© Edward Sciore 2020
E. ScioreUnderstanding Oracle APEX 20 Application Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6165-1_11

11. Interactive Grids

Edward Sciore1 
Newton Center, MA, USA
Reports are read-only. If you are looking at a report and want to change its contents, then you must use a form. For example, consider the Report with Form 1 page of Figure 10-27. Suppose a user wants to modify a row of the employee report. The following steps occur:
  • The user clicks the link of the desired row, which redirects to the Report with Form 2 page (Figure 10-29) and places the selected employee number into an item on that page.

  • The initialization process for the form then retrieves that employee’s information from the database and stores it in the appropriate items.

  • The user then modifies the content of those items and clicks the Apply Changes button to perform the update.

The peculiar thing about these steps is that the second step doesn’t make use of the employee report. Instead, the initialization process re-retrieves the desired employee record from the database, even though its values are right there in the report.

The concept of an interactive grid addresses this situation by allowing users to update report values directly. An interactive grid is essentially an “updatable report,” combining the features of a report and a form in a single region. This chapter examines the techniques needed to build and customize interactive grids.

Read-Only Interactive Grids

An APEX interactive grid is essentially an interactive report that can be edited like a form. This section examines the report-like features of interactive grids; the remainder of the chapter will cover the form-related issues. Page 42 of the Employee Demo application is called Interactive Grids and will be used as a running example throughout the chapter.

To create this page, begin by creating a blank page. Add a region named Departments, and give it the type Interactive Grid. You will be asked for a source, which should be the query select * from DEPT. Figure 11-1 shows the rendering tree generated by APEX and its relevant properties. You should note that it looks no different from any report region.
Figure 11-1

Creating an interactive grid region

Figure 11-2 shows the resulting region. Note the toolbar above the report, containing the search field and action menu. This bar looks the same as in an interactive report and has nearly the same functionality. For example, the action menu of an interactive grid lets you hide and reorder columns, create charts, filter records, and so on, just like an interactive report. An interactive grid also provides operations such as resizing and freezing columns and reorganizes the action menu somewhat. The Reset button restores the report to its default settings.
Figure 11-2

An interactive grid region

To customize the toolbar of an interactive grid, you use the same properties you would use to customize an interactive report; see Figure 11-3. One difference is that interactive grids do not have properties to customize the action menu.
Figure 11-3

Properties to customize the toolbar

Unlike interactive reports, interactive grids have properties to create a master-detail relationship between two grids. To implement this feature in your Interactive Grids page, follow these steps:
  • Create a new interactive grid region named Employees, having the source select * from EMP.

  • In the Departments region, click the DEPTNO node in the rendering tree and find its Source section in the property editor (as shown in Figure 10-4). Turn on the Primary Key property.

  • In your new Employees region, go to the Master Detail property section of the DEPTNO column, and set its Master Column property to DEPTNO, as shown in Figure 11-4.

Figure 11-4

The Master Detail property section

These last two steps establish the key-foreign key relationship between the two grids. The column DEPTNO in the Departments grid is the key, and the column DEPTNO in the Employees grid is the foreign key. APEX will ensure that whenever a user selects a row from the Departments grid, the Employees grid will show only the rows having corresponding DEPTNO values.

Figure 11-5 shows the resulting master-detail grids. Take some time to explore how they behave in your application. You should observe how the detail grid changes each time you select another master row. Also note that the Employees grid no longer shows the DeptNo column because its value can be inferred from the selected Departments row.
Figure 11-5

Master-detail interactive grids

Editing Interactive Grids

In addition to behaving like a report, an interactive grid can also behave like a form. You enable editing in an interactive grid the same as you do in a form. In particular, go to the rendering tree for the interactive grid region, click its Attributes node, and look at the Enabled property in the Edit section. By default, this property is turned off. When you turn it on, additional properties will be displayed, as was shown in Figure 10-10. The checkboxes allow you to specify which editing operations the region should allow.

As with a form, you will not be able to edit an interactive grid until you specify its primary key column. In the Sample Interactive Grids page, you already specified the primary key column for the Departments grid (to support the master-detail linkage); now you should specify that EMPNO is the primary key column for the Employees grid. You should also turn off the Value Required property for these key columns; otherwise, APEX will not be able to generate the key value for a newly inserted record.

Figure 11-6 shows the edit-enabled interactive grid for the Departments region. (I hid the search menu and text box to save space.) When I enabled edit, APEX added two new columns to the left of the grid: a checkbox column (named APEX$ROW_SELECTOR) and a menu column (named APEX$ROW_ACTION). The toolbar also contains new buttons labeled Edit, Save, and Add Row.
Figure 11-6

An edit-enabled interactive grid

You edit an interactive grid as follows: the Edit button toggles between view mode and edit mode. Initially the button is white, as shown in Figure 11-6, denoting view mode. Clicking it turns the button gray, which denotes edit mode. When in edit mode, you can modify the value of cells. APEX denotes a modified cell by placing a small blue triangle in its top right corner.

