
Symbols and Numbers

+ (plus) icon (Safari), 195

.?123 key, 251

. (period) when typing, 250

30-Second Rewind, 105


AAC format, 73–74

About screen, 31–32

accessibility feature, configuring, 41–42


default email, 153

Exchange, configuring, 141–143

iTunes Store, 120–121

mail, creating, 141

mail, syncing, 65–66

MobileMe/Gmail/Yahoo/AOL, configuring, 143

POP/IMAP, configuring, 144–149

receiving mail and, 155–156

Address Book, syncing contacts, 64

addresses, entering (Safari), 188–190

Adobe Flash, lack of iPod support of, 198

advanced features (Info tab), 66

advanced preferences, 89


alarm clock, 243

calendar events, 182

icon, 10

alerts. See alarms

AOL accounts, configuring, 143

App Store, 131–138

application updates, 134–135

applications, downloading, ix, 137–138

applications, most-downloaded, 132

applications, new, 132–133

applications, syncing and, 50

basics, 12, 119, 131

browsing, 131, 133

Genius recommendations, 132–133

Info screen, 136–137

searching, 134

Top 25, 133–134

Apple ID, ix, 120–122

Apple Lossless, 73–74


Dock housing for, 11

downloading, ix, 137–138

Genius recommendations, 132–133

included with iPod touch, 2, 11–15

iPhone, on iPod touch, 2

managing, 50–51, 136

new, 131–132

syncing, x, 50–51

updates, acquiring, 134–135

for Wi-Fi, 3–4

artists, syncing and, 53


album artwork, 95

Cover Flow view, 95–97

attachments (mail), 155, 160–161, 240, 264


playing, 104–106

purchasing, 126, 129

syncing, 53

autocomplete when typing, 249

autocorrect when typing, 248, 249

Autofill (iTunes), 46–47

AutoFill (Safari), 200

Auto-Lock, configuring, 35


backups, encrypting, 48

basics of iPod touch, 1–26

applications, 11–15

battery, 2–3

buttons and switches, 7–10

capacities of, 2

copying text, 23

Dock connector, 7

documentation, 6

earphones, 5–6

editing, 20–23

gestures for controlling, 15–18

headset controller, 5–6

iPhone applications on, 2

as iPod, 3

as pocket computer, 3

as portable game player, 4

Safari, copying from, 23–25

similarities to iPhone, 1–2

text entry, 19–21


basics, 2–3, 9

battery icon, 10

best conditions for, 251–252

conserving, 253–254

replacement of, 252

bit rates, 74–75


battery power and, 253

Bluetooth icon, 10

configuring for, 34

bookmarks. See also favorites (YouTube application)

