrieving GPS information can take several minutes. Make sure you turn this command [Off] when you are traveling and the camera is on but not in use. Otherwise, the camera constantly retrieves GPS information which uses battery power.
GPS information is stored with saved images. You can view the saved GPS data when you import your images into the PMB software. If you record an image prior to the camera retrieving the location’s GPS information, your image will be tagged with either previously stored GPS information or no information.
You may have difficulty retrieving accurate information when indoors or near structures that block satellite access.

GPS On/Off

Controls activation of the camera’s GPS function


Enables the GPS function as soon as you exit the command


Disables the GPS function

GPS Auto Time Cor.

This option is enabled when GPS On/Off is [On]


Uses the most recently retrieved GPS location to adjust the clock to local time


Doesn’t adjust the clock to local time

Use GPS Assist Data

This option displays the period this data is valid. Shortens the time needed for the camera to retrieve GPS data during the valid period. Outside of the valid period, full GPS retrieval is mandatory.


Displays the period the currently stored GPS Assist data is available

Power Save

Determines the amount of time before an inactive camera is placed into sleep mode

30 Min

Camera enters sleep mode after 30 minutes of inactivity

5 Min

Camera enters sleep mode after 5 minutes of inactivity

1 Min

Camera enters sleep mode after 1 minute of inactivity

20 Sec

Camera enters sleep mode after 20 seconds of inactivity

10 Sec

Camera enters sleep mode after 10 seconds of inactivity

HDMI Resolution

Determines what the camera uses for HDMI resolution when connected to a compatible TV


Leaves it up to the camera to choose between 1080p and 1080i resolution


Selects 1080p resolution


Selects 1080i resolution


Allows you to play stored images from your camera on a Bravia Sync-supported TV.
Once the camera is connected to a compatible TV and the command is set to [On], use the TV’s remote control to control the playback. You can play slide shows, display images one at a time, view 3D images, switch View Modes, and delete images through your TV.


Plays camera-stored images on a compatible TV


Does not play camera-stored images on a compatible TV

Setup Menu – Page 2



USB Connection

Determines the type of connection your camera establishes with your computer or with a USB device when using a USB cable


Leaves it up to the camera to choose between Mass Storage and MTP

Mass Storage

Selects USB Mass Storage Class, which is useful for drag-and-drop file transfers. Supported by Mac OS and utilized by Microsoft OS.


Selects Media Transfer Protocol used by Windows operating systems and PICT Bridge-compatible printers

Audio signals

Creates audio beeps when focus is achieved or during self-timer operations


Allows audio beeps


Does not allow audio beeps

Cleaning Mode

Executes the sensor cleaning process by applying ultrasonic vibration to the sensor to loosen dirt and dust particles


Initiates cleaning process


Cancels the process and returns you to Live View

Delete confirm

Determines which option, Delete or Cancel, is enabled in the Delete confirmation step

“Delete” first

Delete option is enabled

“Cancel” first

Cancel option is enabled

AF Micro Adj.

Allows you to obtain optimum focus if the lens is either back or front focusing. The camera registers up to 30 lenses and allows you to save a fine adjustment setting for each registered lens, which will be automatically applied when the camera senses the lens has been mounted to the camera body and AF Adjustment Setting is set to [On].

AF Adjustment Setting

Controls the adjustment process activation


Disables the adjustment process


Enables the adjustment process


Displays a scale ranging from [-20] to [+20] in increments of 1, with [+-0] as default. This option is enabled only when AF Adjustment Setting is set to [On].


Displays all registered lenses and asks if you want to clear all adjustments


Clears the adjustment with the lens name.
There is a second confirmation step to complete the clearing process: [Enter], [Cancel], with [Cancel] as default where [Enter] completes the clearing process and [Cancel] exits the process without clearing anything.


Exits the process without clearing anything

Setup Menu – Page 3




Displays your camera’s currently installed firmware version

Firmware’s current version display


Displays a list of available languages in which the menu and function commands, values, help information, and error and warning messages are displayed

Displayed options depend on the camera’s country of origin

Mode Dial Guide

Controls the display of an additional screen with help information when a mode dial option is selected. This does not affect the information screen for individual SCN modes.


Displays the help information screen when a mode dial option is selected. Press any button to return to Live View.


Does not display the help information screen; camera goes directly to the selected mode dial option

Demo Mode

Conversations with Sony Tech support produced multiple explanations of what this command does. It enables the camera to play a demo video for potential customers. It appears to be disabled starting with firmware version 1.04.


Enables the demo mode


Disables the demo mode


Allows you to reset the camera’s command and function values back to the defaults. Each reset has a confirmation step: [OK], [Cancel], with [Cancel] as default.

Reset Default

Resets almost all command and function values back to the original defaults. Excludes: memory groups, clock, face registration, and any protect and print indicators you have set.

Rec. mode reset

Resets only recording-related command and function values, such as quality, image size, white balance, etc.

Custom reset

Resets only custom-related command values, such as button assignments, peaking colors, etc.

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