
Writing a book becomes a labor of love. It takes months of research, testing, discussion, writing, and rewriting. Nothing in this book was written without being tested, many times more than once. Several friends and business associates helped us by supplying additional accessories. We would like to extend special thanks to Farah Payan of Darkroom Print/Woodland Hills Camera and Stuart Warter for lending us equipment to expand our testing of the Sony A77. In addition, Matt Parnell of Sony Electronics, Inc. and Scott Dordick of Acratech, Inc. were very gracious in supplying product photos. Last, but not least, special thanks go to Andy Crisp, video production teacher, for sharing his expertise, and to Jim Solliday, President of the Microscopical Society of Southern California, for his evaluation of digital SLRs in microscope applications.

One of the benefits of producing this book was working with our publisher. We appreciate the Rocky Nook team not only for their help but also for their kindness and professionalism in support of our goal.

We have worked with Rocky Nook, Inc. on four books. As with the previous three books, their team has been invaluable in helping us complete this book. We have appreciated input and support from Gerhard Rossbach (Publisher, CEO), Joan Dixon (Managing Editor), and Matthias Rossmanith (Project Manager). A special thanks goes to Cynthia Anderson (Copyeditor) and Jan Marti (Layout). Everyone has been wonderful at fielding our questions and working diligently toward completing the project.

In addition, a special thanks to our families and friends for maintaining patience and understanding when our time with them was limited and our conversations were often single-minded about the Sony A77.

Carol Roullard
Brian Matsumoto

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