© Edward Sciore 2020
E. ScioreUnderstanding Oracle APEX 20 Application Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6165-1_13

13. Security

Edward Sciore1 
Newton Center, MA, USA

When you created your Employee Demo application, you chose to restrict access to those who have an account on your workspace. This restriction is one of several APEX facilities for limiting access. These facilities can be divided into authentication, which identifies the legal users, and authorization, which specifies what information each legal user is allowed to see. This chapter will examine these facilities, as well as the related issue of how to protect the data from malicious users.


Authentication is the ability to identify the current user of an application. APEX users identify themselves by providing a username and password. APEX supports several possible authentication schemes, which maintain the user/password list in different ways and at different organizational levels.

Here are four common authentication schemes, in order from the most general to least general:
  • LDAP Directory scheme: The user/password list is maintained within an organization’s LDAP directory. This scheme allows an organization to assign a single account to each person to be used for all systems that it maintains. The resulting ease of administration often makes LDAP the authentication scheme of choice for many organizations.

  • Database Accounts scheme: The user/password list is maintained within the Oracle database system. This scheme allows a user to have a single account for multiple Oracle-based systems (including APEX applications). The downside of this scheme is that users will also have direct access to the Oracle database, which might not be desirable.

  • Application Express Accounts scheme: This is the current authorization scheme for the Employee Demo application . The user/password list is maintained within the application’s workspace. The APEX administrator for a workspace manages the list for that workspace. If a person needs to access applications from different workspaces, the person needs an account for each workspace.

  • Custom scheme: The owner of the application maintains the user/password list. A person will need a separate account for each such application. Custom schemes are often used by applications that allow people to create and manage their own accounts.

In addition, there is the scheme in which the application does not perform any authentication. APEX considers this to be a No Authentication authentication scheme.

Managing Authentication Schemes

An APEX application can contain multiple authentication schemes, but only one scheme can be current at a time. To create a scheme, go to the home page for the application, click the Shared Components button, look for the Security section, and select Authentication Schemes.

You are taken to a screen that lists the authentication schemes that have been created for your application. You should have one scheme listed, which is the scheme that you selected when you created the application; see Figure 13-1.
Figure 13-1

Authentication Schemes screen

To create other schemes, click the Create button. The first screen of the creation wizard is shown in Figure 13-2.
Figure 13-2

The first Create Authentication wizard screen

Select the option Based on a pre-configured scheme from the gallery and click Next to get to the second wizard screen, shown in Figure 13-3. The screen asks you to give your new scheme a name and choose a scheme type. Depending on the type, you may have to fill in additional information. Then click the Create Authentication Scheme button to create the scheme.
Figure 13-3

The second Create Authentication wizard screen

Each time you create a new authentication scheme, APEX makes it the current scheme. If you want to switch to a different scheme, go back to the list of schemes, click the icon corresponding to the scheme, and then click the Make Current Scheme button. If you want to delete a scheme, make sure that it is not current, click its icon, and then click the Delete button.

For fun, create a No Authentication scheme and make it current. When you run your application, you will be taken to the first page immediately, without having to go through a Login page.

If you have an Oracle database account, create a Database Accounts scheme, make it current, and log in that way.

If you have access to an LDAP server, you can try creating an LDAP Directory scheme. You will need to enter the necessary configuration information into the creation screen, such as the hostname of the LDAP server and the distinguished name string. Note, however, that LDAP servers are often inside firewalls. If the APEX server runs in a different domain from the LDAP server, you might encounter firewall issues that make this scheme unworkable.

Finally, create a Custom authentication scheme. When you select the scheme type Custom in Figure 13-3, the wizard will display additional sections named Settings and Source. Figure 13-4 shows these sections with the critical properties filled in.
Figure 13-4

Properties for a Custom authentication scheme

The Settings section allows you to specify four functions, but only the Authentication Function Name property is typically used. The authentication function is called each time a login is attempted. Its return value will be true or false, indicating whether the login should succeed or not. The Settings section asks only for the name of the function; APEX expects that the function will be defined elsewhere. Typically, the function will be defined as a stored procedure in the database, but if not, the Source section provides a place for you to enter the desired code. The authentication function must have parameters named p_username and p_password . When a user submits the Login page, APEX calls the authentication function, assigning the specified username and password to those parameters.

The authentication function given in Figure 13-4 is the simplest possible authentication function—it ignores the username and password and always returns true.

Try this for yourself. Create a custom authentication scheme that has the alwaysTrue authentication function, and make it the current authentication scheme. When you run the application, the Login page will ask you for a username and password, but will accept anything you enter.

Writing an Authentication Function

Now that you understand how custom authentication works, it is time to implement a more useful authentication function. The following sections address three important issues: how to store the username and password information, how to manage user accounts, and how to authenticate a user.

Storing Username/Password Information

The standard way to store username/password information is to create a table; let’s call this table USERS. The USERS table will have three columns: UserName, Password, and IsAdministrator. This third column indicates whether the user has administrative privileges. In addition, you should create two “built-in” users: a user ADMIN, who is an administrator with the password 1234, and a user GUEST, who is not an administrator and has a null password. These tasks can all be performed in the SQL command tool. Listing 13-1 gives the corresponding SQL statements, which should be executed individually.
create table USERS (UserName varchar2(12), Password varchar2(1000),
                    IsAdministrator char(1));
insert into USERS (UserName, Password, IsAdministrator)
values ('ADMIN',
        apex_util.get_hash(apex_t_varchar2('ADMIN','1234'), null),
insert into USERS (UserName, Password, IsAdministrator)
values ('GUEST',
        apex_util.get_hash(apex_t_varchar2('GUEST',null), null),
Listing 13-1

SQL Statements for the USERS Table

The treatment of passwords requires some explanation. For security, passwords should always be stored in an encoded form, not in plaintext. Listing 13-1 uses the function apex_util.get_hash to perform the encoding. This function was introduced in Chapter 7 and used for lost update detection. Recall that the function takes a collection of values as input and produces a string as output. The constructor function apex_t_varchar2 creates the collection of values from its arguments. For example, the encoded password for ADMIN is the output of calling the hash function with the collection ['ADMIN','1234'] as input.

