
With all nonfiction books, there is a point in time when the writing ends and the manuscript must be submitted to the publisher. For us, that time occurred when the Sony A77 firmware was on version 1.05. But life and camera development go on. There will be future updates to the Sony A77 firmware that will not be represented in this book. So as not to leave you behind, we will keep up with small to medium firmware changes through addendums posted on the publisher’s website. In the event Sony releases a major firmware change, we will determine the feasibility of an addendum or other method at that time.

As you use the Sony A77, you will develop uniquely personal methods of using the camera. We have included many of our own experiences and recommendations throughout the book. They work for us, but depending on the type of shots you want to take and your own personal needs, you may develop some variations. Hopefully our experiences and recommendations will save you time and angst as you learn this complex camera.

The Sony A77 is truly a remarkable and complicated camera. It does so much and does it well. At first glance, all the buttons, dials, and menus can be intimidating. Many of the menu commands and functions are dependent on one another. Many of the buttons and dials have dual purposes. But, as you use the camera and become more familiar with it, you will pare down what you use and how you use it. Your use of the functions will take on a rhythm and will become something you know by heart—and you will consistently obtain high quality still pictures and videos. We encourage you to experiment with the creative aspects of this camera, such as the many creative style and picture effect options.

While writing this book, we continued to be thrilled with the camera’s capabilities, sharpness, and ease of operation. This camera has transformed some of our photography practices and enabled us to capture fine art photography through the microscope with minimal effort. We have experimented with all of the shortcuts such as Auto HDR, DRO, and Hand-held Twilight. We are now converts, consistently using these and other simple Sony A77 tools and being satisfied with the results. We are sure you will feel the same way.

Enjoy your Sony A77 camera.

Carol Roullard
Brian Matsumoto

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