The Synergy Solution is an instant M&A classic. In their no-nonsense approach, Sirower and Weirens describe in great detail the discipline and hard work required throughout the M&A process to realize the promised value from deals and avoid the pitfalls. I highly recommend this book for any leader who wants to play the acquisition game.”

BOB SWAN, Operating Partner, Andreessen Horowitz; former CEO, Intel Corporation

The Synergy Solution provides a complete how-to on M&A. If you only read one book, make it this one—from case studies to practical examples, readers can connect with the fundamentals and, at the same time, learn what to expect from a real-life merger or acquisition.”

MARK LITTLE, President and CEO, Suncor Energy

“Finally, a definitive guide on M&A and the creation of shareholder value that makes sense. From M&A strategy and communicating with investors to the details of integration and change, The Synergy Solution delivers what it promises. A must-read for CFOs and senior executives involved in M&A.”

FRANK D’AMELIO, CFO and Executive Vice President, Global Supply, Pfizer

The Synergy Solution is an important achievement and a revealing and comprehensive book on mergers and acquisitions. Packed with data and details, it will be of great interest to directors who are evaluating M&A proposals as they fulfill their governance duties, as well as to senior executives who will be called upon to formulate these deals and successfully execute them.”

SCOTT BARSHAY, Chair of Corporate Department, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison

The Synergy Solution is a powerful resource revealing the end-to-end development and successful execution of M&A strategies—including the art and the science of getting deals done and done right. This is the practical guidebook to read if you’re considering M&A or building a career in this field.”

JOHN LO, CFO, Tencent

“One of the enduring mysteries of finance over the last quarter century has been the persistent belief among CEOs and boards that despite the significant amount of M&A activity that results in value destruction, ‘our deal will be different.’ In this comprehensive book, two leading M&A experts lay out with clarity and persuasiveness a detailed approach for how your deal can, in fact, be different. A must-read for every practitioner—and every student.”

RAGHU SUNDARAM, Richard R. West Dean and Edward I. Altman Professor of Credit & Debt Markets, NYU Stern School of Business

“Growth and M&A ideas abound, so leaders must exercise great discipline as they negotiate deals and commit precious financial and human capital. This excellent book elegantly weaves insights across the elements of successful M&A and will serve as an essential primer for boards as they face the challenges of not only assessing proposed deals—with forward-looking growth synergies—but also holding management accountable for delivering tangible results.”

TERESA BRIGGS, board member, DocuSign, ServiceNow, Snowflake, and Warby Parker

“With The Synergy Solution, Sirower and Weirens provide an insightful, accessible, and extremely useful road map for senior management and boards that are considering or executing M&A activity. All potential acquirers should be able to answer the straightforward questions that structure The Synergy Solution. Sirower and Weirens guide readers through the many considerations necessary to avoid bad deals and realize the potential of good ones. Their book is a must-read. Acquirers ignore it at their peril.”

MARK W. NELSON, Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean and Professor of Accounting, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University

“Trust is foundational to any well thought-out M&A transaction. The Synergy Solution explores step by step not only the practical aspects of conducting a successful M&A transaction but also the rigors of the communication and announcement processes relevant to building, from day one, that trust between business leaders and stakeholders.”

SANDRA SUCHER, professor, Harvard Business School; coauthor, The Power of Trust

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