The reason to use a hash function for password encoding is that it obfuscates its input value—given the output of the function, there is no practical way for someone to determine its input. So you can feel safe knowing that even if the database system were compromised (e.g., if the hard drive were stolen), the intruder could not easily make use of the encoded password information.

The hashed passwords in Listing 13-1 include the username as part of the hash value. This technique increases safety somewhat by thwarting the following attack: An intruder creates an account and then creates a sequence of passwords for it, noting the hash value of each one. The intruder can then compare these hashed passwords with the passwords stolen from the USERS table. Suppose that a match is detected. If the username is not part of the hash value, the intruder has most likely discovered a user’s password. However, if the username is part of the hash value, detecting a match tells the intruder nothing.

The apex_util.get_hash function has two arguments: the first is the collection of values to be hashed, and the second argument is a Boolean value. The second argument in Listing 13-1 is null, which is treated as false. In Chapter 7, the function was called with only one argument, which implied a second argument value of true.

The second argument indicates whether the function should add the session ID to the input values. The hash value will be more secure if it includes the session ID, but it then will be of use only within the scope of that session. Because lost update detection occurs within a single session, it was reasonable to use a second argument of true, which is what occurred in Chapter 7. However, password encoding spans sessions, and so a second argument of false (or null) is mandatory.

Adding User Accounts

Your Employee Demo application needs a way to add other rows to the USERS table. Figure 13-5 shows a page called Manage Users that serves this purpose; it will be page 46 of the application. The page has two regions: the All Users region lists the records from USERS, and the Create User region lets you add a user to that table. (Note that the screenshot cuts off the password values in the All Users region to save space.)
Figure 13-5

Manage Users page of the demo application

The All Users region is a classic report whose source is the SQL query:
select UserName, IsAdministrator, Password
from USERS

I put the encoded passwords in the report for demonstration purposes only. In a real application, encoded passwords should not be displayed—the values serve no useful administrative purpose, and displaying them increases the probability of their being cracked.

The Create User region contains four items and a submit button. The items are defined as follows:
  • P46_NAME has the type Plain Text.

  • P46_ADMIN has the type Switch.

  • P46_PASSWORD and P46_CONFIRM have the type Password.

Figure 13-5 shows the contents of this page just prior to adding a non-administrator user named JOE having the password “joe”. Although this username was entered in lowercase, it will get saved in the table in uppercase to ensure that usernames are case insensitive. And, of course, the password will be saved as an encoded string using the hash function.

When you click the submit button to create the new user account, two validations and a process get executed. One validation ensures that the chosen username does not already appear in the USERS table. This validation has the type No Rows returned and is defined by the following query:
select * from USERS
where UserName = upper(:P46_NAME)
The other validation ensures that the two passwords are identical. This validation has the type SQL Expression and is defined by the following code:
(:P46_PASSWORD is null and :P46_CONFIRM is null)

The second line of the validation accounts for the possibility that the password can be null.

The process converts the username to uppercase, hashes the password, and inserts a record into the USERS table. Its code appears in Listing 13-2.
   v_username     varchar2(20) := upper(:P46_NAME);
   v_valuesToHash apex_t_varchar2 :=
                             apex_t_varchar2(v_username, :P46_PASSWORD);
   insert into USERS (UserName, Password, IsAdministrator)
   values (v_username,
           apex_util.get_hash(v_valuesToHash, null),
Listing 13-2

Code to Create a New User

Authenticating Users

Now that you have a way to create users, you need to create a scheme to authenticate them. Return to your application’s Authentication Schemes screen and create a new Custom scheme having the authentication function shown in Listing 13-3.
function custom_authentication (p_username in varchar2,
                                p_password in varchar2) return boolean
    v_userName     varchar2(20) := upper(p_username);
    v_valuesToHash apex_t_varchar2 :=
                               apex_t_varchar2(v_username, p_password);
    v_userCount    int;
    select count(*) into v_userCount
    from USERS
    where UserName = v_userName
    and   Password = apex_util.get_hash(v_valuesToHash, null);
    return v_userCount = 1;
Listing 13-3

Custom Authentication Function

This authentication function converts the provided username to uppercase to ensure that usernames are case insensitive. It then executes a query that sees whether there is a record in the USERS table having that username and encoded password. If so, it returns true.

After you have created this authentication scheme, make it current. Then run your application. Practice logging in as ADMIN, GUEST, and JOE. Go to the Manage Users page and create another user, and then log out and log back in as that user.

Public Pages

Consider an application whose authentication scheme is something other than No Authentication. When an unauthenticated user attempts to access any page of the application, that user will be directed to the Login page and will not be allowed to proceed until authenticated.

However, web applications often contain public pages that require no authentication, as well as the private pages that do. The APEX property Authentication lets you specify the pages that should be public.

For example, suppose that you want the home page of the Employee Demo application to be public. Go to the property editor for the page and scroll down until you find the Security section. Its Authentication property has two values: Page Requires Authentication (the default) and Page is Public. See Figure 13-6.
Figure 13-6

Specifying a public page

Change the value to Page is Public and save the page. To test the change, log out of the application. You will find that APEX enables you to visit the application’s home page, but if you try to access any other page, you will be requested to log in.


An authentication scheme specifies which users are allowed to access the non-public pages of an application. It is a good start, but often is not sufficient. A web application can have several types of users, with certain pages (or parts of pages) appropriate only for certain types. So you need a way to specify which users can access what information. This aspect of security is called authorization .

APEX implements authorization by allowing each page or page component to have an associated authorization scheme, which specifies a set of allowed users. If a page (or component) has an authorization scheme, it will be visible only to the users specified by that scheme.