dropped pins in Maps, 230

importing, 186

Maps application, 228–229

Safari, 65, 186, 193–197

syncing, 65, 186, 255–256

brightness, configuring, 31

browsers, 65

browsing the Web with Safari

addresses, entering, 188–190

Back and Forward, 191

keyboard orientation, 188

navigating with links, 190–191

pages, saving, 192

searches, 190

the Web, browsing, 188–193

buttons. See also Home button

basics, 8

in Safari, 24–25


Calculator application, 14, 245–246

Calendar, 177–184

additional settings, 154

basics, 12, 140

default, 154

events, creating, 181–182

events, deleting, 183

events, syncing, 182

events, various layouts, 178–180

events, viewing, 178–180

managing multiple, 178

retrieving, 151

syncing, 65, 143, 255–256

Web-based, subscribing to, 184

capacities of iPod touch versions, 2

Capacity bar, 49

capitalization when typing, 19, 250


combining tracks, 71

ripping, x–xi, 68–70

chapters, changing (videos), 6, 113

charging battery, xii, 10, 252

Clock application, 14, 242–245

compilations, 110


connecting to, viii

iPod touch as pocket computer, 3

multiple, syncing and, 254–256

conditional Smart Playlists, 79–80


adding in Maps application, 228

adding information to, 159

basics, 13

deleting, 176

emailing to, 164

entering, 170–172

existing, 176–177

finding, 171, 230

new, 158–159, 174–176

organizing in groups, 172–173

photos of, 171, 210

retrieving, 143

searching for location of, 229

settings, configuring, 154–155

syncing, 64, 143, 255–256

contractions when typing, 250

cookies (Safari), 200–201


images, 24–25, 207, 209

music to iPod, xi

text, 23

Cover Flow view, 95–97

crossfade songs, 88, 94

Cut, Copy, and Paste, 21–25



retrieving, 151–152

syncing between iPod and computers, 143

syncing with MobileMe, 62–63

date and time, configuring, 39


contacts, 176

email messages, 156, 157

events, 183

images, 209, 211

notes, 241

voice memos, 240

DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode, 261

dictionary, 43, 249

directions (driving/public transportation/walking), 227–228, 231–235

Dock-connector cable, viii, 7, 9

Dock-connector port, 9

documentation, 6

dog-ear screen (Maps application), 225–226, 230–231

double tap of Space key, 250


iTunes, viii, 28

from iTunes Store, 129–130


finger control, 17

icons, 18

scrubbing, 101

Drop Pin option (Maps application), 230



defined, 5

headphone controller and, xi

plugging in, xi

earphones, types of, 5–6


bookmarks, 194–195

text, 20–23

ejecting iPod, xi

email. See mail

Encrypt iPod Backup option, 48

Entourage, syncing, 64

EQ (equalization), 115–116, 253

erasing all content and settings, 42, 263


creating, 181–182

deleting, 183

syncing, 182

various layouts, 178–180

viewing, 178–180

Exchange accounts, configuring, 141–143


favorites (YouTube application), 216, 218, 220

Fetch, 152

file formats

audio, 73–75

video, 92–93

Fill Screen and Fit to Screen, 113–114

Find My iPod feature, 256–259

flicking, 16–17


for mail accounts, 155

Pictures folder, 205

for playlists, 81

fonts (mail), 152

formats. See file formats

The Four Rs, 260–261


games, portable player, 4

General preferences, setting, 87

General settings, configuring, 31–32

Genius Mixes

creating, 82, 84–86

syncing and, 52–53

Genius playlists, creating, 81, 82–84, 102–103

Genius recommendations, 132–133


Genres lists, 53

at iTunes Store, 124–125

gestures for controlling iPod touch, 15–18

Gmail accounts, 143, 157

Google Maps. See Maps application

groups of contacts, 172–173


H.264 format, 92

HD movies, acquiring, 123, 126