Clicking the Add Row button adds a new row to the grid. The initial value of its primary key is a placeholder. You can either replace it with a desired value, or leave it as is. If you leave it, then APEX will overwrite it with a generated value.

Clicking a row’s APEX$ROW_ACTION icon brings up a menu of possible operations on that row. For example, Figure 11-7 shows the row-action menu for the accounting department row. In particular, selecting the Delete Row entry from this menu will delete its row.
Figure 11-7

The APEX row-action menu

Figure 11-8 shows the interactive grid after performing three operations: I changed the name of department 20 from RESEARCH to OUTREACH, I deleted the SALES department, and I inserted a new record for the FINANCE department. APEX uses color-coding to indicate these changes—edited rows are blue, deletions are gray, and new rows are green.
Figure 11-8

Changes to the interactive grid

None of these actions are permanent until you click the Save button. Until then, you can undo the change to a row by selecting the Revert Changes item from its row-action menu (as shown in Figure 11-7).

The row-selection column of the grid is the leftmost column, containing checkboxes. This column is not used for basic editing operations. For example, clicking the Save button in Figure 11-8 will save the three changed rows even though their row-selection boxes were not checked.

The purpose of the row-selection column is to support bulk operations, such as deletion. To use it, first select several records. Then, go to the row-action menu in the grid header, as shown in Figure 11-9. Choosing the Delete Rows menu item will flag the selected records for deletion. To finalize the deletion, you must then click the Save button.
Figure 11-9

Bulk deletion of records

An alternative way to perform bulk operations is to use the Actions button in the toolbar above the grid. It has a submenu named Selection, whose menu items are identical to the header’s row-action menu.

The action menu for each row has the item Single Row View, which you can see in Figure 11-7. Clicking it displays the selected row as if it were in a form. Figure 11-10 shows the single row view of the ACCOUNTING department. You can see the buttons to navigate to the next and previous row, as well as a button to return to the report. The other buttons work the same as in grid view.
Figure 11-10

Single row view

A cell in a grid lives a dual existence. Normally, it displays its value as text, just like in a report. But when the cell has been selected in edit mode, it turns into an item. The type of the item is determined by the Type property of the cell’s column. For example in the Employees grid, set the type of Job and Mgr to be Select List, the type of Hiredate to be Date Picker, and Offsite to be Radio Group. Figure 11-11 shows the list that pops up after clicking the Job cell for employee MILLER.
Figure 11-11

JOB formatted as a select list

Note that nonselected cells look like text fields, regardless of their type. For example, you cannot tell from the figure that each Mgr cell is a select list and each Offsite cell is a radio group. However, you can see that the Mgr cells show the display value of the column (the manager’s name) and not the return value (the manager’s employee number). Similarly, the Offsite cells show the display values of the column (‘No’) and not the return value (‘N’). The best way to learn about the different cell types is to experiment with them.

Each column has a property section named Default, which is where you can specify default values for a new record. In the Employees region, you should specify default values for the columns HIREDATE, COMM, and OFFSITE. Figure 11-12 shows the specification for HIREDATE, which is simply a call to the SQL function current_date. These default values will appear in the insert row, and the user can modify them before clicking the Save button.
Figure 11-12

Specifying the default value of a column

I would like to show you how to make one final improvement to the look and feel of the page. Currently, the page contains two grid regions, each with its own buttons. The Edit and Add Row buttons affect only their own grids. However, the Save buttons are redundant—each one saves the changes from both grids. This behavior is somewhat unexpected and could confuse users.

The solution is to realize that the Save buttons do not have special functionality—their action is equivalent to a page-wide Submit operation. Therefore, it is possible to create your own Save button and display it anywhere you want on the page. My choice was to create a new static content region, titled Employees by Department, to be the parent of the two interactive grid regions. I then created a button in the new region labeled Save, set its position to Edit, turned on its Hot property (so that it is displayed in blue), and gave it the action Submit Page. You should do the same.

After you verify that the button works, you can hide the Save buttons on the region toolbars. Go to the rendering subtree for the Departments region, click the Attributes node, and find the Toolbar section in the properties editor (as was shown in Figure 11-3). Uncheck the Save Button entry. Then repeat the process for the Employees region. Figure 11-13 shows the resulting page.
Figure 11-13

The completed Interactive Grids page

Ensuring Consistency

Chapter 8 discussed ways that a page can preserve data consistency. One way was to use validations to check for inappropriate item values; another was to restrict the values that can get entered. The following subsections show how these solutions can be applied to interactive grids.

Grid Validations

A validation in an interactive grid is an assertion that must be true for each row of the grid. You define an interactive grid validation the same as an item-based validation; the only difference is that it will apply to every row in the grid instead of just one.