Creating an Authorization Scheme

Recall that the built-in variable APP_USER holds the username of the current user. An APEX authorization scheme is defined by a Boolean expression, typically involving the value of APP_USER; a user is authorized when the expression returns true.

Authorization expressions are similar to validation expressions, and their types are similar. For example, the Exists SQL Query type returns true if the query output contains at least one record. The type PL/SQL function returning Boolean is PL/SQL code that explicitly returns true or false.

As an example, let’s create three authorization schemes for the Employee Demo application: Administrators, which returns true if the current user has administrative privileges; Guests, which returns true if the current username is GUEST; and Built-in Users, which returns true if the current username is GUEST or ADMIN.

The Administrators scheme can be defined by the following Exists SQL query:
select *
from USERS
where UserName = :APP_USER and IsAdministrator = 'Y'
The Guests scheme can be defined by the following PL/SQL function:
return :APP_USER = 'GUEST';
The Built-in Users scheme can be defined by the following PL/SQL function:
return :APP_USER = 'GUEST' or :APP_USER = 'ADMIN';
To create an authorization scheme, go to the home page for the application, click the Shared Components button, and then select Authorization Schemes from the Security section. You are taken to a screen that lists the authorization schemes that have been created for your application; my initial screen is shown in Figure 13-7. My APEX server automatically creates the Administration Rights scheme for each application I create. My Employee Demo application doesn’t need it, so I chose to delete it. Feel free to delete yours if your application also has one.
Figure 13-7

The initial Authorization Schemes screen

Clicking the Create button brings up the first screen of the authorization scheme wizard, which is shown in Figure 13-8. Specify that you want to create the scheme “from scratch.” Clicking the Next button will bring up the second page of the wizard. On this screen, give the scheme a name, select its type, and enter the specification in the appropriate box; Figure 13-9 shows these specifications for the Administrators scheme.
Figure 13-8

First screen of the Create Authorization wizard

Figure 13-9

Second screen of the Create Authorization wizard

The second wizard screen also asks you to provide an error message (such as Administrator access only) and to specify how often the authorization scheme should be validated. Two common choices are Once per session and Once per page view. Evaluating the scheme once per session is far more efficient and is the default. You would choose to evaluate once per page view only if the authorization condition is likely to change within the session.

For example, consider the authorization scheme defined by the following PL/SQL function:
return :APP_USER = 'ADMIN'
       and extract(hour from current_timestamp) >= 9
       and extract(hour from current_timestamp) < 17;

This scheme returns true only for the ADMIN user and only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. If the purpose of the authorization scheme is to restrict access to those times, its evaluation point needs to be Once per page view.

After creating the Administrator authorization scheme, you should also create authorization schemes for Guest and Built-In Users using the conditions described earlier. Assuming that you deleted the pre-built Administrator Rights scheme, your Authorization Schemes screen should now look like Figure 13-10.
Figure 13-10

The current Authorization Schemes screen

Component Authorization

Every page component has a property Authorization Scheme, which appears in its Security section. You assign an authorization scheme to the component by choosing from a select list. Figure 13-11 depicts this select list for my Employee Demo application.
Figure 13-11

Assigning an authorization scheme to a component

The first option is –Select–, which denotes that no authorization is required. The next three options are the three authorization schemes I created. The last three options are the negations of these, which are automatically generated by APEX. The Must Not Be Public User scheme is built in to APEX and will be discussed later.

For an example, consider the Employee Data Entry page from Figure 7-5. Recall that this page has four regions: a region to display a report of the EMP table, plus regions to delete, insert, and update table rows. Assume that anyone can view the employee report, but guests are not allowed to modify it. In this case, you would assign the authorization scheme Not Guests to the delete, insert, and update regions and assign –Select– to the report region. The result is that users authenticated as GUEST will see only the report region; the other three regions will be hidden from them.

For a second example, consider again the Manage Users page of Figure 13-5. If you want the two regions on the page to be accessible only to administrators, assign the authorization scheme Administrators to each of them. As a result, administrators will see the page as shown in the figure; non-administrators will see a page having a navigation bar and menu, but no content.

Because displaying an essentially blank page to a user is awkward, the page ought to display something to the non-administrators. One solution is to create a region that displays the message This page is for administrators only and assign the authorization scheme Not Administrators to it. Another solution is to assign an authorization scheme to the entire page, as discussed later.

Assigning an authorization scheme to a component causes that component to be displayed or hidden, depending on the current user. This behavior is very similar to the conditional rendering that you examined in Chapter 6. So the question is this: why use component authorization at all—why not do everything using conditional rendering?

The answer is that yes, it is possible to use conditional rendering to perform authorization. If you create a condition having the same definition as the authorization scheme, the region will behave exactly the same. However, using explicit authorization is better for three reasons:
  • A single authorization scheme can be used for several components, ensuring consistency.

  • Each authorization scheme has a name, which makes it easier for the application developer to understand the effect of the authorization condition.

  • Authorization and conditional rendering have entirely different purposes in an application, and it is clearer if they are kept separate.

Page Authorization

Instead of assigning an authorization scheme to the components of a page, you can assign it to the page itself. Each page has the property Authorization Scheme in its Security section, with the same options as in Figure 13-11.

For an example, let’s build a page named Change Password, which will allow users to change their own password. This page is shown in Figure 13-12 and will be page 47 of Employee Demo.
Figure 13-12

Change Password page

This page consists of a static content region having two items of type Password: P47_PASSWORD and P47_CONFIRM. Clicking the submit button invokes a validation and a process. The validation uses the following SQL expression to ensure that the two entered passwords are identical:
The process updates the USERS table via the following PL/SQL code:
  v_valuesToHash apex_t_varchar2 :=
                             apex_t_varchar2(:APP_USER, :P47_PASSWORD);
  update USERS
  set Password = apex_util.get_hash(v_valuesToHash, null)
  where UserName = :APP_USER;

How should this page be authorized? Assume that everyone should be allowed to change their own password except for the built-in users GUEST and ADMIN. Thus, the authorization scheme for the page should be Not Built-In Users.