headphone controller

changing volume with, xii

iPod versions with, xi

uses of, 5–6

headphone port, 7, 9

headset controller. See headphone controller


Safari, 189–190

YouTube videos, 219

Home button, 8, 37

Home screen

adding bookmarks to, 196

resetting layout, 43

Hybrid view (Maps application), 226


icons. See also specific icons

App Store, 131–132

changing position of, 18, 43

Mail, 161

podcasts and audiobooks, 104

Safari tool, 187

in status bar, 10

in Music application screens, 107–108

in YouTube screen, 214–216

ID3 tags, 90, 91

images. See also photos

copying, 23–25, 207, 209

deleting, 209, 211

orientation of, 186

sharing, 208

IMAP accounts

configuring, 144–149

vs. POP, 147

import file formats, 73–74

import settings, 87

Info screen (App Store), navigating, 136–137

Info tab for syncing

advanced features, 66

calendars, 65

contacts, 64

mail accounts, 65

MobileMe service, 62–63

notes, 65

Web browser, 65

Info window

artwork, 94–95

General preference, 87

Info tab, 91

lyrics, 94–95

Options pane, 93–94

Info window

sorting, 93

Summary tab, 90

tagging, 89–90

video tab, 91

International setting, 40


data to iPod touch and, x

iPod touch similarities to, 1–2

The iPhone Pocket Guide (Peachpit Press), vii

iPhoto, 206

The iPod & iTunes Pocket Guide (Peachpit Press), vii

iPod touch. See basics of iPod touch


CDs, ripping, 68–70

configuring, 86–95

downloading, 28

EQ and, 116

events, deleting through, 183

importing into, 68

in Home screen, 15

installing, viii

iPod does not appear in, 260–261

moving music into, 70–72

preferences, setting, 87–89

updating applications within, 135

versions, 28

iTunes Store

accounts, 120–121

audiobooks/iTunes U, 129

basics, 119–120, 122–123

browsing, 123

downloading, 129–130

music, shopping for, 123–126

new releases, purchasing, 124, 127

podcasts, shopping for, 128

preferences, setting, 89

pricing, 125–126

searching, 128–129

signing on, 102–103

Starbucks and, 131

videos, shopping for, 127–128

iTunes U

from iTunes Store, 126, 129

syncing and, 58


JavaScript (in Safari), 200



basics, 19–20

configuring, 39–40

orientation, changing (Safari), 188

keypad special characters, 175


labeling voice memos, 240

languages, configuring for, 40


emailing, 104, 197

navigating with (Safari), 190–191

Location icon (Maps application), 235–237

location services

battery power and, 253

configuring, 34–35

locating missing iPods, 256–259

locking/unlocking, xii, 8, 10, 253, 258

looping audiobook playback, 105

lossy/lossless encoding, 73–74

lyrics, entering, 94–95



configuring MobileMe on, 166–167

iTunes, running on, 28

music, moving into iTunes with, 72

syncing and, 58–60

magnifying text, 20, 21


accounts, creating, 141

accounts (MobileMe/Gmail/Yahoo/AOL) , configuring, 143

accounts, syncing, 65–66

advanced options, 150–154

attachments, 155, 160–161, 240, 264

basics, 12, 139–141, 150–153

battery power and, 254

creating and sending, 163–165

Exchange accounts, configuring, 141–143

limitations of, 140

links, mailing, 104, 197

locations, mailing, 228

MobileMe. See MobileMe Web service

notes, mailing, 241

POP vs. IMAP, 147

POP/IMAP accounts, configuring, 144–149

receiving, 155–157

servers and, 149–150

Trash and, 148, 155, 161–162

troubleshooting, 264–265

videos, mailing, 216


Inbox, 155–156

Mailboxes icon, 161

moving mail between, 157

new, 140

types of, 155

Manually Manage Music and Videos option, 46, 254

Maps application, 224–237

basics, 13, 224

dog-ear screen, 225–226, 230–231

searches. See searches (Maps application)