As an example, consider how to create a validation to ensure that the manager of an employee is either the president or an employee in the same department. To create this validation, go to the Processing tab of the page editor, right-click the Validating node, and select Create Validation. Figure 11-14 shows the relevant property values you should specify:
  • Set the name of the validation to Mgr in Same Dept.

  • Set the editable region to Employees.

  • Set the validation type to Rows returned, having the query

    select * from EMP
    where EmpNo = :MGR
    and (DeptNo = :DEPTNO or Job = 'PRESIDENT')
  • Give an appropriate error message.

Figure 11-14

Properties of a grid validation

The critical property here is Editable Region. By providing a value for this property, you are specifying that this is an interactive grid validation and not an item-based validation. So when a submit action occurs (such as by clicking the Save button), APEX will apply the validation to each changed row of the grid.

Given an employee row, the validation query returns the employee’s manager, provided that the manager is either the president or in the same department as the employee. In other words, if an output record exists, then the row has a proper manager and thus satisfies the Rows returned validation type. Note that the query references the values of the modified row using bound variable syntax; that is, it treats the cells of the modified row as if they were items.

Restricting Interactive Grid Input

One problem with using an interactive grid for update is that you might want a cell to be updatable for some operations but not others. For example, consider the EName column in the Employees grid. Suppose that a user should be able to enter an employee name during insertion, but should not be able to edit it subsequently. How to enforce this restriction?

The idea is to make use of the column’s Read Only properties. In particular, you want to specify that the column’s cells should be read-only for all rows except update rows. To express this specification, you will need to know the update status of each row.

APEX has a built-in variable named APEX$ROW_STATUS for this purpose. It has a value for each row of the grid, which can be one of four values:
  • If the row has been edited, then the status is ‘U’.

  • If the row is an insert row, then the status is ‘C’ (for “created”).

  • If the row is flagged for deletion, then the status is ‘D’.

  • If the row has not been changed, then the status is null.

Figure 11-15 shows how to use APEX$ROW_STATUS to specify the Read Only SQL expression for the EName column. Note also that the value of the Execute property is For Each Row, which tells APEX to apply this expression to each row in the grid.
Figure 11-15

Specifying when EName values can be entered

The preceding example shows how to protect column values. The next example shows how to protect row values. Suppose that you want users of this page to not be able to delete managers and to not be able to edit or delete the president. The idea here is to make use of a grid’s Allowed Row Operations Column property. This property appears in the Edit section of the grid region and is shown in Figure 11-16.
Figure 11-16

Enabling row-specific updates and deletes

This property also exists for forms (see, e.g., Figure 10-2), but until now none of the pages you created needed it. Its purpose is to indicate the column of the source query whose values denote allowable row operations, if one exists. In such a column, the value ‘U’ denotes that the row is update-only, ‘D’ denotes delete-only, and ‘UD’ denotes that both update and delete are allowed. Any other value denotes that no operations are allowed on the row. For example, here is my revised source query for the Employees region:
select EMP.*,
    case Job
        when 'PRESIDENT' then ''
        when 'MANAGER' then 'U'
        else 'UD'
    end as Status
from EMP
The Status column values are determined by the employee’s job. The value for the president will be the empty string, denoting that it cannot be changed; the value for a manager will be ‘U’, denoting that managers can be updated only; and the value for all other employees will be ‘UD’, denoting that updates and deletes are allowed. Figure 11-17 shows the revised Source section for the region.
Figure 11-17

Adding a row operations column to the grid’s source

By default, this new source column will be displayed in the grid as a text field. This column can be a useful debugging aid. But eventually, you will want to set its type to Hidden.

Figure 11-18 shows the result of running the page. You can see the row for the president is grayed out, indicating that those cells are not editable. (The cells in the Ename column are gray because of the read-only specification shown in Figure 11-15.) Not shown are the row-action menus for CLARK and KING, in which the Delete Row menu item is grayed out.
Figure 11-18

Row protection in action

Grid Processes

Each grid region comes with its own ARP process, which implements the database modification operations for that region. If you want your grid to have additional functionality, then you need to create additional processes for it.

The processes discussed in Chapters 7 and 10 execute once per submit request. Processes for an interactive grid, however, need to execute once per modified row of the grid. For an example, consider the LogChanges process from Listing 7-13. That process was used in the Revised Employee Data Entry page—whenever a user clicked the Delete, Insert, or Update button, the process inserted into the EMPLOG table a record denoting the request, the user, and the date.