Assigning an authorization scheme to a page makes it inaccessible to unauthorized users. In particular, if an unauthorized user attempts to render the page, APEX instead displays an error message. Figure 13-13 shows the error message that results when a built-in user tries to access the Change Password page. Clicking the OK button on the message returns the user to the previous page.
Figure 13-13

Result of unauthorized page access

This error message does the job, but not very well. The error message is somewhat harsh. (In fact, the message is backward—APEX uses the error message defined for the Built-in Users scheme because the negated scheme, being automatically generated, has no error message.) A much more user-friendly approach is to simply hide the page from an unauthorized user. In the case of the Change Password page, this amounts to not displaying its navigation menu entry to an unauthorized user. This is easily done by changing the Authorization Scheme property of the list entry.

To find the property, start at the application’s Shared Components screen and navigate to the Desktop Navigation Menu list, as shown in Figure 4-2. Scroll down to its Change Password entry; clicking that entry will bring up its List Entry screen as shown in Figure 4-3. The property you want is in the Authorization section; choose the Not Built-in Users authorization scheme and click the Apply Changes button. Then run your application. Note that if you are logged in as ADMIN or GUEST, the entry for the Change Password page will be missing from the navigation menu.

A good rule of thumb is this: if a page has an authorization scheme, its associated navigation menu entry should have the same authorization scheme.

Not Public User Scheme

The authorization scheme Not Public User is built into APEX. It returns true for any logged in user and false if the user has not logged in. Its primary use is to selectively hide components on public pages.

For example, suppose that your application’s home page is a public page. However, suppose that not all of the page should be public; in particular, the Quick Link region should be visible only to logged in users. This situation can be handled by setting the authorization for that region to Not Public User.

Avoiding Malicious Use

A web application’s authentication and authorization schemes form a detailed specification of who is allowed to access what components of which pages. Each authenticated user has a well-defined, limited interface to the data—provided, of course, that the user accesses the pages in the intended manner.

The problem is that there are various ways for users to subvert the intended functionality of a web application. This section focuses on three such techniques: SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and URL modification. With SQL injection, a user submits an SQL code fragment that masquerades as input data and alters the query that is processing this pretend “data.” With cross-site scripting, a user saves a malicious JavaScript code fragment as part of a table’s data value; when another user subsequently displays that value, the JavaScript code also executes. With URL modification, a user sends a URL to the server in a form that the server expects; however, the action requested by that URL is something that the user is not supposed to do.

APEX has several properties to help you guard against malicious use. In fact, it is relatively straightforward to use these properties to build a tamper-proof application. To take advantage of them, however, you need to understand what the threats are and how APEX can guard against them.

SQL Injection

Recall the Report Builder demo page from Figure 12-1. The intent of this page is to display a subset of either the EMP or DEPT table based on a condition entered into the Enter Condition text area. However, it is possible for a malicious user to enter a condition that causes the page to display data from other tables in quite unintended ways. For example, Figure 13-14 shows a condition that displays the contents of the USERS table.
Figure 13-14

Unintended use of the Report Builder page

Note that the string typed into the Enter Condition item is not a legal SQL condition. Instead, it consists of a legal condition, EmpNo<0, plus some additional SQL code. To understand the purpose of the input, you have to know how the PL/SQL function of Listing 12-1 constructs the report’s source query. Recall that the code generates the beginning of a query for EMP and then appends the specified condition to the end of it. So the source query generated for Figure 13-14 becomes the following:
select EName, Job, Offsite
from EMP where EmpNo < 0
select UserName, substr(Password,1,9), IsAdministrator
from USERS

Note that the user has taken advantage of the union keyword to broaden the scope of the query. The intended query on the EMP table is now just a subquery of the overall query. Moreover, the condition EmpNo<0 causes that subquery to return no output records, which means that the output of the overall query comes entirely from the second subquery.

This second subquery can be arbitrary, subject only to the restriction that it must have the same number of columns as the first subquery, and each output value must match the type of the corresponding column of the first subquery. This restriction explains why the second subquery extracts only the first nine characters of the password—the Job column is defined as varchar2(9), so attempting to select additional characters would generate an SQL error.

A malicious user might use this exploit to obtain the encoded passwords of users, in order to subsequently crack them and gain unauthorized access to the application. Of course, having only the first nine characters of the encoded passwords is not sufficient. The malicious user could, however, discover the remaining characters by running the exploit several more times, each time grabbing the next nine characters of the password.

This technique is called SQL injection. SQL injection occurs when a malicious user enters SQL into a text-based item to change a query from its intended purpose. The preceding example shows that SQL injection can have serious consequences. Thus, application developers must be aware of the possibility of SQL injection and avoid it at all costs.

In a sense, the Report Builder page was asking for trouble because the Enter Condition item expected SQL code. The real perniciousness of SQL injection is that it can succeed even when an item expects a value. For example, let’s build a page titled SQL Injection, which will be page 48 of Employee Demo. Figure 13-15 shows an intended use of this page.
Figure 13-15

Intended use of the SQL Injection page

The page contains two regions. The input to the Show Employee Values region is a column name from the EMP table; clicking the Submit button then displays a report of the distinct values for that column. In Figure 13-15, the report displays the five jobs appearing in the EMP table.

The Get Employee Info region is similar. Its input is a column name and employee number; clicking the submit button displays the value of that column for the selected employee. In Figure 13-15, the region tells you that Blake is a manager.

Let’s first consider how to implement the Show Employee Values region. It will have a single item: a text field named P48_COLUMN1. The region will have the type Classic Report and will use dynamic SQL as described in Chapter 12. That is, its source will have the type PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL Query and have the code shown in Listing 13-4.
return 'select distinct ' || :P48_COLUMN1 || ' from EMP';
Listing 13-4

PL/SQL Code for the Show Employee Values Report

Because the report uses dynamic SQL, you will also need to configure some of the report properties, as follows:
  • Enable generic column names.