media. See also specific types of media

space required for, 2

memory functions (Calculator application), 245–246

memos. See Voice Memos application

message screen, navigating, 158–163

below the message, 161–163

before the message, 158–160

message, 160–161

MobileMe Web service

accounts, configuring, 143

basics, ix, 165–166

configuring in Windows, 168–169

configuring on Macintosh, 166–167

configuring on the iPod, 169–170

syncing and, 62–63, 166–169

More icon, 219


moving to iTunes, 72

purchasing, 126

renting, 126

reviews, 127

syncing, 54–55

viewing, 213–214

moving applications, 51

MP3 format, 73–74

MPEG-4 format, 92


CDs, ripping, 68–70

copying to iPod, xi

file formats and, 73–75

moving into iTunes, 68, 70–72

organizing, 107–111

settings, 114–117

shopping for, 123–126

syncing, 51–54, 255–256

Music application, 95–111

additional controls, 100–102

basics, 11

Cover Flow view, 95–97

Genius playlists, 102–103

iPod Voice Control, 106–107

More screen, 111

Music Now Playing screen, 98–102

On-The-Go playlists, 109

podcasts and audiobooks, 104–106

views of contents, 107–111


nested conditional rules, 79–81

network settings, resetting, 43

networks, configuring, 10, 33–34

new releases, purchasing, 123–124, 127

Nike + iPod, 15

Notes application, 14, 65, 241–242

Now Playing screen (videos), 112–114

NTSC, 118


on/off slider, 8

On-The-Go playlists, 109

Open iTunes When This iPod Is Attached option, 45

Options pane, 93–94


Calculator application and, 246

of images, 186, 210–211

of keyboard, 20, 188

of slideshows, 207

Stocks application and, 222–223

of videos, 211


PAL, 118

Parental preferences, 89

Passcode Lock, configuring, 35–36


entering, 249

mail, 145

pasting on clipboard, 22–23

pausing playback, 6

period (.), when typing, 250

Photo Library, 205

photos, 203–214

of contacts, 172

control-bar options, 211

deleting, 209, 211

iPod touch capabilities, 13, 203–204

orientation, 210–211

Photo Albums screen, 204–206

Photo Library, 205

picture screen, 209–212

slideshows, 207–208, 212–213

syncing, 58–60, 205, 206

thumbnails screen, 206–209

viewing, 212–213

zooming, 212

picture screen, 209–212

pictures. See photos

Pictures folder, 205

pinch (stretch/pinch gesture), 18

Play icon, 10


options, setting, 94

preferences, setting, 88

speed, changing, 105

playlists, 75–86

basics, 75–80

folders for, 81

Genius Mixes, 82, 84–86

Genius playlists, 81, 82–84, 102–103

from selections, creating, 77

Smart Playlists, creating, 77–81

standard playlists, creating, 76

syncing and, 52–53, 55

of YouTube videos, 216, 219

plugging in, 28–29, 254

plug-ins, 200

plus (+) icon (Safari), 195

pocket computer, 3


displaying, 110

playing, 104–106

shopping for, 126, 128

syncing, 56–57

Pogue, David, 251

POP accounts

configuring, 144–149

vs. IMAP, 147

portable game player, 4

power. See also batteries

conserving, 31, 34, 35, 210, 253–254

Dock connector-to-USB cable, 7

Dock-connector port, 9

management of, 251–254

preferences, setting (iTunes), 69, 87–89

Prevent iPods and iPhones from Syncing Automatically option, 45

Public Transportation route (Maps application), 232–233

punctuation typing tip, 251

push feature, 152


QuickTime, 198


registering, ix

reset, 42–43, 260–261

resign, restart, reset, and restore, 260–261


from previous iPod, 29

troubleshooting and, 260–261

restrictions, configuring, 36–37

rotor gesture, 18

RSS (Really Simple Syndication), Safari and, 197–198


Safari, 185–201

basics of, 11

bookmarks, 193–197

bookmarks, importing, 186

copying from, 23–25

limitations of, 198–199

pages, viewing, 187–188

RSS and, 197–198

settings, configuring, 199–201

troubleshooting, 262

the Web, browsing. See browsing the Web with Safari

Satellite view (Maps application), 226

Scale icon, 113

scientific calculator, 246


Fill Screen and Fit to Screen, 113–114

widescreen, 118

scrubbing, 101


App Store, 134

configuring for, 37–38

iTunes Store, 128–129

Maps application. See searches (Maps application)