You can easily re-create this process for the Interactive Grids page. Figure 11-19 shows the relevant process properties. These property values are exactly the same as for the Chapter 7 process, except for one—the Editable Region property now has the value Employees. This value tells APEX that when the process executes, its code should be applied to each changed row in the Employees grid.
Figure 11-19

The LogChanges process

Test your process by making some changes to the Employees grid and then looking at the EMPLOG table from the SQL Workshop. The table should have a record for each modification you made. Unfortunately, all the records look the same—the Request values are either APEX_AJAX_DISPATCH (if you used the built-in SAVE button on the toolbar) or SAVE (if you used the SAVE button that you wrote for Figure 11-13). That is not good enough; the value of the Request field ought to be more informative.

Consequently, let’s revise the process code so that the value of the Request field contains the row status and EmpNo value of the modified row, as in “update of 8830” or “insertion of 8200.” Listing 11-1 contains the revised code. Note that it uses APEX$ROW_STATUS to determine which operation occurred.
v_request varchar(20);
    when 'U' then v_request := 'Update ';
    when 'C' then v_request := 'Insert ';
    when 'D' then v_request := 'Delete ';
  end case;
  v_request := v_request || :EMPNO;
  insert into EMPLOG (Request, UserName, RequestDate)
  values (v_request, :APP_USER, sysdate);
Listing 11-1

PL/SQL Code for the Revised LogChange Process

Another situation you may encounter is that the grid’s built-in database modification code does not do what you want. In this case, APEX lets you write your own PL/SQL code to replace it.

For a simple example, consider the problem of inserting a new row into a grid that does not contain all the fields of the table. The built-in insertion process will assign null values to the missing fields. But what if this isn’t good enough? What if the new record needs non-null default values?

To explore this issue, create a new region in the Interactive Grids page. Name it CustomEmps, give it the type Interactive Grid, and set its template to Standard (so that it matches the Employees by Department region above it). Its source should be
select EmpNo, EName, Job, Sal, DeptNo
from EMP
Don’t forget to turn on the Primary Key property of the EMPNO column and turn off its Validation Required property. Then go to the Attribute node’s Edit section and enable editing. Figure 11-20 shows the top of the resulting region.
Figure 11-20

The Custom Emps grid region

The task at hand is to change the region’s insertion code so that it places default values into the missing fields. Here is how to do it.

Go to the Processing tab of the page editor and select the process node named Custom Emps-Save Interactive Grid Data. This is the built-in ARP process for the Custom Emps grid region. Figure 11-21 shows its Identification and Settings properties. The critical property here is Target Type in the Settings section. The default value, Region Source, tells APEX to use the built-in modification process. To replace it with your code, change the property value to PL/SQL Code. The property editor will display a text box where you can enter the code.
Figure 11-21

Property settings for the grid ARP process

Your custom PL/SQL code must handle all three modification operations, even though you are only changing insertion. Listing 11-2 shows my code. It uses a case statement to determine the operation that needs to be performed. The code for deletion and update are straightforward SQL commands, no different than what the ARP process would do. The code for insertion determines the default values for the four missing columns: the manager of a new employee is the president, the hire date is today, initial commission is 0, and the employee does not work offsite. The returning clause at the end of the insert statement causes the newly generated employee number to be saved in the grid’s session state.

Note that your process only needs to handle a single row. APEX will loop over the grid, calling your code for each changed row and handling lost update detection.
    when 'C' then
        insert into EMP(EName, Job, Sal, DeptNo,
                        Mgr, HireDate, Comm, Offsite)
        values (:ENAME, :JOB, :SAL, :DEPTNO,
                7839, sysdate, 0, 'N')
        returning EmpNo into :EMPNO;
    when 'U' then
        update emp
        set EName  = :ENAME,
            Job    = :JOB,
            Sal    = :SAL,
            DeptNo = :DEPTNO
        where EmpNo  = :EMPNO;
    when 'D' then
        delete emp
        where EmpNo = :EMPNO;
    end case;
Listing 11-2

Custom Interactive Grid Modification Code


This chapter focused on interactive grids—what they are, what they can do, and how to build them. It began by examining their report-like characteristics. In this aspect, they look and behave a lot like interactive reports. Interactive grids also have some additional features, most importantly the ability to link two grid regions in a master-detail relationship.

The chapter then considered the issue of how to use an interactive grid to update the database. Interactive grids have a sophisticated, easy-to-use interface, in which you can tentatively edit values in place, add rows and initialize their values, and delete existing rows, and then undo or save these changes when desired.

Ineractive grids have validations to ensure appropriate user input. You specify these validations the same as in Chapter 8. The difference is that APEX applies the validation code to each modified row of the grid. You can also use the Read Only properties of a grid to restrict users from changing the value of specified rows or columns.

Each interactive grid has a built-in process that handles the database insert, delete, and update operations. If you need additional functionality, you can write your own processes. As with validations, the code of the process refers to just one row of the grid; APEX applies the process to each modified row of the grid. In fact, you can even swap out the default database processing code and replace it with your own.

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