  • Specify a column count of 1.

  • Set the column heading type to PL/SQL Function Body, having the expression return :P48_COLUMN1;.

Now let’s consider how to implement the Get Employee Info region. It is a static content region having three items: P48_COLUMN2 is a text field, P48_EMPNO2 is a select list that displays employee names and returns employee numbers, and P48_VALUE2 is a display-only item.

The region has a process associated with the submit button; the code for this process appears in Listing 13-5. The code first constructs a query string to retrieve the value of the specified employee. It then uses execute immediate to retrieve the specified value for the employee P48_EMPNO2 and place it in the display-only item P48_VALUE2.
  v_query varchar2(100);
  v_query := 'select ' || :P48_COLUMN2 || ' from EMP where EmpNo = :1';
  execute immediate v_query
  into  :P48_VALUE2
  using :P48_EMPNO2;
Listing 13-5

Process Code for the Get Employee Info Region

Although the regions on this page seem innocuous enough, they are vulnerable to SQL injection. Figure 13-16 shows how either region of the page can be used to display the entire encoded password of the ADMIN user. (The screenshot cuts off the encoded passwords to save space.)
Figure 13-16

Malicious use of the SQL Injection page

The value for P48_COLUMN1 in Figure 13-16 is this:
Password from USERS where UserName = 'ADMIN' --
When APEX uses this string to construct the source of the report, it gets the following SQL query:
select distinct Password from USERS where UserName = 'ADMIN' -- from EMP

Recall that the character “--” denotes a comment in PL/SQL. Thus, the from EMP part of the SQL code is totally ignored. In other words, the SQL injection transformed a query on the EMP table into a query on the USERS table.

The Get Employee Info region uses essentially the same injection trick. The value for P48_COLUMN2 in Figure 13-16 is the following:
Password from USERS where UserName = 'ADMIN' or :1 < 0 --
When APEX uses this string to construct the source of the report, it gets the following SQL query:
select Password from USERS
where UserName = 'ADMIN' or :1 < 0 --from EMP where EmpNo = :1

Again, everything after the comment characters is ignored, so the injection winds up creating a query on the USERS table instead of the EMP table.

Note that the malicious user must carefully craft the injected code so that the resulting SQL string is legal. Consider the Get Employee Info example. The execute immediate statement passes an employee number to the SQL query; although the malicious query will not use this value, it still needs to have a formal parameter to receive it. The expression :1<0 achieves this goal. The specified employee number is assigned to the parameter :1. Because employee numbers are always positive, this expression always evaluates to false, so it does not affect the output of the query.

In general, SQL injection is possible whenever a query string is constructed from raw, unchecked user input. In such cases, a malicious user might be able to enter a code fragment as input that changes the purpose of the constructed query. Therefore, an application developer should always check user input to ensure that it is in the intended format. Here are three strategies:
  • Avoid text-based input. Note that the SQL injection technique of Figure 13-16 would not work if the user were forced to choose a column from a list (although the URL modification technique could circumvent this strategy, as you will see later).

  • Write an APEX validation for the input that detects possible code fragments. For example, in Figure 13-16, you might refuse to accept column names that contain spaces or comment characters.

  • Translate the input into a “cleansed” form. That is, write a function to transform a user value into an acceptable one. In Figure 13-16, the function might remove all spaces from the input or it might convert each space into the escaped HTML character &​nbsp;.

Let’s see how these strategies can be used to improve the Report Builder page shown in Figure 13-14. The issue, of course, is that the text-based item Enter Condition requires the user to enter SQL code. The first strategy suggests that you try a non-text-based way to specify the condition. The Version 2 region of the Count and Delete demo page (shown in Figure 12-4) showed how this could be done, at least for simple conditions. The APEX query builder provides a more complex solution.


If you have never used the query builder, you should try it. Starting from the APEX SQL Workshop, click Utilities and then Query Builder. Click a table name to include it in the query, and explore.

The second strategy suggests you write a validation that rejects condition strings that contain suspicious keywords such as union or select. This strategy seems reasonable here.

The third strategy won’t work well for an item that expects SQL code as input, as in Figure 13-14. However, it is useful for items that expect values, as in the SQL Injection page of Figure 13-15. In particular, a good strategy for the Show Employee Values region is to remove all spaces from P48_COLUMN1 in the source of the report, as shown in Listing 13-6.
return 'select distinct ' || replace(:P48_COLUMN1, ' ', '') || ' from EMP';
Listing 13-6

Revising Listing 13-4 to Avoid SQL Injection

Similarly, you can improve the Get Employee Info region by removing all spaces from P48_COLUMN2 in the code for the submit process.

Cross-Site Scripting

In the cross-site scripting technique, a malicious user saves JavaScript code as part of a database value. The code acts like a booby trap: when another user displays a page containing that value, the user’s browser executes the JavaScript code without the user’s knowledge. The JavaScript code might do things like emailing the user’s session information to the attacker (thereby letting the attacker pretend to be the user) or having the APEX server execute a specified function.

What makes cross-site scripting so evil is that the JavaScript code gets executed with the victim's level of authorization. So if an administrator falls prey to a cross-site scripting attack, the attacker would obtain administrator-level access to the database.

A successful cross-site scripting attack has three requirements: first, some table must have a column of type varchar2(N), where N is large enough to hold the JavaScript code; second, some page of the application must have a text-based item used for data entry into this field; and third, some page of the application must be configured to display the tainted value in “raw” unescaped form.