with Safari, 190

YouTube application, 217–218

searches (Maps application), 225–231

basics, 225

bookmarks, 228–229

checking traffic, 231

contacts, 229

dog-ear screen, 230–231

dropping pins on screen, 230

getting directions, 231–235

Info screens, 227–228

iPod location, pinpointing, 235–237

Recents button, 229

views, 225–227

selecting text, 21

Sent from My iPod message, 153

servers, using various, 149–150


applying (music), 114–117

applying (video), 117–118

configuring (Safari), 199–201

contacts, 154–155

erasing, 263

preferences (iTunes), 87–89

Settings screen, 15

volume, 93–94

settings, configuring (iPod touch), 30–44

accessibility feature, 41–42

Auto-Lock, 35

Bluetooth, 34

brightness, 31

date and time, 39

general, 31–32

Home button, 37

International, 40

keyboard, 39–40

location services, 34–35

network, 33–34

Passcode Lock, 35–36

reset, 42–43

restrictions, 36–37

searches, 37–38

sounds, 33

wallpaper, 32

Wi-Fi, 30–31

Shake to Shuffle, 114


images, 208

setting preferences, 88–89

voice memos, 240

shopping. See App Store; iTunes Store

Shuffle icon, 102


music, 114

videos, 105

Skyhook, 235

Sleep/Wake button, 8

slideshows, 207–208, 212–213

Smart Playlists, creating, 77–81


configuring, 33

EQ, 115–116

Sound Check, 88, 115

Sound Enhancer setting, 88


avoiding, 157

coping with, 265

Spotlight screen, 8

Standard play view (music), 98–99

Starbucks, iTunes Store and, 131

startup, troubleshooting, 259

Stocks application, 13, 222–224

Stopwatch feature, 244

stores. See App Store; iTunes Store

stretch/pinch gesture, 18

Summary tab, 90

Autofill feature, 46–47

basics, 44–45

Capacity bar, 49

Encrypt iPod Backup, 48

Manually Manage Music and Videos, 46

Open iTunes When This iPod Is Attached, 45

sorting, 93

Sync Only Checked Songs and Videos, 45–46

Sync Only Checked Songs and Videos option, 45–46


applications, 50–51

data with Exchange server, 142–143

events, 182

Info tab and. See Info tab for syncing

iTunes U, 58

MobileMe and, 166–169

movies, 54–55

music, 51–54, 86

notes, to computers, 242

photos, 58–60, 205, 206

podcasts, 56–57

Safari bookmarks, 186

tips for, 254–256

TV shows, 55–56


tagging, 89–90, 91, 95


basics, 16

double tap, 16

double tap of Space key, 250

tap and hold, 16


copying, 23–24

editing, 21–23

entry, 19–21, 248–251

selecting, 21

text editors. See Notes application

three-finger drag, 18

three-finger flick, 17

thumbnails, 205, 206–209


configuring, 39

time-zone support (Calendar), 154

timeline (movies), 213

timer, 244

Top Tens music (iTunes Store), 124, 125, 127

Top 25 (App Store), 133–134

touchscreen display, 7


changing, 6

combining, 71

rating, 100

sorting preferences, 93

track lists, 97, 99–100, 105–106

traffic, checking (Maps application), 231

Trash, 148, 155, 161–162, 211

trips, help with (Maps application), 232–235

troubleshooting, 259–265

iTunes, iPod does not appear in, 260–261

mail issues, 264–265

resign, restart, reset, and restore, 260–261

startup, 259

TV shows

purchasing, 126

syncing, 55–56

two-finger flick, 17

typing, 19–20, 248–251


Universal Access window, configuring, 48

unlocking, xii, 8

unmounting iPod, xi

updates of applications, acquiring, 134–135


adding new, 176

RSS and, 198

Safari and, 160, 161, 177, 189

USB cable

charging with, xii

Dock connector-to-USB cable, 7

Use Error Correction When Reading Audio CDs option, 87


Video application, 11, 111–114

videos. See also YouTube application

chapter markers and, 6

file formats, 92–93

moving to iTunes, 68, 72

orientation of, 211

playing, 111–114

purchasing, 126

settings, 117–118

shopping for, 127–128

shuffling, 105

syncing, 51–52, 255–256

video podcasts, syncing, 57

Video tab, 91

virtual private networks (VPN)

configuring, 33–34

icon, 10

voice controls

audio playback, 106–107

Center button for, 6

rotor gesture and, 18

VoiceOver, 41–42

Voice Memos application, 14, 238–241


changing, xii, 9, 99

controls, 9

headset controller for adjusting, 6

limiting, 117

setting, 93–94

of videos, changing, 112–113


waking up iPod, 8

wallpaper, 32, 210

warnings, resetting location warnings, 43

WAV format, 73–74

Weather application, 14, 237–238

the Web

browsing. See browsing the Web with Safari

copying text from, 23–24

pages, saving (Safari), 192

pages, viewing (Safari), 187–188

widescreen, 118


antenna, 9

battery power and, 2, 253

configuring for, 30–31, 35–36

Wi-Fi icon, 10


configuring MobileMe in, 168–169

iTunes, running on, 28

music, moving into iTunes with, 72

syncing photos and, 60

World Clock, 242–243


Yahoo accounts, configuring, 143

YouTube application, 214–220

basics, 13, 214

Clear icon, 219

favorites, 216, 218, 220

featured videos, 215–217

More icon and, 219

most-viewed videos, 217

navigating, 214–215

playing videos, 220

searches, 217–218



maps, 231

photos, 212

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