As it stands, the Employee Demo application is not susceptible to cross-site scripting because neither EMP nor DEPT has a sufficiently large column. So for the purpose of this example, you should alter the DEPT table by expanding the column Loc to varchar2(80). The required SQL is this:
alter table DEPT
modify Loc varchar2(80)
Now you can build a page to demonstrate cross-site scripting attacks. The Cross-Site Scripting page is page 49 of Employee Demo and is shown in Figure 13-17.
Figure 13-17

Cross-Site Scripting page

This page has two regions. The Departments region is a classic report having the source query
select * from DEPT
order by DName
The Update Location region is a form having the source
select DeptNo, Loc
from DEPT
You should customize the form region using the techniques of Chapter 10. In particular:
  • Turn on the form’s Edit Enabled property, and select Update Row as the only allowed operation.

  • Create a button whose action is Submit and whose database action is SQL UPDATE action.

  • Specify that the item P49_DEPTNO is the primary key. Also, change its type to be Select List, having the list-of-values query.
    select DName, DeptNo
    from DEPT
The page needs one further configuration to match Figure 13-17, namely that the values in the Loc column should be formatted in bold. Chapter 3 showed how to use the column’s HTML Expression property to wrap a column value inside HTML tags. For example, you could use the HTML expression for the LOC column to be this:
For the purposes of this example I want to use a different technique, which is to use the report’s source query to format the column. In particular, change the source of the report to this:
select DeptNo, DName, '<b>' || Loc || '</b>' as Loc
from DEPT
order by DName
Note that the query wraps HTML tags around the department name, meaning that the value of LOC is the HTML expression. The idea is that when I display the report, the LOC values should be formatted in bold. However, it doesn’t quite work. If you run the page, the HTML tags appear as part of the value, as shown in Figure 13-12.
Figure 13-18

Report displays the HTML tags

If you think about it, this result makes some sense—after all, the report is just displaying the output of the query. However, the situation is actually more complex than that. Consider how APEX renders a report: it generates an HTML table and places the output values within it. So, for example, the HTML code to display the first row of the report would look like this:
    <td><b>NEW YORK</b></td></tr>

Although the <b> and </b> tags were entered into the table as data, the browser will wind up treating them as HTML. In order for APEX to display the tags in the report, it must do extra work. In particular, it transforms the < and > characters into different characters that happen to display the same. This transformation is called escaping the special characters. In particular, the character < is replaced by &​l​t; and the character > is replaced by &​g​t;.

Each report column has the property Escape special characters in its Security section. By default it is turned on, which causes APEX to escape the special characters and display the HTML tags as in Figure 13-18. Now go to the Loc column and turn off the property. The tags in the Loc values will not be escaped, and will thus be treated as HTML. The report will now look like Figure 13-17.

This ability to format data within the SQL source query is quite powerful and lets you do things that are not possible via the HTML Expression property . For example, you can choose to format certain values in a column as text, and other values as a link or an image. This power, however, comes with a price. As soon as you turn off a column’s Escape special characters property, you open yourself up to a cross-site scripting attack. The help screen for this property is particularly vehement on this point; see Figure 13-19.
Figure 13-19

Help text for the Escape Special Characters property

To demonstrate, let’s see how easy it is to use this page to compromise the application. From the Update Location region, choose any department, such as OPERATIONS. The Location field should show the current value, which is BOSTON. Change that value to this:
BOSTON<script>alert('Your application has been compromised')</script>

This new value is a string consisting of the location, followed by a script that calls the JavaScript function alert. When a browser renders this string, it will display “BOSTON” and then call the script. In other words, the update will have no visible effect on the report. However, the script will run each time someone renders the page.

Click the Submit Changes button. Before the page reloads, your browser will display an alert similar to Figure 13-20. Now navigate to a different page and come back to this one—the alert will again be displayed. It is a bit chilling to realize that without this alert, you would have had no idea that your application was already seriously compromised.
Figure 13-20

Cross-site scripting attack succeeded

The preceding JavaScript code is not malicious. The alert function just displays an alert window in the user’s browser. A malicious JavaScript string will almost certainly not throw an alert and will do something far more sophisticated and nasty. In all likelihood, you will not discover the problem until it is too late. It is therefore up to you to ensure that this cannot happen.

The only way for an application to eliminate cross-site scripting is to ensure that a page does not display unescaped data. Three approaches are possible, which will be considered in turn:
  • Reject inappropriate data

  • Escape the data before saving it in the database

  • Escape the data before it is displayed

Reject Inappropriate Data

In any data entry page, it is good practice to keep inappropriate data from being entered into the database. This is what database constraints and APEX validations are all about. The act of checking input data for unexpected HTML follows the same principle. There are two approaches you can take.

The first approach is to use the property Restricted Characters, found in an item’s Security section. This property lets you specify which characters are allowed in the input. Figure 13-21 shows the possible choices. You can require that the input be only alphanumeric, or you can restrict the use of certain special characters.
Figure 13-21

Choices for the Restricted Characters property

In the current example, suppose that department locations are alphanumeric; in that case, it would make sense to set the Restricted Characters property for P49_LOC to be Whitelist for a–Z, 0–9, and space. If not, then you should at least set it to Blacklist HTML command characters.

The second approach is to write an APEX validation to perform the restriction. APEX provides a function called apex_escape.html, which takes any input string and turns it into a visibly identical string that contains no HTML characters. For example, Listing 13-7 shows the PL/SQL code for a validation that returns false if the input to P49_LOC contains HTML characters.
  v_LocEscaped varchar2(100);
  v_LocEscaped := apex_escape.html(:P49_LOC);
  if :P49_LOC = v_LocEscaped then
    return true;
    return false;
  end if;
Listing 13-7

Validation to Guard Against Unwanted HTML Input

Escape Data Before Saving It

Instead of rejecting HTML-based input, you can instead transform it to a version without HTML characters. The apex_escape.html function is useful here as well. For example, in the Cross-Site Scripting page, the form generated the process to update the database. You could replace that process by a PL/SQL process that first escapes the values before saving. The code for such a process appears in Listing 13-8.
  update DEPT
  set Loc = apex_escape.html(:P44_LOC)
  where DeptNo = :P44_DEPTNO;
Listing 13-8

Escaping Unwanted HTML Input

Escape Data Before Displaying It

An application might not be able to guarantee that the database does not contain any HTML code, because users might have other ways to enter data. So to ensure against cross-site scripting, it is a good idea to always escape data before displaying it on a page. That is what the Escape Special Characters property is all about (refer back to Figure 13-19). If every column in your report has this property turned on, your report is immune to cross-site scripting attacks.

However, if a column of your report needs to turn this property off, you must escape the necessary characters. Again, the apex_escape.html function is very useful. For example, Listing 13-9 gives the original source for the example report, and Listing 13-10 shows a revised version in which the data has been escaped.
select DeptNo, DName, '<b>' || Loc || '</b>' as Loc
from DEPT
order by Dname
Listing 13-9

Original Source Query

select DeptNo, DName, '<b>' || apex_escape.html(Loc) || '</b>' as Loc
from DEPT
order by DName
Listing 13-10

Revised Source Query

URL Modification

The third type of malicious attack takes advantage of the way that web pages are accessed. In a typical, non-malicious scenario, a user types the URL for an application’s home page into a browser. From there, URLs are largely irrelevant; the user clicks tabs, links, and buttons to navigate to the other pages.

This scenario corresponds to the intended use of the application. The navigational links on a page are designed to help the user decide what pages to examine next. In fact, one criterion for measuring the quality of an application is the extent to which navigational aids contribute to a coherent user experience.

Of course, a user need not follow this scenario. A user who knows the URL structure of an application can access an arbitrary page by simply constructing a valid URL to it. This possibility presents several difficulties for APEX developers. The following subsections examine these difficulties and their solutions.

APEX URL Structure

APEX applications support two different URL formats: a legacy syntax and a newer “friendly” syntax. The syntax used in this book has been the legacy syntax, in which applications and pages are specified by their number. For example, the number of my Employee Demo application is 91392 and the number of the home page is 1. Thus, the legacy URL of my home page is
Instead of numbers, the friendly URL syntax specifies the workspace, application, and page by their names. For example, the friendly URL of my home page is

Although I will continue to use legacy URLs in this chapter, most of these concepts also apply to friendly URLs. (And even if you prefer friendly URLs, you still need to be aware of how a malicious user can abuse legacy URLs.)

A legacy URL supports nine colon-separated arguments; if the value of an argument is missing, a default value is used. You already know the first three arguments: the application id, the page id, and the session id. The other two relevant arguments are the seventh and eighth, which are used for setting the session state.

For an example of these arguments, consider the Employees by Department page of Chapter 6, which appears again in Figure 13-22.
Figure 13-22

Employees by Department page

Recall that when you click a Click for Details link, a redirect occurs, the session state values of P12_DEPTNO and P12_DNAME are set, and the page is re-rendered. Listing 13-11 shows the legacy URL that arises from clicking the link for ACCOUNTING, assuming that the session id is 98765. (I omitted the URL’s common prefix to save space.)
Listing 13-11

URL for Employees by Department Page

This listing illustrates the purpose of the seventh and eighth arguments of a URL. The seventh argument is a comma-separated list of the items whose values are to be set (P12_DEPTNO and P12_DNAME), and the eighth is a list of the values they will be set to (10 and ACCOUNTING).


Requests that a browser makes to a web server can be of different types. The two most common types are GET and POST, which differ in how they pass information to the server. A POST request places the information in a specific area within the request packet. A GET request, on the other hand, passes information to the server via its URL.

In APEX, POST requests are made by submit operations. To process a submit, the browser extracts the values of the page items, packages them into the POST request, and sends it to the server. The server then uses these values to change the session state. If you want to verify this, go to any page with a submit button (such as Filter by Job and Department). Click the submit button and observe that the URL does not change. This demonstrates that the input to the computation is not part of the submitted URL, which is also the reason why you cannot bookmark the result of a submit operation.

On the other hand, redirect operations in APEX make GET requests. Redirections are performed by several kinds of APEX components, such as buttons, list-based items, column links, and branches. As part of the redirection, APEX lets you assign values to specified items in the session state. For example, in the Employees by Department page of Figure 13-22, the Click for Details column link sets P12_DEPTNO and P12_DNAME to the department number and name of the current record, respectively. The browser sends this information to the server by encoding it within the URL, as was shown in Listing 13-11.

Because the structure of an APEX URL is well-known, it is possible for an authenticated user to construct a URL that accesses the application in a way the application developer did not intend. The following sections consider two techniques.

Page Scanning

The first technique is called page scanning . A user constructs a sequence of URLs to access every possible page, just to see what page (if any) shows up. The possibility of page scanning means that you cannot make a page inaccessible just by hiding it. For example, consider the Change Password page from Figure 13-12, which is page 47 of Employee Demo. In that section, you saw how to hide the page by assigning an authorization scheme to its navigation menu entry. Although it is a good design strategy, it doesn’t make the page inaccessible because any user could access the page via the URL

Because there is no good way to eliminate page scanning, a developer’s only recourse is to use authorization to limit accessibility. In other words, the fact that page scanning is possible means that it is absolutely essential to define an authorization scheme for each page, regardless of its visibility from the navigation menu.

Item Modification

The second technique, item modification , can be used to attack pages that set item values via a URL. A user takes an existing legitimate URL for that page, modifies the assigned values, and submits the modified URL.

For example, suppose that the company has a fifth department, whose department number is 50 and name is SECRET. Suppose that you don’t want the membership of this department to become public, so you set the source of the Departments report in Figure 13-22 so that it excludes that department. Unfortunately, it is easy to use URL modification to obtain this hidden information. A user only needs to modify the URL of Listing 13-11 so that it requests the contents of department 50, as follows:
For another example, consider the Form Update page of Figure 10-9. Figure 13-23 displays its Update Employees region after I selected BLAKE from the Choose Employee item. This item, named P30_EMPNO, performed a Redirect and Set Value action. The URL generated by the redirect action is
Figure 13-23

The Update Employees region

This URL redirects to page 30, setting the session state value for the select list to 7698, the employee number for BLAKE. Once I understand this, I can modify this URL to retrieve the information for any employee. For example, if I enter the same URL into my browser, changing the last four characters to 7782, I will see the information for employee CLARK.

At first glance, this modification seems like no big deal. After all, why should I go out of my way to type a value into the URL when I can use the select list to do it for me instead? The real point of this technique is that it works regardless of how the item is implemented on the page.

In Figure 13-23, P30_EMPNO is a select list that displays all employees. But suppose instead that it displays only the employees in the sales department, because the application developer wants users to be able to modify the records of only those employees. It doesn’t matter, because I can bypass the select list by entering any employee number directly into the URL. It makes absolutely no difference what the type of P30_EMPNO is or even if it is visible.

Item modification can also be applied to pages that use submit instead of redirect. That is, you can use item modification to change the value of items that are passed via POST and don’t even appear in the URL. Consider again the Filter by Job and Department page of Figure 6-5, which appears in Figure 13-24. Suppose that you choose Job and Dept values (say, CLERK and RESEARCH) from the select lists and then submit. The URL will be
That is, the values for items P9_JOB and P9_DEPTNO do not appear in the URL because the input is being sent via a POST request.
Figure 13-24

Filter by Job and Department page

Suppose now that I modify the URL by adding item names and values to the last two arguments, as follows:

APEX executes the request as follows. It first performs the submit by copying the item values from the browser to the session state; it then copies the specified values from the URL to the two specified items and renders the page. Thus, the values of P9_JOB and P9_DEPTNO that were chosen on the page will be overwritten by the values from the URL. That is, the resulting report will list the manager of the accounting department, regardless of the values displayed in the select lists!

The possibility of item modification means that you cannot depend on list-based items to enforce any kind of restriction on input data. This has ramifications for SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Recall that the discussion of those techniques noted that an attacker needs a sufficiently long text-based item for data entry, so the use of list-based items was preferred. However, an attacker can use item modification to enter the attack code directly into the URL. Thus, the use of list-based items cannot provide security (and, in fact, gives a false sense of security) unless there is a way to prohibit item modification.

Guarding Against Item Modification

APEX has functionality called page access protection , whose sole purpose is to prevent item modification attacks. There are several levels of protection. This section will discuss only the most general-purpose one: Arguments Must Have Checksum. It works as follows.

Suppose that a page is protected at this level. If a URL for that page assigns item values, that URL must also contain a checksum for those values. When the APEX server receives a request, it extracts the argument values, computes their checksum, and compares it with the checksum within the URL; the request is rejected if they differ.

The idea is that the checksum function is known only to APEX. When APEX generates the URL for a redirect operation, it calculates the checksum and adds it to the URL. If the user modifies the item values in any way, the existing checksum will no longer be correct; moreover, the user will have no way of knowing how to compute the correct value. Similarly, a user cannot create an item-saving URL from scratch because there is no way to determine its checksum. Thus, item modification is impossible.

There are two steps to enabling page access protection for a page. The first step is to enable the application’s Session State Protection property . Starting from the application’s home screen, click the Edit Application Properties button and then click the Security tab. The property is in the Session State Protection section. Most likely, the property is already enabled; if not, select Enabled. The second step is to go to the page properties for the page. The Page Access Protection property is in the Security section; select the option Arguments Must Have Checksum.

As a test, set up page access protection for the Employees by Department page. Then go to the page and click the link for the accounting department. You should see a URL similar to this:
Note that this URL is the same as in Listing 13-11, except for the checksum information at the end. Now try to perform item modification on this URL (with or without changing the checksum value). APEX detects the modification, returning the error message shown in Figure 13-25.
Figure 13-25

Detecting an attempted item modification

There is one additional complication: if you want page access protection, you will need to enable it for every page of your application because a URL for one page can set the items for another. For example, suppose that the Employees by Department page (page 12 of the demo, Figure 13-22) has been protected. Now consider the home page of the application, which is page 1. Because it does not have any items, you might assume that there is no need to require a checksum. But a clever user could issue this URL request:

This request sets the session state value for P12_DEPTNO and P12_DNAME before loading the home page. The user can then navigate normally from the home page to the Employees by Department page . If those items get their source from the current session state value (as is typical), the page will be rendered with the user-specified values. In other words, the user will have successfully performed item modification despite your good intentions.


This chapter focused on the question of how to ensure the security of an application. It discussed how to configure the application so that each user can do only what that user should be able to do—no more and no less. There are three aspects to the security issue: authentication, authorization, and establishing safeguards.

Authentication ensures that an application knows the identity of its users. Users identify themselves by supplying a username and password; the application’s authentication scheme is responsible for matching the username/password against a master list. APEX supports several authentication schemes, which differ according to the part of the organization that manages the user/password list. You saw how to build a custom authentication scheme in which the application itself is responsible for the list.

Authorization specifies what each authenticated user can do. The fundamental authorization mechanism is the authorization scheme. Each authorization scheme specifies a set of users. By associating an authorization scheme with a page (or page component), you restrict access to that page (or component) to the users specified by its authorization scheme.

Safeguards are necessary to keep users from doing things they are not authorized to do. This chapter covered three well-known techniques: SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and URL modification. In SQL injection, a user submits an SQL code fragment as “data” in a way that causes the underlying process to execute the wrong query. In cross-site scripting, a user saves a malicious JavaScript code fragment as “data”; the malicious code then executes when another user attempts to display that data. With URL modification, a user sends a URL to the APEX server in a form that the server expects; however, the action requested by that URL is something that the user is not authorized to ask for. You examined ways to guard against each of these techniques. The bottom line is that if you are aware of the risks, it is relatively straightforward to ensure the complete security of your application.

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